Will they, really???? We thought this with Epstein as well and since then it’s been crickets. I’m not holding my breath, unfortunately.

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This sounds like more Hollywood type and less politicians. Maybe you’ll be different, but I agree with you, probably not

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At this point Hollywood tries just as hard as politicians to keep their names out of this kind of stuff. There’s no difference.

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This daddy in Colorado put a GPS on his kindergartner. There is evidence she was taken out of school on multiple days. This evidence escaped the police reports, somehow. Silence, silence and more silence.

Pedos are everywhere. In our neighborhoods, our grocery stores,, in our churches and schools, etc. This is a problem bigger than most understand.


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It will be interesting to see how many screamed out "#MeToo" are on that list. Hollywood is pretty quiet.

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Good point. It’s not uncommon for victims to become perps themselves. Will be watching for that angle…

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Or for perps to play “victim”

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That too!

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God help us! I hope the victims get justice. We need to stop idolizing celebrities. They follow different rules.

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Oct 4Liked by Emilie Hagen

Silent accomplices, major corporations, and did I read Pharma companies? And not just recently…but many years! So upsetting. Name them all!

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How does the NFL allow Deshaun Watson to continue playing as one of the highest-paid quarterbacks in NFL history? Diddy and SBF are in the same prison together as Epstein was. Imagine all the people they could take down with them. Most of Hollywood and hip-hop could be implicated. Hope the cameras don't break if they are feeling suicidal.

PS: Check out the Meiselas brothers, who just joined Substack with their Meidas Touch brand. Their rich lawyer daddy used to represent Diddy. Now they spew DNC propaganda funded by dark money.

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I saw the soy boys🤮

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And Deshaun’s girlfriend still hanging around.

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This has been brewing a long, long time. My grandpa was National Jitterbug Champion in 1938 and in some Hollywood movies. He was friends with Judy Garland. Last week I was looking through some old photos of them and decided watched the movie Judy. I did some research after and was shocked to find articles that said the munchkins on the set of The Wizard of Oz sexually assaulted Judy! Also, Louis B. Mayor of MGM had his hands all over her. This led me to Shirley Temple and her horrific experiences. I saw the first media case of SA was by actor Fatty Arbuckle. He violently attacked actress Virginia Rappe at a party and she died 3 days later. He was acquitted. Shocker. I found Chris Isaak forcing himself on Cameron Diaz at the 1995 MTV Awards and Jim Carrey watching and then we he won and walked on stage he forcefully kissed Chris Isaak. Jim Carrey was lauded for that yet two years later at another award show he did the exact same thing to Alicia Silverstone. Both are hard to watch. This behavior is not new and accepted in the shadows of Hollyweird. The #MeToo movement made me absolutely nauseous. I can’t believe how many depraved deviants there are. Also, the homosexual sex in this industry is shocking to me. I’ve been waiting for this collapse since I woke up around 2016 but I’m actually experiencing a lot of stress, anxiety, and I’ve been crying a lot. There is so much going on it’s overwhelming. Thank you, Emilie and Jessica. I’d love to see an in-depth of pizzagate and everything surrounding that. Also, the secret societies. I hope you gals have interest in those.

This is the dawning of Age of Aquarius... The corrupt foundations of false society are crumbling. Truth prevails. Everything is brought to light. Everything becomes unified.

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You should check out the book Hollywood Babylon, it takes a deep dive into the dark side of how Hollywood came to be.

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Liz Crokin is the OG pizzagate journalist. She has her own substack and shared everything in “Out of Shadows” documentary. It’s heavy just take care mentally.

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I think you could have made your point without the casual homophobia, which sort of undermines your post. The "homosexual sex is shocking" to you? As in, the fact that entertainers can be bisexual or gay? Or that fact that anyone, anywhere is gay and has sex with the same sex? Surely you can deduce that sexual assault and coercion afflicted upon anyone is inherently predatory without needing to condemn an entire group of individuals? Predatory behavior is unacceptable because it violates another person, not because it's "deviant" / whatever your definition of that is...

