Instead of podcasting, she should be out campaigning beside RFKjr. This whole thing with her is super weird and suspish. It’s hard no from me. I was so intrigued by RFKjr until he chose her as his running mate. Tulsi was and should have been the choice…golden ticket opportunity hugely missed.

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I suspect Tulsi was his first pick but I think she declined. At this point I think she *might* be Trump’s pick.

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If Tulsi isn’t VP material she is definitely Secretary of State material. I watched a very recent interview with her and she is not interested in any position that isn’t totally involved in what is happening in our country. VP office tends to be a diminished position of attending events and works at the bequest of the President usually jobs he doesn’t want to oversee. Tulsi wants to up front and center to protecting and advancing America. In other words..she wants to take charge and WORK HARD on what Americans want and need. She will be a force no matter where she lands in any administration.

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I totally agree - I don’t see her as a VP for the exact same reasons.

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I actually think this is a great approach. I personally am much more likely to listen to a podcast than watch a political rally.

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Tulsi was asked to be his VP and declined, according to her in a recent interview. I imagine that there were quite a few people approached that couldn’t say yes for fear of the unknown of jumping on an independent ticket…. Especially for someone who hopes to have a future in politics…..it’s risky for them, which I get.

However—the fact that Tulsi declined and is lobbying to be on the Trump ticket now is incredibly disappointing to me— I thought she had more moral courage and I expected her to be the sort that was fighting for systemic change from the outside, not just switching to the other side that has its own set of issues. I also cannot see her being permitted to play much of a substantial role in a Trump admin— it’s just not his style.

Shanahan is growing on me. Using wealth for good appeals to me. I'd like the topics that she's focused on. I'd also like to see young people stepping into politics. And, because she doesn’t NEED to have a political career in the future (financially) should they not make it all the way, she could afford to take a risk where other VP options may have hesitated. She strikes me as brave— brave enough to step up into a risky spot on an independent presidential ticket, knowing that it will come at great personal cost to her. I mean... seeing the way that Bobby gets hit from every side and she still signed up for it?? That takes courage of conviction…. And I think she’ll continue reveal herself to be an asset, even if it looks different from what we're used to seeing from VP candidates. Let's also remember it's actually really early for the hard-core criss-crossing the country type of campaigning. I think this podcast thing can be a real good move forward.

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I think she’s been doing a good job of getting acclimated into this new roll and I love how passionate she is about food and the toxins poisoning us. She does look young but she is not a child and is quite brilliant.

She exec produced an incredible film Kiss The Ground currently on Netflix. Have you seen that? It’s incredible and shows her rational common sense approach to climate and our many other concerns. No one else is talking about this in a rational way. She spent several days down on the border- clearly another dire concern.

Please give RFKJr and Nicole a second chance. They’re just getting started!

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I think this is a great move and a natural progression in how politics is now consumed in 2024. Nicole will have a chance to connect with everyday people to hear what they go through, what struggles they have and how we can better this great nation. Looking foward to it!

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First impressions of Nicole, who I knew nothing about until RFK Jr made his announcement. She seems young & soft, like a child. I'm looking for the opposite, grown & tough, an adult. She needs a stylist. She had to of known that photos would be taken, her makeup & clothes choices make her look like a teenager. Optics is everything. Why is she not out campaigning? Sitting behind a podcast mic isn't going to whip up the votes. I truly think I'm going to vote for the VP in November, and Nicole isn't drawing me in, at all.

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I’m genuinely curious if you’ve ever given this much thought to RFKjrs attire? To me, it seems Nicole is matching his energy and vibe, the chill laidback approach. With his bare feet and unbuttoned shirt… I’m confused why the man can be casual but the woman can’t? I’m certain she can pull off black tie/executive professional look when the situation calls for it.

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That’s an excellent question, Jessica asked for first impressions and I’ve never seen Nicole before, ever. (I’ve seen RFK Jr hundreds of times dressed every which way, black-tie to bathing suit. I’ve heard him speak before, dozens of times.) Since I am familiar with RFK Jr and Jessica asked us what we thought of Nicole, I focused on her. To me, this podcast is her introduction. Tens of thousands possibly hundreds of thousands will see her for the very first time. Appearances matter, we all look our best on our wedding day, for job interviews. So I’m puzzled by the her appearance. Moving beyond her wardrobe, I felt like she came across like a very young adult. Almost child like. She is interviewing for VP, second in command of the United States. I need to know that she can run this country should something happen to Robert. This introduction to her is a campaign fail for me.

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If the podcast was done along with other things to fill our cup with a proper introduction then I would think it was wonderful and a smart addition. I don’t feel there is enough cohesive strategy going on.

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That’s a very fair point

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Respectfully, I disagree, podcasts are informal by nature, I can’t help but feel that’s the point here. But I can understand why it might not resonate for some.

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I like this idea. It might be a nice way to get to know her. Bummed Link is gone as I think he could have actually helped her the most be more relatable and share her stories/thoughts in short form.

