You’re the smart one, Jessica. Both Trump and RFK know how valuable you are to their campaigns.

Like I told you in Austin, you have awakened a sleeping giant and they both know it and honestly they both celebrate you for it just like the rest of us.

Again, thank you for fairly and justly covering both campaigns. You’ve made this election cycle interesting and fun! Not quite like a high school class president election fun but very, very close! Ha!

P.S. come back to Texas!

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I would imagine she's one of the reasons that Trump hasn't nicknamed Kennedy. Also, thanks for this piece Jessica. My friend and I were just have the conversation, wonder why Trump isn't trashing Kennedy. We do think it also strategic. Cancelling is a better strategy than digs.

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I was hoping that strategically they would align and run together because they’re not so different issue wise.

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agree! (though so different personality-wise haha)

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Love this! Can we talk about how RFK Jr has become better looking as he aged? ❤️

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Disappointing but not surprising how corrupt and hypocritical the media has become. And Oprah is a huge disappointment. I used to admire her and many other celebs so much. Covid showed me how misguided I was.

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I used to love Oprah too but what a sell out. And she could have spoken up during Covid. She could have really made a difference. They are all sheep 🐑🐑🐑sabrinalabow.substack.com

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We all were

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Very well written! I personally love that despite RFK being "disowned" by his family he still proceeds to fight for this country. This speaks volumes to me.

Also, Jessica you must know that while you were in Austin and posted a photo from your hotel, I almost died when in the skyline visible from your room was the Frost Bank building aka "the owl building".

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Jessica, Thank you again for the fair and honest writing. I appreciate your articles and love your coverage of both campaigns and the trials.

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Excellent journalism here pointing out how two beloved figures have now become villains simply for challenging the system, aka: The uniparty, the deep state, the global elite cabal (whatever you prefer to call it) that threatens United States Sovereignty.

I am astounded at how naive so many Americans are today. I get the sense people don't really think things through.

To watch these two men go from beloved figures to villains without much change to their character should easily illustrate to anyone with a thinking brain that we are being lied to about them because they threaten the system staying in power and keeping us slaves.

It's common sense. Clearly most people are lacking common sense OR is it that media is giving the us the false perception that people don't like them.

Anything the mainstream media says and that includes all their rag papers and websites like Wikipedia and all their NGOs and think tanks are lies meant to deceive WE THE PEOPLE.

On the Oprah topic. Her most recent contribution to our screwed up society; Regarding the new fat loss drug Ozempic: Oprah has been a spokesperson for Weight Watchers which used to promote personal responsibility around losing weight. Pharma has managed to capture Weight Watchers and Oprah and they have changed their stance from personal responsibility to being fat is a condition that can be cured by Ozempic and Oprah has apologized for her previous stance on personal responsibility. Pharma owns this country. Pharma runs this country.

Example: Pharma forced or bribed our current administration into making working Americans take an experimental gene therapy (that offered no benefit and all risk) to make a living.

Essentially, EXTORTING the American public to be guinea pigs for pharma, which robbed each person of their GOD given bodily sovereignty.

How have we gotten past that fact as a nation? Most don't even bat an eye to that fact.

That's communist behavior right there in AMERICA! Yet, that same administration is up for reelection? Really? And we listen to the media say the nicest things about Biden and his family and the worst things about two men that had nothing to do with the mandates and actually spoke out against them.

Note: RFK was right about the shots and Trump was wrong. Trump should back away from "being the father of the shot" because the shot was/is a bio-weapon meant to harm. He, I believe didn't know this. He was out of his depth and the deep state knew it and they took advantage of the situation.

Anyone who challenges Pharma is buzz-sawed, aka: canceled and they become radioactive. This is why those who want to keep their status and cushy lives go along and those that seek a higher moral integrity are made out to be villains. It's that simple. How people haven't deduced this obvious equation is baffling to me.

Thank you Jessica for being a voice of reason, a voice of common sense in a world that has gone MAD!

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Trump could put Bobby as head of Health and Human Services to retool the FDA and NIH. The cabal will have a conniption.

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Another great piece!! 👏🏼 on a side note… I follow a very niche (and kinda random) podcast called Police off the Cuff. I actually found them shortly after the Idaho murders. Anyway, this week I was listening to their recent episodes and what do you know… RFK Jr was on for a 45 min episode!! It was a nice surprise hearing him chat with the retired NYPD podcast host about the insane rise in crime in NYC and SF. Anyhoo, if anyone is interested, check it out! Thanks for all your hard work, Jessica!! Happy spring break 🌷

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Sorry, first time trying to make a comment on any forum but, I was responding to someone trying to apologize, or make excuses, for sounding like they were criticizing what you had written.

My comment was not directed towards you.

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thank you for explaining. I was confused how to respond :)

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I knew your comment was re: my laugh about “pubic”. I have been following Jessica for a few years now. I absolutely love her & her voice. I sincerely apologized for offending her about the typo.

That you twisted my sincere apology tells so much about you. Do better as a human.

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😀 “transformed their pubic personas….” Might want to add the L. 🤣

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You seriously read through to find one stupid error to expose here?


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Jessica, it was not a slam. That’s why the laughing. Truly I wasn’t being ugly. I’m very sorry I upset you.

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Oh it’s fine! I’m not mad. I’m just

On defense because of the trolls here 🥴

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It gave me a good laugh!

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It reads snarky. Perception is reality.

