Ugh. The whole thing just feels gross. Epstein’s sweetheart deal makes me sick and angry. Maxwell is definitely the fall “gal” so I doubt they will let her off. I think she deserves her fate but also it feels conflicting that Epstein got such a great deal in 07’ and since Maxwell is a women she will be treated harsher. Gross all around.

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While I think the NPA is bullshit and should never have been offered, I do agree that she is protected under it. I would love to hear more on why that argument wasn’t heavily presented prior to trial. My theory would be so that the public sees Maxwell go to prison, loses interest, and is blind to her post conviction release two years later. We shall see!

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“…..the United States also agrees that it will not institute any criminal charges against any potential co-conspirators of Epstein, including but not limited to Sarah Kellen, Adriana Ross, Lesley Groff, or Nadia Marcinkova.”

Page 5/7 of Epstein Non-Prosecution Agreement


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Including “but not limited to” I think automatically includes GM as a co-conspirator who is exempt from criminal charges … no question in my mind that she participated in awful behavior but the system twists the meaning of this NPA document to make her the scapegoat for everything these men did

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I agree, although I do think a judge who adopts a literal interpretation of that paragraph doesn’t have much room to NOT find her covered by the NPA. Do her charges make it morally right? No. Is the legal process worth upholding? Yes. We don’t get to pick and choose who gets fair legal representation, no matter the outcome.

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Last response….

The opening paragraph of NPA states,

“IT APPEARING that the City of Palm Beach Police Department and the State Attorney's Office for the 15th Judicial Circuit in and for Palm Beach County (hereinafter, the "State Attorney's Office") have conducted an investigation into the conduct of Jeffrey Epstein (hereinafter "Epstein");”

Had the deal been limited to the FL judicial system, it should have been explicitly noted “State Attorney’s Office,” as opposed to “the United States,” as was written. When the document itself specifies jurisdiction between “State Attorney’s Office” and “the United States”, by nature there is a clear distinction.

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Yes she has standing as third party beneficiary to enforce it and be covered for it that much the court ruled in her Favour as they agreed - despite the prosecutors rejection. The problem is the second circuit federal law ( which what SDNY belongs to ) has a precedent that is conflict to many other federal circuits which say the opposite. Second circuit says the NPA has to say the NPA binds the whole federal justice department or words to the effect whereas the fourth circuit Highest courts says the opposite the NPA has to say it doesn’t bind the whole federal justice only the division it was made. The NPA didn’t say it doesn’t bind the whole United States. It said infact the UNITED STATES also promised that will NOT prosecute any of Epstein potential conspirators for federal crimes. There is also a last clause that says the UNITED STATES promises not to even investigate Epstein or any of his employees ( which maxwell was ) for any federal crimes if Epstein doesn’t break the NPA terms and conditions which he didn’t. Further Count 4 or 5 was the heaviest trafficking charges that involved Caroline which the same accuser that squarely fell into florida federal investigation at the time and she was paid by Epstein in 2008 as part of the NPA for compensation and curiously only accused and sued Epstein and Sarah Kellen ( so that was another unfair point against maxwell too ). But anyway under fourth circuit federal law should could not be charged under that counts which gave her a 20 year sentence for that ( she got 10 years for Jane count ) so as there is circuit split it is possible the Supreme Court should or could hear it as super court is designed to resolve circuit splits as they already declared in 1973 Giglio case that a promise by one US ATTORNEY as agent binds the whole United States ( in other words a promise by us attorney accosta ( and it did go to main justice anyway ) binds the whole United States. The fourth circuit has followe it and made it law but second circuit ignored it and no one has bothered to challenge it to Supreme Court. If Maxwell is treated fairly and is given leave to appeal them the Supreme Court ought to correct this conflict in her favour as the NPA did NOT say it doesnt bind the United States ( as there is one federal government as one USA attorney promise from one division as agent bind the whole justice federal government when making promises ).

