The seemingly basic question I have is this- how does a man who is described as in "financial turmoil" afford to travel from Hawaii to Florida, to Ukraine and apparently back and forth across the country? I work 40 hours a week and have to CAREFULLY budget for a once a year vacation.

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I thought the same thing. How?

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Credit card debt. If he was already in CC debt he probably just went deeper

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It’s okay, you can call me a conspiracy theorist…. This increased outpouring of high profile Democrats after these assassination attempts to double, triple, quadruple down on how dangerous Trump is … and that he must be stopped and his supporters must be silenced by rather draconian methods…. I call this “ overplaying their hand”…. Like alarmingly so…now, why would that be???

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I’d like to know how Routh knew Trump was going to be golfing that day? It’s been said that it wasn’t on his calendar and was a last minute decision. And…the golf course was closed to the public, meaning Trump was the only one golfing.

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That’s what I was thinking. Who on the inside is providing his whereabouts? And so many of the media outlets state it was an incident again. Shame on them.

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I think Hannity is a mole

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Whoa....interesting. How do you feel about Tucker?

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Tucker hates Trump and said so in private texts that were revealed during discovery in the Fox News v. Dominion lawsuit.

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Tucker has stated he does like Trump. Here you go again, straight up lying. Good grief you’re so pathetic.

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Hey Tonni, Tucker stating something publically after saying something else privately makes him the liar, not me. Hope that helps.

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I forgot about that. So I wonder how Vivek and RFK and Tulsi feel about that since they’re all part of his speaking tour and now Trump allies?

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exactly deb exactly

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Yep. That’s the big question !

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was trump the only one golfing?

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23 hrs ago·edited 23 hrs ago

No. He was with a long time friend/donor.

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Thank you for conducting real journalism, Jessica. MSM is responsible for schizos like Ryan Routh, brainwashing Jason Bourne style assassins at mass scale. Trump Derangement Substack comment sections (Dan Rather, Robert Reich, Heather Cox Richardson, etc.) are full of people like him too - here is one of many examples: https://chriscillizza.substack.com/p/why-do-people-vote-for-donald-trump/comment/69352926?utm_source=activity_item#comment-69354890?utm_source=activity_item

Routh's Tweets are copypasta from MSM TDS screeds - this is the most infamous one: "Trump is MASA: Make Americans Slaves Again. DEMOCRACY is on the ballot and we cannot lose. We cannot afford to fail. The world is counting on us to show the way."

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Wow. People really are deranged

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Real journalists usually have named sources.

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Confidential sources are a real, recognized thing. You should look into “Reporter’s Privilege”- I learned about it as a journalism major in college.

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I understand that, but it’s awfully convenient that a confidential source happens to follow HouseinHabit and agree with her, so often.

Confirmation bias via unnamed sources is not journalism.

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Bullshit. Real journalists are trusted because they keep their sources private when requested. You're on the wrong page.

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No, I’m here for a reason.

This is meant to be an “unbiased” place, right? It’s funny that conservative commenters think they own this space.

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On sensitive, breaking news stories, good journalists have trusted sources that they will never name.

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In this case, though, this “unnamed” source sounds to be one that reached out to Jessica after seeing her stories. This seems more like confirmation bias than anything.

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Jessica clearly states that this person reached out to her. Jessica is being as transparent as she can and still remains professional. I would not want my name out there if I had this information about this man. He holds many secrets I bet.

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You wish.

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Not particularly. This person follows Jessica. So.

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You have in here “Although multiple shots were fired at Trump”. That’s false. The local police, feds, and SS have confirmed Ryan never got off a shot and never had Trump in his sight line. The shots fired were from secret service. You should fix that.

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Has that been confirmed? I ask honestly because I heard multiple shots but they aren't clear where the shots came from or who did the shooting.

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Have you seen the two BlackRock commercials? What are the chances Crooks and Routh were both in BlackRock commercials...

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I believe it was incorrectly reported that this person was in a Black Rock commercial, unlike the first assassin. (How disgusting is it that we have to say “first assassin “. There should have never been a second.

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I have both commercials if you’d like to see.

