I cannot imagine being married to that man. A woman's choice for a spouse is very telling about her.

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Who knows!

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Melania > Melissa 💅

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Melania > Everyone

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She sounds like a "handler".

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Paid in designer bags and sunglasses lol

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She’s no regular Wrangler cowgirl

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SPOT ON!!! You can see this is so obvious. Allegedly, all allegedly here in this comment, Plus, the guy she picks a fight with in public, Garrett, they are on the same "side." All handlers are from the same ilk fighting for their team which is none of ours no matter which red or blue or none you are for. There's no "voting." It doesn't exist either. All voting, too, is just theatre as well. "They" choose who's their talking-head, gloBULL puppet. It's always a SELECTION not an "election."

That public verbal brawl between the trumpr and the biden-assigned royality-handler is fodder for the serfs - the fools who follow all this b.s. who think it's real and don't realize that it's all for nothing except to tear down the human psyche even more.

All these things are scripted. That "fight" was scripted. Programed. These "actors" are programed, literally, to play their role. They have "parts," "alters," personalities, characters, rolls they are, literally, tragically, PROGRAMMED to play.

It's awl theatre. Just like this trial is a distraction since it's not even covering, as Jess says, what is truly important. These are tried and true - different kind of *true* methods of distraction/mind control for the sucker-punched, multi-generationally mk ultra'd masses.

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Yes! Great to see so many are getting this! And what a joke that the “jurors” are already speaking out publicly. It’s all theatre, the question is who’s behind the curtain that we don’t ever get to see. Swiss bankers? Non humans? More is being revealed!

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Never forget Hunter’s dead brother’s wife was his lover and he has a 5yo child with a stripper whom he has yet to meet. The man is TRASH and anyone married to him is TRASH, no matter how well dressed. TRASH.

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She just wrote a book!

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The stripper with the child?

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I know I’m staying the obvious , but I wonder what would happen if one of trumps sons had a catalogue of foreign and domestic crimes like this , The main stream media would already have ordered an orange romper suit for him to wear in Guantanamo , And another thing the justice system wouldn’t be selecting crimes that won’t embarrass daddy

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Come on, let’s stop this, the post was on Melissa, none of The Trump ladies or men.

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Behind all the 10k taxpayer funded suits, he looks feral; and gives off a serious roofies and duct tape in the trunk vibe. The fact that she married this piece of shit after 6 days and stands by him tells me all I need to know about her.

They’re both steaming hot garbage.

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Online it says Melissa Cohen-Biden is an "aspiring South African filmmaker and activist." So a beautiful girl moves to Los Angeles from South Africa and is looking to break into the industry and meets the son of Joe Biden.  I guess I'm going to sound judgy here but what kind of a person would marry a man she had only known for a few days, who was divorced and clearly struggling with a MAJOR drug problem the likes of which we have all come to see and hear way too much about? She was looking for fame and she got it. She is both beautiful and stylish. I'm sure we will see a lot more of her now that she has broken through the clutter of famous fashion wannabes. sabrinalabow.substack.com

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I think her language diatribe in court says it all as to who she is. Tough and as coarse as iron nails

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Jun 11Liked by Brianna

Grant Ziegler is an astonishing researcher. He probably would find stuff on me I don't know exists. I can imagine Hunter's relationship with his father tilts more toward parasitic/symbiotic. Vampires exist and their victims will always defend them.

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Jess- do you have the Marco Polo guys book @ THE laptop?? Mine came today. 3 encyclopedias thick and all I can say is Wow. How does ole Melissa afford such luxury items. 🤔I once had a chat with a gal that helped with Naomi’s wedding. Joe had to be told how to walk down the aisle and was out of it. She also said every grandchild and spouse lives at the WH. Joe wrote the check.

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Not all the grandchildren. Ahem.

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Good question

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There's always the Claire Underwood’s of the world.

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SOOOO true

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God bless them

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Their quicky marriage is so "iffy". When it happened, I figured an international deal has taken place of some kind. You know the things like you "can't testify against your spouse" kind of thing. Or "we'll keep quiet but you have to marry my daughter" money laundering kind of thing. But then.... He's an addict, I guess you can't really rationalize that but I will always wonder.

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I had no idea they married after 6 days

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Hunter Biden is a skank junkie freak and his entire family are nothing but codependents to his addiction. The so called “wife” is his babysitter. Sick.

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I’m sorry but I’m not buying the love story. 🙄 She’s new to America, needs a permanent residency card, meets the President of the free world’s son and suddenly in love enough to tie the know after 6 days. 🙄🙄🙄 It’s a money grab. Even if the guy’s a complete loser, there’s money to be had. Just look at her accessories!

Plus I love her demeanor: “You Nazi”! Funny how everyone a Democrat disagrees with is Nazi.

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Popped out a child right away too, seals her status.

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My instinct was also: how can she be that beautiful? We need a good doc/good genes analysis

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A Melissa Deep Dive

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South African women are a different breed though. I ALWAYS notice it when I'm in SA.

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Aren’t both Charlize Theron and Scarlet Johansson from SA? Both stunning in appearance.

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You might be right

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The commentary is fabu; I wish the photos of the ensembles were head-to-toe verticals.

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She’s gorgeous and yes those cheek bones. But being with Hunter is a no. A definite no.

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