Right after the murder, the Ramseys moved into my family's neighborhood in Atlanta. Burke enrolled at my sister's highschool and was in her class. My mom said Patsy often attended school functions. I would walk by their house every day on my daily walk wondering what secrets were inside. One Sunday, John Ramsey attended our family's church with Natalie Holloway's mom. After Patsy died and Burke graduated, John sold the house. Soon after, Tyler Perry bought the "house" next door (I say that because these are actually mansions, especially Tyler Perry's.) Tyler Perry moved and sold it to Steve Harvey who lives there now. The Ramsey house is very nice, I can take a photo of it if there is any way to share it with the group.
I know Beth Holloway was friends with John Ramsey. She lived in Alabama and he was in Atlanta, so very close. Think they attended our church together on Easter Sunday. There were rumors of them dating, so I think it was after Patsy died. I'm not sure if that was true or if she ever met Patsy. I can ask my dad for more clarification.
Was Ghislaine Maxwell involved? I have seen a picture floating around the internet with claims it is the last known photograph of Jon Benet Ramsey alive which has Maxwell in the foreground.
Ghislaine Maxwell, in addition to her employment by the Israeli government, is also a former Disney employee . . .
The Vanity Fair article referenced is a masterpiece on this case! I remember reading it as a teenager when it came out and I was horrified at the behavior of the family through all of this. It still baffles me.
I truly believe that Burke, who hated and was jealous of JonBenet, had something to do with it. He had very problematic mental health/behavioral issues noted, such as smearing feces on all of his little sister’s toys and her bed. It was even noted that a box of Christmas candy was found during the crime scene investigation, and it too, was smeared in Burke’s caca. His interview with the police was disturbing as was his interview with Dr. Phil years later.
With that being said, those behaviors, including incessant bed wetting by both children, can sometimes be indicative of other traumas happening within the household or possibly by someone known to them. From what I’ve read (and it was also mentioned in today’s released audio interview) it is stated that her nether regions were wiped clean. I’ve also read in various articles that there was repeat trauma of her internal private area noted on the autopsy report, meaning over a period of time.
John and Patsy also stated that Burke was sleeping the entire time, however, he can be heard talking in the background of the 911 call.
Another interesting thing is that Patsy was meticulous about her appearance and hardly ever wore the same thing twice. When the Whites arrived the next morning, after being called to the house by the Ramsey’s, they noted that Patsy was wearing the same clothing from the party the night before. Investigators also noticed that John and Patsy’s bed hadn’t been slept in.
It’s my opinion that JonBenet was being sexually abused by one of the male individuals in the household. The pineapple found in her stomach was from a bowl of pineapple that Burke was eating on Christmas night when they returned from the party of their friends. It was sitting on the counter when investigators arrived that morning. A wiped down baseball bat, belonging to Burke was also found outside the back door of the house. I think, in a fit of rage of JonBenet stealing a bite or two of her brother’s pineapple, he whacked her in the head with the bat and the rest was staged by the parents to save Burke and salvage their family.
I can’t wait for part 2 of this series!! Thanks, Jess and Anon!
This is also a theory (after reading Foreign Faction) that makes the most sense to me also.
Further, I ‘lost’ my child for a few minutes when she wandered into the ‘back of house’ at the supermarket via the fruit section so also props to her for making good food choices at 3 🥴 - I had the entire supermarket in lock down within minutes - no one was coming in or out, until I had eyes back on her. I was a pretty lax Mum (I’d be different now thanks to True Crime) and yet I still completely lost it. None of the Ramsay’s reactions made sense. None. I wish they faked it better so i didn’t feel so pissed that they got away with murder - and more.
I agree with your synopsis. After reading Foreign Faction, this is what I believe happened as well.
A year or two earlier Burke had hit Jonbenet in the head with a golf club. And I agree with your account of his abusiveness towards her and the feces in her bed and smeared on her belongings.
I definitely think he got mad and hit her either with the baseball bat or the mag flashlight found in the kitchen and Pasty (and perhaps John) thought she was dead and staged the rest.
The sad part is wondering; if they had sought immediate medical attention could she have survived the head injury?