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I hope they don’t get all our hopes up by saying they will release big names involved and have it just be some less well known people while the bigger perpetrators get off scott clean. Praying it ALL comes out.

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Plaintiffs' counsel can't be considered to be an extortionist if he does not name names or make public announcements about individuals and corporations, but none but a fool would fail to understand that the mere threat of disclosures might produce a substantial number of settlements under seal or subject to non-disclosure provisions.

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I want to know why EVERYONE was silent for so long… same with Weinstein. It’s just b unbelievable that thousands of people would say nothing for decades.

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Maybe they weren’t silent, but SILENCED…ignored… The article says that many reported. I’m thinking it was all swept under the rug. I pray any and everyone who knew about these things and did nothing is dealt with severely.

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This. Individually they could be threatened or silenced but now there is safety in numbers and the article said MANY of them did report to police and nothing happened

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Also I bet many were blackmailed or paid off to stay quiet. 🤐

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I sure hope Post Malone is not in that group of crazies.

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Oct 4Liked by Emilie Hagen

Also, check out BJ Investigates YouTube page. She has some really informative stuff out right now!

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She’s so good at what she does.

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Oct 4·edited 14 hrs agoLiked by Emilie Hagen

Thank you for this excellent reporting; incisive dissemination of the facts. This is probably the most heartbreaking story of my lifetime. As a lover of music, to think that this could have been going on for so long is just awful and I pray for the victims.

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I can’t figure out the angle. Even with the NY case against Eric Adams to possibly have led to quick action on Combs. But then the chaos with the hurricanes seeming to be overly orchestrated. But the hurricane devastation is actually turning very negative toward the dems/Harris/Biden/Walz. So IS the Combs situation a distraction, or did it actually get broke open unintentionally ? Because it may not be a distraction the left wants. It’s not lining up in my brain and that drives me crazy.

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Diddy is absolutely not a distraction. I think people need to stop saying that and applying that to so much. This darkness is DEEP. It’s been boiling at the surface for a very long time. All darkness will be exposed. Not a distraction at all. Many things are happening at once. This is a spiritual war.

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It is my worry that the timing is all about the election and Trump. All they have to do is insert Trump's name as a possible attendee.... and there is no time to vet and verify the accuser. We have seen this before..... After the election, willing to bet the story dies.

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Darkness lives in silence. The amount of shame as being a victim is off the charts. Depraved individuals assaulting near comatose young people with stars in their eyes for being like you. Enjoy Hell you creeps.

I’m still not sure they’ll name names though.

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When will Ghislaine name the names? Why isn’t she? I’m sorry I hate to say it buuuuut is there a different rule for celebrity billionaires vs other billionaires?

I know why this came out. Puff had the opp to squash it but he thought he was untouchable. Ik that much, but why don’t we have an Epstein list? Will we really see big names? I have serious doubts given the past…& I really don’t have faith in our “justice” system anymore. 😑

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4

I asked this of someone in intel. She's holding out for probation, maybe a shortened term for good behavior. Then, when she's out of jail, she'll call in favors from all the people she's protected, disappear, and live a nice life in her old age. As long as she's silent, her life is safe. The second someone thinks she'll sing, she'll be permanently prevented from doing so.

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This makes sense. I’d probably do the same. I mean, we haven’t heard anyone talk about her not eating because the guards were messing with her food or anything like that. I wouldn’t be that canary either I suppose!!

I just feel like there is a little bit of injustice between these two cases, which are similar in nature. My faith on any big names being named in this case with Puff coming to fruition is bleak. I think it is exactly what it says it is, it’s all “puff & smoke”. I do hope the victims rcv it, most definitely, however history has shown us, high profile rich people tend to get off pretty easy.

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New judge has just been assigned to combs case - why? Anyone know?

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I just saw this and was about to look into it

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If you find out will you update us? Pls and ty?! 😁

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I think someone needs to open an investigation on Kim Porter’s death.

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