My twin sister was raped at 15 by a boy who’s family had connections. I watched helplessly as my family was threatened and a detective “disappeared”. My parents were told to drop charges because if they went to trial they would bury my sister, the VICTIM, who at that time was barely able to get out of bed to go to HIGH SCHOOL. 😭😭😭😭😭 I have so much anger towards the justice system and those who allow children to be abused. In my not so radical opinion, if someone has the strength to come forward and say they were raped, hold the person they say did it up against the wall by their collar and start asking questions. 😑

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To become the woman she is after being so thoroughly and calculatedly diminished is so empowering to the rest of us. Thanks to Jessican M for sharing her story and her deep, unwavering insight into what it all really is. The analogies, illustrations of what it means to be forced into something even tho to certain onlookers you consented is simple in its brilliance. The fact that someone has to put this into terms a kindergartener can understand is telling. What people allow to happen under their noses in order to stay in the good graces of the monsters that sign their paychecks shouldn't be overlooked. Everyone should be held accountable.

Now. Jessica R. What was with all the pictures you posted of Jennifer Lawrence?

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The part about the trauma and the CPTSD felt as though I was reading about myself. I have fibromyalgia now in my forties, I have suffered childhood trauma, sexual, mental, physical. Abandoned at 18 months by my mother. I have experienced domestic violence in adulthood, the list goes on. I relate to everything she said so thank you for writing this, it has helped me to know that there’s people out there who fight for the truth and fight for the little people like myself. ❤️

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That really gave another perspective into an issue so deeply complex. I’m so glad she shared her story and the many depths of it.

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Thank you as always. I so appreciate someone who is willing to evolve their thinking with new information and speak truth to the fact that our opinions are not always linear…. And that that is ok! And it is normal! And should be embraced!

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This article needs to be read by every man, woman & child, to understand the complexity of trauma, the long term impacts of sexual abuse, grooming & consent. Such a powerful article, Thankyou to both of you, so much. Anyone who has experienced sexual abuse as a victim or family member of a victim will feel so validated with both your words. Thankyou

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How do we email you, Jessica? I have an interesting tidbit - that sheds some insight into the mind of this man. It’s a subtle Easter egg I found in an interview of another person from several years ago…

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This is one of the most incredible things I’ve read in a long while

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Also I’ve been watching The Hills again and can’t stop thinking about what happening when they go to Paris for teen vogue... maybe that’s why my lip is twitching

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please remind me!

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Oh nothing crazy just what you have mentioned about fashion in Paris and I think your Uber driver said something as well. But just knowing how TEEEEEN vogue is huge there and it just made me think more about the behind the scenes of it all. Also they all just hung out at S bar in LA on the last episode I watched. It’s so dark and weird in there and the symbol the guy looks like satan so I was wondering if S stood for something sinister... but lc did date Brody Jenner and so did everyone else. It’s just interesting how everything connects and connects to the K family

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@Rober Rabbit - It would be a probable assumption that you are from the generation of men that lived rape culture as acceptable pursuits of women. Based off your response and the era of the character in your name. Instead of being offended and arguing your the kind of person Jessica would approach and discuss the insights into why you are wrong and mis-informed. Both about her trial and rape in general. Which says a lot more about her than you.

For starters -force is not what determines rape. What determines rape is if that person did not have consent.

You also clearly did not read the transcripts of the NY trial or attend. Or read her impact statement that discusses power of abuse.

Your argument would also imply that women in marriages who are abused - are null and void. That simply because they are married, they have an overarching blanket of 'consent' due to some dynamic of the relationship. This is simply not true. An abusive husband can rape his wife.

Lastly, the court does know what third degree rape is why its recognized as criminal. Just because you don't, doesn't mean it's bogus. Courts and Jury's do require evidence and I'm quite certain the jury in

Weinstein's trial (both of them) who spend days deliberating and ultimately not convicting across the board on all charges - amplifies that they weighed which charges had enough evidence. Even in the NY trial there was evidence of the hotel staff witnessing duress and notes in their system to check on the woman.

100 plus women came forward off one man. A man who mad multiple NDA's before your theory of "needing someone to blame" even could be an argument. NDA's of multiple women he sexually assaulted.

It's unfortunate you think rape is only the dramatic violent version by a stranger. Or feel some cultural overtone of feminist hatred of men. It leads me to understand that you live an existence with a sense of rejection by the female species. Also if you think rape is only a violent stranger then I am also prone to think that you perhaps have inappropriate behavior and actions towards women that lead them to 'reject' or display discomfort around you. Behaviors you are un-self aware of that perpetuate your view of self victimhood.

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Merry Christmas Eve, thanks for your interest.

My point is that contrary to what you stated above, they do *not* need evidence, only a story is needed.

"jurors were told that under the law, if they found an accuser’s story credible, that alone could be enough to convict."



