Great article. I'm really bummed that Trump says RFK Jr is way off on vaccines. When will someone get through to Trump that some are dangerous?

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RFK met with DT about this topic while he was in office. RFK said DT was very open to what he presented. Shortly after, good ol' Billy Gotes (with an A) met with DT, and DT never spoke to RFK again.

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please listen to this! What's happening is worldwide and it's a tonic agenda Trump is a satanist and so is JFK Jr they're part of turning in horror worldwide one government system that's already in power secretly behind the scenes The Deep state and they're trying to seal this next election


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You have Trump and JFK mixed up with Obama, Biden, the Clintons, Soros, Gates, and friends.

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Oh wow! That's horrifying to hear!!!

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This will change your view on a few things ... please watch, share,subscribe like & comment for algorithm!


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Yes it is ...but there's good news please look at my channel the plasma scientific research! Free energy future us now we need People who have big podcasts & youtube.com channels to host myself & my Director Bob Greenyer Head of this Plasmoid research. watch the pyramid Discovery

I'll post next but please share and watch comment and like and subscribe, this is very important!

the world must find out about this suppressed science!

that they're still trying to suppress!

and if that happens they'll kill us all!

it's all related to the satanism as well it's crazy.


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Please listen to this recording I've made an uploaded to my channel it's all true and it's connected to the international pedophile network to Epstein and Donald Trump and JFK Jr it's a satanic agenda it's worldwide..


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I feel like he might have that belief but can’t say it publicly because it’s considered radical. But who knows. It is very disappointing.

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Trump is actually not historically pro-vaxx. https://people.com/politics/donald-trump-autism-awareness-day-vaccines-tweet/

And check out this study, the highlights of which are:

•Trump voters are more concerned about vaccines than other Americans.

•This effect emerges via Trump voters' greater willingness to believe conspiracies.

•Reading Trump's antivaxx tweets increases vaccination concern among Trump voters.

•Trump's antivaxx tweets did not polarize liberal voters into being more provaxx.


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Kennedy *was* more of a threat to Trump - until he chose Shanahan. He showed his true colors and instantly eliminated a large portion of disenfranchised, moderate (and even not so moderate), single-issue Republicans. Once the veil was lifted, the moderate knight in shining armor disappeared and the steadfast liberal left identity became so obvious. Which, I think Trump is right - made Kennedy much more of a threat to Biden. That VP pick was disappointing for many (and I initially thought) showed he wasn't serious about wanting to get elected - but it was actually a brilliant strategic move.

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Agree. I still feel his VP pick was a nail in the coffin, at least for the informed voters. There will still be some who will vote for the nice or attractive candidates (not necessarily good or qualified) so he will probably still get those.

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Can you please explain how it was a brilliant strategic move? I hear more people still saying that they feel alienated by his VP pick

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As in chess, the strategy is to purposefully gain an advantage over your opponent. And good chess players can look at a board and know who is winning and the best moves for each side. I think it may have become clear to RFK, Jr that he can’t beat Trump. And it would seem the majority of RFK, Jr’s initial support was coming from the right. If he chose a right leaning VP, his chances would have moved to nil because all the undecided left would not go with a right leaning VP.

At first, I thought he underestimated the impact it would have on the right leaning support by choosing a progressive. But if you look at the strategy – he wouldn’t gain many more right leaners by VP choice. So, he went all in on a far left progressive (the money doesn’t hurt either). This solidified his left leaning support and, more importantly, may have gained him a lot more support from the undecided or disgruntled left.

It was also smart, because for the single-issue voters, he chose an autism-mom scientist/lawyer who has vowed to research vaccines and autism treatments. (She has said she spends more than 60% of her time researching the topic.) So, for those with no strong party commitment and that’s their issue, they’re still all in. It will still pull some votes from Trump which gives RJK, Jr another advantage (beats Biden and dilutes Trump votes).

I have to believe there are still some sensible Democrats who cannot compel themselves to vote for Biden, nor would they ever vote for Trump. Which leaves one guy – RFK Jr. His progressive VP may be just the push they needed to abandon Biden.

Sadly, I think many of us thought his advocacy for the vaccine-injured and the truth of the science made him a bi-partisan choice (because somehow believing in vaccine injury has become a Republican stance). Left or right, many care about the environment and his relentless dedication to it is a plus for both sides. But his VP pick was an abrupt wake up – wait a minute, this guy *really* is a through-and-through left Democrat.

