Hang in there Jess. Happy you’re ignoring the ridiculous meltdowns fueled by jealousy. We all look forward to YOUR content (yes, haters - I said CONTENT) as we know it will not be just a regurgitation of what’s in the binder.
Congrats, Jessica! Your curiosity and tenacity led to this moment. It feels like a win for all of us that have been rooting for you and hanging on your every word. Thanks for questioning everything with an open mind … can’t wait for your next update. Also loved the houndstooth!
A controlled release is not transparent. Put up a website with all the information for All Americans. Then if they want to read the various perspectives of press or influencers that's their business. Otherwise this looks like you guys are just going to feed a certain narrative and we can't have access to the information. Totally unacceptable. And you would say the same thing if you weren't one of the ones who got the information. I'm a three-time Trump voter and this is shady.
They do not HAVE all the information as the SDNY FBI office has withheld the real goods. Bondi made an official request demanding they release it to her by 8 am tomorrow. So it was not possible to be fully transparent today.
They aren't being transparent at all when they are using a few hand selected influencers with coordinated posts to pretend to distribute the information. Any information distributed should be on a United States government website for everyone in this country to see and analyze themselves. This is America, no media outlet should be blocked from this story. And again if Jessica wasn't given unprecedented access and a hug from Bobby she'd be screaming the same things. This was not handled right. And no amount of their hand selected influencers screaming from the rooftops is going to convince the rest of the country to believe any differently. Trump is playing them, and they're playing right into his hand. But at the end of the day, we still don't have s***
I agree 100 percent. A day before, Pam Bondi was on Jesse Waters stating that she read the files and it was horrific, disturbing, and when we find out who the perpetrators were we would be shocked! So why when these files get released today, it’s nothing new? Pam is saying she didn’t get all the files now? What am I missing here? Can someone that’s smarter than I please fill in the blanks. Thanks in advance.
Some one is lying ( Bondi ) or someone pulled a switcheroo ( unlikely). She has few avenues to redeem herself along with Patel and Bongino - that office should be shuttered and everyone down to and including the janitor fired and arrest those that broke laws. Otherwise the new boss is just prettier and wears a skirt than the old boss. And we might question the latter one - skirt for Wray.
Then this a total waste of time and resources. We all know we aren’t going to get the real info because the president’s name appears many times in these logs and who is gullible enough to believe that would be released ??????
The comments regarding this WH not being “transparent enough” are laughable. In comparison to the last 4 years where we went MONTHS without seeing or hearing from the former president-this is a gigantic leap in the direction of transparency. The Epstein case is incredibly sensitive and if humanity cannot have some level of understanding for the hundreds of GIRLS who were damaged by his influence and his sex trafficking than shame on them. The lies will be unwound over time and the facts will emerge. I cannot imagine the complexity of the entire story. What I do know and have faith in, is Jess will share the facts- and her research -better than any MSM hack and certainly more fairly than crazy Laura Loomer!!! JRK has been invested in this horrible story for many years and if anyone wants the TRUTH-it’s her! ❤️
This isn't about comparing to the last 4 years. Trump was already in office once, and Bondi was attorney general of the state when Epstein got a deal and all of the information sealed..... So they have both had a chance, did nothing.... Pledged they would do something and it was the biggest fumble and debacle yet. Trump has historically picked attorney generals that have sucked and done absolutely nothing we were promised , so we have a right to not have faith and to be pissed at how this is being handled. The excuse is the people that work fo me aren't giving us what we asked for, yet you don't see the hammer come down. They can fire, raid, restrict access, arrest, etc.... yet they aren't.
Lmao I voted for Trump three times. I'm not arguing. Stating facts . Sorry you're offended by people who are actually objective and can think for themselves and don't just go along with everything their party does. Very lefty of you.
IF Patel, Bondi and Bongino are serious and want to be taken seriously then they better get on the stick and fire everyone down to the janitor in that office and have people arrested if they broke any law. This slow controlled drip make all 3 look pretty darn swampy. Put it ALL on the White House website then simultaneously release the binder to the media. Now we have the media again playing filters for what we are going to be allowed to see,
And she's going off and her stories like anybody who doesn't agree with the stupid binder drop to the influencers is a hater... She's accomplished so much, everyone who's here knows that... But she's confusing the two events... We can be mad at what the administration promised vs. did and it doesn't reflect on whether or not we think it's a fantastic accomplishment that she got there. Even she said she wasn't aware that this binder drop was going to happen, but Trump just Olivia'd her and she doesn't even realize it. She thought this event was for something different. But that event wasn't highlighted on its own for her to get that praise that she is obviously perturbed that she's not getting from everyone --because the two things were combined and the more important one that everyone is talking about is that The government lied and failed us again. That the culture of protecting these criminals and abusers is continuing.
