Favorite article you’ve written that blend’s politics and celebrity. You found your sweet spot with this one. Loved it!

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This was such a great article! I don't even know what else to say. It was captivating from the get-go, and I read it through slowly on my lunch. Your writing is a sublime treat to read.

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I have been following you since I downloaded instagram, back around 2012. Your account has truly shaped who I am as a person today with advice on fashion, interior design, beauty products, how to mother + how to just be real about emotions. You have also gracefully shown me how to sit back with some wine, as I observe my talented husband with a grin on my face, knowing how well I scored marrying the handy man who knows how to play a good tune! The way you pour every descriptive detail in your writing, it’s so easy to relate to you. You are always intuitive in the way you research others & I live for my houseinhabit emails to know what I need to in the world. As an Aspen local teacher, I wasn’t able to see you or Kennedy while you were here, but I was truly so intrigued reading this article because you made me feel like we had a day together in your writing & of course, local slang + photos. I felt seen as an Aspen local when you quoted “rich people shit.” If I were to get instagram back, it would be for you. Until then, I will have to enjoy my houseinhabit via email. Thank you for taking your time to give us transparency in this wild world!!



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So glad you’re enjoying this venture, Abigail. I wish I could have met you in Aspen! Wr really did have so much fun. X

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TMZ meets Time- your coverage is like no other. I hope you know how important you are to this country and RFK Jr.

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Thank you, Stacey for the compliment ❤️

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You're very fucking cool, and I'm so thankful for your writing!

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♥️♥️♥️ It’s with sincere adoration that I have witnessed you go from talking about your neighborhood activities to this year’s journalism of politics. By choosing to say yes to more than you could ever have imagined, you’ve not only change your world but ours too, by taking us along with you on this journey. Danica Patrick! Ten years ago if someone would have predicted you’d be in person with her showing off her tattoo and love of America who would have said they were nuts. I’m loving the journey you’re on and sharing it with us. I can hardly wait to see what happens in the months to come. ♥️

RFK Jr. was spot on with his comment about Trump folding on the shutdown. It’s why I’m choosing Bobby at this point as Trump folded instead of standing strong in the face of extreme pressure.

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Thank you, Robyn for such thoughtful remarks. I love learning that long time followers enjoy this space. And, I agree, about Bobby vs. Trump in that aspect.

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Fantastic read. You really have a way of presenting events in such an honest light. Thank you for that! I love that we are seeing this side of politics. A side that listens, speaks, and is mostly respectful of all viewpoints. The country needs to see this and embrace it.

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House In Habit is required reading. Can't get enough of your articles. I almost feel sorry for legacy media.

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Girl is out there conquering all the fears for her readers! 💪🏼🤍

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So many fears. Thank you for appreciating it

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I feel like a just watched the sequel to Almost Famous after reading this!

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“Almost president” lol

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This quote!! Ha so good! “We wandered around town mid-afternoon, looking for any place that didn’t require reservations to eat a sandwich.”

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Cheryl Hines is a goddess.

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Also, KENNEDY 2024 BABY WHOOT! xxoo

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This is a fantastic post! I couldn't stop reading. So engaging. Thank you! Keep doing more of this! Sabrinalabow.substack.com

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Oh good. I feel so guilty when I post long articles 🙃

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Jess! Beautifully written - I felt like I was there and now I WANT to be there! My daughter is going to Aspen in March and I cannot wait to share this with her. I am so happy y'all decided to go - what an unforgettable whirlwind adventure!

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She’s going to have a blast!

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Why is the best thing about this the idea of Jewel with KC, I love Jewel 😂 another great article! So entertaining.

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I do too! 🤣

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