The candidates don’t care where their votes come from, they just want to win. Thus, a brilliant strategic move.

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Thank you for this. You explained it well.

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I was having a hard time with his adament support of Israel but was almost ready to forgive him that when he picked a woman as his VP with no governmental experience but a very full wallet to help his campaign. Who is she - and where is she? I found his choice of her to be highly insulting to this voter - = sort of like another Sarah Palin but with more money.

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Apr 27
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LOL - wrong.

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I disagree. I think about it more and more now that there is potential for our current VP (I think we still have one? or is she among the missing still?) to step up if Joe doesn't make it until Inauguration Day. Very scary. So, to me VP choices are super important in my decision.

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That is so incredibly wrong. Wow. Ofc people consider the VP, strongly. What if something happens at the top of the ticket. If someone thinks the VP isn't capable for the job, no way they get the vote. Shanahan isn't capable, period. He's lost a ton of potential voters with that pick. I don't support him either way, but I love watching politics and that VP pick will cost him whatever he was hoping to gain, no matter how much $$ she brings with her. $$ doesn't buy necessary experience.

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I find it frustrating and disappointing that during this political campaign season, the candidates feel the incessant need to constantly attack and criticize one another. It creates a toxic and hostile environment that only serves to distract from the important issues at hand. In particular, President Trump's penchant for name-calling and personal insults is unbecoming of someone hoping to hold the highest office in the land. I can only hope that as the election draws nearer, the candidates will focus more on substantive policy discussions rather than resorting to mud-slinging.

I must admit, though, that a part of me is morbidly curious to see how a debate between Joe Biden and the other candidates would unfold. It's sure to be a spectacle of epic proportions, with both sides likely pulling out all the stops to make their case to the American people. Despite the potential for chaos and conflict, I believe it's crucial for the candidates to engage in open and honest debates in order to truly demonstrate their qualifications and ideas to the voters.

As the campaign season heats up, I can only hope that the focus will shift towards constructive dialogue and respectful engagement rather than divisive rhetoric and personal attacks. The American people deserve a campaign that is characterized by civility and integrity, and I believe that it is up to the candidates themselves to set the tone for a more positive and productive discourse. Let's keep our fingers crossed for a more constructive and enlightening campaign season in the coming months. God knows America is in big trouble as things stand now!

Thank you so much Jessica for this update. I’ll reserve a seat at the Colosseum! I’ll bring snacks and dessert.

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Deal. Can't wait.

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You can guarantee with Trump, there will be no script and you’ll be on the edge of your seat holding your breath for what comes out of his mouth. This is going to be priceless!! ❤️🤍💙🇺🇸

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Please listen to this recording I've made an uploaded to my channel it's all true and it's connected to the international pedophile network to Epstein and Donald Trump and JFK Jr it's a satanic agenda it's worldwide..


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This sure is getting messy. My only fear is 4 years of Joe again. I have no doubt the D’s will try to find a way to get in again (and I don’t think it will be an honest way). I would have loved to see Trump and RFK jr together. What a balance of policy that would be.

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Well rfk was apparently too good for that and his wife would divorce him.

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Please listen to this recording I've made an uploaded to my channel it's all true and it's connected to the international pedophile network to Epstein and Donald Trump and JFK Jr it's a satanic agenda it's worldwide..


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It's really sad. Understandable but sad.

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Don’t forget they may sneak in Gretchen Whitmer -

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That's what I thought of--the Gretchen Whitmer gossip--when I read Biden would debate. I can't imagine it will be Biden doing the debating.

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She shot herself in the foot. AI find it disgusting that she killed a dog instead of finding him a good home. There are plenty of dogs that have been aggressive or had behavioral problems - not everyone pulls out a gun and shoots them in the head. I found it pathetic that she was on the VP list. Rest in peace little puppy, you served America well by taking her down.

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Many people do not understand farm life. Doing the "right thing" often involves much heart ache and tears whether it is a dog, pig, goat or any other living creature. It hurts, every single one. Ranchers respect the gifts these animals bring to us. Its a last resort. A dog that has a potential to harm a child is not good to adopt out (even rescues won't take them and they are usually euthanized). I respect her for her honesty.

