So thorough and moving! I love that you included actual letters. Thank God she died before he did. It would have been all too much to bear. Your post made me cry. Had he lived, I bet he would have made a profound difference in our political landscape. Congratulations on your son's graduation! Mazel Tov Jessica! Sabrinalabow.substack.com

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thank you, Sabrina! xx

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Excellent article, as per usual. I admired Jacqueline’s elegance and never get tired of reading about her. But frankly, a couple of things were disappointing to learn. One, she admonished her son to become half the man his father was? I find that curious. It’s no secret that JFK couldn’t remain faithful for five minutes and put Jacqueline through all manner of heartbreak. That’s the man she hoped her son would become? The kind of husband? I hate to reduce the Kennedys to the level of the common man (/s), but they put their pants on one leg at a time just like the rest of us. Unfortunately, we did not get to see how JFK’s presidency would unfold throughout his first term and perhaps into a second — he could have been great — but as a man, I find little to emulate. And two, how old was John John in August of 1980 when his mother was writing letters to try to clean up after his irresponsibility? He was a college sophomore at that point, certainly old enough to man up and own his mistakes. Frankly, that was icky. And yes, I have children, both of whom have graduated from college, and I will tell you they handled their own stuff. I gave advice if it was sought, but they owned their actions and faced the consequences. I know Jacqueline -said- she didn’t want any special treatment for him, but her letters tell a totally different story.

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I had the same thought when I read the "half a man" part. I would think she would want him to be a better man...

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I remember my mother, who loved the Kennedys, saying Jackie spoiled John John and made him “a sissie.” Kind of true. He was a Mama’s boy for sure which explains his constant irresponsible behavior. That caused a lot of trouble in his marriage to Caroline. Jackie ran interference many times trying to protect him. He wanted to be a movie star. He should have been expelled from college for so many incomplete assignments. He failed the bar exam more than once barely passing his last chance at it. But about the time he died he seemed to be coming into his own. GEORGE magazine was a big hit, his marriage seemed to be stabilizing and he was considering getting into politics. He was planning on running for the US Senate seat in New York when the seat opened. Hillary Clinton decided to run for the same seat and a few days later John John’s plane went down. Surely a cowinkydink. If he had lived he may have changed the history of our country.

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Not Hillary Clinton! 🤔 That is wayyyy suspicious

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By the time someone arrives at the University level, he/she should be able to manage their own time to complete the required coursework. JFK Jr was involved in other noteworthy activities but should have been “adult” enough to sort it out with the University so that his mother did not have to intervene on his behalf; despite her claim not to want special treatment for him. Even on her death bed she continued to be concerned about his ability to manage his affairs and his ability to fly a plane. Sadly he didn’t listen and the greater tragedy is that he caused the deaths of his wife and her sister which I consider a selfish act given the substantiated circumstances that led to the crash.

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JKO had to have felt a deep intuition about John’s future fatal plane crash. It’s still one of the saddest, unnecessary deaths of two public figures.

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He could have been the greatest president , he had a sharp intellect and I don’t think he could have been bought and paid for like so many , And the shadows behind the throne knew that . Nothing will ever convince me he wasn’t dispatched,

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Agreed. He flew too close to the Hilary sun and was burned.

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This article is really beautiful. I don't know how you find all of the historic videos and photos. But I totally get your emotion. We have a daughter who sailed through high school and college, basically all on her own steam. Then we had a son who we had to advocate for in similar fashion to Jackie and her letters. Graduation day for our son was truly a momentous day. I remember he was humming with pride in his accomplishment, as were we, and it was a day I'll never forget.

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Finding fun old photos is the easy part :)

Congrats on your graduates!

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Enjoy them they young for such a short time!

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Superb juxtaposition of your son’s graduation and the graduation of the most watched of the Kennedy sons. It’s a bittersweet time for sure.

I’m pretty sure Jackie was in the trenches, as a mom, with all the rest of us albeit with far greater resources at her fingertips. We have learned that money offers zero guarantees to children of privilege. Sometimes their level of entitlement runs unchecked and they’re spoiled for good. A good example is Ted. As well as Caroline’s son. He’s questionable at best.

The fates have not been kind to the Kennedys and while it’s fun to compare looks, I’m pretty sure your sons may fare better in life. They’ve been raised by two parents who support and love each other. Which is the best gift you can give a child.

One down, three to go! Good job mom and dad. Enjoy the festivities for sure!

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I’m so sick and tired of this Kennedy fantasy land. The Kennedy’s are disgusting and crass, covering for manslaughter and rampant adultery. Now it seems Jackie was the first helicopter mom? Caroline and John were nepo baby failures. John failed at law, failed with his magazine, and failed as a pilot.

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High school graduation is HUGE for moms. Huge. I hear you. Looks like you had a wonderful time celebrating! This was a very interesting read as it reminds us to step back and breathe. John Jr. was a busy, busy college student. And it is pretty common for kids to let loose in college their freshmen year. So, John did not flunk out, but like many others he was on academic probation. Big deal. He was learning about life with all the other 18 year olds. I guess because he was a Kennedy there was an expectation to be better than that? And I read that he was dyslexic. Being a teacher, I would be incredibly proud of him for persevering and passing that Bar Exam no matter how many times he had to take it!

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Beautiful tribute to all of us who feel the weight of letting these little birds fly. Congratulations on your oldest son's graduation.

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The other day I decided to do nothing about anything. I got up showered had some berries with cornflakes and squeezed a lemon into hot water. Then I said my daily prayers. Then, I went outside to sit and relax. No iPhone, No TV news, no internet... The current generation calls it "Chilling Out" a Great name. I sat in my chair and looked at my plants, fruit trees, etc. Within a half-hour of looking at the sky, which had beautiful white clouds. I started to feel like a different person. It seemed to me that I had built up a lot of stress. Other people, world events, or financial concerns did not cause it. It was ME causing my anxiety. I did some self-analysis and I realized I was hurting myself No one person or event was the cause. It was a wake-up call. So please look deep inside, you will see I'm right.

"Chill Out." check out my latest writings at eee613.substack.com it is freer thank

David Brown June 6, 2024 reprint

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Him calling her mommy. I swear my children (3 &1) are not allowed to call me anything but mommy and if they do. jail! 😂

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I'm here for anything involving the Kennedys! 🥰

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Interesting read and photos! I went to my grandson’s kindergarten graduation yesterday. At my three daughters, and all that follow, I want to cheer them all on to have a blessed and successful life. Congrats to you with your first grad! Wish the same for him.

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Jun 2
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I actually was onto that at the very start of it unfolding. I have someone working on a breakdown of it, actually.

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Jun 2Edited
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Yes, It’s crazy too, because no one outside of TikTok is even talking about it.

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So curious as to what you are referring here. Is it the comment that has since been deleted? And you have someone working on a breakdown of whatever this is??

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Sad response. Why throw a whole family under the bus… ? Love what you do, Jessica. I have watched 3 of mine walk the stage - cherished memories for sure :) Enjoy every moment.

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