I’m thrilled that you essentially clear their names here. I really recommend reading their book “Good Energy”, because in Chapter 3, she TRASHES Rockefeller and his horrible impact on the health industry.

IMO Jack Kruse seems so unprofessional and nutty compared to the Means’. Appreciate you bringing his concerns to our attention, but I believe the Means *mean* well ♥️♥️

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Thank you Emily, for adding that. I was told that they have been very outspoken about the Rockefeller situation.

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That’s a relief to hear/confirm 🙏

I’m of course still v curious who Nicole was referring to in her post about the two folks with less-pure intentions circling RFK. Perhaps that will be shared soon too. Thank you again for all that you do!!♥️

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Also why tf did I hyphenate “less-pure” 🤦🏻‍♀️🥹

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I subscribe the jack’s Patreon, it’s overflowing with research and diagrams etc, he spoke at a crypto conference my brother went to and he’s skeptical of everything so I got major street cred sending him a video lol. I pre ordered the means book, but I tend to trust Jack more. It’s the authenticity of that not giving a f attitude, where they’re monetizing it from the get go.

I place them in the Tucker cia lane along with Elon, Peter Thiel, Rogan etc. they’re just the tech “new”’deep state.

Danny Jones just posted their debate today

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It’s weird, DJ actually posted it a few days ago on Dec 22 WITH video, then deleted it, and then reposted it again today with no video, audio only (?!)

These are my notes from the first one from Dec 22, I watched the whole thing and nerdely took notes.


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I look forward to reading your notes. I do the same thing when listening to podcasts, especially health related (mostly alternative health) and then I share them with friends via e-mail. I used word or outlook to capture them though. Interested in the platform you used for these notes. I have never heard of it.

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I loved every word of your notes!! Thank you for sharing👏

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Thank you so much! Glad they helped in some way…

I have *to say though, reading the Patreon comments on the pod are disheartening, people do not like Calley and they worship JK. I wish they could see that they are BOTH valid to improving our health system. 🙏

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The Means siblings are risking a lot to use their individual experiences and voices to finally address Big Pharma and food corruption. I believe they were morally raised for such a time ad this.

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They’re quite the crusaders, along with the other MAHA/MAGA members (including Jessica)

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Really? You don’t think there wheels were in motion already with lawsuits and disclosure coming they just made a strategic shift? Lobbying that reducing the amount of sugar in a population disproportionately affected by diabetes is racist seems like a bridge too far for me and I’ve never trusted 23 and me. I’ve worked in advertising sales, medical device sales and been a campaign manager on a side for 12 races regionally; they need alternative “controlled opposition”

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No surprise, Rockefeller was so evil.

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Totally, that’s why it was so alarming to learn their dad worked for one years ago.

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It speaks to a larger issue of distrust...we have none of it as a society because of how we have been treated by the government and the press. If there are suspicions around people, it seems plausible because we are abused people whose abusers continue to double down in the same manner of hiding things. It could be the drones, the vaccines, the chemtrails, pick it, and it's not the whole story, or it's an outright lie. Start one step at a time. Institutions of power need to tell the truth about the first thing, and we can start to trust them again and not have every angle of paranoia around each person or instance.

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I absolutely agree. I think we are justified in our skepticism surrounding any of these situations for all the reasons you named.

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Completely good to remain skeptical. Those in power have proven nothing yet. I do think that if that distrust isn't cured, we have much larger issues ahead. A free society depends upon healthy institutions of power in order to function long-term.

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And this is why we love you and need your voice. Rarely do you get any type of media admitting they were wrong, or even following up to amend a story, other than a buried retraction no one sees.

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Thankful you updated this to share the truth. Deserved to be corrected.

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Having previously worked for a teaching hospital and being a wellness practitioner myself, this was an incredibly validating time for those of us who know the medical field and its endless corruption. When the siblings appeared on Tucker’s podcast, it felt like someone turned on the light in a very dark room.