But the problem is since the me 2 movement there has been a mob pressure to target people from the past and when the accused is court up with that - the courts follow public pressure and the Supreme Court may decline to accept to even hear the appeal and corect the conflict which they should and if they do and she rightly wins the part of the NPA binding the whole government then she would have 20 years slashed off her sentence.. and even the whole lot as it would be prove her whole prosecution was tainted with counts and extra victim which tainted the jury with the other one like Jane which had doubt with the time like

Oh and further Kate and Annie weee added as me 2 victims which should have been an extra appeal point ( like harvey did and won on this point ) as the judge ruled kate was not part of indictment but could still be used as witness as it was not illegal conduct in UK she was 17 and age of consent was 16 as she was above age and stature of limitations had passed . And also with Annie massacre topless was NOT illegal conduct in New Mexico as age of consent of 16 ( hardly worth a jail sentence for that even if ) nothing happened. These are the Analysts the mob and media don’t tell you it was designed to find a scape goat after Exoten death.

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Let's say that the government lawyers are right and the NPA only covers crimes committed in 2001-2007 in South Florida. So how is it fair to convict Maxwell for "sex trafficking of a minor" based on the testimony of Carolyn, who met Epstein in 2001 or 2002 and only knew him in South Florida? Annie Farmer, Kate, and Jane did not claim to have been "sex trafficked" which requires a "commercial sex act"*. So that charge, at minimum, should be thrown out.

The elephant in the room is how weak the government's case was. Take Carolyn out and what do you have? Kate didn't claim that Maxwell was a witness to any abuse. Jane didn't claim that Maxwell was a witness to any abuse. Annie Farmer claimed she wasn't sexually abused (but said that was the "ultimate goal" of Epstein and Maxwell which is speculative). Maxwell, we are to believe, was an integral part of Epstein's sex trafficking "operation". The government even alleged Maxwell was paid $30 million for her alleged part in it and yet the government could only bring a single witness who claimed that Maxwell was a direct participant in sexual abuse. Without Carolyn, the argument is "Well, Maxwell must have known what Epstein was doing". But we have housekeepers, pilots, friends, a chef, assistants, etc. all saying they had no idea what Epstein was doing.

Also, it's not just that Scotty David failed to disclose that he’d been sexually abused on a questionnaire. According to him, he used his experience to convince his fellow jurors to handwave away the numerous inconsistencies in the testimony of the women.

*If you want to try and argue that Jane was "sex trafficked" (i.e participated in a commercial sex act while under 18) because she received money from Epstein, she testified she was given hundreds of dollars regardless of what she did or didn't do for Epstein:

"Q. And that happened regardless of whether or not you were in what you claim was a sexually abusive relationship at that time, right?

A. Yes."

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I agree

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Jane wasn’t a trafficking charge. Her evidence was so inconsistent that gave jury doubt to convict until that Juror 50 persuaded to convict . Juror 50 said there was no proof but went on his gut instinct . Wtf so unfair. And Caroline was schizophrenic and only accused Sarah Kellen and Epstein ( who was recruited by that liar Virginia who specifically told her to the Epstein and others she was 18 so why shout maxwell ne blamed for that and she said maxwell was pregnant at trial ( not to mention the federal nexus of the federal trafficking charge was the massage table owned by Epstein ( not maxwell ) which was made in Los Angelas and the Caroline massages on Epstein was in Florida was enough of absurd nexus to convict maxwell for the 20 year federal trafficking charge - so unjust - the whole thing was so weak and wishy washy against maxwell - that she should not have been convicted in normal environment but she was because the toxic anti eisten effect and public pressure after the me 2 toxic Movement and who were hell bent on finding a conviction against maxwell.