Also, John had already lost a child. They knew if Burke was taken away, they would have lost all their children. John and Patsy were very into looking like the perfect family and having a stellar reputation. They were willing to do whatever it took to save their only remaining child and not look like a failure who lost all 3 kids. That's just my theory.
Forgive me for poking a hole in your logic here. They clearly didn’t think she was dead because they proceeded to strangle her with a garrote to finish the job. Her vaginal area had also been tampered with - using Patsy’s paint supplies. Why go to such great lengths to cover up their son’s mistake? I just don’t see how any parent in a moment of panic would be thinking about a tarnished reputation and repercussions rather than saving their child’s life. Surely a call for an ambulance could’ve not only saved her life, but Burke was only 9 years old at the time, so what’s the likelihood that they’d lose him? I mean, really…? He probably would’ve gotten a slap on the wrist and some psychiatric care. Seems too much of an elaborate staging - as if it was a cover up of something far more sinister.
Your reasoning applies to rational, logical thinking people. Which I don’t think the Ramseys, particularly Patsy, were. There was clearly previous sexual abuse - but by whom we don’t know, but it’s likely that it was someone within the home. John? Burke? If it was Burke, were Pasty and John aware of the sexual abuse? They clearly knew about his anger towards her. It is well documented that the fecal matter he would leave in her bed, smeared on her toys, etc happened more than once. There was also the incident with the golf club. How many more of these instances occurred that we don’t know about. The Ramseys clearly knew that Burke had problems and didn’t seek help for him or protect Jonbenet. A maid even commented on having to frequently clean up after he made these messes.
Going back to my belief that Burke hit her on the head with the flashlight (that’s what I believe the weapon that caused that injury to the head) from what I remember reading in Foreign Faction, she would have been non-responsive and would have “appeared” dead. Whether or not anyone checked her for a pulse I don’t know. But I believe that they either they thought she was dead or wouldn’t survive her injuries and then went through and elaborate staging process to make it appear like an intruder committed the crime.
As a parent myself I cannot imagine doing those horrific things to my child to “protect” my other child, but again we are trying to apply reason and logic to people who may not be reasonable or logical? Based on the little bit I know about Pasty I wonder if she may have been an extreme narcissist. She definitely had issues. Jonbenet was a frequent bed-wetter (a red flag for possible sexual
Abuse - although it could have been other health conditions) and a maid reported that Patsy would get enraged when this would happen. I’m not a licensed professional, but I do think Patsy suffered from some major mental health issues leading itself to the idea that she was not a logical, rationale thinking person.
When this case first happened and John, Pasty, and Burke were suspects I was horrified that anyone could think a parent and/or brother would even do something like that to their daughter/sister. (I was ten at the time). But ALL of the evidence leads back to the family. And that can’t be ignored. I think it’s also very telling that after the fact, the Whites, their best friends, distanced themselves from the Ramseys as they didn’t agree with how they weren’t cooperating with police and how they were acting. These are people that were there before, during, and after. I think that is a majorly over-looked red flag.
But these are just my own thoughts and opinions based off of everything I’ve seen/read.
I would distance myself from them too if they tried to accuse me of their daughters murder, which is exactly what John & Patsy did to Fleet White. This , after all he did for John after moving to Boulder.
These are the same people that found time to hire a PR company and go on national television before assisting LE to help solve the brutal murder of their 6 year old daughter. Reputation clearly mattered a LOT to them. Perhaps a sociopath for a son wasn’t considered a good look. Wired differently than most for sure. Make it make sense 🤷🏼♀️
To your disbelief that any parent would think of reputation or image; I wonder how deeply any have studied just that among pageant parents of participants so young.
They’re sociopaths. They don’t think normally. They entirely are into appearances. Look at them. Beauty contests.. and patsy especially was entirely vapid -an aging beauty queen herself. john an enabler at minimum
Not to mention they had been bleaching Jon Benet’s hair for how long? Her natural hair color was brown. That poor little girl, having to endure a bleaching process & makeup, when all she wanted to do was be a normal little girl. It breaks my heart, she was sexually abused & made to look & act like an adult at such a young age.
