The really sad thing is - I think this group of dems would be okay if Biden continued on with an official diagnosis of dementia just so they can keep their power and keep Trump out. This whole thing is mind boggle to me.
NYT called for him to step down while simultaneously saying trump is a threat to the nation. And also saying people should still vote for Biden. Make it make sense.
He actually doesn’t seem like dementia patient - my mom just died of it after over 20 years - he seems like he has Parkinson’s and was ready for his next dose of medicine. I’ve experienced this with another loved one in my orbit. The exact gait and shuffle, body posture, very low voice that doesn’t project when the medicine is wearing off. The long gaze, slow cognitive function… it is classic Parkinson’s Disease. Not that dementia isn’t a part of it, but he doesn’t not seem to have that. Just my humble opinion after taking care of loved ones.
I have a friend with Parkinson’s, and I thought the exact same thing. They both talk in low, rambling style that’s hard to hear and hard to follow. I think Biden may honestly have Parkinson’s.
Let me ask you a question. In all seriousness. Would you let Joe Biden get behind the wheel of a car and drive you or your loved ones home; at or after dusk?
There's no voting. Never has been. It's awl selection. By the bang-kster mahhhfeeuuh aka sane who r keeelin gahzunz. They OWN "usa" which doesn't exist. Just call it west izruhHell. Rotten-children OWN entire world, rfkjr, troomp, bye-din et al. Kissenger, hed of political snake for duh rotten-children since the 50s and now his protege sykoz run it for his for the rottinchildz et al. There's no voting. It's all distraction, humiliation, theatre, while they destroy what's left in every way they know how. Awl of em r owned. There. is. no. Voting.
They select. Trump is their mosheeok, mahsiuh bed Josef, Satan who will destroy the world mother can build their "3rd temple" which is their sign they have taken over our entire world. They've given trooomp endless awards ushering him in as their #1 puppeet.
Holy land for suckers.
It's awl about the suez canal.
Thry want africa. They want 1000% unmitigated access to metal, minerals. Gems, land, people as more slaves since they r the ones enslaved in awl the mining - children mostly at that, globulllly, as well.
"Holy land" for idiot fools aka suez canal connecting all Africa to all Middle East, Europe, Asia, India, Russia aka all the power & control they have been foaming at the mouth for fir 3000+ years. The child raypeest, baby-eating, adrenochr8m drinking, organ trafeekin, child s3x slave selling, blk mailin deth kult, moorderoorz of millions, billions r behind awl this eveel r world has ever seen, felt, had.
It's time fir them to be stopped for good. It's time for their time to be over.
The only way this happens now is for all humans to be aware of the truth and be willing to bear it and stand up for oneself, each other and for the protection of all that is sacred, true, good and real and to end all else now.
I don’t know if I can handle the next 5 months. I may not agree with who is President of the United States, but I will always respect the office of President. This debate was utterly sad for our Country. We showed the world truly how weak we are right now. President Biden is incompetent to be running this Country. Other Countries see it. If anything, this debate helps RFK Jr. People see our 2 party system is broken.
There's no voting. Never has been. It's awl selection. By the bang-kster mahhhfeeuuh aka sane who r keeelin gahzunz. They OWN "usa" which doesn't exist. Just call it west izruhHell. Rotten-children OWN entire world, rfkjr, troomp, bye-din et al. Kissenger, hed of political snake for duh rotten-children since the 50s and now his protege sykoz run it for his for the rottinchildz et al. There's no voting. It's all distraction, humiliation, theatre, while they destroy what's left in every way they know how. Awl of em r owned. There. is. no. Voting.
They select. Trump is their mosheeok, mahsiuh bed Josef, Satan who will destroy the world mother can build their "3rd temple" which is their sign they have taken over our entire world. They've given trooomp endless awards ushering him in as their #1 puppeet.
Holy land for suckers.
It's awl about the suez canal.
Thry want africa. They want 1000% unmitigated access to metal, minerals. Gems, land, people as more slaves since they r the ones enslaved in awl the mining - children mostly at that, globulllly, as well.
"Holy land" for idiot fools aka suez canal connecting all Africa to all Middle East, Europe, Asia, India, Russia aka all the power & control they have been foaming at the mouth for fir 3000+ years. The child raypeest, baby-eating, adrenochr8m drinking, organ trafeekin, child s3x slave selling, blk mailin deth kult, moorderoorz of millions, billions r behind awl this eveel r world has ever seen, felt, had.
It's time fir them to be stopped for good. It's time for their time to be over.
The only way this happens now is for all humans to be aware of the truth and be willing to bear it and stand up for oneself, each other and for the protection of all that is sacred, true, good and real and to end all else now.
Nothing hateful about these comments. Your government is an illusion, and your “leaders” are just cardboard cutouts for their Davos masters. These political clowns aren’t running things. Check out the book “American Exception” by Aaron Good, which is a great critique and bolt-on to C. Wright Mills’ luminary work “The Power Elite”. Another must read is “Friendly Fascism” by Bertram Gross.
To be a democracy, America must have a population of WELL-INFORMED voters, a transparent government and a media that doesn’t carry narrative for the ruling class. As you can see, we are 0-3 in that rundown… Time to drop the fake patriotism and the going along to get along pretending so we can see more clearly that we are actually living in the hellscape of a corporate fascist dictatorship. There is no democracy here.
“The difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is that in a democracy you vote first and take orders later; in a dictatorship you don't have to waste your time voting” ~ Charles Bukowski
Facts are facts. Just because you don’t like the facts doesn’t mean they are hate or untrue. It means you’re not letting in the information. I don’t agree with the user’s stereotyping, but you should also not just disregard all of the information and throw it away because you don’t like the manner in which it was presented.
You also did the same with my post… You ignored all my words and boiled it down to the reasoning that you were uncomfortable with the “tropes” of “antisemitism”, which is now anything the Israelis or Zionists do not like. Don’t fall into that trap. The ruling class loves getting you spun around to forget that they are the enemy.
There are many ethnicities and nationalities bundled into the cabal of criminals running our clown show of a society, and they come in many denominations, including Jewish and Zionists. They do NOT come from different economic backgrounds! This is about class, not race, not religious or cultural divides. It is purely IMPERIALIST in nature.
From the Balfour Declaration, to Sykes-Picot to today’s grotesque defense of apartheid and genocide in Palestine, powerful and ruthless people care about one thing: POWER! That’s it. Love won’t win if love doesn’t know what it’s fighting.
Oh my God....and I do not say this lightly. Biden was a disaster and I knew he would be after watching him for years. I do not think Trump berated Biden at all. Part of the time he didnt know how to answer Biden because he didn't understand what the hell he said. Jill is could she stand by and actively endorse him/this fiasco?? They will try to put Trump in jail. The people will not stand for this...we have been lied to repeatedly and are fu***Ing sick of it!
4 years ago I was not struggling to pay for food, gas, or gas and electric bill. 4 years ago our borders were closed. 4 years ago we weren’t on the brink of WW3. The fact people will still vote for Biden is mind blowing to me.
4 years ago we were in a global pandemic. Don’t realize that that companies are making record profits while America struggles? It’s so much corporate greed and people ignore that. And as far as the border under Trump, Illegal immigration between ports of entry at the U.S. southern border dropped in 2017, Trump’s first year in office, compared with previous years. Apprehensions then rose, and dropped again in 2020. When the COVID-19 pandemic started, immigration dropped drastically worldwide as governments enacted policies limiting people’s movement.
