RFK is facing sinking polls + articles about him dumping a bear's body in Central Park, men are punching women for gold medals, and Kamala is still creepier than JD Vance
I dislike our reality right now :( I’m just baffled at people who “like” Harris. It’s fine if you like her as a person, but as a POLITICIAN?! What do we know? And is any of it positive?! Ugh.
As a 24 year old, I’m literally sick over the state of our country. Idk how people are ok to sit back and let this continue?! How is anyone (1) affording life and (2) actually thinking they want 4 more years of this?!🤯 Jessica you’re literally the only thing giving me ANY semblance of sanity or hope when it comes to politics rn. 🥲🥲🥲
She is! The problem is the media and the polls are dictating otherwise. How do we get out of that cycle of info which is captured by the media which in turn governs the polls. That is for me the major concern today as we march towards 5th Nov. We DON’T want another 4 years of this. We have been lied to daily, they have destroyed our livelihoods with Covid and then have gaslighted us about the state of Joe Biden as our President, why would we trust The Democrats again going forward. We can’t and must not, vote right this time!
Skinny - all of you have a choice. Why do you allow yourselves to get caught up in all this bullshit? Walk away - get rid of your TV ditch the damn cell phones. None of this serves any purpose. All of you are enablers. I don't vote never have nor ever will. The system is a joke, completely corrupt. Instead, year after year after year people go back, thinking you really are going to make a difference. Don't complain your the ones who keep supporting this ruse. Newsflash there is no such thing as an honest politician and/or election. As long as people keep supporting and enabling it, of course it will never change. A politician is akin to a rapist it's all about power and control. The lowest form of life on planet earth.
🥲🥲All true BJ. We all are getting our just rewards now. I cannot not vote. I’m part of the system, have to believe in my heart I can make a difference, even if the Democrats continue to rig our vote and weaponize our justice system. We have to stand tall, strong and united to make America a better place. God Bless🇺🇸
I must respectfully disagree - you're enabling them.
Think of it like this 40% vote Dem while 40% vote Rep - canceling each other votes out. Subtract 3 % for margin of error and if only 10% boycotted voting it really would make a difference.
They are just puppets being controlled/compromised by very high levels and most likely always have been! The fact that people are hoping for a messiah is rather foolhardy. In the meantime, the country, the world is deteriorating exponentially! Even if a”Trump” could save you which I believe there’s way more to him than just a cheerleader (possibly in on it)there will not be a country to save!
I'm not looking for a Messiah. Why would you ASSume that others are looking for a Messiah? I've never seen that word regurgitated as often as in this political season. It's easy to see how fake news is spread. Like, weird.
So you whine but don't show up to change the policies you whine about.
The Progressive women who trained me in Public Policy would have a blast with you. Most important rules they taught me - politics are local, those who show up have the power to shake up the establishment - and I've done it, that's why Senator Tim Scott honored my work in a video I published. You have to show up, or sit down and don't discourage other women who are willing to be effective in creating change.
I don’t think BJ is whining, and we supposedly still live in a democracy so it is his or her choice to vote or not.I say to all and sundry VOTE LIKE ALL OUR LIVES DEPEND ON IT. We have got to take America forward. We cannot carry on like this with these meshugnas in power it’s enough now!
The political system in this Country is one of the worst and most corrupt in the entire world. Why in Gods name would every support and enable that? One of the greatest farces ever told is that voting matters. Do you have any idea just how rampant voter fraud actually is? Read John Funds books. The innumerable ways - not only the illegals voting but the machines and who purchases them. The list of fraud is almost infinite. Do you really honestly believe politicians have control over anything? There's more than ample reason trust in Government is at it's all time lowest - less than 20% but God Bless you to keep believing. When enough people finally walk away only then will you see real change. There's also more than ample reason why we are now on the precipitance of civil war in this Country. "The economy, stupid" is a term James Carville coined but now is "The corruption, stupid".
La Gata...BEST explaination ever to non voters!! Voting is a choice and if one chooses to NOT vote then shut up and stop encouraging others to not vote but at least give a better reason that “it don’t matter” because IT ABSOLUTELY DOES!!