So is the theory that this all happened around bedtime, like 10ish?? Wouldn’t decomposition have started at least a little by 5am and definitely by the time they found her?? What did the autopsy say was estimated time of death? Sorry for the questions just trying to continually wrap my head around this case like I have been since I was 16 when it happened 🫣😔
This is wild. A cnn interview a week later? I know people say you can’t judge how people panic or grieve, but I don’t think that’s true. I remember my youngest went missing(he fell asleep in the guest room watching tv) I was screaming for him and running around to the neighbors, our other sons were running around looking for him, and I called 911- all within 4-5 minutes. I will never forget the fear that gripped me in those moments. I’m not saying the family is guilty, but I can’t understand their reactions. Leaving their son to sleep? I would have woken him up immediately to ask if he saw or heard anything. I hope we eventually hear what your theories are after the whole interview is out!
Cannot wait for Part 2! So much of this case has always bothered me. The pineapple, the practice note, and how they invited friends over to the house after they called 911. If it’s one or two things that don’t make sense, that’s one thing. But when you have a whole pile of stuff that don’t make sense, chances are something else is going on.
The creepiest part is how calm they are in the interviews. I'd be a mess. Like sedate me and take me to the loony bin mess. No way I'd be able to sit calmly and talk about one of my kids being found like that.
Regarding the parents lawyering up & not talking to police after the murder: any lawyer worth the money will tell you to do exactly that, even if you're innocent. There are unfortunately many cases of police/DA's either getting things wrong or outright framing people, and they will absolutely use anything and everything you say against you. I'm not saying there aren't many red flags, but securing legal representation and not cooperating with police shouldn't be held against anyone (same goes for making use of one's 5th amendment right to not testify at trial).
I agree. Plus John had a multi-million dollar business to protect. The strangest part to me is flying out right after. They did go back to the town they lived in before moving to Boulder, so it wasn't random and they had friends there. However, it is far away.
Let’s not forget something that also raised a red flag the morning of the 911 call, Patsy wore the same clothing that she wore the night before at the White’s Christmas party. Proving she never went to bed that night. A crime scene photo is even shown in the parents bedroom where the sheets were not undone on Patsy’s side of the bed.
I had no idea she lived for 45-90 min after the head injury AND was strangled! I thought she died instantly. Awful. I definitely believe Burke did it. I used to teach school. The Ramsey’s fit the bill of being in denial Burke had severe discipline problems. The neighbors all knew it too.
The Dr Phil interview with Burke was creepy. They definitely covered it up. And John is extremely disturbed still playing the charade all these years. I believe he dated Natalie Holloway mom after Patsy died. But it was short lived. I’m sure she figured him out.
Also Elizabeth Smarts family definitely responded differently than the Ramsey’s for comparison. Kids all interviewed after kidnapping etc
The Dr. Phil interview was strange. Even stranger was Dr. Phil commenting after that Burke seemed completely normal and just anxious. He did not believe Burke had anything to do with it. Seemed like a big statement from just an interview. Was Dr. Phil another PR move?
Look at what they have done to the McCanns? I would have hired a lawyer right away too especially if my child was already dead. I don’t really think anything they did was surprising and actually if I or my other child were hiding something I certainly wouldn’t have let him out of my sight and would not let him stay somewhere else. So that actually made me lean less into thinking the brother accidentally hurt her (which is kind of what I thought originally) I don’t know if I trust the police/investigator recollection - did they do cpr/did they suggest it? Also why didn’t they allow the fbi to be involved or the outside dna testing? This woman is kind of rubbing me the wrong way. Not sure why. I guess cause as a parent it’s annoying to hear her judge another parent. Regardless of what happened it was obvious to everyone that they loved her. Even in medical situations you are always looked at like you are the enemy and then throw in there not vaccinated or didn’t do the Covid shot and they are ready to remove your kids. I honestly think the dad was smart to hire lawyers and PR. The documentary - “Take Care of Maya”. Ugh. That’s how parents are treated all the time.
My brother died of natural causes when I was 17. I can tell you the first thing I did when we found him was call 000. My parents were property & commercial lawyers. They were not criminal lawyers. We didn’t need to lawyer up as there was nothing to hide. He had unfortunately died as a result of SUDEP. You are in the most amount of pain & grief. It is excruciating, beyond anything you can comprehend. I don’t know actually know how my parents got through it. Unless somehow you are involved in their death, I can tell you the last thing you would be thinking of is hiring a lawyer, pr firm, going on a major news show, wanting to fly your family away from where your beloved child just died. It’s definitely not normal what the Ramseys did.
