Wow! Love this essay and the story of these two women. I’m a longtime fan of Didion. She was my inspiration for my journalism major at undergraduate. I know less about Babitz but look forward to reading this book about their connection!

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Are you Joan or Eve?

So very interesting!

She neglects to use the word Archetypes; each of these women were embodying various archetypes. Universal, timeless symbols of humanity, in this case of womanhood. What are.the tactics or strategy or guile one uses to surf through life with or like Eve who perhaps relied on instinct, intuition perhaps wild abandon, giving into the life of the.moment and enjoying it.

Gratefully, Eve has been resurrected,. in this case to be an equal or better of Joan.

It seems Eve loved the.moment of life and Joan used it as an analytical.tool in her work. Fascinating back story w Noel, who would Joan have been if she had captured her Tu es l'amour de ma vie.

Kudos,.to LilI!


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Can you remind me of THIS AMERICAN female WRITER WHO S an astrologer and writes copiously ,possibly Linda Goodman.Yeah that's her name ...

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I got absolutely lost in this interview - truly captivating! As an emerging writer, I loved this conversation.

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You LL grow actively intellectually as a writer insofar you welcome newer authors.

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What’s crazy is I was raised to be like Joan, but I feel naturally more like Eve and I want to be like Eve but tell people I’m a Joan. You guessed it I am a Gemini… lol

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Beautiful work Jessica! I loved this piece and the amazing writing style. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.

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This was superb, I didn't want it to end. When I saw the interview with Joan the first thing that popped into my head was Anna Wintour, with her trademark pageboy bob haircut and dark sunglasses, as if she copied Joans persona, or at least her look, just an obscure observation I had.

Thank you for introducing me to these three exceptional women, I look forward to knowing Didion & Babitz better because now I have to buy Lili Anolik book.

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The first 2 women who came to mind were Joan Crawford and Bette Davis. I think these kinds of relationships must exist in order for the world to turn. The yin and yang. Also, I bet the book will be turned into a series similar to "Feud: Capote vs. The Swans." Great interview. Was that an ad at the end of your post? Say it ain't so Jessica!

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I was thinking the same about Joan and Bette and The Swans. Felt the same about the ad.

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...what of Isreali- American writer lIana Haley?

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Love. Love. Loved this article.

It’s like I skipped into a world I didn’t realized I missed or needed.

The rhythm and style of word melody you created at the onset of this article reminded me of Her, the take-your-time-to-write-in-your-loveliest-handwriting-self.

Once I became a mom, life turned into an efficiency race to get it all done with the utmost practicality.

Now that everyone is grown-up, I find that reading and writing for the sheer pleasure and delight of it hasn’t been reactivated.

This article put me on notice to take the time to read and write for the love and beauty of it.

This was delicious.

Thank you JRK. 🌺

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Thank you for this wonderful piece. I’ve loved Eve for years and really enjoyed Lili’s previous book. I admire Joan but have a hard time relating to her some of her writing. Definitely more of an Eve over here. Looking forward to the new book!

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Great interview , now I need to get her book!

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So fun to get inside the heads and processes of four writers, and women to boot. Thank you!

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Excellent piece!!!

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This was fantastic. I didn’t want it to end. Off to read the books, Vanity Fair and listen to Once Upon a Time...

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I cannot wait to read this book. Thanks for introducing us to this author.

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Interesting interview. I’m not familiar with either writer but this peaked my interest.

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