And a sense of humor to 😂😂😂that was funny. You and I probably a bit older than Jessica’s group of commentators hence some of the younger people’s posts. They haven’t been in the system as long as us.
Even if the system is corrupt (which it totally is) the moment we quit using our voice, stop voting, we finally and quite fatefully, hand over any last right of freedom. Going off grid and disappearing does nothing. We have to stand together to fight the corruption, not disappear, not walk away. Walking away from a bully never stopped a bully. People standing up against corruption IS making a difference. It always will make a difference. You’re right, the system is a joke. But we cannot walk away.
I agree! I was so blessed with a passionate Civics and US history teacher and he totally changed my view of the need of the younger generation to care and to contribute. I’m so passionate about it and yeah it’s crazy discouraging to feel like it doesn’t matter. But I refuse to settle for that because that’s exactly what the corrupt leaders want. They want us to believe the ONE is not important, can’t make a difference, doesn’t matter. But if a million and one stand together, change will come. Freedom and liberty will prevail. 🤎
Midwest mom here with one observation re JD Vance. I lived in CA most of my life, also in TX and Chicago, now in Michigan. JD Vance happens to look and speak like many midwestern men, most with happy wives. Most of my non CA friends don’t have much of an issue with him. It seems like most of the noise comes from the media and ladies from the coasts with less “meat and potatoes” like husbands. Most moms I talk to are concerned about the border/economy and his awkward comments about cat ladies isn’t going to change their vote from Trump. My dem friends dont seem motivated to vote at all.
The issues with JD Vance are manufactured by the media and parasites like Chuck Schumer. They're terrified of a hillbilly who represents the American dream and is happily married to a successful, accomplished Brown Immigrant who cherishes her role as wife and mother. Politics is a dirty industry!
Select a few channels/individuals to follow - Progressives and Conservatives - you'll find the truth is in the middle. Most of the time when they're hyperfocused on destroying an individual, as directed by the establishment of both parties, dig into their past and you'll most likely find out that the person is a problem for the establishment.
JD Vance is a great example and now Kennedy puppets like Whitney Webb are focused on PeterThiel because Thiel funded JD. Thiel funds populists - both party establishments hate real populists. Whitney is on Kennedy's CHD payroll and returned to the US to attend CHD & Bitcoin events with RFK Jr. - thus her hit pieces on Thiel. Her intentions are obvious, she's lost credibility for her actions.
And keep in mind that most Trump supporters don't participate in polls, we reject national polls.
Like Judge Merchan’s daughter’s connection to Mrs Harris. James Comey’s daughter Maurene the prosecutor in the Ghislaine Maxwell trial. Gavin Newson, Nancy Pelosi’s nephew (I wonder how much he made on Nivedia shares). I’m sure if I dig further I could find a lot more connections. The best part of your post is the last bit “”Trump supporters don’t participate in polls we reject national poll” - yip we the silent majority we going to be loud and clear in November.
Like, I’m a never Trump guy. I never liked him. Americas hitler, Trump is a villain and a douche, unfit to be president, a total fraud, idiot, moral disaster…. I could keep going. But if Kamala picks someone who said those things about her, I’d say she’d need a cognitive exam.
She accused Biden of being a racist, which he is. Both Kamala and Biden have destroyed Black families - the DNC paired them up to continue destroying Black lives and replace them with illegal aliens who will be voting for Democrats and drain our resources. Mission accomplished.
JD Vance was regurgitating the crap he was hearing from the media, as have millions around the world.
I didn't vote for Trump in 2016 Primary, he wasn't my first choice. I was listening to the media, too lazy to do my own research. Voted for him after the Primaries. I understand JD's pivot because I did the same thing. That's how politics works, like life - you pivot.
She actually accused him of being racist and she said she believed the woman who had to flee the country because she spoke out about how he sexually assaulted her. Wild Kamala would want to be the VP to someone she thought was so vile.