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I’d love to see that debate, but I have my doubts. He probably already forgot he said it, and nobody will hold him accountable to it. If they swap him out at the DNC, it’d be someone else at the debate anyway.

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Please listen to this recording I've made an uploaded to my channel it's all true and it's connected to the international pedophile network to Epstein and Donald Trump and JFK Jr it's a satanic agenda it's worldwide..


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I am waiting for Trump to announce his running mate. I hope it is Tulsi. RFK jr. And Trump would have been a fantastic combo! Both love the country. Both have the cajones to stand up to the tough fights that the DNC will not fight. SINCE that is not happening, and we have yet to really see Nichole- I just shake my head all day. Jessica- thank you for keeping us up to date on the nicknames, Melania's beauty inside and out, Democrats shenanigans, and the truth BTS in our country!

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Melania’s inner beauty?

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In the pictures/videos I have seen, she radiates beauty. I watched the video of her with children- so sweet, you can tell she wants to be there and cares. My opinion. Perhaps you disagree? I am fine with that.

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Throughout her years at the White House, when I could watch her events live, it was obvious her heart is incredibly tender toward children, towards the sick, towards all humanity. But when events were covered by MSM, only sensationalism was used to frame her actions. And the coat she wore with the defiant phrase on the back? The MSM press corps and other media were assholes to her and I fully support her speaking out in that way. And the Christmas comments that her "friend" recorded? It's true. Melania had much more important causes she championed than decorations. With her and the media: no good deed went unpunished.

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Sally has a sick obsession with President Trump and now his beautiful wife. Pay no attention to the troll.

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I disagree. I find her repulsive. She was a terrible First Lady. Her repeating and advocating for the Obama birther conspiracy was enough for me, And the phone conversations about Effing Christmas decorations. But I don’t really care, do


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Apparently you do care or you would not just pick out that one thing I wrote to go off on. As I said, my opinion. I have lots of them, but I don't go off on other people's posts being negative. Perspective.

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You must have been living under a rock that you didn’t even get the joke. That is what her jacket said that she wore on her way down to the border after a mass shooting. It is the reason why many people stopped giving her the benefit of the doubt.

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I remember that. No rocks to live under here. Just opinions.

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Please listen to this recording I've made an uploaded to my channel it's all true and it's connected to the international pedophile network to Epstein and Donald Trump and JFK Jr it's a satanic agenda it's worldwide..


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It’s funny to think, I started following you for your brilliant writing about the Heard v. Depp case. Now we’re here for your breakdown of politics. What a wonderful and exciting ride it has been through your journalistic journey, keep up the great reporting.

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Thank you, Misty, for sticking through it all! xox

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Please listen to this recording I've made an uploaded to my channel it's all true and it's connected to the international pedophile network to Epstein and Donald Trump and JFK Jr it's a satanic agenda it's worldwide..


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RFK Jr’s view on vaccines are fake? Does Trump know anything about the Children’s Health Defense? Man, I hate this fighting right now. Our country is fucked.

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I do too

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I mean he continued to live in California and New York during the pandemic, so he must have taken the shot right?

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Interesting thought

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How is it that Sleepy had the time to be on Howard Stern and not addressing what’s happening on college campuses- not at the border, simply not dealing! Meanwhile RFK remains poised and a gentleman throughout all the BS and lack of respect from this administration. Trump meanwhile, is hosting foreign dignitaries at night after his trial! That man has so much energy! Let’s hope all three get on the stage and DJT and RFK roast Biden until his panic button bursts and the viewers can see what he’s really made of (or not made of….)

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That’s what was so awful about one of the last debates with trump v Biden. Trump just roasted Biden, and that’s not the answer. Let Biden speak, seriously he will cook his own goose, anything Trump does to roast a man of Biden’s current mental state almost makes you feel bad for the man

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Agree. Sleepy will dig his own grave if left to speak freely. Trump will look like a bully everyone expects him to be. He almost can’t help himself. It’s a slippery slope. RFK will be the only coherent graceful one.

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Please listen to this recording I've made an uploaded to my channel it's all true and it's connected to the international pedophile network to Epstein and Donald Trump and JFK Jr it's a satanic agenda it's worldwide..


