What an absolute travesty. No matter your political beliefs we should all be outraged. This could be any one of us. What is happening with Trump and the corrupt justice system with his cases could be any one of us.

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He’s a member of an extremist militia who stormed the capitol wearing metal-reinforced gloves and swung at a police officer with them. And he pleaded guilty in court. Not sure how you think this could be any one of us.

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Thank god there are people with some sense here. I’m disappointed in Jessica for taking this position.

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Why do I feel like she couldn't care less about you being disappointed in her? She is reporting. PLAIN...AND...SIMPLE.

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I’m very sure she doesn’t care what I think. She did leave out some things though. Like how the guy was a member of a militia and all

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Please elaborate on what you know about this.

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He’s a member of the three percenters militia. More info here https://www.axios.com/2024/03/01/jan-6-sheriff-deputy-ronald-mcabee-sentenced-riot

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If by reporting you mean "making shit up".

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I am disappointed at your inability to see the bigger picture - Karen. The level of dumb-fuckery you're giving off is embarrassing.

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You obviously have not seen the released videos.

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Says who? CNN? You need to find a new source of information because msm has you looking ridiculous.

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Only if you try to overthrow the government and hang the VP! How Phucking stupid are you? Don’t answer that.

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It now emerges the VP was not in the building and in essence the people involved were actually shown round the building. No doubt you have not seen the videos, or you prefer to ignore them.

We are not surprised you have not seen the evidence as your brain is no doubt wired to CNN etc who have lied to you for years, but unfortunately such is your mind set and weak intelligence you fail to research the truth.

No doubt if you encountered the truth you would reject it as it does not suit your muddled, convoluted process of thinking!

It would appear your knowledge as a “teacher” did not provide you with adequate resources to recognise persons trying to “overthrow” a government - but of course you have been fed the narrative and you are incapable of, or are so solid in your political mindset, you are unable to comprehend the content.

No one tried to take over the government.

The only person killed was an unarmed female Armed Forces personnel murdered by one of your Democrat Parties - Pelosi - police force.

You are delusional as all Democrats are, flailing around desperately trying to blame others for your own horrendous four years of calamity.

The election was rigged, that has been proven without doubt.

You voted for a man who runs a corrupt family, the videos of his son with women, high on drugs is a disgrace.

And regardless of your views the truth will be out there, and stay out there, and has circumnavigated the earth, so we are aware of the situation in USA.

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You have been drinking the cool aid given by the left and liberal media. I’m sorry for you.

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I think you are projecting

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You say don’t answer that!

Typical Liberal/Democrat - you like to make comments but dislike anyone disagreeing with you.

Obviously you went to a low class school where debating was not encouraged!!

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The J6 videos show the VP was not even in the building and also much more evidence contrary to what has been reported. You should watch them and learn FACTS.

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I watched all 40 hours of the video because I wanted to see it for myself. It was very truth telling. If only the public would do the same. However, its pretty well known that you can put physical, audio and visual evidence in front of a liberal and they will still deny the truth. They are not truth seekers. Jessica certainly is.

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The legal system is intentionally designed for oppression and it is happening to many of us on a daily basis, across all the different court systems and at all levels. There are very few "peers" in any jury, very few Americans have adequate representation due to the costs.

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Trump is a traitor and a criminal. The only corruption here is that he's been able to get away with it for so long.

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How devastating. We have illegal immigrants attacking our own officers and walking free. How backwards has our country become. 😞

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They do not storm the Capitol in their attempt to murder the VP. Get a grip.

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The majority of the chaos took place while President Trump was still speaking. Those who caused damage and violence were much more than likely NOT MAGA. There is video of the trouble causers doning red hats. True patriots do not behave that way. Conservatives are not the problem here. I pity your narrow-mindness.

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Our own government had over 200 FBI planted in the crowd to incite violence so they could blame it on MAGA. (are you aware that George Soros funds terrorist organizations like BLM and Antifa to dress as Trump supporters and perform acts of violence. sneaky way to make the MAGA movement look bad - it's called Counterfeit Mobs - don't be fooled by this any longer...it's been going on before Trump too.)