In the months before Trump left office, illegal immigration was rising again. A spike in migrants, especially unaccompanied minors, started in the spring 2020 during the Trump administration and generally continued to climb each month.
Illegal immigration during Trump’s administration was higher than under both of former President Barack Obama’s terms.
And now illegal immigration is through the roof under Biden as he reversed the executive orders Trump had put in place. And he and Mayorkas don’t even uphold the current immigration laws. Just stop with the claims that somehow the border crisis is Trumps fault, that’s a damn lie. Obama actually deported more people than Trump so that might be the difference. But trump did not have a hand in the mess that Biden has made. (Fwiw, I’ve paid more attention to immigration policies for MANY years than most people as my ex husband is an immigration lawyer. I still do talk to him about immigration issues.)
What happened to HR 2 passed by the house in spring of 2023 that languishes on Chuck Schumer’s desk and he never introduced to Senate or attempted to reconcile? An independent stand alone immigration bill. That bipartisan bill recently killed was a joke because it still allowed for 5000 crossing a DAY, which is a million a year. It also was tied to HUGE Ukraine war bill (and additional foreign aid money). The immigration portion of the bill was LESS than 20% of the cost of the entire bill and was basically some crumbs thrown at the American people to make it seem like the border mattered when mostly they just wanted the Ukrainian aid. Biden could have closed the border with a stroke of his pen just like he used executive orders to reverse Trump’s remain in Mexico order (which Biden has suddenly remembered and now issued to slow immigration down). Border Patrol has been overwhelmed throughout Biden administration and has also said that countless children are being trafficked because they are not allowed to rapid DNA test to prove a person retrieving an unaccompanied minor is even a relative. Also there have been at least 85k children “lost/missing” under this administration because they have been handed to “relatives” and never heard from again. DHS/ICE is supposed to track them, but they lost them and don’t even know where they are now.
That bill had draconian moves and a lack of human rights. Plus, it didnt address legal immigration! Which is what we need more than anything. It did absolutely nothing to address our outdated immigration system or resolve the status of DACA recipients or other undocumented people with deep roots in the United States
Draconian moves is a vague criticism for a huge and comprehensive bill. Have you read it? I’m looking through the table of contents and it does cover a significant amount of security regarding the border, as well as children. You do realize we already have many many immigration laws on the books for immigration that Mayorkas is failing to enforce? Border jumping is one such law. If you have already been deported, you aren’t allowed back in (but many people coming back in right now without inspection are exactly those people). If you come here illegally and cross back and then come back again, it’s an automatic 10 year ban. I think you fail to understand the bigger picture which is that flooding the country with illegal people was by design not by accident.
Melanie, respectfully, we can tell you’re a mouth piece. I am second generation Polish American ON BOTH SIDES. I have my grandfather’s naturalization certificate. Puhlease with this nonsense
It’s infuriating. How dare they? This is why career politicians should NOT be a thing. They’re so caught up making the all millions they have been by just being “public servants” that they truly have lost touch with reality. The gaslighting is extra gross to me 🥴 I also find it truly horrifying to see all the “who cares, anyone but trump” people come out because…HOW?! HOOOWWWWWWWW🥴🫠 It is astonishing to me how anyone can pretend any part of this is acceptable.
I saw one comment yesterday- "I'll vote for a hard boiled egg" [over Trump]. People truly do not care whether or not the person in the office of POTUS has any competency or cognition...insane.
Johnny McEntee — one of Trump’s closest White House aides, and his most fervent internal loyalty enforcer — is a senior adviser to Project 2025. One of the most powerful architects is Stephen Miller, a top West Wing adviser for the Trump administration.
I’ve seen (more than once) MANY ppl saying they could roll him out in a coffin and they’d STILL vote for him over tRUMP. Btw, I still don’t understand what spelling his name like that actually means? 😂 The “nicknames” are so embarrassing to me. I have so much 2nd hand embarrassment when I see these “educated and better then everyone else” ppl call ppl these ridiculous names. And that goes for both sides. But it’s definitely more prominent with the dems.
What shocks me the most is people who claim they’re for democracy then say they’d rather vote for “an egg”. Democracy means ELECTED representatives. How, if knowing Biden is “an egg”, which everyone has been saying while being gaslit and told we were seeing “cheap fakes”, can you be FOR DEMOCRACY if you know the man elected to be the President is clearly NOT doing the job. The ENTIRE WORLD witnessed this on Thursday’s debate..the man cannot produce a coherent sentence, so WHO IS RUNNING THE SHOW? Not the man who was elected..which means we are currently not living in a democracy
Corrine, sure, but I think the bigger issue is that it was made blatantly clear the man who was elected to do the job, is NOT doing the job..we witnessed this on Thursday. So if he isn’t doing the job, then who is? Not the man elected as he is too people behind the scenes who were NOT in fact elected to do this job must be..this is a logical assumption..which would mean that we aren’t operating as a democracy, if the person ELECTED isn’t in fact doing the job
Watching all of this is maddening, but not surprising. There is absolutely 0 chance of replacing Biden with anyone other than Kamala- kicking the first “black female” VP for a white man? No chance- it will split the party further. I also think Newsom would rather wait- finish his tenure as (the worst) governor of California then go for it in ‘28. Also there are already 4 states- Georgia being one of them- that it is too late to take Biden off or put another on the ballot. I also don’t see Michelle Obama appealing to independents- what has she done? She did one memorable thing as FLOTUS- school lunches- and ruined them. They are about to reap what they’ve sown.
Oh, I was just responding to the comment on if there was 0 possibly of anyone but Kamala as a Biden replacement, not anything else. LOL I had to google big Mike
It’s all so infuriating and sad at the same time. I want to look away but I can’t. My typically outspoken lib friends are very quiet right now, save for one who is beside herself because her own party is turning on her favorite president. It’s just so sad to watch how they can’t see it for what is it. On the one hand I feel for them and on the other hand I’m running out of patience with this brainwashing two party farce.
I’m sorry for your friend- but how could Biden be anyone’s favorite anything? I have more respect for Bill Clinton or Obama than I have ever had for Biden and even going back to VP- didn’t like him. Have you ever asked her why he is her favorite? Is it simply because “he beat Trump”? I’m genuinely curious.
I guess “current favorite” would be a better way to say it. And yes, anything but Trump is the mantra. I say, “you are voting for a party, not a man anymore”🤷🏻♀️
I don’t even think it’s “voting for the party” its just voting against Trump. I have family members who think the same and share several of Biden’s hypocritical historical comments/thoughts- including his racist past. I lost several long time friends because I didn’t hate Trump, so I only get limited access to “their logic.” I kind of like it that way.
Well if the Democrats would get their heads out of their asses and actually listen to hard working Americans they would realize that Biden and his cronies suck! I am 58 years old and I took for granted our freedom and rights in this Country. What we have all witnessed and lived through over the past 4 years feels like a NIGHTMARE!
Trump passed a bill in 2017 where ppl who make under $165,000 will have their taxes raised in 2021 and every 2 years after that until 2027.... while the rich get richer... and y'all cryin about Biden raising taxes for ppl who make over 400k? I must be missing something.
To be fair, the stock market had a global black swan event (Covid). That gain would have happened with anyone in office. The next term had to deal with the fallout with the trillion dollar aid package (signed by Trump). Inflation would have sucked even if Trump was re elected.