No, he wasn’t running against Trump. There was no reason for him to say these things. And he’s always been a Republican, so there’s no reason he shouldn’t have supported Trump.
One has to be running against a candidate to have the right to publicly criticize them? That's not how politics works.
Many Republicans were viciously attacking Trump in 2016 - and then he helped them get elected, as he did with JD Vance. That's how it works in the real world.
I grew up in the Midwest, I’m almost 70 years old and I know men like JD Vance and I know the women that appear to be happy with men like JD Vance. You’re unfortunately right that most of these women won’t change their mind because of the cat lady comments. But the tide is turning, the women that follow their men do so because they are scared of them and they’re getting tired of it. Don’t underestimate the strength of these women who are tired of being subservient to their so-called man the way their mother and grandmother did. It’s not 1965 anymore.
Bob- having been born and raised in Chicagoland I can very comfortably say your comment doesn’t hit the mark. Lisa’s comment was a far more accurate portrayal of real life IMO. I’m married with 5 children-all born in the midwest..midwestern women vote how THEY want and I personally have experienced the husbands following more what their wives say than vice versa. This is what I’ve observed living 35+yrs there.
He couldn’t be more wrong Melissa. In fact Bob is posting the biggest shite today on this site. However, don’t take anything for granted come November vote the right person into power we have to put an end to this bizarre administration asap,
Oh I know! Whats even more interesting is that we moved to Maine at the end of 2022(my husband was raised in Southern Maine) and it’s a “blue” state but I see more Trump flags and support than I do Biden or Harris!
The cat lady comments are a nothing burger, I know many women who fit that description - they're Bitter Bettys. I'm amused by men who are offended by JD speaking the truth about these women, many of them wore pink pussy hats and marched after Trump was elected, screaming about losing their rights -it was one of the most idiotic movements I've witnessed in my lifetime.
The Midwestern women in my family are the toughest kick ass women I know, they love their husbands and are CEO of their households. Some were raising kids in the 70s - their relationships with their husbands have remained strong - it's a partnership. They've raised strong daughters and sons.
You sound like the mirror image of me and my daughters. They love their husbands, are the CEO’s their families and have really lovely children. I’m not saying everyday is a picnic we have our problems but nothing that we can’t overcome. Loved your post LGP you sound so normal!!
¡Gracias! I'm a hot mess Cuban with the average dysfunctions and challenges that life throws at us. I thank God that my children are smarter than me and are work horses. I also thank God for the privilege of being a Naturalized US citizen. For the record, I became a US citizen years before I married my Gringo🤣
In retrospect, it’s so funny that Jess used to be one of the protesting pussy hat wearers and it’s so amazing to see how much she’s learned and grown!♥︎
Bob Pittenger And don’t underestimate women who broke free of being housewives and stay at home mothers who divorced the men they “followed” and woke up after having to leave their home and the kids with sitters to work 12 hour shifts 5-6 days a week to survive. Many of us longed to be back the home. It wasn’t freedom or a great life for lower income or even middle class women and many regretted falling for that narrative.
THIS: "And just like that, the same people who fell in step and berated us for refusing the shot in 2020 locked in unison and cheered about their new, funny, cool, moreBlackthanAsian candidate served to them by the Democratic Industrial Complex they answer to without question for drive-through democracy they trust."
Frank Luntz the pollster said that Republicans should be asking the opposition what if anything has Harris accomplished as VP - and that alone would win the election for Trump. She's done nothing. Harris is a chameleon, she blows with the wind. She does not have a strategic understanding of world events. It would be absolutely frightening should she become President. The world is very dangerous at the moment. Trump understands what is happening now and she does not.