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Exactly. How anyone can not see this is beyond me.

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So many people live in the narrative and have zero clue that they are being fed a steady stream of lies. It's like the Truman show. They are all Truman.

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Because we get our news from actual news source and not ridiculous RW propaganda mills.

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200 FBI agents were involved? Do you have any evidence to support this claim or is this just more anal extraction?

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Wow, you took it to a whole new level! Who's your lit agent?

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The majority of the damage took place when Trump was back at the White House sitting on his ass, watching the MAGA mob attack the Capital with glee for over 3 hours AND doing nothing about it.

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You are incorrect. The violence mostly took place while Trump sat around watching it on tv

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With all due respect, it was already occurring while he was speaking. I see you're a huge fan of Mary Trump so I don't expect facts to mean much to you. What a pity.

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Feb 29, 2024
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??? I supported your comment,

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Your definition of storm and mine are quite different. Being invited in is not storming anything.

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They commit murder, rape, assault and God knows what else against US citizens.

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"They commit murder, rape, assault and God knows what else against US citizens. "

The they in this case being Donald Trump and his fellow Republicans?

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Do you have a source? any statistic? I have lots of the NRA members and supporters who buy guns and murder kids in their schools. Happy to chat <3

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Have you looked at the news recently. College student in Georgia, 14 year old, two year old and multiple others all by illegal immigrants. Again-done with ya hon

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Seems the majority who shoot up other people are Liberals/Democrats!!

Where are your statistics for your assertion?

Just in your head having been placed there by the great mass media brainwashing system!

Wonder when you folks will wake up?

Probably not until you realise they are coming for you as well!!

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It’s not hard to find the videos of the MAGA mob shouting, “hang Mike Pence.”

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This whole J6 ordeal is infuriating… I feel for this woman so much, so unfair. And the fact that there are people who honestly believe that J6 was worse than 9/11….? What?

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The 1st time I heard this guided tour of the capital was comparable or worse than 9/11 I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It angers me to no end.

On 9/11 many people had to make the choice to jump out of a building from the 90th+ floor or burn to death. The aftermath is still going on. PTSD, ,cancer, COPD...

Jan 6 is a joke. I can't comprehend how our corrupt congress can get away with lying about the events that occured after the many hours of footage that was captured that day showed the complete opposite of their claims. How do these cases actually go to court? How are people being convicted?

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Exactly! It blows my mind. How do people honestly compare the two? The fact that J6 and 9/11 are even being mentioned in the same sentence is insulting and flat out ridiculous.

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A guided tour?? I've never been on a guided tour where 140 police are beaten. Doors and windows are broken, a police officer DIES and the mob is chanting to hang the Vice President. Whatever you're smoking has turned you into a fking imbecile.

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A police officer who responded to the capitol died of a stroke on Jan 7th. He did not suffer any blunt force trauma. For all we know he could have drank to many energy drinks. The 1 person to die that day due to violence was an unarmed woman shot by capitol police. I know you can't help you're being spoon fed this rhetoric. But before you go calling people outside their name please come correct. You are probably a person who on Jan 5 was calling for the police to be defunded. Or maybe your just a troll. Either way GFY

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You have rocks for brains if you believe that Officer Brian Sicknik died of “Natural causes” the day after he is beaten by the Trump MAGA mob.

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Listen dude, this trolling session of yours is tired. Seriously, you're not very good at it. Surely you're not getting off on this anymore. You're just spewing the same nonsense on every comment and can't stay on topic. It's time to move on.

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You’re correct - something is wrong with me if I actually believe I can make a small dent in the mountain of B.S. you non-sentient MAGA cultists believe.

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140 police officers beaten? Huh?

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He got justice and what he deserved.