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Even The Free Press won’t cover RFK fairly. A writer from one of their most recent articles from yesterday one of their writers went to “find out more” about why they trust what he says, after explaining how RFKs theories on autism and vaccines has been debunked by “The Science” 🤦🏻‍♀️. His conclusion? That all his supporters are just anti-establishment so they support him because he wants to fight against them. That simple huh? It’s infuriating.

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Do you have a link to this piece? I’d love to read it 😳

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Thank you Candice!

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Thanks for your great coverage and for helping bring people together!

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You are absolutely crushing it! I hope for every troll that comments you counter that by reading the tens of thousands of comments with resounding support for all you are doing here. Open honest conversations that provide opportunities to educate and enlighten individuals so that they can think and choose freely. That is the basis of our democracy.

No one is perfect and I respect the heck out of these individuals that acknowledge they will be learning as they move forward as well- they may change their view point with experience and information and that is what we should support and want. Growth mindset- hallelujah!!

CRUSH CRUSH CRUSH - keep it up and let the trolls and naysayers become background noise.

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All it takes is a read of the RFK jr Wikipedia entry to understand his arc. Yes he was a good environmental lawyer at one time and yes he is now a conspiracy freak who has been caught in numerous lies

And of course Trump “respects” him. He’s no threat to Trump. You can rest assured if he was, the childish name calling and lies would start. He’s perceived as a way for us to get yet another minority president.

RFK ‘s entire family has disowned him. That should tell you all you need to know about him. Eric and Don Jr? Oh, you mean the ones recently fined for cooking the books in Trump real estate scams? Their opinions are worthless

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Steve, Your referencing Wikipedia as a credible source of information on one's character speaks volumes about you. You do know that Wikipedia is a CIA controlled site? Read the room smart-ass.

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You’re using Wikipedia as a basis for understanding RFK,jr? Wow!!

I love your “logic”... since his ENTIRE family (which is verifiably false) you conclude that RFK,jr is at fault. What does RFK, jr say about his family? To answer that correctly, you will need to access actual quotes from informative sources.

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RFKJ's campaign manager is his daughter-in-law. There are 2 or 3 who work for the Biden admin. I get the feeling Steve is a blue no matter who with a touch of TDS. sabrinalabow.substack.com

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The Wikipedia entry contains verified references and when a family that large entirely rejects one member it’s a safe assumption something’s wrong since many of them grew up with him. There are numerous other sources and video where he is caught lying.

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I actually read the FOOTNOTES. Four members of his family have disputed points regarding COVID and vaccines. They preface their disagreement with RFK jr in that they “love” him. No equivocation... they love him.

You may wish to read the supporting documentation prior to spreading false information.

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And yet they disavow his candidacy. He lies. That’s enough

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Disavowing a candidacy is totally and completely unparalleled to your comment of: “He’s perceived as a way for us to get yet another minority president.

RFK ‘s entire family has disowned him.”

You lied, you knew it was a lie when you wrote it and now you are attempting to redefine your previously perfectly clear written words.

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Chairman of Children’s Health Defense, which campaigns against vaccines

Convicted of heroin possession

While heading an environmental organisation supported the hiring of a man convicted of smuggling endangered species

Opposed nuclear power which is pretty much necessary to control climate change

Opposes support for Ukraine

On record stating there should be a federal ban on abortions after 21 weeks. Claims that was a “misunderstanding “. That’s pretty hard to misunderstand

His vaccine lies and elisions are well documented

As to “only 4” of his family, you refer to one article from 2019. Before he was a candidate. Now that he is , many more family members have spoken out

Most important of all,‘of this elitist, arrogant liar runs it increases the chance of years of Trump, Project 2025 and Agenda 47 - which are horrifying

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Steve, I'm sorry but you are misinformed. Mary Kennedy was married to NY Governor Andrew Coumo for 15 years. She will always back the blue candidate. Also are you telling me every single one of your family members would back you for office? I would say if so, you have a very small family or you are in denial. The Kennedys are Catholic which means an extremely large family. Also remember they have been Democrats forever and some will always support whoever runs on the Democrat ticket. Also Wikipedia is highly circumspect. Sabrinalabow.substack.com

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So I guess we should continue to give funding to Ukraine. What's the limit? $1 trillion? What about all the people in this country? Is there any limit in your opinion? Are you aware that if we continue to print money, we will experience inflation the likes of which will be unprecedented? Your entire post is filled with inaccuracies. I wouldn't even know where to begin but try beginning with Ukraine and ask yourself at what point, is it enough money? Sabrinalabow.substack.com

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Entire family??? I think you better go back to wiki and google and do some more research... BTW he has a HUGE family

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What a powerhouse team they would make. Together they could get so much more accomplished in 4 years.

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Gonna’ say anything now???

Just wondering over here.

You’ve never been shy.

Or are you still ridin’ w Biden? 🫣

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Oprah’s all in with sex trafficking. I bet she shows up in the Diddy files.

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Jessica, I was so on board with RFK even with some minor concerns. But his VP pick seems odd and way left for the campaign I thought he’d run. I could be wrong?

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I feel you, Diane.

I’ll have a long post dedicated to the VP pic, hopefully published here on Sunday.

We can discuss then?

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Great! Thanks

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What does RFK Jr (his running mate and his wife) have to say about Trump? None are independent or even moderate - so I am curious what their (vs Trump) policies are on : (1) bail reform, (2) protecting police officers, (3) illegal immigrants, (4) crime, (5) fossil fuels and coal, (6) gender education for children, (7) abortion.

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