The comments are disappointing - I think many are underestimating a mother with an injured child. Also who cares if an adult woman had an affair with an equal? Does it bother people more that it might have be Elon?

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A podcast allows her to control the discussion, the information that gets out. But not everyone watches a podcast, so you could reduce your target audience. Bummed that RFK chose her as the VP prospect. Too liberal.

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I am not asking this to be argumentative but I am truly curious about how she is too liberal? Is it a policy position or something in her personal life? I know she has donated to Democrat campaigns but both RFK Jr and Trump have been registered democrats. As sweet as she may sound, she has balls of steel to work in patent law in the tech industry (speaking from the position of a law grad who made it to VP in a Fortune 100 tech firm). I didn’t wear mine on the outside either.

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Liberal = supporting (ie, donating money to) political candidates who advocate for criminal law “reform” which instead of jailing and deporting criminals gives them no bail release and counseling instead of jail time.

Look at LA and NYC to see the disastrous effects of such policies.

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She cheated on both of her ex husbands then did a people magazine interview saying everyone was sexist for saying she did (she did). The dishonesty shows she was destined for politics indeed! RFK jr claims she’s “shattered glass ceilings of the tech industry” which could not be further from the truth. Her company failed and her philanthropic work is just her playing with her ex husbands money. I am truly so disappointed with this choice. I really liked Bobby.

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💯 After the epic fail of Kamala Harris, please give us a female VP candidate who is a role model of intelligence, decorum, and political savvy - another agreeable idiot would continue to insult the intelligence of women and the American people at large.

Shanahan would be a heartbeat away from becoming POTUS the leader of the free world w/no relevant experience, never held an elected political position.

Start w/City Counsel Nicole.

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All of this is EXACTLY the truth. Thank you for sharing the facts about how she actually came to her position.

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I’m also the mother of a vaccine injured child and so I’m intrigued by her. I have seen first hand the lengths these mamas go to for the recovery of their children. I also love her back story but I’m still trying to fill in the blanks of how she began traveling in particular circles or for that matter how she ended up on this ticket? I see that some are concerned about her lack of political experience and I understand that but then again I don’t believe Trump had held office prior to his presidency? Over all I feel genuinely disappointed by the direction things have turned for RFK. I was really hopeful for a minute but it seems like there have been some poorly executed decisions made. I hold RFK in the highest regard but not so much his political advisors.

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I haven't listened yet, but I think this is a smart move. I'm willing to bet the majority of their voter audience gravitates to long format podcasts, like myself. Excited to listen!

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I like her. She is very intelligent, well spoken, and knowledgeable. She is too young/inexperienced to run the country. I would have preferred that the camera be on both of them at the same time to see how each of them reacted to what the other said. The camera on one person at a time was a little weird for me. Are they sitting too far apart to be in the frame together? The podcast is okay, but she needs to be on other podcasts answering hard questions and having conversations with people she may not have had conversations with before. We already know that these two agree on the issues. I just keep shaking my head trying to figure out why Nichole. I am thinking now it is because he had to pick for ballot access and she said yes when others either said no or weren't ready to commit. She needs to "get out there" even if it is only on podcasts- hosted by others. I do love the calming colors and calming "set".

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Many of these comments are disappointing- shallow, based upon the way NS looks rather than what she’s about. Others clearly never liked Kennedy, never will. If she was a super groomed power dressed billionaire she’d be “out of touch”.

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Although I can see where you're coming from, Claudia, I believe my lack of knowledge about her plays a bigger role in my opinion. First impressions are key to me. I'm leaning towards voting for RFK Jr., so my comment shouldn't be taken as the final word on the matter. I'm eager to learn more about her stances on various issues, and perhaps she will sway me towards believing she is the ideal running mate for him. I'm currently undecided and open to persuasion. My intention wasn't to cause offense. Jessica simply requested our initial thoughts, and that's what I provided.

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Awesome reply! I think if you dig in your find an accomplished woman passionate about the issues of today

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She is far from being a leader. A leader would not be doing a podcast; she should be going out and meeting the people, doing town halls, “shaking hands and kissing babies” if she was serious about being VP. Her inexperience is showing and she is way out of her league.

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I think in this day and age you have to do both because podcasts are a good way to get your ideas explained in long form. The issue is that you want to be the person invited to all the big podcasts like RFK and Vivek are. They shine when they are given the chance to really explain nitty gritty details of history and policy rather than just repeating sound bites that we typically see on MSM or even in town halls. The main issue I see is that Nicole is hosting this podcast and so she isn’t going to have a ton of followers and I don’t necessarily see how it gets her message out.

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I agree. I actually really like this idea!

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In politics today, you better be willing to do BOTH. Kissing babies and shaking hands is fine, but I'm over it. I want to hear how these people think. I want to see them process information in real time, get pushback, have to explain things that they weren't expecting, and consider a different position.