Why do I feel like the Whites have something to do with it? Has no one considered that something happened when the 2 families were together the night before the police were called? I immediately thought that when she mentioned they came over again that morning… Do we even know for sure they hadn’t been together all night, or actually really together at the Ramsays house up until when the police were called? That just seems suspicious to me they were “called” over there that morning. Why?
So I feel like we've got contending issues, hyper fixation of image and a cover-up, but the hard part is to pick one from the other. Do we believe in the cold bloodedness of the family? Who hit her. I think its evidently clear they all covered for someone. It wasn't a brawl. One carelessly applied bash.
Will the brother ever tell the truth and what does that sound like.
I went to a Crime convention last year where John was a guest speaker. I still have the videos of him being asked questions! The interviewer asked him point blank if he, Patsy, or Burke killed JBR. He said "No. And based on what the media reported, I don't see how you could think that way." He also claimed people would send them letters apologizing for believing he and Patsy were the murderers, and he would write them back saying "it's okay. How could you believe otherwise, based on what u were told." When asked who he believes killed his daughter, he stated he doesn't know, but that he was told by retired FBI profiler John Douglas that it was someone that was angry/jealous of John.
He’s a weirdo. How could any father be still exploiting the murder and trying to defend his creep laden family? He’s a wealthy man, why not be off on a yacht relaxing and living a peaceful cushy life.
Right after the murder, the Ramseys moved into my family's neighborhood in Atlanta. Burke enrolled at my sister's highschool and was in her class. My mom said Patsy often attended school functions. I would walk by their house every day on my daily walk wondering what secrets were inside. One Sunday, John Ramsey attended our family's church with Natalie Holloway's mom. After Patsy died and Burke graduated, John sold the house. Soon after, Tyler Perry bought the "house" next door (I say that because these are actually mansions, especially Tyler Perry's.) Tyler Perry moved and sold it to Steve Harvey who lives there now. The Ramsey house is very nice, I can take a photo of it if there is any way to share it with the group.
Oh my gosh, Jordan. What a story! What a history that house has. And Natalie Holloway's mom, befriending Patsy? This is a post in itself.
Thank you for sharing! Let me ask if there's a way to post photos in comments. That would be awesome to see the home. X
I know Beth Holloway was friends with John Ramsey. She lived in Alabama and he was in Atlanta, so very close. Think they attended our church together on Easter Sunday. There were rumors of them dating, so I think it was after Patsy died. I'm not sure if that was true or if she ever met Patsy. I can ask my dad for more clarification.
I can provide photos of the Ramsey home in Charlevoix, MI. It’s one town over from where I live.
Was Ghislaine Maxwell involved? I have seen a picture floating around the internet with claims it is the last known photograph of Jon Benet Ramsey alive which has Maxwell in the foreground.
Ghislaine Maxwell, in addition to her employment by the Israeli government, is also a former Disney employee . . .
Any updates? I’m very intrigued!
I think it’s well known that the two of them dated for a bit, both single and both deeply wounded by their respective situations.
The Vanity Fair article referenced is a masterpiece on this case! I remember reading it as a teenager when it came out and I was horrified at the behavior of the family through all of this. It still baffles me.
I truly believe that Burke, who hated and was jealous of JonBenet, had something to do with it. He had very problematic mental health/behavioral issues noted, such as smearing feces on all of his little sister’s toys and her bed. It was even noted that a box of Christmas candy was found during the crime scene investigation, and it too, was smeared in Burke’s caca. His interview with the police was disturbing as was his interview with Dr. Phil years later.
With that being said, those behaviors, including incessant bed wetting by both children, can sometimes be indicative of other traumas happening within the household or possibly by someone known to them. From what I’ve read (and it was also mentioned in today’s released audio interview) it is stated that her nether regions were wiped clean. I’ve also read in various articles that there was repeat trauma of her internal private area noted on the autopsy report, meaning over a period of time.
John and Patsy also stated that Burke was sleeping the entire time, however, he can be heard talking in the background of the 911 call.
Another interesting thing is that Patsy was meticulous about her appearance and hardly ever wore the same thing twice. When the Whites arrived the next morning, after being called to the house by the Ramsey’s, they noted that Patsy was wearing the same clothing from the party the night before. Investigators also noticed that John and Patsy’s bed hadn’t been slept in.