With NPA- Yes she has standing as third party beneficiary to enforce it and be covered for it that much the court ruled in her Favour as they agreed - despite the prosecutors rejection. The problem is the second circuit federal law ( which what SDNY belongs to ) has a precedent that is conflict to many other federal circuits which say the opposite. Second circuit says the NPA has to say the NPA binds the whole federal justice department or words to the effect whereas the fourth circuit Highest courts says the opposite the NPA has to say it doesn’t bind the whole federal justice only the division it was made. The NPA didn’t say it doesn’t bind the whole United States. It said infact the UNITED STATES also promised that will NOT prosecute any of Epstein potential conspirators for federal crimes. There is also a last clause that says the UNITED STATES promises not to even investigate Epstein or any of his employees ( which maxwell was ) for any federal crimes if Epstein doesn’t break the NPA terms and conditions which he didn’t. Further Count 4 or 5 was the heaviest trafficking charges that involved Caroline which the same accuser that squarely fell into florida federal investigation at the time and she was paid by Epstein in 2008 as part of the NPA for compensation and curiously only accused and sued Epstein and Sarah Kellen ( so that was another unfair point against maxwell too ). But anyway under fourth circuit federal law should would not have been charged under that counts which gave her a 20 year sentence for that ( she got 10 years for Jane count concurrent sentence ) so as there is circuit split it is possible the Supreme Court should or could hear it as super court is designed to resolve circuit splits as they already declared in 1973 Giglio case that a promise by one US ATTORNEY as agent binds the whole United States ( in other words a promise by us attorney accosta ( and it did go to main justice anyway ) binds the whole United States. The fourth circuit has followed it and made it law but second circuit ( Ny courts ) ignored it and no one has bothered to challenge it to Supreme Court. If Maxwell is treated fairly and is given leave to appeal them the Supreme Court ought to correct this conflict in her favour as the NPA did NOT say it doesnt bind the United States ( as there is one federal government as one USA attorney promise from one division as agent bind the whole justice federal government when making promises ).

But the problem is since the me 2 movement there has been a mob pressure to target people from the past and when the accused is court up with that - the courts follow public pressure and the Supreme Court may decline to accept to even hear the appeal and corect the conflict which they should and if they do and she rightly wins the part of the NPA binding the whole government then she would have 20 years slashed off her sentence.. and even the whole lot as it would be prove her whole prosecution was tainted with counts and extra victim which tainted the jury with the other one like Jane which had doubt with the time line flaws where Jane previously said that she couldn’t recall maxwell ever being present and the 60 mins presenter she said she went to his birthday or lion king which made her above age in New York and not illegal and should not have been attributed to maxwell on that charge either - so many doubts

Oh and further Kate and Annie weee added as me 2 victims which should have been an extra appeal point ( like harvey did and won on this point ) as the judge ruled kate was not part of indictment but could still be used as witness as it was not illegal conduct in UK she was 17 and age of consent was 16 as she was above age and stature of limitations had passed . And also with Annie massacre topless was NOT illegal conduct in New Mexico as age of consent of 16 ( hardly worth a jail sentence for that even if ) nothing happened. These are the Analysts the mob and media don’t tell you it was designed to find a scape goat after Exoten death. Her sentence and trial conviction was unjust from the get go to to the end

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Correction . Caroline was specifically told by Virginia to hell Epstein that she was 18 when Virginia recruited her for Epstein

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Hi from Michigan my brother just was selected for jury duty last week. Question-Do you know of anyone who was SA ? Yes my daughter. A he said she said situation. No physical proof.

Attorney- Thank you for showing up today, you are dismissed. What the hell is happening here with Ghislaine ? I disagree with her lifestyle BUT I used to believe in our judicial system. Scapegoat 💯

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I alternate between thinking she is unfairly imprisoned, just because someone must be held accountable (heaven forbid the men who had “relations” with the underage girls be prosecuted), and feeling that she deserves jail time for her role in recruiting the girls (and no way she didn’t know what was going on) . . .

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She groomed those girls, and chose those girls, based on the type he preferred.

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She will walk , there are to many powerful people that she has protected by keeping her mouth shut , If a prison can suddenly open its doors and two warders can conveniently be asleep and the cameras non functioning , then Epstein is suicided , It means finagling a défense for maxwell will be simple ,,,I hope I’m wrong

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This is what is wrong about our criminal justice system. The bargaining that goes on to reduce jail times and prosecution of individuals is beyond the pale.

The NPA protects everyone except JE and the justice department knows it. If they won’t prosecute the men and/or women who “bought” girls, then why make GM the lone perp to take the fall?

It makes no sense, just like pretty much anything involving crimes against children.

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Jessica, thank you. Your reporting is pleasant, truthful and succinct. I wish you continued success and protection. Blessings!

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Thank you Jessica for going into depth in this article! I was listening to the audio of the trial from the link you posted, but it was hard to follow, and I was hoping you would do a recap!

This was extremely helpful in understanding the pieces of what I heard. From what it sounded like, they argued heavily on the co-conspirator deal and the location to which it applies.