Trump and Biden should be doing long-form podcast interviews... but I don't think they could pull it off.

I'll take authenticity in conversation anyday. And we're still months out from the campaign. There's plenty of time to be criss-crossing the country kissing babies. Please remember that the only reason that RFK had to get a VP this early in the game is because of ballot access.... other VP's aren't out there much either (Trump doesn't even have one yet)

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I am totally fine with her going on podcasts as a guest but her hosting doesn’t sit right with me. I’d rather have someone get out to meet the people face to face rather than sit in their basement hiding behind a microphone. Trump won’t pick a no body like her to be his VP so you can not really compare the two. Sadly running on the GOP or Democratic ticket is very different as running as a libertarian or independent; the name recognition and support is already there for the first two parties. Oh, I’m fully aware that he announced his VP pick to get on ballots AND he also needed the funds as well to keep his campaign going. She literally bought and paid for herself to get on the ballot IMO. PS: nothing is authentic in podcasts, interviews or political speeches; they are carefully crafted and scripted.

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Campaigning without being viable, out shaking hands and seeing people is a mistake. They seem to forget that most Gen z won’t vote but most Boomers will vote. Many of them have never listened to a podcast therefore leaving out the largest section of voters.

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NS’s interview with Sage Steele is interesting and enlightening. I would not be surprised if this all proves to be too overwhelming and she bows out. She does not seem to have an ego and motherhood is at the forefront of her mind, as it should be.

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I am gen-x and thought the USA “town hall” concept was outdated and weird last century…maybe it is cultural differences but no one in Australia wants a politician to shake their hands…let alone kiss their babies. Surely the only people attending political rallies or town halls, like they are going to a Taylor Swift concert have already made up their minds. Podcasts is the way that people can listen to a long-form interview without leaving their homes. When RJK Jr looks like a young man (at 70) compared to the other geriatric candidates, it is a positive to have someone who is able to communicate with the people of today. She is a 38 year old woman, not a child. Unfortunately, like most women in leadership positions, the focus is quickly turned onto what she wears, the intonation of her voice and moral outrage that she may have had an affair. Pretend she is an old man and maybe you will be able to hear her message and policies.

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Lots of assumptions happening in your comment. Where did I say anything about preferring old men or calling NS a child or commenting on what she wears? Like I said in other comments, I am fine with her going on as a guest however her hosting is like hiding in the basement & controlling HER narrative. I was actually going to vote for RFK until he made his VP announcement. Vivek & Tulsi are top of my list but unfortunately they are not running. I do not care about ones age or sex when it comes to politics; to me it matters how they can do the job and credibility. I have listened to NS’s podcast with RFK & the amount of “umm’s” she used & how she talked about loosing friends because she wouldn’t go to Paris Fashion week because of of her new “career” path comes off as very immature. She could be second in command & she does not present herself as credible leader or to be taken serious. Comparing political rallies to a Taylor Swift concert is wild; these rallies are free & they also have local political leaders that come & speak to the issues happening locally & countrywide. I am NS’s age & have been to political rallies on both sides of aisle to see what they are about; there are stark contrasts & actually helped me decide who I was voting for. Shaking hands/kissing babies is not just a US thing. Look at Milei, Macron, David Cameron, Nelson Mandela, just to name a few since the list goes on & on. PS: Albanese is no spring chicken & he is in bed with the WEF. I’d worry about your own government (esp how they acted the last four years towards the people) before worrying about another country.

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She said she’s doing this from the road so I think she’ll be doing both?

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Don't care. He's not going to win and she's simply assisting his political demise.

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I really like her. Thoughtful, authentic, intelligent, insightful! I like the podcast idea for many of the same reasons as other people particularly long form conversation. It’s clear she is able to read people and see behind all the political jargon! With character like hers you can learn to do anything and she will. Excited to hear more public speaking during the campaign!

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I'm on the fence when it comes to her. I only caught about 50% of the podcast, but she struck me as very young and almost adolescent. I was taken aback by her lack of sophistication and grooming. It may seem shallow, but it bothered me nonetheless. If I were to be RFK Jr's VP, I would surely put in more effort to present myself well. These thoughts may sound superficial now that they're out in the open, but they're my genuine feelings. Despite my reservations, RFK Jr remains a paragon of grace. I just can't shake my apprehension about her being by his side. Maybe if she gets out and campaign’s things will change.

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I like her!

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I watched the Sage Steele interview last night. Although, I was disappointed that Tulsi turned down RFK Jr’s offer, I do trust him and want to learn about her. Although she does come across as soft and young (I have two children in their 30’s), she is determined, very intelligent. I really enjoyed the later part of the interview where you get to learn what she has created for women’s heath. I think she speaks softly and carries a big stick. Her knowledge about AI and the tech world would be a valuable contribution to us. So much to say…but I’ll end by saying that I hope RFK Jr wins, but I believe even if he and Nicole don’t, they will continue to be warriors for us.

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