He was charged for assaulting, resisting or impeding officers; civil disorder; and three charges related to being in a restricted building with a deadly weapon: one for entering the building, one for participating in disorderly and disruptive conduct, and one for engaging in violence.

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He did not receive justice, he was in a Court which was rigged and a disgrace to the judicial system the world over.

He was one of many kept in jail in solitary confinement, akin to Communist or Fascist operation tactics, not allowed suitable access to judicial assistance, but luckily did not die as five others have done in that time.

The fact that a country who considers itself a “democracy” would act in such a way is beyond belief in the 21stC.

Strangely enough people like you waffled for hours about Russian collusion, which of course has been proven to be yet more lies dreamed up by Clinton Democrats, but in truth under Biden/Democrats the USA has been dragged lower than any Communist or Fascist state in history.

Democrats are a disgrace to USA, the genuine Americans and to the world.

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Calling it “rigged” doesn’t make it “rigged.” The idiots that believed the lies of Trump and violently beat police need to look in the mirror.

This sends a warning to others that attack the Capital police, trespass into the Capital building in order to overturn a legitimate election that they too will pay a steep price - and they will have richly deserved it.

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Calling it an “attack” - “insurgence” or any other terminology indicating the electorate/taxpayers registering their discontent with a rigged election does not make it so.

The People who the building belonged to cannot be considered to have trespassed on in any way!

The Police- Pelosi’s Police- were not beaten - they were joining in - even showing people round the House!!

In reality however much people like you - the losers/ brain deficient/the utter Corrupters - deny the truth the truth will remain, continue and be in the history books forever.

The Democrat party under Biden will be known as the worst administration ever installed illegally into the People’s House.

And it is recognised the world over with videos created especially to see the incompetence of those with weak educational credibility. You should look at them - especially amusing is the one with Biden being taken up the airplane steps on a disability lift- that is funny!

And that is what will always be remembered about the Democrats - corrupt, delusional, cheating, Fascists who are not fit to live in a civilised country.

And keep in mind the story can easily rebound on those who are as corrupt as Democrats are.

There will be a reckoning where retribution will be exacted for an illegitimate, corrupt election exacted on the Electorate by criminals who hide their money in Ukraine and consort with the enemy!

We will enjoy that time!

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I think it is no exaggeration to say that your level of intelligence is equal to a box of rocks.

Don’t forget, Trump has also called us liberals “vermin” echoing the language of non other than Adolph Hitler. Trump has also used the term “blood poisoning” when referring to immigrants. Another favorite term of Mr. Hitler.

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Maybe watch the rest of the footage. You missed quite a bit

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Supporter of Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney…that’s all anyone needs to know.🤣🤣😴

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Yes, they are the true Patriots standing up against a sexual assaulter, a seditionist and a narcissistic sociopath who has said that he will “terminate the constitution” and be a dictator.

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Total BS Gregory - you are delusional!

But no doubt they will be dragging you out of your basement at some time - so don’t moan then - you got what you asked for!

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Who exactly will be dragging me?

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The people you voted into office will be dragging you out if they take complete control.

They could not care about you- you are just slave material.

But you probably would enjoy that!

If you thought I meant Conservatives/Republicans would be dragging people out it demonstrates your mindset!

Republicans will not worry about you- you voted for a dictatorship - which has ruined USA- WHY would anyone bother to drag you anywhere - you would deserve everything that comes!

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Hey Gregory-genuine question: did u watch the video of him in this article? Was there something he did that wasn’t on the video? What am I missing? Again, honestly hoping to hear ur viewpoint for information’s sake (not to argue)

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DId you even watch and listen to the video? Nice photo.

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Of course it was worse. Domestic terrorists are more fucking dangerous than International ones. This is America. Phuck the J6 terrorists!

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Well you should know Richard, as from my perspective and the viewpoint of many others you are a domestic terrorist, just like your illegal POTUS!

Perhaps in the future you should be dealt with the same as this incent man???

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Thank you for your response, I didn’t even want to bother engaging with this man. Notice how mostly all of these people only know how to respond with hate and vitriol…? I’m good.