That's interesting - I hadn't looked there. That said Kamala is really running on Joe Biden's (awful) record on immigration, inflation and high housing costs....all of a sudden she's for fracking but in the past she was against fracking; now she's for funding the police where for over a decade she was against it. She's a flip-flopper. She's not a serious or honest person. Power hungry.
she specialized in prosecuting child sexual assault cases, she started a program, “Back on Track,” to give first-time drug offenders the opportunity to earn high school diplomas and get jobs, As California’s attorney general, she went up against the big banks and won — securing $20 billion for middle class homeowners who were facing foreclosure during the Great Recession, She went up against predatory for-profit colleges and won — delivering a $1.1 billion settlement for students and veterans who got scammed,She prosecuted transnational gangs that exploited women and children and trafficked in guns, drugs, and human beings, and fought to require for-profit insurers to cover contraception and other reproductive health services. You want me to continue to when she was in the senate and VP? That’s more than 3. Sorry
Mmm, I’m pretty sure it’s documented. The men who were mistreated and detained are enough proof for me, along with the amount of Americans who know about it.
Please add. Joe Biden gave Kamala Harris the job of border czar. She openly admitted that she hasn't been to the border. We can see how that has turned out.
In Michigan, we are seeing groups of illegal immigrants, part of a larger criminal ring, breaking into homes and stealing. This just happened in Troy, Michigan. Look it up! Drugs continue to pour into our country. Deaths among young people are high. Look it up!
Kamala Harris supported defunding the police, and ICE. Look it up!
Maybe don’t get your news from CNN? She didn’t say defund the police, what she did say was, “Harris said in the June radio interview the movement “rightly” called out the amount of money spent on police departments instead of community services such as education, housing, and healthcare, emphasizing that more police did not equate to more public safety.” “we need to take a look at these budgets and figure out whether it reflects the right priorities,” Harris said”
Well to talk about this, you have to know what the vice presidents job is. This is any vice president. Not just Harris.
Their job includes: president of the senate, presiding over impeachment trials, presiding over electoral votes and being a successor to the president. That’s it. That’s the job.
Now, there are several informal things that they do as well. Making public appearances, performing ceremonial duties, meeting with heads of state. ( all of these things are if the president can’t be there, the VP represents the president ) so, she has done all those things. She’s met with over 150 world leaders, she has taken the lead on several critical issues. Reproductive freedom being at the forefront. Also voting rights
I ask for three specific things that helped to better our country. Presiding over the senate, making public appearances, and meeting various heads of state does not fall into the category of betterment. If it did you would be able to cite exactly what she did and how it made improvements. I just got out of a gaslighting relationship and have no interest in another one. Especially with an anonymous lady on the internets. But for real…thanks for proving my point.
What has any VP accomplished? They aren’t president! Please, just be for real for like 1 minute. Plus I told you all the things she accomplished that were within her capabilities. WE DONT HAVE DICTATORS or KINGS AND QUEENS HERE!
She also fought for the state of California to pay for convicted felons to have transgender surgery, she incarcerated over 1500 black or brown men for marijuana offenses while she cackled on Charlaman the God podcast. She used incarcerated men as slave labor even inhibiting some from release until forced to do so. Do some legitimate research and not copy and paste.
Not true. There were 1900 convictions and 45 went to jail. And the statistics don’t even differentiate between the race of the individuals who went to jail. So for the love of god, please stop believing everything you read on sites that have the same views as you. This is called confirmation bias and we have to break this cycle.
Facts are very easy to look up about anyone. Go ahead and give it a try. It may surprise you that what I said was true. Now, please don’t go searching on truth social or news max. Try a state of California.gov site.
First of all, she has done exactly what Mike Pence did. The job of Vice-President has one requirement : that the VEEP be ready to step in if something happens to the President. They have to keep up on everything -and usually don’t get to use any of their skills. Kind of a weird job.
Your argument is dumb. Don’t ever start with First Of All and not include at least B and Third of All. I can see your finger wagging from California. Where I live. The state that Harris fucked up along with her buddy Newsom. Just like she will do to the country if elected.
Oh Sally…I’d like to invite you and your family to come out here. And if you don’t have a family come on your own little vacay. Go to downtown San Francisco, Los Angeles, Hollywood, San Diego, or our beautiful capital of Sacramento. You will see what Harris started and Newsom finished. That is if you don’t get robbed or mugged or seriously injured.