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The left dehumanization of Trump and his supporters caused all these nonsense

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18

I noticed a post going viral two days ago on Instagram, where it showed both shooters just happen to be in videos made several weeks — if not months or a year —prior that went viral. The first shooter was in a video advertisement for Black rock.

The second shooter, Ryan, was in a video regarding Ukraine.

Coincidence that they had so much public exposure well before the shootings? That those two individuals just happen to be in major advertisement videos?

Connections to Black rock raise some serious questions?


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They aren’t hypocritical- they blatantly have a deep desire for Trump to be eliminated forever. Praying for him.

Good article.

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Love this but it wasn’t literal ceramic tiles, it was defensive ceramic plates that soldiers wear.

Not tiles like in a kitchen.

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The Democratic party has I hoped exposed themselves as anti America. No matter the second attempt on D.T even if you want to say the first was staged has to make you pause. Any Democrat has to say may be something much bigger is taking place. Assassination attempt on a former president and the Republican nominee to be the next sitting president has to say to anyone with brain matter.....hey wait a minute. He still is American even if you disagree with him. Aren't we all suppose to be on the same team. It appears that murder is a campaign strategy now. As I third grade teacher use to say 'PUT ON YOUR THINKING CAP'. Is that statement possible in 2024 in the age of the narrative and not journalism.? This was a great article. Folks got slap themselves to wake up. Something much bigger and above your paid grade is taking place.

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No dem I know wants him to die by an assassin, me included. I want him to go through the justice system and be imprisoned for his crimes.

Assassination would be a nightmare scenario for EVERYONE in this country. Democrats know this.

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There are plenty of celebrities that want it to happen. The proof is all over their twitter pages.

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Please reread. No Dem *I know*.

Any celebrities who want Trump to die by assassin are stupid.

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Great to see you thought stream. Thanks for the engagement! I hope democrats do understand that but from bloggers/podcasters and other indie media it seems to be the opposite. I hope you are correct but until I see that I have to hold to what I said. Thanks for the dialogue.

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I have seen many a comment, from Trump haters, that they want him unalived. Anyone who states they don’t want him gone is straight up lying. KW wants him in prison for fraudulent charges. That’s sick in itself.

Their irrational hatred for this man is demonic.

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The charges aren’t fraudulent, Tonni. They were proven in federal court.

If you take issue with that then you should take issue with the entire legal system.

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Who was funding his travels? It seems unlikely that he was flying all over the world on his own dime. I’d be very curious to see his bank records. He showed up to the golf course hours in advance - which is technically closed for the season - and was just…that lucky? He may have been a whack job, but it feels like he was a funded whack job who was provided with some very relevant information. Maybe the noble deed wasn’t entirely his own idea…

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Journalism usually offers some historical context. This is mostly gossip column type reporting, which is fine. But its scope is limited. One need look no further than to various historians (Heather Cox Richardson-professor at Boston College-for example) to see an accounting of how precisely Trump and his behaviors have compromised the values and tenets of democracy. It seems we are on the precipice of becoming an idiocracy led by an autocrat paid for by the highest bidder. Where’s the outrage about Paul Pelosi being nearly bludgeoned to death in his home? He’s still not back to baseline.

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Sounds like she mixes history with some opinion? ( real honest question)

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Not only did people not shown concern about Paul Pelosi, they mocked him and still claim it was a “lover’s quarrel” which is absolutely vile of them.

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Heather does a very good job of combining historical events with left wing propaganda.

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This stinks....I find it hard to believe this guy acted alone. Also, the mainstream media keeps using the word "apparent" assination attempt. When a guy is lying is wait for 12 hours, holding an AK-47 with a scope, this is NOT apparent. I've seen horrid remarks from the extreme left (yes you Rosie O'Donnell) that will egg on someone else like Routh who is already unhinged. Thank you for the report Jess....and hang in there sending Arlo off to college ❤️

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The left have decided to hold off from shouting gun control from the rooftops , They are praying for third time lucky ,,

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Incorrect. We are still pro-gun control. No one wants Trump dead by an assassin unless they are literally mentally unwell.

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Trump has a unique opportunity to go visit this man in custody and forgive him, much like John Paul 2 visited his attempted assassin and forgave him. That would make headlines I think. Try and rise above this insanity.

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