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This. 🙌🏼

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Our own government had over 200 FBI planted in the crowd to incite violence so they could blame it on MAGA. (are you aware that George Soros funds terrorist organizations like BLM and Antifa to dress as Trump supporters and perform acts of violence. sneaky way to make the MAGA movement look bad - it's called Counterfeit Mobs - don't be fooled by this any longer...it's been going on before Trump too.)

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You’re right! A Canadian who spends time whinging about things he can’t control. Explains it all.

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You seriously need to open your eyes and do some real research into the day. Stop listening to paid actors (cnn, fox, abc, nbc, & more) telling the same narrative and LOOK for the truth. If you ever do, you will feel pretty damn awful for the nasty comments and hate you are regurgitating. You look like your older too by your profile picture (no offense) so it’s mind blowing to me that you are so naive to the fact that our government and mainstream media are lying to us and have been for decades. I watched the whole Jan. 6th speech transpire and then saw what the news was reporting (exact opposite of what I saw) and then immediately took to my trusted sources to get actual footage from people that were actually there. I know people that went that day, and it was night and day difference to what the mainstream media was reporting! that footage is available on all types of platforms- you should go and look at it! There’s so many different events that the media has reported on over the last two decades that were completely made up to divide us as a society and to start wars and to pass laws. It’s called fake news for a reason.

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You seem to confuse ranting with research. Can you present your sources? Statistics?

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You think I’m ranting?? Just search on a non-google platform like duck duck go (only because google is paid to take these hits down) the real events of January 6th, or live coverage of , or body cam coverage of. I can’t sit here and tell you all of the different sources and give exact links unless I go back and re-trace all of my steps. But I’m telling you, it’s there. I started seeing this the day of said events. But the media is hiding it. Social media is taking it down, you tube & so on because they don’t want the truth out. I have no reason to lie and make things up. I was a liberal for years. Voted for Biden when he ran the first time, then voted for Obama. But I’m not anymore because I have woken up to the corruption. It’s really bad. I just wish we could all come together instead of fighting each other. This is exactly what they want! They want us divided!

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And back to the original comment- if you are willing to learn the truth and look for it, you will find it and it’s not made up fake shit. Just be open minded

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Open minded and Democrat in the same sentence is a contradiction in terms!

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Can you?

Where are your statistics?

Now come on convince us of your statement!

The truth is out there - you just are so brainwashed or ignorant you are unable to take it on board.

But Democrats are not known for their intelligence so we should not be surprised!

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Uneducated, clueless moron and I don't normally name call, but seriously dude, get your head out of your ass.

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What's the highest level of education you have received? Your wording is very telling haha

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Sure, Skippy.

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Obviously gets his "facts" from MSM...wake up Dick

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Such a miscarriage of justice. Praying for their family♥️

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He was unanimously convicted by a jury of his peers - beyond a reasonable doubt.

The charges are for assaulting, resisting or impeding officers; civil disorder; and three charges related to being in a restricted building with a deadly weapon: one for entering the building, one for participating in disorderly and disruptive conduct, and one for engaging in violence.

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There was no jury of peers! It was a jury of leftists!

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So only people who agree with your politics are suitable for a jury?

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How do you know that? Do you know their identities or their political views?

Quit spewing conjecture and lies.

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No lies here!! We all know the type of judges and jurors involved in these cases. These folks receive harsher sentences than some hardened criminals. Heck in NY you can severely beat a police officer and be released in less than 24 hours with no bond.

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Heck, in Texas you can go to school, get shot, and the police sit around for an hour wondering what to do while children are dying.

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Did you read the article? He did not get a "jury of his peers". I don't think a single person on this thread defending this travesty even bothered to read the article or watch the video.

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A jury of his peers doesn’t mean that all 12 members of the jury must be in the MAGA cult.