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There is no way to prove a rape that happened a decade ago, so the only thing the court has to go on is “believe all women.” In a frightening and bizarre transformation of the American legal system, prosecutors can now put women in front of a jury to cry and see if the jury believes her. It cannot be stated how drastically this veers from the entire history of the Western legal system and in fact, every legal system on earth.

He has proof that these women voluntarily had sex with him. In the New York case, one of the women claimed she had been having sex with him already, then he raped her, then she dated him for a year after that. What these feminist Jew lawyers did was get her to go through her entire sexual history with this man and dial in to one sex meeting – over the course of 4+ years of sex meetings – that seemed especially uncomfortable. With all the women, Harvey has all this evidence that they kept in contact and said nice things about him and sent him nice messages after they claim they were raped.

Even if they could prove it, what they describe is not “rape,” because he did not use any force. They don’t even claim he used force. In the New York case, it was “third degree rape,” which is rape with no force. No one even knows what that is.

I know people don’t like Harvey Weinstein. I don’t like him either. But that is exactly the point. They needed someone that everyone hates to be able to push through a totally new precedent on sex in America.

Since Harvey’s first trial, the sex prosecutions have gotten completely out of control. Men all over America are being hit with fake rape charges. They have no defense. Under this precedent, it is literally impossible to prove you didn’t rape a woman, because the court does not require any evidence.

The basic truth is that you had your legs open and that a real rape looks like this: https://nypost.com/2022/10/25/california-woman-recounts-horrifying-attack-by-homeless-man/

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Whether you manipulate someone out of their money or their body, it’s crime.

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Roger Rabbit (lol), go ask three random women right now if they’ve ever experienced sexual abuse or assault.

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If you were educated on or experienced the debilitating and detrimental effects of trauma on the brain and nervous system, you’d understand. Empathy is a requirement when you’re uneducated on a topic.

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Empathy and humility.

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Thanks for the advice.

With empathy I humbly feel that she is indeed traumatized.

After you had sex with a woman she can can develop PTSD and a credible story about it making you a rapist, and therefore heterosexual sex illegal.

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Provide proof “men all over America being hit with false rape charges”. Because statistically speaking, it has the exact same false allegation percentage as any other crime. In fact, men are more likely to be raped than falsely accused. Unless you’ve got some intel not available to the general public?

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Men fearing false allegations and there actually being false allegations made are two different things, RR.

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You're right, I don't know the number but it seems to be the general male feeling because of the #METOO stories that appeared those 4 last years...

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The point of contention is “is it rape?” and the obvious answer is no.

It wasn’t rape in the cases of dozens of other women, who all admitted to having sex with him in exchange for roles in films. Those women came out and whined that he should have given them the roles for free. However, that wasn’t what he was doing. What he was doing was trading roles in films for sex. There are a lot of women in the world, and if these women didn’t want to have sex with him for a role in a film, he would have found other women.

They made the deal. Now they say they regret it. I doubt they regret getting the opportunities he gave them though, and the cost of those opportunities was sex.

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The only way you got away with it is this: Weinstein is repulsive, and people just simply do not like him.

However, now that they’ve set this precedent, it applies to all men in America.

Heterosexual sex is now illegal.

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Being a power hungry caveman exerting control over others and causing physical & emotional harm is illegal.

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Good morning Jess and Merry Christmas Eve!

I agree with your above affirmation, which includes physical harm.

My point is that there is no strong evidence of any physical harm in this new trial.

The jury simply believed one of the alleged victim, the Russian one, and was told no evidence was needed. So 18 more years without evidence...

See AP news:


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"jurors were told that under the law, if they found an accuser’s story credible, that alone could be enough to convict."


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PTSD is physical harm.

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You got my point: a woman can develop a PTSD and a credible story about it after you had sex with her, making you a rapist, and therefore heterosexual sex illegal.

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then go have gay sex?

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Thanks for your help 😃

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Jessica said it well in describing the issues on “consent.” The concept that consent is “positive cooperation” in CA’s laws led to the degrading cross examinations by defense council in the Weinstein case. Victim-blaming and shaming is embedded in our laws. INFLUENCE, not the victim’s response to that influence is what determines consent in the real world. Our laws see it differently. This must stop. Society needs to demand the changes that will turn our human right of consent into a civil right backed by law. Http://bit.ly/DefineConsent

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The world is people vs predators ! Thank you for sharing this story. Man I wish we had more journalism that challenges us like this. I pray for more light to shine on the darkness filling our world and continual exposure of the corruption and enabling at all levels. JRK keep it up and may you be blessed.

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I’m thankful this could be read to me. Also that you take the time to write important things. I wonder how many celebs are reading this that continue on in Weinsteins footsteps. I get the whole consent part but the fact that no celebs have the balls to even say anything is wild. Not even one thing about balenciaga. How many are the kid with lunch money and how many are just in a cult and brainwashed and actually enjoy being depraved. It’s scary to think about.

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