There are other reasons we should elect Trump: border control, he’s a strong leader we need to keep Russia and China in line (I don’t think Putin respects Biden) but the economy isn’t really either of their fault.
I’m not trying to be mean. But do you understand “ the economy “ ? The economy is very complex and just because the prices are high when we go to the store, doesn’t necessarily mean it has anything to do with the president. Corporations are greedy. Take a look at CEO’s and their all time high salary’s. If we keep paying it, they will keep charging the higher price.
Exactly. Sometimes it feels like people use the “economiy” to blame whoever is president when they don’t really have specific points.
Here is another point that economists will roll with: the economy isn’t affected immediately by the current administration. It doesn’t just change the second a bill is signed. It’s really a response to the previous administration.
Trump enjoyed a boost from Obama and Biden dealt with inflation resulting from the Covid relief bill signed in by the Trump admin.
whoever won in 2020 was going to have a really difficult time looking good. Could Biden have done better? Absolutely. But the “economy” isn’t caused because he lives in the whitehouse.
Yes! All of that!! There’s such a fine line to keep costs down for Americans. Things can’t be too low or too high. It will tilt us right into a recession. People forget gas was cheap when Trump was leaving office because of Covid! We weren’t using as much gas so the prices were low. Once everyone started using gas again, BOOM prices went up! That’s the way it works. Supply and demand.
But that’s not true…who told you that? Have you actually looked at the tax brackets for 2017-now? Tax rates in 2017 were higher and the range per bracket is much smaller…also the tax breaks for people who make a much lower income are pretty significant where as higher earners phase out of MANY if not ALL “breaks” and on top of that their taxes will be higher? Hmmm not sure how that’s fair… Are you aware of these details or are you referring to something else because then I must be missing something. What exactly will be done with the taxes gained from raising taxes on people who make more than $400k? Do you know? Just curious…
Medicare?!!! So news flash… there’s already a Medicare tax that everyone pays on their income it’s called FICA…(which encompasses both Social Security and Medicare to be clear) he’s specifically referring to Federal Income tax…OMG…so let me understand and please correct me if I’m wrong…you think it’s fair that high income earners should pay more than what everyone else has to pay to further fund Medicare yet they receive no other benefit than what everyone else gets?! I think you’re living in the wrong country…that’s called Socialism…
That is not true. TCJA actually cut taxes for most individuals from 2018 to 2025. It increased taxes for some businesses. If you read the Act, it reduced the ACA mandate to $0 which decreased incentive to purchase qualified insurance and in doing so receive tax credits - especially for low income individuals and families. The reduction of those tax credits makes it look like a tax increase. It was an opinion piece in the NYT that first started this meme. I gladly welcomed the removal of the mandate given it meant we weren't forced to pay double what our insurance was previous to Obamacare. (The credit is only material if you actually pay the premium so it's not an additional tax taken out.)
The TCJA actually INCREASED after-tax incomes of all taxpayers by 3.8 percent in the long run. It also reduced the 7 tax brackets to 4, increased the standard deduction for all significantly (simplifying the tax process and increasing refunds), increased the child tax credit from $1,000 to $1,600 while also raising the threshold for those who are eligible to receive the credit. That's what you are missing.
Please don’t be fooled. It Was skewed to the rich! Households with incomes in the top 1 percent received an average tax cut of more than $60,000 in 2025, compared to an average tax cut of less than $500 for households in the bottom 60 percent. As a share of after-tax income, tax cuts at the top — for both households in the top 1 percent and the top 5 percent , are more than triple the total value of the tax cuts received for people with incomes in the bottom 60 percent. Workers who earned less than about $114,000 on average in 2016 saw no change in their earnings from the corporate tax rate cut, while top executive salaries increased sharply.
She is not being fooled…you are…I mean between my comment and hers which was MUCH MORE detailed you still don’t understand…smh…facts are facts no matter what side of the aisle you’re on…it’s hard to read all of your comments where you’re so committed to justifying your version of reality…sheesh…
Biden is all talk and no action…. Except for undoing all the good Trump did in his 4 years. Biden has been in government the majority of his life. He’s done absolutely nothing for American citizens. But he sure does take care of Ukraine government & illegals. It’s astounding what the dems say these days. Mind boggling!!!!
And the fact is … they don’t care! Plain and simple. They want the one world order and get rid of the middle class. It’s been happening for decades. The democrats have showed their hand in many ways. The peeps that don’t believe this are in sad denial and are delusional.
Strategically I think he should have continued fighting for the Dem nomination. If he had he would at this point have been in a good position to fight to be Biden's replacement. Biden's inevitable decline was apparent at the time RFK withdrew from the Dems. Another reason I am suspicious of him. That and his over the top support of Israel.
The DNC would never allow him to run as a Democrat. He exposes big pharma and the dems will lose alot of money. The CDC has patents on Covid vaccines- and was trying to push them on us. Maybe that’s what you should be suspicious of?
He’s way too close to center right to be a dem . He even says he’s more libertarian than anything. He’s way too pro freedom for the commie dems to ever let him be their candidate. The party of his uncle Jack is long gone.
Yes, I agree with your main point, but the notion of left and right is breaking down and perhaps he could help redefine a new wing of the party. It's nothing but a totalitarian shit show CIA loving bunch of psychos at this point. I read his Fauci book and though I have a few quibbles it should be required reading for every American. I've become convinced that anyone who can be considered a serious candidate is compromised. I believe he was allowed to run. I truly hope he can one day be put in charge of the NIH. If he's not compromised no one could do a better job of putting our country's health system back together. I am suspicious of anyone in government though. His over the top support of Israel doesn't sit well with me and I'm not impressed with Shanahan.
RFK Jr most qualified candidate without question. However taking away guns is a deal breaker for most red blooded Americans… he’ll refine run win in 2028.
I don’t see anywhere where anyone said anything about the debate was cool. Could you for a minute just maybe recognize we have a real problem with American politics and the time to be petty has LONG GONE. It’s time to be real. What is real, is that debate embarrassed America. It was HORRIFYING. Regardless of how you feel about either candidate, we were LITERALLY told any videos of Biden behaving just as he did at the debate were “cheap fakes” and questioning him was part of maga conspiracy. WE SHOULD BE ANGRY but not with people supporting Trump, we should be angry with those pushing Biden on us while blocking Kennedy out.
Democrat voters should be very angry with their party for taking a primary away from them. Now who ever will be on the ballot is hand picked from a few elite and not the party's voters. They are blantent about their corruption. It's time for Democrats to leave or form a new party. (Republican are not much better .. that is how we got Trump).
Tell yourself that Melm. Everyone knows Trump was fantastic. Biden was a disaster. It was no kind of tie. Anyone insinuating otherwise is lying or willfully stupid. Did you watch the 90 mins or just clips?
I watched the entire debate and JFK JRS TOO. Trump lied and dodged questions during the entire debate. I agree with Melm. I’m a democrat but I don’t worship politicians. We elect them and if they are wrong, I have no problem saying it
The debate was a 💩 show.. but for BOTH OF THEM! let’s be real! They argued about golf for god sakes! I can be unbiased about Biden, but can those supporting Trump be unbiased about him?
I am being unbiased. Talk in facts. Let’s talk NUMBERS AND FACTS. Let us compare numbers. How many illegals have been let in? Now let’s do the economy, home prices, food prices, gas prices etc.