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Our own government had over 200 FBI planted in the crowd to incite violence so they could blame it on MAGA. (are you aware that George Soros funds terrorist organizations like BLM and Antifa to dress as Trump supporters and perform acts of violence. sneaky way to make the MAGA movement look bad - it's called Counterfeit Mobs - don't be fooled by this any longer...it's been going on before Trump too.)

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200 FBI agents?? There is zero proof for that idiotic claim.

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Not true -there is a lot of proof. Watch the real story of Jan 6th.

Well documented proof. This is kept form the general public of course.


Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund reveals what really happened on January 6th.

In this interview he shares information about the FBI infiltrating the public dressed as MAGA.

Tucker Carlson interview Mr. Sund while he was working at FOX and then Tucker was fired.

The interview never aired on FOX. Wonder why? What were they trying to hide from the public?

It's a pretty damming interview for our government.

Chief Sund was kind enough to do the interview over with Tucker for Tucker's new platform.

Here's the link if you are open-minded enough to watch it:


Here's the link to the interview on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChiefSund/status/1690066481080307713

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This statement is absolutely 💯 correct. They can’t be bothered with hard evidence. It would interrupt their justification for this vile weaponizing of our entire justice system against the American people.

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Putting “reasonable doubt”, “peers” when talking about Washington courts is a contradiction in terms and would only be consider acceptable by a complete fool.

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You sound pretty smart. Have you considered spending your money to support a poor businessman who now must pay 453 million to NY State?

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Liz Cheney may need that going on the recent developments- or haven’t they told you about that yet?😂😂

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Don't waste your breathe. Those that want to believe this will never be able to see what really went down. They only like the rules when they don't apply to them.

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Honestly it’s just sad at this point that you’re unable to escape the leftist propaganda machine and see what the truth is.

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And it is sad that you are in a cult.

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I can’t even take you seriously or be irritated by what you say. It’s all complete nonsense, lacking any facts or rational thought. Go get out in nature and put the propaganda down.

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I get out in nature quite a bit. It helps me think more clearly on these issues than the people who are in the MAGA cult.

Trump has said he wants to “terminate” the constitution. I suspect you agree with that too?

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The fact the audio was not included is ridiculous. The jury was of YOUR peers; not a Conservatives'.

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Poor Greg.

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I appreciate your thoughts of sympathy. Very magnanimous of you.

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We need a prayer vigil for this family.

What can we do?

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It's so sad when your right to peacefully protest gets you years upon years in jail while individuals are coming into this country illegally and breaking laws only to be given credit cards, housing and slaps on the wrist.

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It was not a peaceful demonstration. This is CULT thinking. So disappointed where Jessica’s writing has turned

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Cult thinking?

I would associate cult thinking with gender issues, men chest feeding, genital reassignment in children, abortion at 9months gestation, Courts who release murders onto the streets, lack of respect for law and order ….

I could go on but in truth the only “Cult” is the Democrat Party and that cult is very very dark indeed!

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I hope you have a child with gender dysphoria. I’m sure you will be very compassionate and understanding.

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Can you stop spewing rhetoric that has been drummed into your brain by left leaning individuals and the liberal media long enough to open your eyes to what actually happened? Be willing to view things from the perspective of this and other innocent individuals that were just present with no ill intentions!!

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What about January 6th wasn't peaceful? The only one that comes to mind is an unarmed Ashley Babbott being shot by the capital police.

Do you also think the Capital takeover by Pro-Palestine group was acceptable or insurrection? By all definitions, that is also an insurrection but mainstream media and Democrats are sure silent about that occasion.

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I guess you conveniently forget about the 140 cops who were beaten and Officer Brian Sicknik who died a day after he was beaten and sprayed with bear spray.

You are obviously a woefully uninformed uninformed MAGA member.