I do have a really hard time believing they will let her go free. I think her lawyers make a lot of valid points, but I just feel like the government would not go back on such a big case especially since they don’t have anyone else to publicly criminalize.

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Trump is being unfairly criminalized!

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Bill Cosby was freed on a technicality. I think he was a bigger deal to the public than GM.

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So well written! Extremely thorough as always. I'm surprised Maxwell is still alive to be honest. Also was the deal federal or specific to Florida? And what a bizarre deal. I think a juror who has had sexual abuse in his past should be allowed to be on the jury, I don't understand why he lied about it if he did or if he really made an error when filling out the form. Either way, I can see her getting a new trial but not having her conviction overturned--No way! Everyone knows she is guilty. These loopholes will not set her free imo. She deserves to be incarcerated. Sabrinalabow.substack.com

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Just because "everyone knows she is guilty" doesn't mean she's actually guilty. There are a lot of good reasons to believe she knew absolutely nothing about what Epstein was doing. Pilots, housekeepers, a chef, his friends, assistants, etc. all seemed to know nothing about what Epstein was doing behind literally closed doors.

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I read this article twice. It's written very well.

I do believe the NPA should not apply to her. The NPA was drafted in Florida. Her crimes go beyond the state. Was she specifically named in the NPA? Co-conspirator is broad.

Ghislane goes on to say that she made a bad choice with her involvement with Jeffrey Epstein. Yes, she did. But, again, she is a grown woman. This was her choice. She destroyed her life, and many others.

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The NPA obviously applies to her. It's irrelevant if the NPA specifically named her because it says "that it will not institute any criminal charges against any potential co-conspirators of Epstein, including BUT NOT LIMITED TO Sarah Kellen, Adriana Ross, Lesley Groff, or Nadia Marcinkova."

Jeffrey Epstein had this unusual language added to the agreement not because any of these women were guilty of anything but scheduling massages but because he was solely responsible for his conduct.

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I don't agree. We shall see.

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The NPA relevant clause states that the UNITED STATES shall not prosecute any of Epstein alleged conspirators. The Supreme Court of USA once Said that a promise from USA attorney ( as agent ) binds the whole USA government as there is only one USA government. Fourth federal circuit precedent law follows this. The problem being there is a circuit split in second circuit ( which NY federal courts follow ) which follows the opposite of you wil it states the NPA has to specifically say it binds the whole USA government. WHERAS FOURTH FEDERAL CIRCUIT and others say no it doesn’t. It states that the NPA simply has to say that it does NOT bind the whole federal government ( Epstein NPA didn’t say it doesn’t bind the bind the whole USA Government ).

FOURH CIRCUIT PRECEDENT says when the UNITED STATES ATTORNEY makes a promises it represents the whole USA government and a promise by one binds the whole federal justice department or it will make a mockery of plea deals or NPA as federal charges are normally federal USA wide anyway. Further In maxwell case the sex trafficking count specifically related to accuser Caroline was solely in Florida that involved no travel and this was investigated as part of pending indictment that was subject to a federal investigation in Florida and other areas in USA they investigated ( Caroline was part of that ) and part of the NPA was imposed upon Epstein to give accusers in that investigation compensation which he did he paid ( after she also accused and sued EPSTEIN and Sarah Kellen ) and it falls under the same time line as maxwell Count so on any OBJECTIVE view this aas unjust and completely breaching the NPA but for the loophole circuit split in federal NY law under second circuit which the Supreme Court ought to correct in her favour if they will be fair ( but I have my doubts post the me 2 movement) . Is this was not a notorious case then and she was jane smith she would have a better chance of rightfully wining this point at the Supreme Court of USA

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Further about the NPA BELOW

Jane wasn’t a trafficking charge. Her evidence was so inconsistent that gave jury doubt to convict until that Juror 50 persuaded to convict . Juror 50 said there was no proof but went on his gut instinct . Wtf so unfair. And Caroline was schizophrenic and only accused Sarah Kellen and Epstein ( who was recruited by that liar Virginia who specifically told her to the Epstein and others she was 18 so why shout maxwell ne blamed for that and she said maxwell was pregnant at trial ( not to mention the federal nexus of the federal trafficking charge was the massage table owned by Epstein ( not maxwell ) which was made in Los Angelas and the Caroline massages on Epstein was in Florida was enough of absurd nexus to convict maxwell for the 20 year federal trafficking charge - so unjust - the whole thing was so weak and wishy washy against maxwell - that she should not have been convicted in normal environment but she was because the toxic anti eisten effect and public pressure after the me 2 toxic Movement and who were hell bent on finding a conviction against maxwell.