BOTTOM LINE IS WE NEED EVERY SINGLE CAREER POLITICIAN OUT. This is both sides. We need to CLEAN THE FUCK OUTTA THE PLACE. We need term limits and campaign spending caps so the wasteful spending of Americans’ tax dollars STOPS. NO MORE LOBBYING!!!!
Did you happen to see the fact checking that CNN did on Biden? There were a LOT of lies. Starting with no servicemen have died on his watch (oh wait he was looking at his WATCH when their bodies returned). Maybe that’s what he meant…..
Love all the nostalgia in your party planning. If its sure to be dreadful, mise well make it fun where you can! Love little Hayes as Uncle Sam serving up popcorn.
It is infuriating the way the media outlets have gaslit all of us for months and months. I am so angry. I don’t see myself everrrrr voting democrat again.
Jill Biden is a horrible human being for parading her aging, ill husband in front of the world as she is. Let him retire and enjoy the rest of his days with his family and spare us the lies omg.
This was beautifully written. Love following your coverage. I agree, I’m curious about Jill as well. She seems to have an agenda and I always feel like she’s so condescending when she speaks about Biden while he’s in the room. It makes me uncomfortable for him! Time will tell. Thanks for sharing!!
"Michelle Obama, who could easily trounce Trump"????
Because she would get ALL of the black vote after her husband screwed blacks by doing absolutely nothing for them?
Because she is a black woman who wears the pants in the Obama family and all the Alphabets would vote for her?
Because she is so brilliant that she can convince the 50 million Trump supporters to change their minds?
Because the Democrats are trying to register the millions of illegals to be able to vote and would naturally vote for a Democrat because Democrats would keep giving them more free stuff and not try to deport them like Trump?
Honestly- they cheated in 2020 and they will cheat again. Not to go all “conspiracy theory” but every time they try to continue this farce that Biden is popular I have to think it’s Obama and his puppet masters behind the scenes. “Big Mike” would just allow that to continue. I think Newsom still loves himself too much to give over full control to those masters, and I think California truly hates him enough to make it a challenge.
I honestly think for her optics would play a big role- female, familiar, young, and there are a lot of people who love her and Obama as a couple (I'm not one of them :).
My favorite line in your post is "Toned but tone-deaf." I so wish I had thought of that because I am working on a post about how out of touch celebrities are. What is difficult to understand is after all that has happened why celebrities and others I know refuse or simply cannot see what is right in front of their very eyes. I think it comes down to people associating the Democratic party with compassion. It sure used to be that and like you, I have really had to come to terms with the way the tenets of the party have shifted from anti-war to pro-war; from free speech to censorship etc. Re: your questions I think Jill Biden is power hungry. She does not want to relinquish it. Next, I think the Dems knew exactly how Joe would deliver and it was intentional otherwise they would have jacked him up on pharmaceuticals. They are not stupid. And lastly they will absolutely hand Trump a prison sentence--but delayed. They will harp on him being a convicted criminal which has somehow translated into a percentage, albeit small, of people not wanting to vote for him. Can he pardon himself if elected? What a wacky world we live in. Thanks for documenting it! And lastly and most importantly, don't you think Kennedy's poll numbers will substantially increase? They absolutely should! He is the one to be watching!
“Anti-war to pro-war” only when it fits their narrative. Notice how Biden and his administration haven’t set any parameters urging for a cease fire in Ukraine/Russia but just keeps essentially writing blank checks. Where they continue to push for a cease fire in Israel/Gaza.
Even RFK Jr said in his interview with Dr. Phil that Zelensky signed a peace deal early in the war and Biden & cronies went for a visit and told him to rip it up. Why???? (I’m not voting for Bobby but it was a very good interview).
They aren’t getting blank checks. Most of what we are sending them is used military equipment. Also, you do realize Biden doesn’t just snap his fingers and we send money. It has to go through Congress. Which is made up of democrats and republicans.
Tell me you watch CNN/CNBC without telling me you watch CNN/CNBC…. The comment was more about the double standards that the Biden administration holds towards different wars. His base supports the Ukrainian war so they continue to green light aid to Ukraine without any push towards peace negotiations. But since you want to be a mouthpiece for the left, let’s fact check you… Per the governments own website, Ukrainian approved aid totals 175 BILLION dollars. An amount the average person cannot even fathom. Of that amount, only 67% of that amount is going towards defense related priorities. The remainder is going to economic support. Boosting their economy. So taking the American taxpayers money to boost up the Ukraine economy while the average American is living paycheck to paycheck and watching their food, gas and other expenses continues to rise due to the massive amounts of inflation. This does not even take into account the massive amounts of corruption among the top Ukrainian aids and officials and the shopping sprees that Zelensky’s wife has gone on since we started supporting Ukraine.
Strange. Every comment I’ve seen is about how Biden is doing a terrible job. Now here you are saying it’s not even him. Weird. Corporations are greedy. Have you checked out their record profits?
Corporate profits drove 53% of inflation during the second and third quarters of 2023 and more than one-third since the start of the pandemic. Here’s just ONE large corporation for intance. Procter & Gamble this summer boasted of an $800 million profit increase, thanks to falling commodity costs that it would NOT pass on to consumers
It’s just so wild, he doesn’t have dementia until they’re all allowed to say he has dementia. The theatrics is so in our face.
The really sad thing is - I think this group of dems would be okay if Biden continued on with an official diagnosis of dementia just so they can keep their power and keep Trump out. This whole thing is mind boggle to me.
NYT called for him to step down while simultaneously saying trump is a threat to the nation. And also saying people should still vote for Biden. Make it make sense.
That was an op-ed, the NYT didn’t release a statement like that. I’m inclined to agree, though.
It was the NYT editorial board. Which means it’s the opinion of the PAPER, not just one person.
He actually doesn’t seem like dementia patient - my mom just died of it after over 20 years - he seems like he has Parkinson’s and was ready for his next dose of medicine. I’ve experienced this with another loved one in my orbit. The exact gait and shuffle, body posture, very low voice that doesn’t project when the medicine is wearing off. The long gaze, slow cognitive function… it is classic Parkinson’s Disease. Not that dementia isn’t a part of it, but he doesn’t not seem to have that. Just my humble opinion after taking care of loved ones.
I have a friend with Parkinson’s, and I thought the exact same thing. They both talk in low, rambling style that’s hard to hear and hard to follow. I think Biden may honestly have Parkinson’s.
Both things can be true. A family member had this.
Agree 💯.
No one has said he has dementia. We said he had a bad debate. Those are not the same thing.
You can't seriously believe this at this point? If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it sure the hell ain't a goat
Let me ask you a question. In all seriousness. Would you let Joe Biden get behind the wheel of a car and drive you or your loved ones home; at or after dusk?
They’ll miss your point, but he should NOT be leading (which let’s be honest, he hasn’t the past 3.5 years) the United States.
Probably not. I don’t know his driving record. But also, I don’t drive well at night and I’m more than half his age. But, is he driving us somewhere?
Yes. He is driving us into hell.
How do you get to hell by car?
The long way.
Hell no!
Well he’s always had a very loose interpretation of the truth well before age/memory loss took over.
You poor poor poooooooor thing
Semiotics. It’s an art form.
There's no voting. Never has been. It's awl selection. By the bang-kster mahhhfeeuuh aka sane who r keeelin gahzunz. They OWN "usa" which doesn't exist. Just call it west izruhHell. Rotten-children OWN entire world, rfkjr, troomp, bye-din et al. Kissenger, hed of political snake for duh rotten-children since the 50s and now his protege sykoz run it for his for the rottinchildz et al. There's no voting. It's all distraction, humiliation, theatre, while they destroy what's left in every way they know how. Awl of em r owned. There. is. no. Voting.