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Officer Sicknick died the day after the January 6th event of two strokes and natural causes. Please read the official autopsy report here: https://lawandcrime.com/u-s-capitol-siege/capitol-police-officer-brian-sicknick-died-of-natural-causes-after-suffering-two-strokes-day-after-jan-6-report/

I am not a MAGA supporter, nor uninformed. I enjoy knowing the truth and not believing everything the mainstream media says. Individuals like yourself who believe everything they hear without doing their own due diligence, are a huge part of why the country is so divisive. Start doing your own research and listening to multiple different journalistic points of view vs. just CNN/MSNBC/FOX.

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It's best to use that autopsy report for toilet paper or perhaps to start a fire. If you believe that officer Sicknik, an otherwise healthy and robust officer of 42 years, just by COINCIDENCE dies the day after being beaten and sprayed with bear spray - then you are non-sentient.

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Ignoring facts that don't fit your agenda, not surprising.

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Why? Because she doesn’t write what you deem acceptable. Sometimes, the truth stings …

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It’s called a willingness to listen to another side…..something the left has a problem doing. I listen to ALL sides before I form an opinion-and I am entitled to an opinion.

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Additionally I think my reply landed on the wrong thread. I was speaking of some of the rhetoric from the left being spewed on here!!

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Then leave. Go read some leftist propaganda and stay in your safe space ❄️

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It's definitely uncomfortable to challenge ourselves to look at the humanity of "the other side". I believe the truth is there is the 5-10% of people on each side of the spectrum that take on cult characteristics and our media likes to paint those stereotypes onto 50% of the population. The networks like CNN, MSN and Fox news only inflame each sides self righteousness that they are correct and the other side is bad/dangerous/violent. Unfortunately it is the baby boomer generation who is most captured by these narratives. I fell for it most of my life. I marched with the women in my life to protest Trump being voted into office, I refused to listen to other perspectives without getting triggered and I believed my way of viewing the world was "the correct way". I've luckily taken on a more openminded and heart-centred way of viewing the world the last 3 years and am so thankful for Jessica's writing to continually challenge me to grow and see the good in all types of people.

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Shelby, hon, it was peaceful until the paid actors aka the alphabet gang started their shenanigans.

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She’s reporting on actual video footage of what actually took place. You should be ashamed for not willing to pivot on what you have been told by the corrupt media now that you have actual footage of what happened. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? What happened to presenting evidence in the court room or having a jury your peers? You people have lost your minds.

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You chose to be here …so

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It’s very sad when cops attack and beat other cops, all because they believe a big fat lie told to them over and over by a big fat liar who lies.

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Do you mean the great fat lies Democrats and their media masters have been churning out to the majority for four years at least?

You know the big fat lies about -

Russia Collusion - totally debunked!

Vaccines working - totally disproved in medical papers not written by Big Pharma.

The assertion there are no excess deaths - disproved by the numbers on a daily basis.

Clinton being the Magical Angel - debunked by the content of her laptop and proven to be a traitor.

I could go on but I think it might cause your brain to explode if you ever realised the truth!

And all the other information the Democrats did not give to their good little slaves as they thought they really were not capable of comprehending, or perhaps they just were worried if their little supporters knew they might actually start to realise the truth!!

Dear Me you are as most people think - seriously intellectually deficient!

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Boy, you just need to violently shred your own little curated information bubble, ‘cause you be spewing lie after lie.

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Please give us an example of this happening on January 6th, from a credible source. All the mainstream media lies have been debunked about this, so far.

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There are so many comments on this post that are shocking. I’m shocked people are clearly commenting without reading the Substack and watching the videos. The same commenters want to stay blind to the truth, they choose not to acknowledge what has been going on.

The amount of evidence that has come out over the past three years is mind blowing. J6 is a lie. I am disgusted and exhausted with dishonest American politics. I was raised by a politician, I know how things worked in the 80s. I am not an idiot. I’m sane, rational, and curious. I love my family and my country.

That said, I was raised a democrat. I was a history teacher. I’ve always been a lefty lib. I never voted for Trump, yet never thought J6 was actually an “insurrection”, does no one know what that word means?

At the same time that was happening, I was working in a medical university clinical trial office as they were rolling out vaccines.

