I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, you’ve awakened a sleeping giant, the women who have been silenced under the woke ideologies peddled from the left.

You’ve traveled among us and given us permission and hope to speak up and believe that our collective voices are powerful. We have the right to speak and insist on change.

Your transparency in this interview struck me personally because I understand so clearly how the circles we move in and through can become small and often annihilated when we experience personal growth. I see you, friend.

You are a gift to us all. Even those who do not know you are influenced by those of us who do. I’m so grateful to have found you!

Thank you for all that you do. And thank Mike for me for challenging you to explore the other side of things. Love you!

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So grateful for you and your thoughtful sentiments in this space, Shawna. XOXOX

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I appreciate your knowledge of culture and music. So, so entertaining and informative. I found it emotional when you told about Mike and Covid. I cried. I’m 67 and so happy when a family can stay intact. All blessings to you and your family.🌸💕

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Thank you, Andrea. Happy to have you here. XX

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Your interview with Alex was fantastic. Thank you for breaking down the walls between political parties. You’re helping us to see that we truly are more alike than different (except for the extreme left).

I truly wish all women would go volunteer at a women’s clinic. It’s eye opening what you’ll learn from women who made the decision to abort their babies. It’s a very sad decision that stays with them the rest of their lives. When you see a beating heart at 5 weeks, it’s clear life has begun.

I’ve been praying for you & your family since I found you. God has His hand on you, Jessica.

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Thank you, Toni, for your thoughts, prayers, and support. That means so much. XX

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I've also been praying for protection for Jessica and her family. The spiritual warfare going on is deeper than we can know.

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It is. Absolutely.

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Yes. So many of us are praying for you, Jessica. Thank you for your work!!

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Where can we watch the full interview?

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If it was not for a recent move and a young baby, I would have done everything possible to attend that event once I saw you were a speaker! I found you during the Johnny Depp trial thanks to a random YouTube comment on a true crime channel I listened to. You quickly became one of my favorite follows on Instagram and are the reason I joined Substack.

I am a small town wife and Mom from a Mennonite background (different from the Amish which is a better known faith community), so I am definitely coming from a very different upbringing than yours! 😅 I enjoy writing and have always been fascinated with current events and the news. Thus, I love your journalistic style, your candor is so refreshing, and your curiosity continues to draw me into the cultural events of today.

I respect you for having the courage to step into an event that was completely out of your comfort zone. Thank you for the sacrifices you and your family make to keep your platform running and for the work you do in this space. (I pray for you too, in your quest for Truth.) ❤️

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Wow, you have a great story it sounds like. Thank you, Katelyn. I think if we all stepped outside out comfort zones and opened up to other ideas and spaces, we'd see how much we actually have in common. Like a broken record, I keep saying it, but media is the enemy that keeps us fired up, hateful, and divided.

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So true...also wanted to say that I enjoyed listening to the podcast version of your interview with Alex Clark.

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But what was your final take on Turning Point? You are always so amazing at embedding yourself somewhere that is highly stigmatized in the mainstream narrative (RFK, Mar-a-Lago, Ghislaine Maxwell) and telling us what you see with your own two eyes. (THANK YOU!) Is Turning Point an “extremist-friendly, Donald Trump-loving organization for MAGA youth” (MSNBC) that “fetishizes capitalism…and believes white privilege doesn’t exist” (The Cut) and “pulls kids too young to know any better into a group that’s deeply troubled and dishonest at its core” (Washington Examiner)? What’s your take on the mainstream narrative vs. reality?

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HAHAH! Oh wow. Mainstream is so predictable, isn't it? I found it to be a very engaged, wholesome, open minded bunch, actually. They were incredibly kind and embracing of me and I'm not at all a right wing extremists. lol

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Thank you for your response! Also, as someone whose family has lived in San Clemente since the 1970s, I love that you’ve put our sleepy little town on the map (in a much cooler way than Nixon ever could, lol). 💛

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Oh, you're a local! Amazing. We are so happy here!

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Speaking of Nixon, I saw a few conspiracy things roaming around a few weeks ago about his being framed...Watergate seems like small potatoes nowadays, doesn't it? Nothing would surprise me anymore. I might have to do some digging and fall down that 'rabbit hole' this weekend.

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Ha! Yorba Linda. That’s where I raised my kids. Every few years their school taking them to the Nixon Library.

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You are spot on here Jennifer. I worked there as an EA. Left after 3 months bc of extortion and dirty to the core practices.

