Bud has common sense, and better observations than most of this administration. Interesting read.

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I’m very much enjoying Bud’s perspective and delivery. He’s definitely giving me something to think about.

I’m so glad you were in the right place at the right time Jessica! Your adventures are amazing. Thanks for sharing Bud’s story and ideas with us!

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Bud is spot on. If I had listened to him prior to 6 years ago, I would not have believed him. I often think the personality sometimes gets in the way of information being heard. I happen to like and appreciate his personality. As far as what he says about Trump, I’m not 100% on board, however I like and appreciate Trump’s personality instead of the slick/sick and polished egos like Clinton and Obama. Jessica, I appreciate your intuition and attention to the many different personalities and views you share with us, often ignored or judged by many, especially in MSM. Love you!

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HAHAHA the imitation of the Harvard Professor. Absolute gold.

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Global warming is climate fraud - It's also a money maker (Gore, Kerry and so on) and the gateway for which they will control the people (15 minute cities, EV's, digitial money, digitial ID).

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When you think about what really motivates people to real action, it's so rarely (if ever) the "common good". When you look at a map of the world and you see where the vast majority of conflicts go on, Bud's point about oil seems like the only logical answer as to why governments do what they do. It's never about "protecting democracy" or 'fighting evil dictatorships'. It's access to resources - plain and simple.

There is evidence that oil reserves globally are either dwindling and/or getting much harder for us to get to and so the rules of supply and demand come into play. And the US is never one to be on the short end of the stick.

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Bud needs his own Instagram page so he can just make reels of his rants all day. He's compelling for a reason. He makes a lot of sense. I love hearing stories from people who find themselves at the center of everything. Jessica, this was such a lucky find! Great job!

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Remember when Matthew McConaughey was hot?? sigh

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I tried to tell a Lib the other day that economy was great under Trump because of oil deregulation. She promptly told me it was because of the 8 years of Obama and our bad economy now was because of Trump. She didn’t like what I had to say. She proceeded to tell me Trump was a crook, a Nazi, a Narcissist. It went downhill from there.

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I agrée with bud on most of his ideas except trump , I thought it was the greatest thing when a fox got into the hen house , but he couldn’t capitalise on it ,,,he’s more ego than intellect ,

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I could listen to Bud all day! I was sad when I got to the end of the article. More Bud please!!

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After getting my masters degree, writing a thesis and dipping my toes into academia, I realized it's not for me. It was so easy to change the data just by one variable, especially if the data is insufficient. Luckily nothing fishy happened with my study but depending who's funding what, it can be easily skewed or downright incorrect.

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Bud sure is right about the CA rain and how green everything is. I was driving over the mountain from SD to Palm Desert yesterday and couldn't get over how green the mountains were. And we get all of those beautiful yellow flowers along the freeways in the spring now.

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I love Bud and his common sense!!!

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His voice reminds me of Vizzini on Princess Bride

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Where is Bud from originally? He sounds like he has a Philly accent.

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He grew up in asbury park New Jersey

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