With NPA-

Yes she has standing as third party beneficiary to enforce it and be covered for it that much the court ruled in her Favour as they agreed - despite the prosecutors rejection. The problem is the second circuit federal law ( which what SDNY belongs to ) has a precedent that is conflict to many other federal circuits which say the opposite. Second circuit says the NPA has to say the NPA binds the whole federal justice department or words to the effect whereas the fourth circuit Highest courts says the opposite the NPA has to say it doesn’t bind the whole federal justice only the division it was made. The NPA didn’t say it doesn’t bind the whole United States. It said infact the UNITED STATES also promised that will NOT prosecute any of Epstein potential conspirators for federal crimes. There is also a last clause that says the UNITED STATES promises not to even investigate Epstein or any of his employees ( which maxwell was ) for any federal crimes if Epstein doesn’t break the NPA terms and conditions which he didn’t. Further Count 4 or 5 was the heaviest trafficking charges that involved Caroline which the same accuser that squarely fell into florida federal investigation at the time and she was paid by Epstein in 2008 as part of the NPA for compensation and curiously only accused and sued Epstein and Sarah Kellen ( so that was another unfair point against maxwell too ). But anyway under fourth circuit federal law should would not have been charged under that counts which gave her a 20 year sentence for that ( she got 10 years for Jane count concurrent sentence ) so as there is circuit split it is possible the Supreme Court should or could hear it as Supreme court is designed to resolve circuit splits as they already declared in dicta 1973 Giglio case that a promise by one US ATTORNEY as agent binds the whole United States ( in other words a promise by us attorney accosta ( and it did go to main justice anyway ) binds the whole United States.

The fourth circuit precedent has followed it and made it law but second circuit ( Ny federal courts ) ignored it if you will and no one has bothered to challenge it to Supreme Court. If Maxwell is treated fairly and is given leave to appeal them the Supreme Court ought to correct this conflict in her favour as ( it is a serious civil Liberty freedom rights point for her as a human being rights involving a 20 year sentence specially for that charge under the NPA) the NPA did NOT say it doesnt bind the United States ( as there is one federal government as one USA attorney promise from one division as agent bind the whole justice federal government when making promises ).

But the problem is since the me 2 movement there has been a mob pressure to target people from the past and when the accused is court up with that - the courts follow public pressure and the Supreme Court may decline to accept to even hear the appeal and corect the conflict which they should and if they do and she rightly wins the part of the NPA binding the whole government then she would have 20 years slashed off her sentence.. and even the whole lot as it would be prove her whole prosecution was tainted with counts and extra victim which tainted the jury with the other one like Jane which had doubt with the time line flaws where Jane previously said that she couldn’t recall maxwell ever being present and the 60 mins presenter she said she went to his birthday or lion king which made her above age in New York and not illegal and should not have been attributed to maxwell on that charge either - so many doubts

Oh and further Kate and Annie were unjustly added as me 2 accusers which should have been an extra appeal point ( like harvey did and won on this point ) as the judge ruled Kate was not part of indictment as a accuser but could still be used as witness as it was also not illegal conduct in UK she was 17 and age of consent was 16 as she was above age and stature of limitations had passed . And also with Annie massage topless was NOT illegal conduct in New Mexico as age of consent of 16 ( hardly worth a jail sentence for that even if ) nothing happened. These are the Analysts the mob and media don’t tell you it was designed to find a scape goat after Exoten death. Her sentence and trial conviction was unjust from the get go to to the end.