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I grew up in the 70s in a very liberal place, Marin County, California just over the bridge from San Francisco. Actually Gavin Newsom’s hometown. I was raised by my teenage mother and my grandparents, who were traditional and mild conservatives. I became more liberal as I grew up but still aspired to be a stay-at-home mom, like my grandma, which I valued as the most important job on earth. In 2016 I got sick and it began my awakening which culminated in March 2020. The pink hat wearers made me crazy and I saw feminism as a lie. Children are being raised by indoctrination camps aka public schools. And, they are emasculating men. Having a son, I am pissed and afraid for his future. I don’t identify with all conservative values, I believe in God but I’m not Christian and I do not believe in church or organized religion. I am also no longer pro choice. I had an astrology reading and was told if it wasn’t for my disease I would be an activist. I never could have imagined that as I was very much a people pleaser until 2016, but I’ve been a vocal activist, fighing from the sidelines, since the farse of Covid began. Anyhow, I’ve had a lifetime love of pop culture but gave it up (magazine subscriptions and all) during my spiritual awakening. I found Alex Clark’s Instagram show, PopLitics, and was able to get my pop culture fix in a conservative way. I then followed her when she started her podcast, The Spillover, which has grown into such a fantastic resource for motherhood, wellness, and life. I always hoped she’d have you on - my favorite independent journalist + my favorite podcaster. I was beyond thrilled to see you at YWLS! I choked up when you did because I’ve lost nearly everyone because of my beliefs. I appreciate you and have so much gratitude for what you do. Honestly, where would we be without House Inhabit? When I found you during Depp, I knew you were special. You’ve changed the landscape, Jessica.

Proof I’m a Gemini with my long-winded comment - haha.

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I feel like you literally just spelled out how I feel to a T on almost every subject! The Democratic party has changed from when we were young. They used to be anti-war, anti-censorship, pro fee speech and individual liberties to something unrecognizable. I recently saw that Charlie Kirk (founder of Turning Point) subscribed to my Substack and I knew his name but couldn't place it. Then my friend's sons went crazy that I know Charlie Kirk, (which I don't) because he is apparently a rockstar amongst the young conservative movement. I all of a sudden realized that my opinions are more aligned with conservative Charlie Kirk than they are with the Democrats. I don't "fit the mold" either but gender erosion is real and it's coming in hard and fast from the Left. Sounds weird to say but it seems as though the right is more accepting of people like us than the left is. I think it's fantastic that you went and spoke with an audience that is new to you. Bravo for getting out of your comfort zone! It is so important for us to try to come together and find commonality instead of being tribal and screaming at each other on X with all caps. This is a better way to interact! Fantastic post and fantastic photos! sabrinalabow.substack.com

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So relatable Jessica. You are the voice of many❤️👍

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Being with not- like-minded people is just as rewarding as being with like-minded people, if one is curious & open minded. Keep doing it Jessica! 💚

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One of my favorite podcasts ever! Your vulnerability on display for all to see and hear. Courage is being able to find your voice even when you’re shaking inside.

Thank you for being open and honest. Mike was right during those times when you began questioning him and everything else. I heard someone recently say “I was right there with them arm in arm, and suddenly I wasn’t. Yet I hadn’t changed.” The last ten years we’ve witnessed it all. Thank you for being willing to be the example of standing up, and being counted, while those who you thought were friends turned their backs on you. I’m glad you and Mike went through this together and now are forged together even stronger. Others will see your example and hopefully they’ll see that it’s okay to get curious about their opinions.

Well done Jessica. 👏👏

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It was Alex Clark that pointed all of us Cuteservatives to you way back in the day, & I am so glad she did! Been watching your stories and reading your lovely, melodic writing ever since. :)

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Alex is amazing. She made me feel very comfortable because her questions were so well thought out.

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That’s how I found you originally - on a POPlitics thread.

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Make conversations respectful again!

I'm so happy I ran into you at the bar, Jessica.

God bless.

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Hannah! Hello! It was so nice meeting you!

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Lovely that you gave your perspective to these young women. You are a wonderful female role model with raising 4 strong boys!

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Thank you, Vanessa!

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You are the model and representation of how we need to unify on a common goal. Mainstream media has been SO divisive, and if you feel a certain way about one issue, you’re automatically labeled left or right. Thank you for showing both sides how we can bridge this gap!

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Jessica, I listened to the podcast and my heart broke when you mentioned your Mom and brother no longer speak to you. That must be so difficult! I really enjoyed hearing your perspective on the media and listening to you describe your journey over the past few years. I've been a subscriber from day one!

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I don’t love everything you write about but I have this obsession with people I don’t agree with that it makes me want to get to know them deeper. I find your visual storytelling top notch and why I keep coming back. I listened to the podcast and I absolutely loved it and felt like you are ushering in a space for different voices to sit together. You have made journalism and storytelling fun again and I can’t wait to see what your journey is onward. ❤️

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