This was a fun and fascinating interview. As a mom who has teen boys that struggle with depression, I am always looking for alternatives to pharma. We have tried meds in the past and it just turns them into zombies. I’ve heard saffron works wonders. I’m going to check out her info right now! Thank you!!

Ps… the owl cups!! 😍🦉 you two were destined to become friends. 🤍

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I love to hear about women who have open minds. We get too narrow minded & so set in our ways. This was a great interview.

I’ve been an oily person since 2018, so I’m always looking for alternative health products & advice. Because Jessica said so, 😀 I bought the milk bath & also the latte packets. I haven’t tried them yet! I do need to get the capsules soon.

What castor oil packs do you recommend?

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You diy them, usually with soft flannel or wool in castor oil...many tutorials online!

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Queen of thrones packs are wonderful

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I want a home tour! Love this xx

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The beam over her fireplace!

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The Kinder Thoughts capsules truly are amazing, and I rave to all my friends about them. Staying on task to completion is very difficult for me, and I can’t explain it, but these help my brain stay organized and focused rather scattered all over the place jumping from un completed task to another. The best part is there’s an option to use your HSA when purchasing on their site!

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Adding that readings this makes me love the brand and admire Nikki even more. Thanks for bringing options to improve our lives in a healthy manner!

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I love mental holistic health as an idea and as a goal. I know this has to be at least part of any answer to the insufficiencies we often acquire when we were born into a situation that didn't give us the optimum resources for successful life as a human. It's much better than blaming parents or environment or anything else to just have a non-medicinal approach to looking at yourself and the world around you in a more holistic and healthy manner.

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Love this way of looking at it.

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aww, love Nikki! reading this WHILE I'm steaming because it's the shit and I love it. Also, while I swear by my morning matchas, i've been having a saffron latte every night. It's the best :)

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This was a beautiful interview. I make all of my skin products, am extremely selective on food I meal prep (am super grateful that I have the option to be selective), my entire family is as healthy as we can get with the ol biohacking options that we have these days. I'm a Birth and Postpartum Doula, Certified Perinatal Nutrition Educator that focuses on a wholistic approach. This whole interview was easily digestible, hopefully this will give others the insight to maybe dig into health and nutrition more. See how that fits your life, how can you make swaps that fit you? Every small step can be so important and life changing.

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I keep hearing about saffron, I would love to try out the latte mix and see how it works out!

As for guns, I totally understand. I am a new gun owner now that I am living by myself and alone for the first time in my life. Get to know it really well, how to shoot it, safety, and you'll be fine. It's really empowering.

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If trolls comment with mockery and disdain, we have two powerful options:

1. Completely ignore the comment as if it’s invisible. Their goal of disruption is only given power if we engage.

2. Engage with words of discussion and do not stoop to their low unkind tone. A head held high with integrity keeps us above the mud.

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An interesting read about another persons life experiences and practices- where can I find the castor oil packs she likes? ( perhaps I missed it )

Her. Dog. 🙂👍

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Peggy, Amazon has Organic Golden Castor Oil and then the packs are called Castor Oil Pack by Queen of the Thrones. You can get one for the Thyroid or one for the Liver.

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How do I purchase The Fullest in the UK?

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Well crap! I just signed up for your subscription, which was $7 -- but I didn't know it would lead me to buy $200 worth of saffron! Haha no, but in all seriousness, I've been wanting to get off of my antidepressents for a while, and this will likely be a the boost I need in order to succeed. Thank you for your interview, Jessica. I am very excited to see if this will help.

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I love this so much. As a breast cancer survivor, breast implant/explant survivor, I have struggled to fix my body for 10 years from the effects of the healthcare field. Some of the decisions I made early on were believing that the doctors were looking out for me and in my recovery journey discovering that they are only looking out for themselves. It's been a long road and I still continue to struggle with the effects of implants even after explanting.

Nikki's comment "He said the pharmaceutical industry is to the Democrats what the NRA is to the Republicans. It was so simple and so profound that I realized I wanted nothing to do with either party- but if I had to choose, I'd get rid of pharma way before I get rid of guns." was so powerful. I wish more people had this epiphany.

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Saffron? Who knew? I’ll check into her site. Sounds very interesting. I’m fed up with big pharma and decline many meds unless absolutely necessary. I’m a believer the body has the capabilities of healing as well. Great interview!

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IAM 100% behind this woman!! She has the same news sources and many of the same beliefs as I do// THIS IS SO EXCITING!! I can’t wait to contact her!! THANK YOU SO MUCH JESSICA!!

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I ALMOST didn’t click the link but I’m so glad I did!

I love the open mindedness, the ability to talk about it all clearly and without emotion, and am so heartened to find so many women who, even if we don’t hold the same opinions exactly, hold the belief we can discuss with curiosity instead of judgement!

I’ve just started a Substack today, after attending the RFK Jr event on Saturday with Jessica if anyone wants to give it a (completely free, I’m not cool yet) read!


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