The NPA in respect to Caroline charge that was subject to the 20 year sentence concurrent if objectively fair ought to be repaired and declared barred at minimum by the NPA Supreme Court of USA ( thats if the Supreme Court Acts fairly and objectively without paying attention to the incorrect mob public pressure move to punish scapegoats and others for alleged sexual allegations so many years in the past often without proof but avalanche of adult media accusers suing for money and jumping on the gravy train with ambulance chasing lawyers - it has worked so well since the me 2 Movement - that denies presumption of innocence ( that turned maxwell into a super villian and replaced Epstein and went beyond it in her arrest and media attention as if they caught Osama bin laden. It was disgusting. ( and all they had at the ball hearing was 2 adult accusers Kate ( who was not added as alleged victim in indictment but a witness to her own issue not others ) and Annie ( which was not even illegal conduct conveniently only ruled later ) pleading with the judge to deny bail and the bias judge said the evidence ( based on these 2 accusers ) was strong. That was a blatant lie and false .

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You obviously know quite a bit more about this case than anyone should. Are you just someone like me with a bit too much time on their hands or are you close to the proceedings in some way?

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You know a lot on the flawed issues- I must say. Your own analysis was impressive- which is rare. I followed the case pretty much from the beginning including when Epstein was charged again - she ( GM ) was not even added to that indictment. Plus any senior female staff member refered to that 2019 Epstein indictment as recruiters for Epstein were not charged ( they were alleged un indicted co conspirators ) so they were not even concerned about them let alone GM to charge her. That is until Epstein death they only then conveniently focused and contrive to substitute Epstein for her as the top villain. She was mentioned a little in 2005 Epstein investigation but not enough to bring any proposed indictment against her - only Epstein and maybe a few other females like Sarah Kellen and others but they was dropped when the NPA was signed. The NPA should have been honoured USA wide but for the outrage again after the me 2 movement. But even then they only targeted Epstein in 2019 ; not GM. She should not have been targeted because Epstein died. It was clear scapegoating and she became a proxy defacto substitute for Epstein - despite the denials from prosectors- even Court who were under pressure to find someone accountable for Epstein since his death. . As mentioned She should never have been charged nor indicted and then never received a fair trial. Her conviction was unjust and unfair as was her sentence. Even then the NPA should have been respected USA wide as there is only one USA government and promise by one US attorney should bind the whole government for Epstein’s alleged co conspirators which was as they didn’t bother targeting others like Sarah Kellen etc . But again only unfairly GM the NPA circuit split loophole that federal NY prosecutors decided to exploit. And then even then they started the indictment with alleged accusers outside this period for her with alleged victims that all made claims against Epstein fund they got paid millions and were told by their ambulance chasing lawyers they would get more if they got involved in federal investigation charges against GM after Epstein death using 2 accusers like Annie and Kate ( remarkably deemed not unlawful conduct by court but used to prejudice her guilt against Jane which was so unreliable and couldn’t recall the time line when she even Maxwell was around or when she started giving Epstein massages and when she was legal age. Eg she claimed she lost her virginity to Epstein in NY at 17 but she was legal age then and maxwell was not even around when that happened. But they desperately tried to link blame for Epstein. The whole case thing against her GM stunk was unjust and just designed to convict her ( unjustly ) at any cost. Even then her sentence would have been 6 years or 10 years max. Then Caroline was added to the SUPERSEDING indictment which was even more unjust and absurd who was clearly settled in the federal investigation in Florida where Caroline got paid by Epstein ( after she also only accused Epstein and Sarah Kerlen ). Which was the 20 year sentence. Hope she wins at Supreme Court with the NPA issue or otherwise she would deserve a pardon for targeted vindictive prosecution. Many Defense attorneys quietly agree. Prof Dershowitz himself also agrees it was unjust. She would never get a fair trial from the get go. She never did. From bail to the media accusers who were adults at the time made her all look guilty to conflate the issues in the trial ( for alleged 2 accusers under age ). They even used Kate and Jane ( not illegal ) at trial ( including to deny bail ) as witnesses at trial to conflate the guilt for the 2 alleged victims of Epstein ( to link to GM). It bothered me yes. It was unjust.

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I don't disagree with any of that. Ghislaine has this reputation as being a “sex trafficker” and yet the only person they managed to find to testify to that was a literal schizophrenic who heard voices in her head. You would think that someone would speak up in her defense, particularly as it's connected to an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory, but there's virtually no takers.

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Absolutely agree. It was unjust.