What a time to be alive, right?

Wrong. What a time to be lied to about everything coming from our government.

Wake up, folks. They aren’t conspiracy theories, it was all a trick. We have been wronged. You’d think HIH commenters would be here for their dose of common sense and honesty, but some comments are…blatantly conditioned, regurgitating MSM lies from that Orwellian echo chamber. I cannot believe any lucid, curious human would be following HIH and not waking up a little. Instead, some comments are so passionate and intense thanks to the government mind control. It’s absolutely terrifying that my future could possibly be in the hands of a few of you.

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So well articulated. You are exactly right, MIND CONTROL is strong in many, esp the Liberal side.

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This 2024 election is going to be a nightmare. I am mentally built to vote for RFK jr, but I live in SC and we are fighting to get him on the ballot. That leaves me voting for Trump and this time, I’m absolutely on board. 2020 I voted for Jo Jorgensen because that’s where my mind aligned the closest. I knew she didn’t have a chance, but in 2020 tapping her name by swab made me feel good in the moment…in my stupid mask. The other big lie.

I regret so many things I’ve said in the past. I regret being so easily manipulated by the news. It’s disgusting the way our government treated us and it’s gotten so much worse. I apologize to the Trump supporters, clearly I didn’t get it (which is wild looking back because I was so anti-Hillary, how did I not see). I’ll never be blinded again, I just hope we make it.

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Thank you for your comments. You perfectly articulated what I can only imagine, the majority of us are thinking as we read these unbelievable comments.

And as for RFK, he’ll get on the ballot. I’m in AZ and we just got our signatures. So did GA! 😊 I can’t wait to vote for this incredible person. I really hope people can see past their need to be right, to see the actual evidence presented. And to see what our captured media and govt has been doing.

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They call it the progressive mind virus for a reason. It prevents these people from critically thinking … and then they vote.

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I’ll be praying for Ronald and his family today. What a travesty.

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Serious question, has this happened to the Palestinian/Israeli protesters who invaded the capitol as well? Was Rashida Tlaib arrested for organizing these protests and her hatred for America while holding a public servant office?

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So you think Rashida Tlaib committed five felonies just like poor Mr. Cop Beater McAbee?

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Well as you are an admirer of Romney and Liz we would never expect anything better from you!

But as you like Civil War perhaps you will have th opportunity to experience one soon!

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Yes, yes I do. Starting with treason.

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It’s a crime that she is even in government. This is America, not Palestine

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I have zero ability to be objective about January 6. It is a travesty of justice all around. It was not an insurrection by any stretch of the imagination and the people involved have been robbed of their constitutional rights. The Biden administration is running this dog and pony show and hopefully will go down in history as purveyors of injustice. Seeing all the crap of riots nationwide being call “mostly peaceful protests” and then what happened in DC on Han 6th called the biggest display of treason since 1776 is just a joke. Plus we have to sit and say nothing while the government sends billions to foreign countries that have benefitted the Biden family for years.

It’s definitely a subject that I find difficult to discuss objectively and can only pray that the Biden gang will not prevail in November and these people can be set free.

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He was convected unanimously by a jury of his peers beyond a reasonable doubt. He now has to do the time for his crimes.

The charges are for assaulting, resisting or impeding officers; civil disorder; and three charges related to being in a restricted building with a deadly weapon: one for entering the building, one for participating in disorderly and disruptive conduct, and one for engaging in violence.

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There were no peers. They were all left leaning liberals like yourself unfortunately.

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You sound like a mouthpiece for the Jan 6 committee and their puppet master.

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Hey Greg, I don’t care about your opinion. I deal in facts. The media does not. You keep saying the same thing over and over as if others posting don’t read. I read your comments and completely disagree with your take on things. I’m assuming you weren’t in the courtroom either.

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It’s a kangaroo court. Open your mind and learn to think critically.