I was disappointed to see her visceral reaction on the Instagram stories. I’ve been a longtime paid supporter and shared her work numerous times and her blocking of people for disagreeing and lashing out is not a good look.
A joke? Not only a hardworking investigator who is on par with Tom Wolfe, Joan Didion and Gerard Vanderleun with her totally original voice...and is a great mom.
Mandy, the binder was filled with all the documents that have already been released. It's everything that Jessica had already investigated for years. Dwarf, there's no new information in the binders. They were kind of duped, unfortunately.
That Jessica and the others were INVITED to be at the White House!! She is not being given access because she cannot control herself. That is why she is jealous and as Jess says, "becomes unhinged".
She’s always unhinged. She’s pissed there’s no new information released. Even Luna is pissed this release was a total flop. The fact that yall would make it about jealousy is silly.
After seeing the Twitter files, it makes perfect sense why they would release it this way. While, yeah it could appear that they are intentionally shaping a narrative, the reality is that legacy media will do the same to serve their own purposes. Information is powerful, but having people that understand the big picture is critical, because it means the dots connected will be accurate. Congrats of this Jess, you deserve it!
This all seems really odd. It’s not your fault they gave it to you so I’m not sure why people are mad at you specifically. The way it all went down just doesn’t sit right with me. We know you’ll be fully transparent about what you find but what the heck? Were they trying to piss his supporters off and give the left tons of ammo? He already gave them a ton of ammo with that gold statue Gaza post. Last thing he needs to do is piss off MAGA who has stood behind him through everything.
Laura is a nut, I’m sorry but it’s no wonder she wasn’t invited in. We want real journalistic views, not hysteria and opinion. That’s why Legacy media is close to dead, it’s all opinion with a few facts sprinkled in. Why would Trump want these people in the press at the Whitehouse that hate him? What’s going on with the SDNY holding back these files? Who knows how much information is gone now? We all know they like to twist the law.
I am glad to see that you are being included in the Epstein revelations. I am also glad to see that Laura Loomer has been unmasked to conservatives for the deranged person she has always been. When I posted last year on this Substack that Laura Loomer was a bad person, a lot of people responded unhappily to my comment as they liked what she had to say about Muslims, immigrants and other topics. But slowly even MAGA is beginning to figure out that people like Loomer and (gasp) Ben Shapiro are serving another agenda. Or more specifically another country -- the same one Epstein served when he worked for that country's intelligence agency to get blackmail to control American leaders.
What you touched on at the end of your comment is the reason we will never ever see the full extent of the Epstein story. The only real bipartisan issue in our government is the cover-up of people and other countries involved in this huge trafficking scandal.
Jessica, I don't know why you're getting any heat. This wasn't your idea. I'm happy you got an exclusive invite! Thank you for opening my eyes to everything.
I wanted to leave this info from Insurrection Barbie, "Maurene Comey, an Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York (SDNY), has been with the office since 2015. She is the daughter of former FBI Director James Comey.
What a shocker that she was put into SDNY right before Trump came into office.
She has been involved in:
Jeffrey Epstein Case: She was one of the lead prosecutors in the 2019 case against financier Jeffrey Epstein.
Ghislaine Maxwell Trial: In 2021, Maurene served as a lead prosecutor in the trial of Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s associate. Maxwell was convicted on multiple counts, including sex trafficking of minors, and received a 20-year prison sentence.
Robert Hadden Prosecution: She was involved in prosecuting Robert Hadden, a former gynecologist accused of sexually abusing numerous patients. Hadden’s trial has been scheduled for 2022.
Natalie Edwards Case: Maurene participated in the case against Natalie Mayflower Sours Edwards, a former Treasury Department official who pleaded guilty in 2020 to leaking confidential documents related to the Russia investigation and other matters.
Between October 2017 and October 2018, Edwards disclosed numerous SARs and other sensitive government information to a reporter from BuzzFeed News, identified in court documents as Jason Leopold. The leaked information pertained to high-profile individuals and entities, including Paul Manafort, Richard Gates, the Russian Embassy, Maria Butina, and Prevezon Alexander. These disclosures formed the basis for a series of investigative articles highlighting suspicious financial activities. She served 6 months in prison only.