“I’ve done my part, but I’m wondering now like many of you, what his end goal is. Where do we go from here?” I trust in RFK Jr., keep the faith alive Jessica this country needs you!
Also, I’m surprised you believe the bogus polling data. I’m sure you must’ve seen how pollsters omit RFK Jr, from the question, but list Stein and West, it’s absurd.
I have an idea. RFK Jr., should promise to endorse him, if a poll in October of 2024 indicates he has no path to the presidency (like the “pledge” he offered to Biden), BUT, in exchange, Trump must agree to have RFK on the debate stage, and debate him at least three times (ABC, Fox, and a 3rd debate, at the bare minimum).
RFK Jr., can then factually disassemble Kamala’s lies during the debates, so Trump doesn’t have to. They both hurt Kamala.
It also gives RFK a shot.
But if it’s true that he remains a long-shot AFTER the debates, in October, he can throw his support behind Trump.
Jessica this is a genius idea! Get it to your people/RFK!!!
Lis Smith changed her name? You’re wrong lady. There’s more Kennedy’s helping RFK Jr on his campaign than have publicly distanced themselves from him — all of them literally work for Biden by the way.
You’ve been manipulated the corporate media, the same media that lied to us about “weapons of mass destruction” and millions of other lies.
I challenge you to listen to any interview (which is more than an hour), and come back and tell Mrs distrusted; he’s anything but.
He’s changed his life from his youth, his growth makes him uniquely suited to be the president. He has the same policy positions as his father and uncle; we’d be so lucky to have him as president I could cry
He's like his uncle JFK and his mother - Communist pigs. JFK was secretly negotiating with Fidel Castro when he was murdered. He deliberately set up Cubans to be massacred by Fidel. The Kennedys are all the same, yes, they are.
RFK Jr. brought us Obama's three disastrous terms. We've had enough.
JFK said he would "splinter the CIA into 1,000 pieces and scatter it to the wind" when he found out the CIA went behind his back and planned the Bay of Pigs invasion. Yes, he was talking with Castro, which is a good thing. Why USA was bullying Cuba in the first place was disgusting in the first place.
But yes, him standing up to the CIA, is what likely got him assassinated by the CIA; its why the Kennedy files are still locked away despite a congressional mandate that they be released.
RFK Jr. wants other people's kids to be used as guinea pigs for big pharma to test vaccines against placebos, he's not anti big pharma or anti vaccine.
He was gifted millions of dollars in taxpayers money for his climate hoax by Obama.
He's a Communist just like his Mother. I thought you were anti Communist, how disappointing that you're not. The real Yuri was against Communism.
Oh please. Who exactly in his family doesn't support him in this venture and how many "family" members does he have? He has about 112 family members and there might be 3 that prefer to keep their jobs with the Biden admin.
Exactly, he’s not a bragger but he has many family members working in his campaign and supporting him. I even saw a post from Maria Shriver echoing support.
When you just google the names of family members of RFK Jr who are working on his campaign, about eight articles of family NOT supporting his campaign pop up. It is obvious his family thinks he is whack-a-do.
Do you know who his campaign manager is? His treasurer? Have you listened to any of his RFK Jr podcasts? He is surrounded by our country’s most accomplished, respected people in economics, agriculture, the military, medicine and science. Then yes, many more family members support him than work for Biden. Don’t expect media to educate you about a person. Look at his accomplishments, read his 20 books, and stop listening to the corporate, elite voice of the ruling class.
Jessica, your writing is superb! I've followed history and politics since I was 12 and for the first time I'm truly scared for all of us. It just doesn't look good for anything or anyone. I love reading your take on things!
Hey, Jessica, I love your writing, but you must know that RFK Jr's drop in the polls is because the pollsters are ghosting him. Here's one example of how it's being done:
His campaign has tremendous momentum. He has submitted enough signatures to be on the ballot in 42 states. Just 8 more + DC to go, and four of those deadlines are this week. Over 100K volunteers are shifting their efforts from gathering signatures to door knocking, phone banking, tabling, texting, bannering, etc.