They select. Trump is their mosheeok, mahsiuh bed Josef, Satan who will destroy the world mother can build their "3rd temple" which is their sign they have taken over our entire world. They've given trooomp endless awards ushering him in as their #1 puppeet.
Holy land for suckers.
It's awl about the suez canal.
Thry want africa. They want 1000% unmitigated access to metal, minerals. Gems, land, people as more slaves since they r the ones enslaved in awl the mining - children mostly at that, globulllly, as well.
"Holy land" for idiot fools aka suez canal connecting all Africa to all Middle East, Europe, Asia, India, Russia aka all the power & control they have been foaming at the mouth for fir 3000+ years. The child raypeest, baby-eating, adrenochr8m drinking, organ trafeekin, child s3x slave selling, blk mailin deth kult, moorderoorz of millions, billions r behind awl this eveel r world has ever seen, felt, had.
It's time fir them to be stopped for good. It's time for their time to be over.
The only way this happens now is for all humans to be aware of the truth and be willing to bear it and stand up for oneself, each other and for the protection of all that is sacred, true, good and real and to end all else now.
I don’t know if I can handle the next 5 months. I may not agree with who is President of the United States, but I will always respect the office of President. This debate was utterly sad for our Country. We showed the world truly how weak we are right now. President Biden is incompetent to be running this Country. Other Countries see it. If anything, this debate helps RFK Jr. People see our 2 party system is broken.
There's no voting. Never has been. It's awl selection. By the bang-kster mahhhfeeuuh aka sane who r keeelin gahzunz. They OWN "usa" which doesn't exist. Just call it west izruhHell. Rotten-children OWN entire world, rfkjr, troomp, bye-din et al. Kissenger, hed of political snake for duh rotten-children since the 50s and now his protege sykoz run it for his for the rottinchildz et al. There's no voting. It's all distraction, humiliation, theatre, while they destroy what's left in every way they know how. Awl of em r owned. There. is. no. Voting.
They select. Trump is their mosheeok, mahsiuh bed Josef, Satan who will destroy the world mother can build their "3rd temple" which is their sign they have taken over our entire world. They've given trooomp endless awards ushering him in as their #1 puppeet.
Holy land for suckers.
It's awl about the suez canal.
Thry want africa. They want 1000% unmitigated access to metal, minerals. Gems, land, people as more slaves since they r the ones enslaved in awl the mining - children mostly at that, globulllly, as well.
"Holy land" for idiot fools aka suez canal connecting all Africa to all Middle East, Europe, Asia, India, Russia aka all the power & control they have been foaming at the mouth for fir 3000+ years. The child raypeest, baby-eating, adrenochr8m drinking, organ trafeekin, child s3x slave selling, blk mailin deth kult, moorderoorz of millions, billions r behind awl this eveel r world has ever seen, felt, had.
It's time fir them to be stopped for good. It's time for their time to be over.
The only way this happens now is for all humans to be aware of the truth and be willing to bear it and stand up for oneself, each other and for the protection of all that is sacred, true, good and real and to end all else now.
Just call yourself diaspora of hate
Nothing hateful about these comments. Your government is an illusion, and your “leaders” are just cardboard cutouts for their Davos masters. These political clowns aren’t running things. Check out the book “American Exception” by Aaron Good, which is a great critique and bolt-on to C. Wright Mills’ luminary work “The Power Elite”. Another must read is “Friendly Fascism” by Bertram Gross.
To be a democracy, America must have a population of WELL-INFORMED voters, a transparent government and a media that doesn’t carry narrative for the ruling class. As you can see, we are 0-3 in that rundown… Time to drop the fake patriotism and the going along to get along pretending so we can see more clearly that we are actually living in the hellscape of a corporate fascist dictatorship. There is no democracy here.
“The difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is that in a democracy you vote first and take orders later; in a dictatorship you don't have to waste your time voting” ~ Charles Bukowski
I was referring to the “Jews are running the world “ trope that Diaspora of love is pushing.
Facts are facts. Just because you don’t like the facts doesn’t mean they are hate or untrue. It means you’re not letting in the information. I don’t agree with the user’s stereotyping, but you should also not just disregard all of the information and throw it away because you don’t like the manner in which it was presented.
You also did the same with my post… You ignored all my words and boiled it down to the reasoning that you were uncomfortable with the “tropes” of “antisemitism”, which is now anything the Israelis or Zionists do not like. Don’t fall into that trap. The ruling class loves getting you spun around to forget that they are the enemy.
There are many ethnicities and nationalities bundled into the cabal of criminals running our clown show of a society, and they come in many denominations, including Jewish and Zionists. They do NOT come from different economic backgrounds! This is about class, not race, not religious or cultural divides. It is purely IMPERIALIST in nature.
From the Balfour Declaration, to Sykes-Picot to today’s grotesque defense of apartheid and genocide in Palestine, powerful and ruthless people care about one thing: POWER! That’s it. Love won’t win if love doesn’t know what it’s fighting.
Great analysis. Thank you.
Oh my God....and I do not say this lightly. Biden was a disaster and I knew he would be after watching him for years. I do not think Trump berated Biden at all. Part of the time he didnt know how to answer Biden because he didn't understand what the hell he said. Jill is could she stand by and actively endorse him/this fiasco?? They will try to put Trump in jail. The people will not stand for this...we have been lied to repeatedly and are fu***Ing sick of it!
Also, how she talked to him the way I talk to my 2.5y old after🥴🤭
I was waiting for her to say “now it’s time to go potty. Don’t potty your pants”
4 years ago I was not struggling to pay for food, gas, or gas and electric bill. 4 years ago our borders were closed. 4 years ago we weren’t on the brink of WW3. The fact people will still vote for Biden is mind blowing to me.
4 years ago we were in a global pandemic. Don’t realize that that companies are making record profits while America struggles? It’s so much corporate greed and people ignore that. And as far as the border under Trump, Illegal immigration between ports of entry at the U.S. southern border dropped in 2017, Trump’s first year in office, compared with previous years. Apprehensions then rose, and dropped again in 2020. When the COVID-19 pandemic started, immigration dropped drastically worldwide as governments enacted policies limiting people’s movement.
In the months before Trump left office, illegal immigration was rising again. A spike in migrants, especially unaccompanied minors, started in the spring 2020 during the Trump administration and generally continued to climb each month.
Illegal immigration during Trump’s administration was higher than under both of former President Barack Obama’s terms.
And now illegal immigration is through the roof under Biden as he reversed the executive orders Trump had put in place. And he and Mayorkas don’t even uphold the current immigration laws. Just stop with the claims that somehow the border crisis is Trumps fault, that’s a damn lie. Obama actually deported more people than Trump so that might be the difference. But trump did not have a hand in the mess that Biden has made. (Fwiw, I’ve paid more attention to immigration policies for MANY years than most people as my ex husband is an immigration lawyer. I still do talk to him about immigration issues.)
What happened to the bipartisan bill for immigration that even the border patrol supported?