The level of courage it took to stand against the corporate medical industry—insurance companies, pharmaceutical giants, and teaching hospitals—is almost immeasurable. Every single MD knows this. It’s a topic discussed behind closed doors with trusted, out-of-the-matrix practitioners. Yet, every doctor I’ve ever known who stood up to the corruption lost their practice or faced other severe consequences.

They’ve paved the way for others to stand up, and now more physicians and clinicians, like myself, are finding the courage to speak out too (those of us who spoke out suffered consequences.) The same level of corruption exists in mental health, and it’s going to be exposed as well. There isn’t enough money worthy of the risk they took, period.

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I never doubted them for a second! I can confidently say that they have positively changed my life by implementing their practices. I'm forever changed because of their message.

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Been waiting patiently for the Danny Jones pod to drop where he had Drs Jack Kruse and Mary Talley Bowden on to debate/discuss vaccines- primarily the mRNA vaccine- with Calley Means. Suspiciously, Calley asked DJ to delay its release. I hear now it will drop between Christmas and New Year’s.

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Me too been waiting patiently. Let’s post here when it airs, aye?

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For sure!

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DJ just announced it’s airing on Dec 22 at an oddly specific time of 6:07pm PST cc @jessica

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Dj posted on twitter they were working with YouTube to make sure it wasn’t censored. He said he wanted to drop it everywhere at the same time.

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Dec 20
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Setting my alarm! Can’t wait for this one!

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@Trisha did you listen yet? Curious your thoughts?

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I did! Calley seemed suspiciously defensive of vaccines. When presented with facts and data he just couldn’t bring himself to get on board with even the notion that we should be questioning them. His answers were caged, he seemed very uncomfortable. And the constant “Jack, Jack, Jack…” was annoying to listen to.

What did you think?

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Still skeptical.

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A healthy amount of skepticism is always a good thing. I feel a little reassured that they are back on the team defending our health and freedom. I was saddened at the thought that their passion (which I share deeply) was somehow contrived for a dramatic performative effect. We need that passion desperately to combat the insane amount of ignorance and flat out avoidance of our communities. Let’s go!

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Wish this would’ve been your first post about them! Having watched the Tucker podcast when it came out, I was enamored by their outlook and it made me so hopefully for our future as they seemed good and genuine especially hearing their mother’s story… then to be hit with the it’s all a lie was, woah, this is too much to handle! The Tucker podcast with them is such a good listen for anyone who hasn’t!

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Just curious if there’s any insight into Kennedy’s VP Shanahan and her cryptic tweets that everybody assumed were regarding the Means?

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Thank you Jessica! I’m so relieved. It’s good to hear from all sides of the coin. The MSM all play the same broken record insisting we believe their narrative. You give us all the evidence!

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thanks for update… was

literally just wondering when this would arrive. I’m happy to hear this… as I think they are incredible… almost too good to be true which is why i became curious about this “conspiracy” in the first place. Now I can go back to listening to Calley’s posts again:) Thanks!!

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PS… if you read their book and listened to many of their interviews… none of this is new info. Just happy to have the skepticism put to rest.

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I would hardly say it’s put to rest. She’s doing her part. There’s more to come and Jack Kruse is a bit aggressive in his approach, but the guy has the deets and unless you cover all sides, you won’t get to the truth.

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Jack Kruse has certainly shined a massive light on this again after the danny jones podcast. WoW!! That was one fascinating conversation. Jack and Mary were excellent and made a very strong case. Calley is clearly very good at what he does but the conversation definitely has me thinking again.

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Dec 16Edited

Glad to have some follow up on this subject! Have you spoken directly with Calley or Casey regarding this coverage? I know he had replied publicly on Instagram to your initial reports/questioning, so wondering if this article was born from additional conversations with him to clarify what’s been said. Hope he’s following here!

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I’m so glad you cleared this up. Tucker’s interview with Casey and Calley was historic IMO. I recently listened to Kruse on Danny Jones’s podcast. The info was good but Kruse has such an ego and attitude it made the listen difficult.