It’s my opinion that JonBenet was being sexually abused by one of the male individuals in the household. The pineapple found in her stomach was from a bowl of pineapple that Burke was eating on Christmas night when they returned from the party of their friends. It was sitting on the counter when investigators arrived that morning. A wiped down baseball bat, belonging to Burke was also found outside the back door of the house. I think, in a fit of rage of JonBenet stealing a bite or two of her brother’s pineapple, he whacked her in the head with the bat and the rest was staged by the parents to save Burke and salvage their family.
I can’t wait for part 2 of this series!! Thanks, Jess and Anon!
This is also a theory (after reading Foreign Faction) that makes the most sense to me also.
Further, I ‘lost’ my child for a few minutes when she wandered into the ‘back of house’ at the supermarket via the fruit section so also props to her for making good food choices at 3 🥴 - I had the entire supermarket in lock down within minutes - no one was coming in or out, until I had eyes back on her. I was a pretty lax Mum (I’d be different now thanks to True Crime) and yet I still completely lost it. None of the Ramsay’s reactions made sense. None. I wish they faked it better so i didn’t feel so pissed that they got away with murder - and more.
I agree with your synopsis. After reading Foreign Faction, this is what I believe happened as well.
A year or two earlier Burke had hit Jonbenet in the head with a golf club. And I agree with your account of his abusiveness towards her and the feces in her bed and smeared on her belongings.
I definitely think he got mad and hit her either with the baseball bat or the mag flashlight found in the kitchen and Pasty (and perhaps John) thought she was dead and staged the rest.
The sad part is wondering; if they had sought immediate medical attention could she have survived the head injury?
Also, John had already lost a child. They knew if Burke was taken away, they would have lost all their children. John and Patsy were very into looking like the perfect family and having a stellar reputation. They were willing to do whatever it took to save their only remaining child and not look like a failure who lost all 3 kids. That's just my theory.
Forgive me for poking a hole in your logic here. They clearly didn’t think she was dead because they proceeded to strangle her with a garrote to finish the job. Her vaginal area had also been tampered with - using Patsy’s paint supplies. Why go to such great lengths to cover up their son’s mistake? I just don’t see how any parent in a moment of panic would be thinking about a tarnished reputation and repercussions rather than saving their child’s life. Surely a call for an ambulance could’ve not only saved her life, but Burke was only 9 years old at the time, so what’s the likelihood that they’d lose him? I mean, really…? He probably would’ve gotten a slap on the wrist and some psychiatric care. Seems too much of an elaborate staging - as if it was a cover up of something far more sinister.
Your reasoning applies to rational, logical thinking people. Which I don’t think the Ramseys, particularly Patsy, were. There was clearly previous sexual abuse - but by whom we don’t know, but it’s likely that it was someone within the home. John? Burke? If it was Burke, were Pasty and John aware of the sexual abuse? They clearly knew about his anger towards her. It is well documented that the fecal matter he would leave in her bed, smeared on her toys, etc happened more than once. There was also the incident with the golf club. How many more of these instances occurred that we don’t know about. The Ramseys clearly knew that Burke had problems and didn’t seek help for him or protect Jonbenet. A maid even commented on having to frequently clean up after he made these messes.
Going back to my belief that Burke hit her on the head with the flashlight (that’s what I believe the weapon that caused that injury to the head) from what I remember reading in Foreign Faction, she would have been non-responsive and would have “appeared” dead. Whether or not anyone checked her for a pulse I don’t know. But I believe that they either they thought she was dead or wouldn’t survive her injuries and then went through and elaborate staging process to make it appear like an intruder committed the crime.
As a parent myself I cannot imagine doing those horrific things to my child to “protect” my other child, but again we are trying to apply reason and logic to people who may not be reasonable or logical? Based on the little bit I know about Pasty I wonder if she may have been an extreme narcissist. She definitely had issues. Jonbenet was a frequent bed-wetter (a red flag for possible sexual
Abuse - although it could have been other health conditions) and a maid reported that Patsy would get enraged when this would happen. I’m not a licensed professional, but I do think Patsy suffered from some major mental health issues leading itself to the idea that she was not a logical, rationale thinking person.
