So much here!

For starters, the harsh “lunch combat” rings a bit more frightening to me than it ordinarily would- in light of the fatal stabbing of a little boy not long ago- a woman casually walking through Walmart w a knife- and then targeting and ending a precious life. ( Where IS the outrage of this surreal, violent story, and her smiling in court?!? )

All that to say- I’m glad you guys dodged weaponry! For real. It can happen in seconds.

DeNiro? Loved him for years- I’d never view another film of his- absolutely unhinged, ungrateful- and MASK sporting upon arrival (?!) -

Don’t tell me it’s not a comm! A symbol! Then takes it off and screams.

Decades since Mean Streets and his early, well deserved notoriety - only to become an utterly mean spirited man who hasn’t aged well.

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I’m dying for you to do a sit down with Kellyanne Conway- this would complete my election cycle bingo card😂♥️

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My favorite part of this story is that you and Olivia befriended one another!!! However I do remember those graphics from her article and I too was horrified. Curious why that piece was the way it was casting rfk jr through a boring lens? Did you find out if there was motive behind that piece- from the left? The right? Lis Smith?

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Lis smith fodder ahead in part 3 🙃

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Curious about this too…

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I support some of RFK’s ideas. Not crazy about this veep pick. But NO ONE can accomplish in such a short amount of time what Trump can. At this time when so much needs to be corrected it all goes back to Trump Trump he’s our man, if he can’t do it no one can. (Altho flying coast to coast as much as you do, jet lag, and raising a family while running your wild business is remarkable).

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Oh Jess at this point you could be copying menus and I’d read them. Never stop taking notes, sitting on them to allow percolation and the. Sending them out to us for our reading pleasure!


Yes gushing.

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Many things being unpacked here but I gotta ask as a parent of a child in kindergarten who also already wants to drop out of school 😫🥺 how did you manage to make it through???

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One year at a time... that's what a retired teacher told me when my son was 6, she emphasized to only focus on the current year. It was truly tough, many late nights working with him on projects and papers. But he got there... earned his BBA last May. My husband would say, remember when you didn't think he would graduate from high school? Good luck!!!

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How awesome! Congrats to you and your son! Thank u for sharing that. One year at a time 👍🏼😮‍💨

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Can we ask for an ID on the perfect button down white collared shirt?

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So chic, thank you!

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Well this was an action packed read! Really enjoyed this and can’t imagine the chaos being in NYC with so many protestors and supporters. Crazy election year!

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In regards to the Trump "drink bleach" comment, he never actually said that. The direct quote was "ingest disinfectant" and it was phrased in a question. That being said, (This is NOT Medical Advice) there really is a water treatment chemical called chlorine-dioxide (ClO2) that has been safely ingested in small quantities to successfully treat various ailments. It has been used in the food industry for over 50 years. I personally had an experience where I got a bad case of coxsackie virus and I was able to get rid of it in a day by drinking small, very watered down doses of ClO2. Jim Humble has a documentary about helping many people get rid of malaria with ClO2. While chlorine-dioxide (ClO2) falls under the category of "bleach" it is chemically different from the commonly used cleaning bleach which is sodium-hypochlorite (NaClO). Basically I'm just saying that technically there is a form of "bleach" out there that people have been safely ingesting as an anti-viral treatment for nearly 30 years.

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Loved reading this and can’t wait for the follow-on chapters. I would’ve been with you in the restaurant screaming for help, but internally I so wish I could be chill and unafraid like Jess and Denise.

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Why was I so nervous reading and watching the videos? You paint such a picture with your words!

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Love the story as you tell it!

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A good read before bed

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Attention Jessica- saw your story about Kennedy affairs and wondered if you’d ever read this book? The Kennedy Men: Three Generations of Sex, Scandal and Secrets https://a.co/d/ctEKiCw

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Not to sound kiss assy, but I truly admire how you are able to squeeze it all in--going to the scenes of, raising your boys and then writing about it. The fever pitch which these 2 sides express their anger (essentially pro or anti Trump) is concerning. I think Kennedy is our answer to this lunacy, because no matter which of the 2 wins in November, we are looking at serious mayhem. Perhaps it sounds hyperbolic but I'm quite serious. I think your post confirms that. PS Glad you and Olivia made up! sabrinalabow.substack.com

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