What happened to HR 2 passed by the house in spring of 2023 that languishes on Chuck Schumer’s desk and he never introduced to Senate or attempted to reconcile? An independent stand alone immigration bill. That bipartisan bill recently killed was a joke because it still allowed for 5000 crossing a DAY, which is a million a year. It also was tied to HUGE Ukraine war bill (and additional foreign aid money). The immigration portion of the bill was LESS than 20% of the cost of the entire bill and was basically some crumbs thrown at the American people to make it seem like the border mattered when mostly they just wanted the Ukrainian aid. Biden could have closed the border with a stroke of his pen just like he used executive orders to reverse Trump’s remain in Mexico order (which Biden has suddenly remembered and now issued to slow immigration down). Border Patrol has been overwhelmed throughout Biden administration and has also said that countless children are being trafficked because they are not allowed to rapid DNA test to prove a person retrieving an unaccompanied minor is even a relative. Also there have been at least 85k children “lost/missing” under this administration because they have been handed to “relatives” and never heard from again. DHS/ICE is supposed to track them, but they lost them and don’t even know where they are now.
That bill had draconian moves and a lack of human rights. Plus, it didnt address legal immigration! Which is what we need more than anything. It did absolutely nothing to address our outdated immigration system or resolve the status of DACA recipients or other undocumented people with deep roots in the United States
Draconian moves is a vague criticism for a huge and comprehensive bill. Have you read it? I’m looking through the table of contents and it does cover a significant amount of security regarding the border, as well as children. You do realize we already have many many immigration laws on the books for immigration that Mayorkas is failing to enforce? Border jumping is one such law. If you have already been deported, you aren’t allowed back in (but many people coming back in right now without inspection are exactly those people). If you come here illegally and cross back and then come back again, it’s an automatic 10 year ban. I think you fail to understand the bigger picture which is that flooding the country with illegal people was by design not by accident.
Melanie, respectfully, we can tell you’re a mouth piece. I am second generation Polish American ON BOTH SIDES. I have my grandfather’s naturalization certificate. Puhlease with this nonsense
I am angry and fed up. WE DESERVE BETTER!
Agree! I’m more angry than anything else.
It’s infuriating. How dare they? This is why career politicians should NOT be a thing. They’re so caught up making the all millions they have been by just being “public servants” that they truly have lost touch with reality. The gaslighting is extra gross to me 🥴 I also find it truly horrifying to see all the “who cares, anyone but trump” people come out because…HOW?! HOOOWWWWWWWW🥴🫠 It is astonishing to me how anyone can pretend any part of this is acceptable.
I saw one comment yesterday- "I'll vote for a hard boiled egg" [over Trump]. People truly do not care whether or not the person in the office of POTUS has any competency or cognition...insane.
Would you prefer us vote for someone who wants to take our country backward with project 2025? That’s why people say they’d rather vote for an egg.
The fact that so many people think Project 25 comes from Trump is actually hilarious. You are all scared of some boogeyman.
Johnny McEntee — one of Trump’s closest White House aides, and his most fervent internal loyalty enforcer — is a senior adviser to Project 2025. One of the most powerful architects is Stephen Miller, a top West Wing adviser for the Trump administration.
My point wasn't about Trump, Melanie. Have a nice day.:)
That’s just an outright lie, Project25. Not once has President Trump said one word about it. Stop with the lying nonsense.
Ha! You think he would!!?? 😆
I’ve seen (more than once) MANY ppl saying they could roll him out in a coffin and they’d STILL vote for him over tRUMP. Btw, I still don’t understand what spelling his name like that actually means? 😂 The “nicknames” are so embarrassing to me. I have so much 2nd hand embarrassment when I see these “educated and better then everyone else” ppl call ppl these ridiculous names. And that goes for both sides. But it’s definitely more prominent with the dems.
What’s hilarious to me is that Biden IS acting like a dictator. Projection much!
How so?
What shocks me the most is people who claim they’re for democracy then say they’d rather vote for “an egg”. Democracy means ELECTED representatives. How, if knowing Biden is “an egg”, which everyone has been saying while being gaslit and told we were seeing “cheap fakes”, can you be FOR DEMOCRACY if you know the man elected to be the President is clearly NOT doing the job. The ENTIRE WORLD witnessed this on Thursday’s debate..the man cannot produce a coherent sentence, so WHO IS RUNNING THE SHOW? Not the man who was elected..which means we are currently not living in a democracy
Corrine, sure, but I think the bigger issue is that it was made blatantly clear the man who was elected to do the job, is NOT doing the job..we witnessed this on Thursday. So if he isn’t doing the job, then who is? Not the man elected as he is too people behind the scenes who were NOT in fact elected to do this job must be..this is a logical assumption..which would mean that we aren’t operating as a democracy, if the person ELECTED isn’t in fact doing the job
Watching all of this is maddening, but not surprising. There is absolutely 0 chance of replacing Biden with anyone other than Kamala- kicking the first “black female” VP for a white man? No chance- it will split the party further. I also think Newsom would rather wait- finish his tenure as (the worst) governor of California then go for it in ‘28. Also there are already 4 states- Georgia being one of them- that it is too late to take Biden off or put another on the ballot. I also don’t see Michelle Obama appealing to independents- what has she done? She did one memorable thing as FLOTUS- school lunches- and ruined them. They are about to reap what they’ve sown.
I don’t think they will replace him.
Maybe Gavin could slide in as Kamala's VP if Biden suddenly bows out. Then he'll be one step ahead to run in '28
I’m afraid it’s a Newsom Obama mama ticket for Dems… kneepads Harris lateral reassignment to a respectable position. Big Mike for POTUS!!!
Oh, I was just responding to the comment on if there was 0 possibly of anyone but Kamala as a Biden replacement, not anything else. LOL I had to google big Mike
It’s all so infuriating and sad at the same time. I want to look away but I can’t. My typically outspoken lib friends are very quiet right now, save for one who is beside herself because her own party is turning on her favorite president. It’s just so sad to watch how they can’t see it for what is it. On the one hand I feel for them and on the other hand I’m running out of patience with this brainwashing two party farce.
I’m sorry for your friend- but how could Biden be anyone’s favorite anything? I have more respect for Bill Clinton or Obama than I have ever had for Biden and even going back to VP- didn’t like him. Have you ever asked her why he is her favorite? Is it simply because “he beat Trump”? I’m genuinely curious.
I guess “current favorite” would be a better way to say it. And yes, anything but Trump is the mantra. I say, “you are voting for a party, not a man anymore”🤷🏻♀️
I don’t even think it’s “voting for the party” its just voting against Trump. I have family members who think the same and share several of Biden’s hypocritical historical comments/thoughts- including his racist past. I lost several long time friends because I didn’t hate Trump, so I only get limited access to “their logic.” I kind of like it that way.
This is what is truly insane to me. I cannot fathom that this is REAL LIFE
Well if the Democrats would get their heads out of their asses and actually listen to hard working Americans they would realize that Biden and his cronies suck! I am 58 years old and I took for granted our freedom and rights in this Country. What we have all witnessed and lived through over the past 4 years feels like a NIGHTMARE!
The democrats left the working class behind a long time ago.
Trump passed a bill in 2017 where ppl who make under $165,000 will have their taxes raised in 2021 and every 2 years after that until 2027.... while the rich get richer... and y'all cryin about Biden raising taxes for ppl who make over 400k? I must be missing something.
I love how the leftist response to any criticism of their team is "but Trump...!"
You might want to educate yourself on the tax plan that was voted in by the Senate in 2017.
I did, that’s why I mentioned it
You couldn’t have or else you wouldn’t have made that comment to begin with, respectfully.
Let’s compare the economy under Trump..and then under Biden. The cost of living is INSANE. Bidenomics has NOT served the people well.