In December 2024, Maurene joined the prosecution team in the case against Sean “Diddy” Combs, who faces multiple charges, including sexual misconduct. The trial is scheduled for May 2025.
She has gotten every single deep state case magically assigned to her?
Hang in there. I think everyone is forgetting it’s been a little over a month for this administration and they have been more transparent than the Biden Administration was for 4 years! We literally had a ‘Weekend at Bernie’s ’ situation in our White House, and no one knew who was running the show, and now everyone is attacking and disappointed with how things are being rolled out.
These things take time, Trump is trying to follow through with all his promises, but the man also needs time! It’s been 1 month!
Congrats to you for your hard work and obviously making a huge impact for this administration that they trust you
My fellow Jessica. God Bless you and Protect you. Not one of your supporters have to worry about you changing who you are nor a hidden agenda. I value you, your input, and most importantly your transparent sense of humor. You are a breath of fresh air. I did not even know paying for a "membership" to your substack would sign me up to chat with you and others. How freaking cool! So much love and respect.
From an Oregonian, Republican, Christian, and Federal Government Employee
Jessica Kennedy (no relation to RFK Jr though I respect him and hope to meet him one day)
Hang in there Jess. Happy you’re ignoring the ridiculous meltdowns fueled by jealousy. We all look forward to YOUR content (yes, haters - I said CONTENT) as we know it will not be just a regurgitation of what’s in the binder.
Congrats, Jessica! Your curiosity and tenacity led to this moment. It feels like a win for all of us that have been rooting for you and hanging on your every word. Thanks for questioning everything with an open mind … can’t wait for your next update. Also loved the houndstooth!
OMG the houndstooth was it!
10/10 for the suit - no notes!
A controlled release is not transparent. Put up a website with all the information for All Americans. Then if they want to read the various perspectives of press or influencers that's their business. Otherwise this looks like you guys are just going to feed a certain narrative and we can't have access to the information. Totally unacceptable. And you would say the same thing if you weren't one of the ones who got the information. I'm a three-time Trump voter and this is shady.
They do not HAVE all the information as the SDNY FBI office has withheld the real goods. Bondi made an official request demanding they release it to her by 8 am tomorrow. So it was not possible to be fully transparent today.
They aren't being transparent at all when they are using a few hand selected influencers with coordinated posts to pretend to distribute the information. Any information distributed should be on a United States government website for everyone in this country to see and analyze themselves. This is America, no media outlet should be blocked from this story. And again if Jessica wasn't given unprecedented access and a hug from Bobby she'd be screaming the same things. This was not handled right. And no amount of their hand selected influencers screaming from the rooftops is going to convince the rest of the country to believe any differently. Trump is playing them, and they're playing right into his hand. But at the end of the day, we still don't have s***
The documents inside of the binder are available here: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/attorney-general-pamela-bondi-releases-first-phase-declassified-epstein-files?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaZtlntBKUWL0f-ZIw9RNDV56m-US9xGRxryQVR0jbDudMJzDxevuGQ8cJc_aem_woBxHEeaPVMsz9wEYOwv-A
I'm pretty sure everything they were given is also in pdfs on the FBI's website.
I agree 100 percent. A day before, Pam Bondi was on Jesse Waters stating that she read the files and it was horrific, disturbing, and when we find out who the perpetrators were we would be shocked! So why when these files get released today, it’s nothing new? Pam is saying she didn’t get all the files now? What am I missing here? Can someone that’s smarter than I please fill in the blanks. Thanks in advance.
Some one is lying ( Bondi ) or someone pulled a switcheroo ( unlikely). She has few avenues to redeem herself along with Patel and Bongino - that office should be shuttered and everyone down to and including the janitor fired and arrest those that broke laws. Otherwise the new boss is just prettier and wears a skirt than the old boss. And we might question the latter one - skirt for Wray.
Apparently the FBI is holding back some of the files.
Then this a total waste of time and resources. We all know we aren’t going to get the real info because the president’s name appears many times in these logs and who is gullible enough to believe that would be released ??????
It is on the US Attorney General’s official website. All links to the documents in the binders that were given.