When this case first happened and John, Pasty, and Burke were suspects I was horrified that anyone could think a parent and/or brother would even do something like that to their daughter/sister. (I was ten at the time). But ALL of the evidence leads back to the family. And that can’t be ignored. I think it’s also very telling that after the fact, the Whites, their best friends, distanced themselves from the Ramseys as they didn’t agree with how they weren’t cooperating with police and how they were acting. These are people that were there before, during, and after. I think that is a majorly over-looked red flag.
But these are just my own thoughts and opinions based off of everything I’ve seen/read.
I would distance myself from them too if they tried to accuse me of their daughters murder, which is exactly what John & Patsy did to Fleet White. This , after all he did for John after moving to Boulder.
These are the same people that found time to hire a PR company and go on national television before assisting LE to help solve the brutal murder of their 6 year old daughter. Reputation clearly mattered a LOT to them. Perhaps a sociopath for a son wasn’t considered a good look. Wired differently than most for sure. Make it make sense 🤷🏼♀️
Big donors for the Democratic National Committee . . .
To your disbelief that any parent would think of reputation or image; I wonder how deeply any have studied just that among pageant parents of participants so young.
They’re sociopaths. They don’t think normally. They entirely are into appearances. Look at them. Beauty contests.. and patsy especially was entirely vapid -an aging beauty queen herself. john an enabler at minimum
Not to mention they had been bleaching Jon Benet’s hair for how long? Her natural hair color was brown. That poor little girl, having to endure a bleaching process & makeup, when all she wanted to do was be a normal little girl. It breaks my heart, she was sexually abused & made to look & act like an adult at such a young age.
So is the theory that this all happened around bedtime, like 10ish?? Wouldn’t decomposition have started at least a little by 5am and definitely by the time they found her?? What did the autopsy say was estimated time of death? Sorry for the questions just trying to continually wrap my head around this case like I have been since I was 16 when it happened 🫣😔
This is wild. A cnn interview a week later? I know people say you can’t judge how people panic or grieve, but I don’t think that’s true. I remember my youngest went missing(he fell asleep in the guest room watching tv) I was screaming for him and running around to the neighbors, our other sons were running around looking for him, and I called 911- all within 4-5 minutes. I will never forget the fear that gripped me in those moments. I’m not saying the family is guilty, but I can’t understand their reactions. Leaving their son to sleep? I would have woken him up immediately to ask if he saw or heard anything. I hope we eventually hear what your theories are after the whole interview is out!
Just locked my office door and put the OUT TO LUNCH sign so I could listen without interruptions!!
Happy Lunch hour, Megan. X
Cannot wait for Part 2! So much of this case has always bothered me. The pineapple, the practice note, and how they invited friends over to the house after they called 911. If it’s one or two things that don’t make sense, that’s one thing. But when you have a whole pile of stuff that don’t make sense, chances are something else is going on.
me too. any idea the name of the book she mentions that she read that got her sucked in?
Foreign Faction - you can get it on Amazon
The creepiest part is how calm they are in the interviews. I'd be a mess. Like sedate me and take me to the loony bin mess. No way I'd be able to sit calmly and talk about one of my kids being found like that.
Regarding the parents lawyering up & not talking to police after the murder: any lawyer worth the money will tell you to do exactly that, even if you're innocent. There are unfortunately many cases of police/DA's either getting things wrong or outright framing people, and they will absolutely use anything and everything you say against you. I'm not saying there aren't many red flags, but securing legal representation and not cooperating with police shouldn't be held against anyone (same goes for making use of one's 5th amendment right to not testify at trial).
I agree. Plus John had a multi-million dollar business to protect. The strangest part to me is flying out right after. They did go back to the town they lived in before moving to Boulder, so it wasn't random and they had friends there. However, it is far away.
Let’s not forget something that also raised a red flag the morning of the 911 call, Patsy wore the same clothing that she wore the night before at the White’s Christmas party. Proving she never went to bed that night. A crime scene photo is even shown in the parents bedroom where the sheets were not undone on Patsy’s side of the bed.
New word: "Affluential"!! Update: This word is in the dictionary! Always check first!