To be fair, the stock market had a global black swan event (Covid). That gain would have happened with anyone in office. The next term had to deal with the fallout with the trillion dollar aid package (signed by Trump). Inflation would have sucked even if Trump was re elected.
There are other reasons we should elect Trump: border control, he’s a strong leader we need to keep Russia and China in line (I don’t think Putin respects Biden) but the economy isn’t really either of their fault.
I’m not trying to be mean. But do you understand “ the economy “ ? The economy is very complex and just because the prices are high when we go to the store, doesn’t necessarily mean it has anything to do with the president. Corporations are greedy. Take a look at CEO’s and their all time high salary’s. If we keep paying it, they will keep charging the higher price.
Exactly. Sometimes it feels like people use the “economiy” to blame whoever is president when they don’t really have specific points.
Here is another point that economists will roll with: the economy isn’t affected immediately by the current administration. It doesn’t just change the second a bill is signed. It’s really a response to the previous administration.
Trump enjoyed a boost from Obama and Biden dealt with inflation resulting from the Covid relief bill signed in by the Trump admin.
whoever won in 2020 was going to have a really difficult time looking good. Could Biden have done better? Absolutely. But the “economy” isn’t caused because he lives in the whitehouse.
Yes! All of that!! There’s such a fine line to keep costs down for Americans. Things can’t be too low or too high. It will tilt us right into a recession. People forget gas was cheap when Trump was leaving office because of Covid! We weren’t using as much gas so the prices were low. Once everyone started using gas again, BOOM prices went up! That’s the way it works. Supply and demand.
But that’s not true…who told you that? Have you actually looked at the tax brackets for 2017-now? Tax rates in 2017 were higher and the range per bracket is much smaller…also the tax breaks for people who make a much lower income are pretty significant where as higher earners phase out of MANY if not ALL “breaks” and on top of that their taxes will be higher? Hmmm not sure how that’s fair… Are you aware of these details or are you referring to something else because then I must be missing something. What exactly will be done with the taxes gained from raising taxes on people who make more than $400k? Do you know? Just curious…
Well, MEDICARE for one
Medicare?!!! So news flash… there’s already a Medicare tax that everyone pays on their income it’s called FICA…(which encompasses both Social Security and Medicare to be clear) he’s specifically referring to Federal Income tax…OMG…so let me understand and please correct me if I’m wrong…you think it’s fair that high income earners should pay more than what everyone else has to pay to further fund Medicare yet they receive no other benefit than what everyone else gets?! I think you’re living in the wrong country…that’s called Socialism…
That is not true. TCJA actually cut taxes for most individuals from 2018 to 2025. It increased taxes for some businesses. If you read the Act, it reduced the ACA mandate to $0 which decreased incentive to purchase qualified insurance and in doing so receive tax credits - especially for low income individuals and families. The reduction of those tax credits makes it look like a tax increase. It was an opinion piece in the NYT that first started this meme. I gladly welcomed the removal of the mandate given it meant we weren't forced to pay double what our insurance was previous to Obamacare. (The credit is only material if you actually pay the premium so it's not an additional tax taken out.)
The TCJA actually INCREASED after-tax incomes of all taxpayers by 3.8 percent in the long run. It also reduced the 7 tax brackets to 4, increased the standard deduction for all significantly (simplifying the tax process and increasing refunds), increased the child tax credit from $1,000 to $1,600 while also raising the threshold for those who are eligible to receive the credit. That's what you are missing.
Please don’t be fooled. It Was skewed to the rich! Households with incomes in the top 1 percent received an average tax cut of more than $60,000 in 2025, compared to an average tax cut of less than $500 for households in the bottom 60 percent. As a share of after-tax income, tax cuts at the top — for both households in the top 1 percent and the top 5 percent , are more than triple the total value of the tax cuts received for people with incomes in the bottom 60 percent. Workers who earned less than about $114,000 on average in 2016 saw no change in their earnings from the corporate tax rate cut, while top executive salaries increased sharply.
She is not being fooled…you are…I mean between my comment and hers which was MUCH MORE detailed you still don’t understand…smh…facts are facts no matter what side of the aisle you’re on…it’s hard to read all of your comments where you’re so committed to justifying your version of reality…sheesh…
Biden is all talk and no action…. Except for undoing all the good Trump did in his 4 years. Biden has been in government the majority of his life. He’s done absolutely nothing for American citizens. But he sure does take care of Ukraine government & illegals. It’s astounding what the dems say these days. Mind boggling!!!!
First thing that popped in my head. Infrastructure
Would you like a list have things he’s accomplished so far? Or will that be a waste of my time?
Yes! Well said-I took true democracy for granted also. 🥹
And the fact is … they don’t care! Plain and simple. They want the one world order and get rid of the middle class. It’s been happening for decades. The democrats have showed their hand in many ways. The peeps that don’t believe this are in sad denial and are delusional.
RFK was great- clearly the only adult in the conversation. He has my support
Strategically I think he should have continued fighting for the Dem nomination. If he had he would at this point have been in a good position to fight to be Biden's replacement. Biden's inevitable decline was apparent at the time RFK withdrew from the Dems. Another reason I am suspicious of him. That and his over the top support of Israel.
The DNC would never allow him to run as a Democrat. He exposes big pharma and the dems will lose alot of money. The CDC has patents on Covid vaccines- and was trying to push them on us. Maybe that’s what you should be suspicious of?
Democrats don’t love big pharma. At least not the voters
The DNC does like Big Pharma.
Republicans reaped $166.83 million from the industry between 1990 and March 20, 2023, compared to the Democrats' $161.57 million
A $5M difference?!!! lol laughable…it’s pretty much the same…
He’s way too close to center right to be a dem . He even says he’s more libertarian than anything. He’s way too pro freedom for the commie dems to ever let him be their candidate. The party of his uncle Jack is long gone.
Yes, I agree with your main point, but the notion of left and right is breaking down and perhaps he could help redefine a new wing of the party. It's nothing but a totalitarian shit show CIA loving bunch of psychos at this point. I read his Fauci book and though I have a few quibbles it should be required reading for every American. I've become convinced that anyone who can be considered a serious candidate is compromised. I believe he was allowed to run. I truly hope he can one day be put in charge of the NIH. If he's not compromised no one could do a better job of putting our country's health system back together. I am suspicious of anyone in government though. His over the top support of Israel doesn't sit well with me and I'm not impressed with Shanahan.
well said!
RFK Jr most qualified candidate without question. However taking away guns is a deal breaker for most red blooded Americans… he’ll refine run win in 2028.
He's said SEVERAL times he isn't taking away anyone's guns. I have no idea where anyone gets that from.
Semi autos starts there
The emperor truly has no clothes and his court refuses to believe their eyes.
So all the lies and question dodging at the Debate were cool? Policy over politician/party, all day everyday
I don’t see anywhere where anyone said anything about the debate was cool. Could you for a minute just maybe recognize we have a real problem with American politics and the time to be petty has LONG GONE. It’s time to be real. What is real, is that debate embarrassed America. It was HORRIFYING. Regardless of how you feel about either candidate, we were LITERALLY told any videos of Biden behaving just as he did at the debate were “cheap fakes” and questioning him was part of maga conspiracy. WE SHOULD BE ANGRY but not with people supporting Trump, we should be angry with those pushing Biden on us while blocking Kennedy out.
💯Why are they pushing Biden? It’s INHUMANE. Jill Biden should be ashamed of herself.