The comments regarding this WH not being “transparent enough” are laughable. In comparison to the last 4 years where we went MONTHS without seeing or hearing from the former president-this is a gigantic leap in the direction of transparency. The Epstein case is incredibly sensitive and if humanity cannot have some level of understanding for the hundreds of GIRLS who were damaged by his influence and his sex trafficking than shame on them. The lies will be unwound over time and the facts will emerge. I cannot imagine the complexity of the entire story. What I do know and have faith in, is Jess will share the facts- and her research -better than any MSM hack and certainly more fairly than crazy Laura Loomer!!! JRK has been invested in this horrible story for many years and if anyone wants the TRUTH-it’s her! ❤️
This isn't about comparing to the last 4 years. Trump was already in office once, and Bondi was attorney general of the state when Epstein got a deal and all of the information sealed..... So they have both had a chance, did nothing.... Pledged they would do something and it was the biggest fumble and debacle yet. Trump has historically picked attorney generals that have sucked and done absolutely nothing we were promised , so we have a right to not have faith and to be pissed at how this is being handled. The excuse is the people that work fo me aren't giving us what we asked for, yet you don't see the hammer come down. They can fire, raid, restrict access, arrest, etc.... yet they aren't.
I won’t argue for the sake of arguing with you. Obviously you are a troll and want to hate on the current administration-bye bye! 👋🏻
Lmao I voted for Trump three times. I'm not arguing. Stating facts . Sorry you're offended by people who are actually objective and can think for themselves and don't just go along with everything their party does. Very lefty of you.
IF Patel, Bondi and Bongino are serious and want to be taken seriously then they better get on the stick and fire everyone down to the janitor in that office and have people arrested if they broke any law. This slow controlled drip make all 3 look pretty darn swampy. Put it ALL on the White House website then simultaneously release the binder to the media. Now we have the media again playing filters for what we are going to be allowed to see,
Tomorrow came and went. Nothing's been delivered.
The American people deserve to read every word of every page for themselves. We didn't ask for gatekeepers. This was a bad decision all around.
Everything is on justice.gov
Thank you. Just looked & it’s all there.
Sure seems to me like this extremely important comment got lost in the sauce.
100% correct. Jess is a joke now. So disappointing!
And she's going off and her stories like anybody who doesn't agree with the stupid binder drop to the influencers is a hater... She's accomplished so much, everyone who's here knows that... But she's confusing the two events... We can be mad at what the administration promised vs. did and it doesn't reflect on whether or not we think it's a fantastic accomplishment that she got there. Even she said she wasn't aware that this binder drop was going to happen, but Trump just Olivia'd her and she doesn't even realize it. She thought this event was for something different. But that event wasn't highlighted on its own for her to get that praise that she is obviously perturbed that she's not getting from everyone --because the two things were combined and the more important one that everyone is talking about is that The government lied and failed us again. That the culture of protecting these criminals and abusers is continuing.
I was disappointed to see her visceral reaction on the Instagram stories. I’ve been a longtime paid supporter and shared her work numerous times and her blocking of people for disagreeing and lashing out is not a good look.
A joke? Not only a hardworking investigator who is on par with Tom Wolfe, Joan Didion and Gerard Vanderleun with her totally original voice...and is a great mom.
Can we not compare the error-riddled untruths here with Tom Wolfe, et al?
This group of influencers got told how they will be used and listened with a smile. They got played.
Mandy, the binder was filled with all the documents that have already been released. It's everything that Jessica had already investigated for years. Dwarf, there's no new information in the binders. They were kind of duped, unfortunately.
Laura Loomer is JEALOUS!!! Hahahaha. Congrats! Well deserved!
Jealous of what? There was nothing new released
That Jessica and the others were INVITED to be at the White House!! She is not being given access because she cannot control herself. That is why she is jealous and as Jess says, "becomes unhinged".
Laura has been all over the place with Trump, I doubt she’s jealous
Oh yes she is!! She is unhinged over on X.
She’s always unhinged. She’s pissed there’s no new information released. Even Luna is pissed this release was a total flop. The fact that yall would make it about jealousy is silly.
You can’t even read it. What a joke.
What? Can’t read what now?
It was a weird day waiting for nothing. It is shocking that the FBI continues to subvert the President.
I just have a feeling this isn’t “subverting the president.” They never intended to release anything groundbreaking. Was he in on it?
He was on it, the list that is, before his name was deleted off.
I just want to know - Jimmy Kimmel, and Tom Hanks. Yay or nay.
After seeing the Twitter files, it makes perfect sense why they would release it this way. While, yeah it could appear that they are intentionally shaping a narrative, the reality is that legacy media will do the same to serve their own purposes. Information is powerful, but having people that understand the big picture is critical, because it means the dots connected will be accurate. Congrats of this Jess, you deserve it!
THIS! thank you!
