Loved this line: “She has, in a sense, recreated the grocery checkout line magazine mix for Instagram.” I agree completely! I miss magazines so much, I used to subscribe to many but now I just subscribe to you! Congratulations on this, I have to imagine it feels surreal and satisfying. Enjoy! 🤍

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Yes! I thought the same thing. I miss the old magazine days…

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I’m glad you spoke to the fortune line. I remember messaging you in insta when you first broke the story.

While you spin it as a positive, which I applaud your positive nature, as a woman who has been independently employed for over 25 years, I look at it as dismissive jealousy.

Labeling you as a mommy blogger making a fortune cashing in on celebrity gossip or influencing trends is not at all the descriptive of what you do. You’re not shilling for anyone. You’re not peddling miracle cures or the celebrity du jour.

I happily pay to read about your access to people and places I cannot be at the moment. Your coverage of Moscow, ID (while we all wait for them to get their act together) was second to none. Your ability to allow people their own timing and build trust is incredible. Not many journalists can say they can do the same. Their biases are written all over their printed words.

You’re a refreshing voice that we’ve missed in journalism for a long time. ♥️

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Agree 💯

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You are so deserving of everything good that comes your way!! ❤️🇺🇸

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Thank you Dana!

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Always captivated by your writings! We are on the same page- no pun intended! I am hooked! Look forward to your IG posts and love your writing style! Amazing how you speak the truth and make it entertaining! I feel like all the other media outlets are so damn negative! Bravo!

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Yes, they put a negative spin on everything political. It’s infuriating

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So do lots of people! Seems we’re the only ones having any fun… thanks to you and Denise 👌🏽

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You know how this happened?

You RFK’d all of us.

Just as he entered the race and gave America a new, fresh option for president, you also entered the race to give America an option for coverage.

You’ve given us the fodder of all things fun and salacious. And you’ve given us the content of all things meaningful and important to actual decision making.

How do we as women feel about women accusing men of hideous behavior because there’s financial gain?

How do we as women feel about one woman bearing the brunt of the actions of many men who will never likely see the inside of a prison cell?

How do we as women address what we’ve believed about one candidate when actually there’s little to support the hate?

How do we as women feel about one candidate who is largely defamed by MSM and another who is all but ignored?

You RFK’d us, friend.

You became the option and provided clear, fair and honest coverage. You gave us all the fun, tabloid-esque look behind political scenes while writing with the pen of integrity.

You did that. You have confounded the MSM. It’s unfathomable to them that you or any mom of four could take over the world as you’ve done. That’s what makes this work. It exposes the culture of elitism within our media.

Thank you, Jessica.

Thank you, Mike.

Thank you, Arlo, Leon, Rex and sweet little Hayes Bateman. (lol)

Hope to hug your neck in Texas!

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So happy for you, this is great. Can I make a small request? Could you please finish the Britney story? You mentioned at one point that you met with her Mom & have an understanding on the complexity of the real story. If it’s suitable for sharing, we would love to know more x

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Yes. That’s a good one. Eventually I’ll get to the good ones. That story changed a handful of times since I visited.

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Oh goodness yes! I still feel like Britney is in the throws of addiction sadly :(

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Like I always say....to jealous people, “they hate me bc they ain’t me!!” Love that the Universe brought me to you and your coverage during the Depp trial and Covid dark days!!! You were a Bright light exposing the Truth with your amazing Family and friends!!! Plus fashion with added Historical information and plot twists!!!!

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will the depp finale ever come out?😅

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YES!!!Thank God for Johnny Depp. That is what got me here.

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When I heard Van Jones talking about how people are underestimating RFK, Jr. at the CNN news desk on Super Tuesday, I said, “Nicely done, Jessica!”

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I’ve enjoyed your writings ever since I found out what a, “Substack” was. You do have a very personal approach and a style of a novelist. Keep up the great work! From one of your 10% readers (lol).

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Before Substack I found almost no place to get real accurate news. Jessica's unbiased "gossip" is far more entertaining and accurate than anything on the MSM.

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You’re incredible.

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About time something more positive was written about you. Can’t wait for the 🦉 story. ❤️

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You could have gone to a really nice hotel and snag the Wall Street Journal. They usually have them. Love Jess!! Keep going.

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not in my town!

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This was so awesome to see! All your hard work FINALLY being recognized like this..I love it soo much!! Love seeing you and Denise out there having all this fun! I think what I love most is knowing you’re able to do all this and comfortably support your family-what a freaking amazing adventure!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thank you Melissa! Xx

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The WSJ article is great! No bias.

Semafor article refers to Kennedy’s “unsupported anti-vaccine conspiracy theories.” 😒

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Argh yes - tell that to the moms who witnessed their child’s personal decline…. Grateful for RFK

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Congrats Jessica. All so very deserved. Also wow they cut Kennedys name off the headline. These little children… we must pat their heads for all they are able to do I suppose. I feel like journalism behind the scenes is just little children wanting to be praised by their bosses for doing what they are told.

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