Democrat voters should be very angry with their party for taking a primary away from them. Now who ever will be on the ballot is hand picked from a few elite and not the party's voters. They are blantent about their corruption. It's time for Democrats to leave or form a new party. (Republican are not much better .. that is how we got Trump).
Tell yourself that Melm. Everyone knows Trump was fantastic. Biden was a disaster. It was no kind of tie. Anyone insinuating otherwise is lying or willfully stupid. Did you watch the 90 mins or just clips?
I watched the entire debate and JFK JRS TOO. Trump lied and dodged questions during the entire debate. I agree with Melm. I’m a democrat but I don’t worship politicians. We elect them and if they are wrong, I have no problem saying it
Biden lied about every single thing… including his golf handicap. Good Lord. The excuses are embarrassing!
The debate was a 💩 show.. but for BOTH OF THEM! let’s be real! They argued about golf for god sakes! I can be unbiased about Biden, but can those supporting Trump be unbiased about him?
I am being unbiased. Talk in facts. Let’s talk NUMBERS AND FACTS. Let us compare numbers. How many illegals have been let in? Now let’s do the economy, home prices, food prices, gas prices etc.
BOTTOM LINE IS WE NEED EVERY SINGLE CAREER POLITICIAN OUT. This is both sides. We need to CLEAN THE FUCK OUTTA THE PLACE. We need term limits and campaign spending caps so the wasteful spending of Americans’ tax dollars STOPS. NO MORE LOBBYING!!!!
No you can't
Did you happen to see the fact checking that CNN did on Biden? There were a LOT of lies. Starting with no servicemen have died on his watch (oh wait he was looking at his WATCH when their bodies returned). Maybe that’s what he meant…..
Yea, I know. I wish there was a live fact checker as the politicians speak. A la VH1 pop up video.
What policy specifically, site one, enquiry minds need to know, seriously which one
Love all the nostalgia in your party planning. If its sure to be dreadful, mise well make it fun where you can! Love little Hayes as Uncle Sam serving up popcorn.
Hahah! He's always game.
It is infuriating the way the media outlets have gaslit all of us for months and months. I am so angry. I don’t see myself everrrrr voting democrat again.
Jill Biden is a horrible human being for parading her aging, ill husband in front of the world as she is. Let him retire and enjoy the rest of his days with his family and spare us the lies omg.
I really hope RFK Jr. wins.
What Jill is doing right now is unforgivable.
This was beautifully written. Love following your coverage. I agree, I’m curious about Jill as well. She seems to have an agenda and I always feel like she’s so condescending when she speaks about Biden while he’s in the room. It makes me uncomfortable for him! Time will tell. Thanks for sharing!!
"Michelle Obama, who could easily trounce Trump"????
Because she would get ALL of the black vote after her husband screwed blacks by doing absolutely nothing for them?
Because she is a black woman who wears the pants in the Obama family and all the Alphabets would vote for her?
Because she is so brilliant that she can convince the 50 million Trump supporters to change their minds?
Because the Democrats are trying to register the millions of illegals to be able to vote and would naturally vote for a Democrat because Democrats would keep giving them more free stuff and not try to deport them like Trump?
Honestly- they cheated in 2020 and they will cheat again. Not to go all “conspiracy theory” but every time they try to continue this farce that Biden is popular I have to think it’s Obama and his puppet masters behind the scenes. “Big Mike” would just allow that to continue. I think Newsom still loves himself too much to give over full control to those masters, and I think California truly hates him enough to make it a challenge.
Agree 💯 Lyndsay!
I honestly think for her optics would play a big role- female, familiar, young, and there are a lot of people who love her and Obama as a couple (I'm not one of them :).
My favorite line in your post is "Toned but tone-deaf." I so wish I had thought of that because I am working on a post about how out of touch celebrities are. What is difficult to understand is after all that has happened why celebrities and others I know refuse or simply cannot see what is right in front of their very eyes. I think it comes down to people associating the Democratic party with compassion. It sure used to be that and like you, I have really had to come to terms with the way the tenets of the party have shifted from anti-war to pro-war; from free speech to censorship etc. Re: your questions I think Jill Biden is power hungry. She does not want to relinquish it. Next, I think the Dems knew exactly how Joe would deliver and it was intentional otherwise they would have jacked him up on pharmaceuticals. They are not stupid. And lastly they will absolutely hand Trump a prison sentence--but delayed. They will harp on him being a convicted criminal which has somehow translated into a percentage, albeit small, of people not wanting to vote for him. Can he pardon himself if elected? What a wacky world we live in. Thanks for documenting it! And lastly and most importantly, don't you think Kennedy's poll numbers will substantially increase? They absolutely should! He is the one to be watching!
“Anti-war to pro-war” only when it fits their narrative. Notice how Biden and his administration haven’t set any parameters urging for a cease fire in Ukraine/Russia but just keeps essentially writing blank checks. Where they continue to push for a cease fire in Israel/Gaza.
Biden is full on pro military industrial complex. Cease fire in Israel bc he looks at poll numbers. Well not him but whoever is the wizard of oz.
Even RFK Jr said in his interview with Dr. Phil that Zelensky signed a peace deal early in the war and Biden & cronies went for a visit and told him to rip it up. Why???? (I’m not voting for Bobby but it was a very good interview).
Blank checks to who?
Zelensky and the Ukrainians
They aren’t getting blank checks. Most of what we are sending them is used military equipment. Also, you do realize Biden doesn’t just snap his fingers and we send money. It has to go through Congress. Which is made up of democrats and republicans.
Tell me you watch CNN/CNBC without telling me you watch CNN/CNBC…. The comment was more about the double standards that the Biden administration holds towards different wars. His base supports the Ukrainian war so they continue to green light aid to Ukraine without any push towards peace negotiations. But since you want to be a mouthpiece for the left, let’s fact check you… Per the governments own website, Ukrainian approved aid totals 175 BILLION dollars. An amount the average person cannot even fathom. Of that amount, only 67% of that amount is going towards defense related priorities. The remainder is going to economic support. Boosting their economy. So taking the American taxpayers money to boost up the Ukraine economy while the average American is living paycheck to paycheck and watching their food, gas and other expenses continues to rise due to the massive amounts of inflation. This does not even take into account the massive amounts of corruption among the top Ukrainian aids and officials and the shopping sprees that Zelensky’s wife has gone on since we started supporting Ukraine.
But, is Biden sending it alone? I believe it has to be passed by Congress. Correct?
Money laundering
You realize Julian Assange exposed BOTH parties for this right? Both parties.
So then why is everyone is this thread just blaming Biden?
Strange. Every comment I’ve seen is about how Biden is doing a terrible job. Now here you are saying it’s not even him. Weird. Corporations are greedy. Have you checked out their record profits?
You keep harping about corporations. What are you reading & typing from Melanie?
Corporate profits drove 53% of inflation during the second and third quarters of 2023 and more than one-third since the start of the pandemic. Here’s just ONE large corporation for intance. Procter & Gamble this summer boasted of an $800 million profit increase, thanks to falling commodity costs that it would NOT pass on to consumers
Yes he can pardon himself if elected
Yes, if he doesn’t get Epsteined.
This is coming.
“Can he pardon himself of elected”
Is the best thing I’ve read! You have a new follower.
Thanks Stacey!
I’ve been wondering for quite some time if this wasn’t the backup plan all along because they didn’t boot Trump from the race.