A miscarriage of justice but the legal system didn’t care ( even about presumption of innocence or fair trial - it was just lip service -as long there was a conviction for GM after Epstein death to find a substitute villain ) succumbing to the mob public Epstein effect after 2017 didn’t care- all they wanted was to find someone accountable.

The lynch mob and media was sign of the times. Even the judge tried to rush jury ( by saying “ I don’t want to rush you but “ over Christmas worried that delays could cause a mistrial over covid - period and making vital interlocutory rulings against her. Nothing about schizophrenic witness etc.

Some criminal defence lawyers including Professor Dershowitz did comment it was unjust overall including media bias - including NACDL on various aspects eg juror misconduct including relevant inaccurate answer to jury questionaire. But it wasn’t going to move the needle as you could feel the whole post me 2 movement frenzy plus media frenzy about the Epstein Jewish cabal conspiracy anti semitic theory to hold him accountable by substituting hin for her. But everything was against her. The only major way to stop the media and media accuser frenzy including to silence the Epstein scandal was to find someone living ( a substitute villain ) accountable - ie a GM conviction at any-cost.

Also alleged unlawful conduct was derived ( derivative) by Epstein’s conduct yet he was dead and nothing was proven with him which also makes it somewhat odd on that level too - unjust for GM.

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Great journalism- totally felt like I was in that ante room watching it go down…What was the pin on their lapels?

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I’m not sure why I have this pull, but I think GM should be set free. I don’t like any of her actions that contributed to his gross need for young girls. I raised 3 girls so had any of them been one of my own I’m not sure I’d feel the same?? I really want to hear the names of all the men and women involved in the sex trafficking. I already know Bill and Hillary were involved. Ick

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No one else was involved, certainly not the Clintons.

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I feel infuriated that of course, a woman is being scrutinized, sitting in jail and on trial while men roam free. But there has been a recurring thought that pings me every so often: What if this is like a Kaiser Soze Usual Suspects thing? It wouldn't be the first time we underestimate a woman and cast her as a supporting role when she's really the Leading Lady.

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A jury determined she was guilty after hearing all of the testimony. She has the right to fight it but I think she will lose. There were many victims with corroborating evidence. She was unable to give a credible defense so she got 20 years. I honestly don't know of anyone who thinks she is not guilty. Perhaps due to a legal technicality she will have a shot at another trial. You seem to know a lot more about it than I do but to think a woman who was with Epstein all of those years did not know and wasn't somehow complicit seems naive at best. Maybe the deal Epstein made or the juror will be the legal means by which she has a shot. Highly doubtful. That's my two cents. Sabrinalabow.substack.com

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Many people then were naive: housekeepers, pilots, a famous chef, friends, assistants, etc. By all accounts, they had no idea that Epstein had been up to no good behind closed doors. If you're prone to conspiratorial thinking, you'll think they were all in on it. But the simplest answer is that Epstein was acting alone. There was no conspiracy.

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The difference is Maxwell and Epstein were intimate. As bad of a guy as he was, I don't think he was having sex with his housekeepers, pilots etc. Plus there's the testimony from the women. Sabrinalabow.substack.com

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It's quite irrelevant if they were intimate at one point. Testimony from the pilot, and other sources, suggest that Epstein and Maxwell's romantic relationship was short-lived and over at the timeframe of the charges against her. Kate didn't claim that Maxwell was directly involved in sexual abuse. Neither did Jane, or Annie Farmer. One girl, Carolyn, claimed that Maxwell groped her. But Carolyn, the star witness, was an admitted perjurer and drug addict who took medication for schizophrenia and was worried that her children would be kidnapped and trafficked. She also never mentioned Maxwell at all in her late 2000s lawsuit against Epstein and his assistant Sarah Kellen.

This star witness was the best that the government could come up with to prove that Maxwell had direct knowledge of sexual abuse. Doesn't that speak volumes of how weak the case against her was?

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Again, you obviously know more about this than I do and seem to be much more passionate about your viewpoint. We can agree to disagree. We will see how the justice system handles it. Regardless, they should probably give her more security because there's a very good chance that she won't be around long. A lot of people wanted her to keep her mouth shut and she's writing a tell all apparently in prison. Sabrinalabow.substack.com

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I think if one of their daughters had been groomed by Epstein and Maxwell, they'd be defending her a bit less.

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