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Agree so much re: Kruse

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For Team Humanity to get to a tipping point win, we need to defeat the either/or straw man of Science or Religion. In order to return to real science supporting real Religion, not being at war with it. Truth can’t contradict Truth. Squares can’t be circles. Until we return Purpose via Religion back into Science Technology, it will continue to be pulled towards the Cult of death. And the current American Religion of pseudo science Scientism being codified and funded by Congress. In violation of the non establishment clause. For the same lawfare power solidification as King Henry VIII starting his own religion. Scientism, just like King Henry VIII, is run by psychopaths and sociopaths devoid of Divine morals from our Creator. The God of Life, not feath. Defined in the Declaration of Independence. Our Founders wisely observed that all Theocracies end up in lawfare Tyrannies. As did the Scribes and Pharisees crucifying the Truth in their Theocratic Lawfare. So, while we should all agree that we are One Nation Under God, and that God is the God of Life, not death (pursuit of happiness alive, not dead), we have freedom OF Religion. And derive Society’s Ethics from a Baseline of personal Divine Morals starting at, God our Creator is the God of Life, not death. To get away from using our fellow human bodies, gifts from God, as “just Covid Bonus Bucks” revenue streams. Like we are all down to bean counter’s spread sheets. Sell printers to sell the ink. Sell elevators to get the maintenance contracts. Translated into health”care”.

So here is a Christmas gift. The hard scientific evidence of God. So we can relegate Atheism to the shelf with Flat Earthism. Along with Atheism’s Social Darwinism Cult of Death “humans are here for us to make money off of”.

Etch a Sketches show magnetism exists. Even if we can’t see it. A leaf blowing off a tree this time of the year makes two invisibles visible. Gravity and wind. [Similarly, the visible Son makes two invisibles visible for Christians. The Father and the Holy Spirit. But con-substantially One God.]

So what is the Etch a Sketch scientific proof of God? Several easy ones to start off with. Unless God designs reliable repeatability over linear time, Real science using the scientific method to validate can’t work. In some alternate random Atheist Universe. Music and language, with out 100% reliably repeatable harmonics, would quickly decay into random atheist gibberish. So the hard scientific evidence of God is playing and repeating the song Ave Maria. With out it decaying into Atheist gibberish.

Additionally, in a random Atheist Universe, with no Divine Authority maintaining it, linear time would be randomized. Jumping around backwards, pausing, forwards, fast forwards, etc. So the “Clock Maker” fence sitting version of God is not reality either. What about Science is the “God of the Gaps”? Great for grant money funding but not real either. Even Hawking agreed that Infinity was reality. And the definition of Infinity is Science can never find all the answers. Additionally, when Hawking claimed all the lights would go out when he died, they all stayed on. Even the lights on your Christmas trees and lights in your dreams. So real science proves the earth, the sun and now Atheists are Not centers of our universe. In fact, as most Cosmologists agree now, there is no center. Infinity has no outer boundaries to define that center. Of course there was never going to be 8+ billion human centers of the universe was there? No matter how big their Egos and IQs are. 🧐.

So it turns out Atheism is not just an abject failure of a basis to run society with. 120+ million genocide and counting in Atheist nations just since their revolutions in Russia and China in the 20th Century. Atheism is a Peter Pan Cult for those afraid of authority, rules and their own shadows. Their shafows being negative human natures they seek excuses for not controlling.

So as Americans using real science, we should All start from the Moral Baseline of God is the Ultimate Authority. And God is the God of Life, not death. Society’s ethics must be derived into laws from these basics. And not moral relativity of lawyers and their eventual lawfare. We don’t need to censor them and fall back into a theocratic lawfare trap again. We just need real education to keep power away from the psychopaths and sociopaths. And their moral relativity lawfare.

But…Evil! The Atheists and anti religion seculars complain. With out the Divine gift of free will, True Love can’t exist. Just Pinocchio puppets. And with out testing of free will, it is lame and useless.

So God Bless all. Wink wink, God always wins. Patience and Faith in our Creator, persistence in striving for a more perfect Constitutional Republic. Pray it Forward, each in your own ways, 🙏🙏🙏.

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