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His administration tried to fix what’s happening at the border. Congress didn’t agree. He’s out and about non stop. Clearly not sleepy. Calling him sleepy is played out and boring.

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Please listen to this recording I've made an uploaded to my channel it's all true and it's connected to the international pedophile network to Epstein and Donald Trump and JFK Jr it's a satanic agenda it's worldwide..


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Kristi Noem 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼 the scene from parks and rec where Ron says “okay take the puppy outside and shoot him”


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I actually liked Kristi Noem until I read about the dog earlier today. What the fuck!

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It's pretty crazy. But, why include that?!

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Her editor clearly hates her 😂

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I would have been, like "maybe we leave the puppy shooting out?"

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Or at least be clear why it had to be done. Maybe it bit a toddler in the face and liked the taste of blood. Just giving an example, no clue why it actually happened

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If I were in that situation, I would be burrowing beneath the earth to escape the shame of admitting that I harmed my dog. I couldn't fathom the thought of publicizing such a detestable act. I wouldn't even want to associate with someone like that! The warning signs are glaringly obvious now, like a bright crimson flag waving in the wind. I trust he will recognize them and make a decision on which individual he chooses to align himself with quickly.


I would have been, like "maybe we leave the puppy shooting out?"

I spit my coffee LOL

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All of this! I just can’t get over that part.

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Also RFK has a Trump Nickname now! #Junior

It's intended to make him feel simply in the shadow of his uncle and dad, I'm sure, and not worthy.

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I noticed! I love it. lol

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And, it could be much worse.

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Yes, 100%! It almost like Trump doesn't really want to give him a bad nickname but he figures he'd better keep up with his own pattern - so he went for the low-hanging fruit. Not bad! I still think a Trump-Kennedy ticket would be stupendous.

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Totally agree. And I think you're right about "junior" - it's def meant to diminish him, but not brutally so.

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And let's not forget that Trump's son is also a Junior and he may want to be a little careful with how he uses it?

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Sorry I didn't see your replies to me and how you blocked the eejit who called me names LOL! I'm just learning how to use Substack.

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Jr's a simple, descriptive nickname. You know exactly who he's referring to. Saying RFK is too clunky and even Bobby isn't obvious enough for people who don't know him.

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I think:

- Biden agreed to a debate because he knows he’s gonna be switched out, so it’ll end up being someone else on the day. Who knows how close to the day, but it’ll throw DT who is clearly planning a debate against Ron Burgundy who can only speak to a teleprompter and not off the cuff.

- DT is now attacking RFK because he is threatened by the notion that if there is gonna be a debate, RFK might be there. A skilled public speaker who remains calm under pressure. That’s a challenge for him.

- Please God, don’t let the democrats win again.

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I looove my dogs- but if a dog is aggressive it has to be put down. I grew up on a farm and we had a German shepherd mix- she was fine with us- but she started killing livestock- 100’s of chickens and eventually baby lambs. My parents didn’t want to give her away and have her turn on a child or kill more livestock. So they put her down at the vets. Personally I would never shoot a dog unless it was an extreme circumstance. I think she was extremely foolish for telling this story. I have never been a fan of hers and I really hope this puts an end to any VP discussion.

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14 months is still young and trainable for most dogs. Sounds like she was just unwilling to put in the work to train the dog. Also, pointers are bird hunting dogs, so it’s a pretty natural behavior for them.

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Possibly- I don’t know the in and outs of this particular situation except that it was aggressive. Some dogs are simply not right in the head. I think it’s terribly sad and again I would not advocate for shooting a dog unless it was an extreme circumstance- but some dogs you can tell just need to be put down. Again this is why I think it was a foolish story to tell- because even a person like me who understands some dogs (even younger ones) have to be put down-find the whole thing terrible. She told it more as a badge of honor than a sad thing that had to be done- it’s honestly bizarre.

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I love that Link has been doing his little recaps. I still hope you talk to him. I don’t like that Trump and Kennedy are now saying using mean things but I still am confused with his VP and her silence and not coming out more on things. With that being said I know it’s going to get interesting.

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I talk to Link daily :)

And I'm also happy he's back to doing his video recaps. I think they are very critical to keeping a younger generation informed and up to date. Plus, we have similar humor lol

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