RFK Jr's hidden superpower is that he allows people to disagree with him without complaint. In our polarized political world that is something we need to foster for the future of this country. I disagree with him on a lot, but his comments today help to show that perhaps his policy and practice will be driven by consensus and compassion, not disagreement or divisiveness. Thanks for continuing to share.

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I agree, people have lost the ability to respectfully disagree and have discourse. We need the debates and alternate viewpoints.

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In the beginning that was the main focus of his campaign. Bringing the Country together. Originally his campaign bus said Heal the Divide.com

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This is possibly the lowest moment crafted by any campaign. Jessica you have nailed it!

The family has totally lost its mooring. I mean... I can't even imagine the pain... the self serving!

Bobby loves them anyway. He is the strongest most grounded person I have ever witnessed - a better person than I.


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Agreed. Bobby is a class act.

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What spell has been cast over these people that they would betray their own brother who is inarguably a far better choice over Biden? Why are they so beholden to this party and this deeply corrupt, mentally incompetent candidate? Their religious devotion is quite disturbing.

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They’ve all lost credibility…in my opinion. Show me another group that large that all falls in lock step…. ? They are not following Biden… they are following Obama.

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It is 6 members that endorsed Biden. 5 of which get their livelihoods from the DNC. And Chris who has been against RFK Jr. since he started advocating for the parole of Sirhan Sirhan. Not such a large group. There are more of the clan who support him.

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The family knows him better than anyone! He's a long time drug addict for example, he's a conspiracy nut, and he gives medical advice on vaccines without any medical training! Leading a country, making crucial decisions based upon the latest conspiracy could start WW3

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I don’t feel your comment deserves a response but I can’t help myself. So (former) addicts can’t be moral and decent? What about all the wine moms in denial of their daily crutch? Coming forward and addressing a problem is the most commendable thing. Conspiracy nut? Have you listened to him speak on the cases he has won against these horrible companies? He’s more knowledgeable about vaccines than most and comes with straight facts, not conspiracies. Those that are afraid of the truth want to slander Kennedy.

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I appreciate you taking the time to respond to this mess of a comment.

It doesn’t really deserve a response but was itching for one.

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They "are all irrelevant", legends in their own minds, trading on the family name, all, except, RFK who is proving himself worthy of consideration. He should turn his back on his traitorous siblings but they're not even worthy of his scorn. This is why we have have friends, because we can't always rely on family.

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His family is an embarrassment, and they are only going to strengthen RFK, jr.'s campaign. In what clown world would anyone compare Biden to RFK? It's an insult. I cannot wait for him to get on more ballots and watch them all squirm like the worms that they are.

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One has to wonder - just looking at them - how much resentment is being harbored given the fact Bobby's clean and sober and they are obviously NOT! Maybe they actually support Hunter!

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The matter of concern is the occurrences within the Kennedy family which involve individuals who have strayed from their family values, in my opinion. While I do not wish to convey malice or hatred, it must be said that this conduct is reprehensible and unbecoming of a family of such stature. Their air of self-satisfaction as they align themselves with the policies advocated by President Biden is disappointing. Even if they held a preference for President Biden over other political figures, there was no need to distance themselves from their own family member who is running for president and speak out like this. One can only imagine the distress that such actions may have wrought upon Bobby Kennedy. Personally, I would experience profound sorrow in such circumstances.

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Kate . . . . imagine if Bobby is able to actually pull this off - how fast the Kennedy family will run to his side - in the exact same way the Biden family has never stopped exploiting Joe.

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I think more conservatives would vote for RFK if they knew their vote wouldn’t be wasted. Basically, anyone but Joe. People do t want to waste their vote on a deserving RFK, if it means Biden might win. And Biden winning is nothing more than electing Kamala for POTUS and that is insane.

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I don't think of an RFK vote as a wasted or protest vote. At several times in US history the parties have changed. If now isn't such a time, I don't know what the right time would be. There's a lot I disagree with him on, but I'm hoping RFK wins.

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Biden will win without trump getting Kennedys supporters sadly. Kennedy's ceiling is 20%. And when Biden wins, Kennedy will be back on great terms with Biden and the dems. And Trump will also sadly die in Jail. And Kennedy won't bet an eye for trumo who would defend Kennedy if tables turned.

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Kelly, personally speaking I highly doubt Kamila will remain his running mate. There are so many variables currently in existence - it's doubtful there will even be an election. And you know everything is revolving around it. Not that there's such a thing as an honest election but rather only an appearance. When you look back at 2004 and Bush winning re-election it was practically impossible to even fathom given the fact everyone had opposed the Iraq invasion.

Remember the Daily Mail headline: “How can 59,054,087 people be so DUMB?”

Look for war in the Middle East to unfold - Martial Law being implemented and I fear Hillary Clinton resurfacing with John Kerry.

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Now Im thinking RFKJR tweet calling attention to the fact that Trump called him “soooo liberal” was a brilliant little move. The libs now going “oh, Trump thinks his liberal? Maybe I’ll like him.” — it’s all just getting so good!

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Kennedy was as liberal as AOC until a year ago

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The Kennedys. What can we say, just that the Dem party is their conduit to any relevance, which may only last a bit longer. May Bobby win; if only to see those toothy sycophants back on his side, wanting invites to all the DC soirees. Very sad

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being from MI, i sure am glad to see RFK on the ballots 🇺🇸

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For the Kennedy family to support & love Joe Biden as a president just lowers my opinion of them! What a slap in the face to RFK jr.!

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Did I hear Joseph Kennedy ll say - we cannot strip one vote from Joe Biden? And if the Kennedy name is on the ballet, Democrats will feel torn????? We are trying to make Democrats understand they should not feel torn??? Is this their reasoning? I am annoyed and perplexed. It all boils down to hatred for Trump and jealousy over Bobby's growth as a human from his days as an addict to a highly sought after attorney who wins major lawsuits and seemingly loves his busy life. Bobby is passionate about many things and it shows that he cares deeply. If you watch Kerry's speech- look at Joe's face. He looks like he wants to cry? Maybe he is in pain? Maybe it is just me, but I am really confused by what they say and how they act in both videos.

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The fact that they believe people care what they think of any political candidate based solely on their name is ridiculous- which not the point of this article, I know. Like celebrities- totally out of touch with reality.

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I believe Bobby will take votes away from Biden...absolutely! More and more people are hip to the way our country is being run.

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I think the one aspect not being factored in is how many people have no intention of voting and staying home. Keep in mind over one hundred thousand voters in Michigan voted uncommitted.

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Excellent DM feedback at the end

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What we need now is a Michigan poll that pits Whitmer against RFK Jr, against Trump. This might be a proxy for the nation. Surely there is some polling company that would like to make the evening news.

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