I am so glad you are so on this Jessica! I'm sure Nick is too. These Comeys are the actual criminals. I think Nick may be wrong about one thing--Trump may very well want to intervene on Nick's behalf. As acting Director of the FBI, it was James Comey who began the inquiry into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, which included examining potential connections between Trump's campaign and Russian operatives. This investigation went on Trump's entire first presidency which derailed him and it continued long after. That said, Trump has quite the axe to grind, understandably so. Trump would also want to help someone who is innocent, having been in a similar position. He had the threat of 200+ years, remember? Someone needs to let Trump know. I have a feeling he will take time out of his busy schedule to help Nick. Great reporting Jessica!

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I think Trump would absolutely want to expose the criminals behind this. Please Jessica take this to his people.

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Last I remember, you hadn’t spoken to Nick and no one could get in touch with him and I think a lot of us feared the worst. Happy to hear that’s no longer the case. Seems like it was months that no one knew where he was or if he was alive. He’s lucky yo have you in his corner to expose the corruption.

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Thank God Nick is alive. There is no doubt IMO that he is innocent. Anything to do with the Comey’s = corruption. So thankful Nick trusts you. Praying for truth to be revealed and for President Trump to get involved.

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I’m not familiar with this case or its connections, but the level of alleged evidence tampering, coerced testimonies, and shifting narratives is hard to ignore. The mention of Epstein leaving a suicide note previously before his failed first attempt, yet its whereabouts remain unknown and unaddressed, makes me wonder how much of the real story has been buried. It also raises a bigger question: If this case was manipulated, how many others have been? I appreciate your deep dive into this, Jessica—curious to see what the upcoming recordings reveal.

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This reads like an episode of Lincoln Lawyer, which is sad because it’s about our actual Justice system. Nepo lawyer is another branch of Comey Corruption served up to you hot & ready to ruin another man’s life. The lengths these people will go to frame someone is sickening.

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I’m stuck on the prosecution claiming that pants changed color (AND material type!) via dye seeping down from the pants of another person buried alongside. Like, you’re not even going to TRY to come up with a more believable story?? 🤯

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So interesting. This clip from a Joe Rogan interview 5 years ago, randomly popped up on my YouTube feed and he’s talking about Epstein’s cellmate! https://youtu.be/FozCkl1xj-w?si=mrZM8mO74rlwPyL9

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Goodness! I’m so glad you’re on top of this case. When I heard Benderoth shot himself when being pulled over by the FBI my first question was why? If you have nothing to hide, you hide nothing. Seems like a lot to hide if it means shooting yourself.

This case is resulting in a movement. A movement to expose corrupt prosecution. Scandal upon scandal. And the misuse of authority within our federal, state and local agencies. Let’s FREE NICK!

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I want to know more about what happened to Nick. Being moved, having no contact with family, etc. did he tell you? Or is he afraid to? This is crazy. All of it. And hello? Conflict of interest? Daddy and daughter? FBI and prosecutor????

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Any theories, either from Nick or others following the case, on why Nick was chosen as the fall guy? Also, is there a way for the public to contribute to Nick's legal fees?

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I’m wondering the same!! Why is HE the fall guy??!? Wrong place wrong time…?? What a horrific conspiracy to be tangled up in!🤯😨

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This!!! My first thought why Nick??

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Jessica, is your back sore from carrying everything? I love it all. Nick, and many others, are very lucky to have you on their side.

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So scary that the people we are supposed to trust are so untrustworthy!!! Nick is lucky that you found each other.

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Really happy to hear you are continuing with Nick's story and in regular contact. Would love to see you collaborate or run through this info with Bob and Ali Motta of Defense Diaries. They are long time criminal defense attorneys and can give a lot of insight into the justice system.

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I'm glad to see this pop up today as I was wondering if you had heard back from Nick and what the status of his appeal / case was. Truly amazing to me how corrupt our government / judges / system / etc is. I pray for this man to get the opportunity to prove his innocence again. I'm betting Nick is glad to have you on his side. With your bandwidth of reaching those in power, I'm betting this goes in his favor when he finally gets another opportunity in court. Thanks for all you do Jess.

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I am SO invested in this! Thank you for the update I’ve been so worried about Nick since he went missing.

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So happy to see this story back! Have people been in contact with Nick?

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This remains to be absolutely unbelievable!! I can’t help but ask…. Perhaps I’ve just forgotten?…. Why on earth did they pick Nick as their fall guy and WHY are they protecting drug cartels??? I cannot even imagine how insanely grateful Nick Tartaglione is that you picked this up and won’t let it go!🙏🙏🙏

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I wonder this too! Why Nick? As far as why they are protecting drug cartels imo is because they, the corrupt in our country, are fully involved. It’s always been about the money.

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Damn I love reading everyone’s responses!!! 💥🩷

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