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Sarah - we will be praying for your husband. He is a man with compassion and deserved justice. Anyone who steps away from the media and looks at this situation sees that it was a set up. I am sorry that your husband is in the mix of this. Praying that karma will come back at the guilty. So political motivated.

Can’t win so they have to cheat

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The fucking guy is a terrorist. Phuck him and the rest of the J6 morons, thugs, idiots, arseholes and terrorists.

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Why are you so crude? Your language is offensive just like your rhetoric. If you are so pissed and unopen to seeing anything from another side please unfollow asap!

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Morning Richard - geez 🙄 or …

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You sound like a terrorist.

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I don’t think you belong in this thread if you’re unwilling to view the video of the evidence showing he was helping. This comment section is reserved for critical thinkers that have the ability to look at evidence and say they got it wrong because they have only been exposed to corrupt information from captured media and govt.

You are incredibly disrespectful and have 0 evidence to back up your accusations. I find your behavior typical of TDS abusers therefore you’re not changing anyone’s mind because you’re just noise.

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I hope that our next president, Kennedy or Trump will pardon this man if he is not set free before then. Such a shame on all these judges that seem to not be as fair and unbiased as they should be. Thank you for reporting this and bringing it to our attention.

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Wow. Thank you for sharing her story. ❤️❤️❤️ This is beyond infuriating.

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Do you know…

Google maps and the government interfered with driving attempts days before Jan 6? We considered driving to show our support and protest the government. I have screenshots proving this. I kept getting errors saying maps was unable to create directions to that specific location because of weather conditions. All roads were sunny at the time.

I watched everything live that day and hours of unseen footage after.

Security opening doors to let people in allowing staged photos.

Videos of BLM suiting up to look like Trump supporters.

So much footage showing immense cooperation with officials and staging for press photos.

We are nearing a civil war with this government insanity and injustice.

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Yes 💯- not to mention Pelosi actions .

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Yes and so much more! They knew it would be a perfect setup and a bunch took the bait.

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The world is gone upside-down. 💔

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What a strong women Sarah is. I pray for her family. Thanks Jessica for doing journalism with integrity. It’s so sad see the negative trolls commenting here.

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What a bad decision she made marrying such a reckless and violent individual. She learned a valuable lesson.

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Like I said. Trolls abound. You make no sense at all.

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I saw no violence!

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I was so close to going to DC that day but could not get off work. If I had, I know me, I would have seriously just "followed the crowd". There were no defined barricades after they were moved aside, the officers were just letting people in (in some doors) and I totally would have been one of the many who were respectfully walking through thinking it was ok. Only in the name of patriotism and silent protest and without any intent of over throwing the government or causing harm to anyone. It was obviously God's intervention that made it so I could not go that day. What is happening to those that went is absolutely terrifying and should be to all, regardless of political affliations.

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It is interesting the people who consider the J6 situation “fair” “acceptable”, and this scenario in particular, are Democrats, in one case a “teacher” with less than acceptable views to be allowed near children. Therefore it is not strange they would side with the corrupt, incompetent, fools who seemingly are from the lower echelons of society which make up the USA Administration and Democrat Party at this time. The J6 scenario is a disgrace to USA, an obvious complete travesty of justice, has debased the USA in the minds of the world, and now the USA is perceived as a joke. When coupled with the dementia ridden criminal illegally in the White House it is not surprising that the weaker mind in society would consider this situation acceptable. The J6 people were protesting an illegal election, and they protested at their own national house - which they had paid for with their own taxes. They had a right to be there, but have been treated by the Democrat Administration - who are bought and paid for by FBI/CIA -along the lines of Stalin and Fascism, who will, if not stopped from their criminal acts, lead to the demise of the USA. USA patriots have a short time to regain their country and protect their countrymen, as the treatment of the J6 innocents being kept in jail, in solitary confinement, at least five dying in the process is perceived as akin to a banana republic. No doubt that is what Democrats want as they are Communists in thought, action and deed.

The world is praying for the patriots of America who have, without doubt, been treated worse than any one could have ever imagined.

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