I had no idea she lived for 45-90 min after the head injury AND was strangled! I thought she died instantly. Awful. I definitely believe Burke did it. I used to teach school. The Ramsey’s fit the bill of being in denial Burke had severe discipline problems. The neighbors all knew it too.
The Dr Phil interview with Burke was creepy. They definitely covered it up. And John is extremely disturbed still playing the charade all these years. I believe he dated Natalie Holloway mom after Patsy died. But it was short lived. I’m sure she figured him out.
Also Elizabeth Smarts family definitely responded differently than the Ramsey’s for comparison. Kids all interviewed after kidnapping etc
The Dr. Phil interview was strange. Even stranger was Dr. Phil commenting after that Burke seemed completely normal and just anxious. He did not believe Burke had anything to do with it. Seemed like a big statement from just an interview. Was Dr. Phil another PR move?
I’m sure it was. It seems everything the Ramseys do is perfectly calculated...why stop now?
Look at what they have done to the McCanns? I would have hired a lawyer right away too especially if my child was already dead. I don’t really think anything they did was surprising and actually if I or my other child were hiding something I certainly wouldn’t have let him out of my sight and would not let him stay somewhere else. So that actually made me lean less into thinking the brother accidentally hurt her (which is kind of what I thought originally) I don’t know if I trust the police/investigator recollection - did they do cpr/did they suggest it? Also why didn’t they allow the fbi to be involved or the outside dna testing? This woman is kind of rubbing me the wrong way. Not sure why. I guess cause as a parent it’s annoying to hear her judge another parent. Regardless of what happened it was obvious to everyone that they loved her. Even in medical situations you are always looked at like you are the enemy and then throw in there not vaccinated or didn’t do the Covid shot and they are ready to remove your kids. I honestly think the dad was smart to hire lawyers and PR. The documentary - “Take Care of Maya”. Ugh. That’s how parents are treated all the time.
My brother died of natural causes when I was 17. I can tell you the first thing I did when we found him was call 000. My parents were property & commercial lawyers. They were not criminal lawyers. We didn’t need to lawyer up as there was nothing to hide. He had unfortunately died as a result of SUDEP. You are in the most amount of pain & grief. It is excruciating, beyond anything you can comprehend. I don’t know actually know how my parents got through it. Unless somehow you are involved in their death, I can tell you the last thing you would be thinking of is hiring a lawyer, pr firm, going on a major news show, wanting to fly your family away from where your beloved child just died. It’s definitely not normal what the Ramseys did.
Eeeek when is part 2 coming out?!? I need more!!
I'm shooting for Friday. It's ready to go, I just need to finish up and post a long piece tomorrow. As long as that happens, Pt. 2 is Friday!
Why do I feel like the Whites have something to do with it? Has no one considered that something happened when the 2 families were together the night before the police were called? I immediately thought that when she mentioned they came over again that morning… Do we even know for sure they hadn’t been together all night, or actually really together at the Ramsays house up until when the police were called? That just seems suspicious to me they were “called” over there that morning. Why?
Thanks Jessica, great work, this story is just tragic!Anyone wanting a good deep dive. Check out The Prosecutor’s podcast, they covered this story in great detail, 9 episodes. https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-prosecutors/id1513765512?i=1000548205169
The strangest crime from my high school years. Very eager to dig into this.
So I feel like we've got contending issues, hyper fixation of image and a cover-up, but the hard part is to pick one from the other. Do we believe in the cold bloodedness of the family? Who hit her. I think its evidently clear they all covered for someone. It wasn't a brawl. One carelessly applied bash.
Will the brother ever tell the truth and what does that sound like.
I went to a Crime convention last year where John was a guest speaker. I still have the videos of him being asked questions! The interviewer asked him point blank if he, Patsy, or Burke killed JBR. He said "No. And based on what the media reported, I don't see how you could think that way." He also claimed people would send them letters apologizing for believing he and Patsy were the murderers, and he would write them back saying "it's okay. How could you believe otherwise, based on what u were told." When asked who he believes killed his daughter, he stated he doesn't know, but that he was told by retired FBI profiler John Douglas that it was someone that was angry/jealous of John.
He’s a weirdo. How could any father be still exploiting the murder and trying to defend his creep laden family? He’s a wealthy man, why not be off on a yacht relaxing and living a peaceful cushy life.