This all seems really odd. It’s not your fault they gave it to you so I’m not sure why people are mad at you specifically. The way it all went down just doesn’t sit right with me. We know you’ll be fully transparent about what you find but what the heck? Were they trying to piss his supporters off and give the left tons of ammo? He already gave them a ton of ammo with that gold statue Gaza post. Last thing he needs to do is piss off MAGA who has stood behind him through everything.
Love this for you and was thrilled to see your picture on X before your socials. However, waiting on all the files has become exhausting.
Also, I LOVE seeing breaking news by independents and X before all the dead legacy media.
Laura is a nut, I’m sorry but it’s no wonder she wasn’t invited in. We want real journalistic views, not hysteria and opinion. That’s why Legacy media is close to dead, it’s all opinion with a few facts sprinkled in. Why would Trump want these people in the press at the Whitehouse that hate him? What’s going on with the SDNY holding back these files? Who knows how much information is gone now? We all know they like to twist the law.
A journalist doesn’t get informed on how they should report information or told how an administration wants them to report info.
I am glad to see that you are being included in the Epstein revelations. I am also glad to see that Laura Loomer has been unmasked to conservatives for the deranged person she has always been. When I posted last year on this Substack that Laura Loomer was a bad person, a lot of people responded unhappily to my comment as they liked what she had to say about Muslims, immigrants and other topics. But slowly even MAGA is beginning to figure out that people like Loomer and (gasp) Ben Shapiro are serving another agenda. Or more specifically another country -- the same one Epstein served when he worked for that country's intelligence agency to get blackmail to control American leaders.
I don't know that she's necessarily a bad person, but it does seem clear that she has some mental health issues.
What you touched on at the end of your comment is the reason we will never ever see the full extent of the Epstein story. The only real bipartisan issue in our government is the cover-up of people and other countries involved in this huge trafficking scandal.
Jessica, I don't know why you're getting any heat. This wasn't your idea. I'm happy you got an exclusive invite! Thank you for opening my eyes to everything.
I wanted to leave this info from Insurrection Barbie, "Maurene Comey, an Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York (SDNY), has been with the office since 2015. She is the daughter of former FBI Director James Comey.
What a shocker that she was put into SDNY right before Trump came into office.
She has been involved in:
Jeffrey Epstein Case: She was one of the lead prosecutors in the 2019 case against financier Jeffrey Epstein.
Ghislaine Maxwell Trial: In 2021, Maurene served as a lead prosecutor in the trial of Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s associate. Maxwell was convicted on multiple counts, including sex trafficking of minors, and received a 20-year prison sentence.
Robert Hadden Prosecution: She was involved in prosecuting Robert Hadden, a former gynecologist accused of sexually abusing numerous patients. Hadden’s trial has been scheduled for 2022.
Natalie Edwards Case: Maurene participated in the case against Natalie Mayflower Sours Edwards, a former Treasury Department official who pleaded guilty in 2020 to leaking confidential documents related to the Russia investigation and other matters.
Between October 2017 and October 2018, Edwards disclosed numerous SARs and other sensitive government information to a reporter from BuzzFeed News, identified in court documents as Jason Leopold. The leaked information pertained to high-profile individuals and entities, including Paul Manafort, Richard Gates, the Russian Embassy, Maria Butina, and Prevezon Alexander. These disclosures formed the basis for a series of investigative articles highlighting suspicious financial activities. She served 6 months in prison only.
In December 2024, Maurene joined the prosecution team in the case against Sean “Diddy” Combs, who faces multiple charges, including sexual misconduct. The trial is scheduled for May 2025.
She has gotten every single deep state case magically assigned to her?
Those should be redacted. That says Masseuses not massages so those would be victims.
Hang in there. I think everyone is forgetting it’s been a little over a month for this administration and they have been more transparent than the Biden Administration was for 4 years! We literally had a ‘Weekend at Bernie’s ’ situation in our White House, and no one knew who was running the show, and now everyone is attacking and disappointed with how things are being rolled out.
These things take time, Trump is trying to follow through with all his promises, but the man also needs time! It’s been 1 month!
Congrats to you for your hard work and obviously making a huge impact for this administration that they trust you
So....we still haven't seen the list.
I doubt we ever will.
My fellow Jessica. God Bless you and Protect you. Not one of your supporters have to worry about you changing who you are nor a hidden agenda. I value you, your input, and most importantly your transparent sense of humor. You are a breath of fresh air. I did not even know paying for a "membership" to your substack would sign me up to chat with you and others. How freaking cool! So much love and respect.
From an Oregonian, Republican, Christian, and Federal Government Employee
Jessica Kennedy (no relation to RFK Jr though I respect him and hope to meet him one day)