He just held a campaign update that had over 509K live views on X plus several thousand more in the zoom. There is a lot of excitement in the air. I wish you could feel it!
Four more deadlines are this week, and that should bring him to enough to exceed 500 electoral votes. Then just four more states that require signatures (MS) that doesn't.
That video - Roseanne’s face is priceless & frankly I couldn’t love him more after that story ... he has a bit of what we call the Larrikin ( 🇦🇺 ) about him, charming, handsome, funny with just a hint of rebel bad boy
The corporate media and the DNC will say and do ANYTHING to prevent the People from understanding the tremendous force of the Kennedy for President Campaign.
The Robert F. Kennedy, Jr campaign held a Zoom meeting tonight which also streamed on X. The invitation was sent out to all 115,000 volunteers and over 1.3 million people watched it on X. This campaign is unprecedented in American history. Truly a campaign by and for The People. Over 1.3 MILLION people were able to watch this live on X. Imagine a campaign where everyone gets an opportunity to hear directly from the candidates, from the senior campaign staff, even ask them questions! This is what DEMOCRACY is all about. Join this incredible movement to unite the country and elect the first Independent President since George Washington! Here’s a Youtube recording for those who missed it:
Try to imagine for ONE MOMENT, Kamala Harris in negotiations with Putin, or Xi - It's a frightening thought! Robert F Kennedy Jr. has been preparing his entire life for that. He understands geopolitics. He understands history. He understands strategic ambiguity. Harris has demonstrated that she's totally unprepared for the job. She has accomplished NOTHING and failed to improve ANYTHING in our crisis at the Southern Border. She is a puppet of the corporate military industrial complex and Big Pharma.
America is coming together and bridging the divide that the Uniparty of the Democrats and Republicans have relied upon to win elections. Americans will not stand for this anymore. We have the ability to come together in ways other Independent candidate never could. Join this incredible effort to take back our country by visiting www.kennedy24.com and join us!
Thank you Glenn. Reading this substack had me wondering why do people not recognize the red and blue are corporations and not 2 unpopular people. A VP who has no policies on her website, and, well I’m from the NY area, so I won’t comment on the x president.
The zoom tonight was the most politically inspiring event, about the most inspiring candidate since RFK Sr. Proud to have been a part of it with people who have open hearts and minds. Revolution may have started in the sixties but the results are coming in November.
But we ARE ON THE LINE sadly…. So who knows. I look at Trump like a Dr who can save my LIFE. I don’t have to like him, I don’t have to like his bedside manner…. Just SAVE my LIFE/COUNTRY.
I DO like him actually, but I think his chances are weak, so I will vote for Trump. It angers me what’s been done to RFK JR., perhaps IF Trump wins, SOME ARRESTS WILL BE MADE?
And this is my concern with him. I agree with some of what RFK Jr says/does. I am Conservative, but not "hard right", so was interested & intrigued by some of what he had to say in the beginning. However, it was always in the back of my mind that he was a Democrat with just a few policy ideas I agreed with. I feel my thoughts were confirmed after the Left started calling for Biden to withdraw. Someone asked RFK Jr who he thought they'd pick to replace him, his response was something like "Hello, I am right here!". After they chose KH I heard him say something close to "Hey, I gave them my number, they knew I was available". I will not vote for anyone who is willing to align themself with the party that put us through the last 3 1/2 years.
You should probably clean your crystal ball because there is no chance RFK Jr will support Trump. It amazes me how so many people assume Trump would win and RFK would lose. Maybe Trump should consider being second to RFK. Except I don't think RFK would go for that, he's too classy.
We had the uni party pre 2016 Tov and that was a proper shit show. The most stability we had worldwide was from 2016-2020. I don’t need to tell you or anybody who was the President then. We need to get back to that again it’s our last chance vote like your life depends on it.
Yes things appeared a lot better. However, whomever or whatever is Iin charge at the highest level will most likely put into position a controlled puppet to further the goals of depop and enslavement.
Probably, although I trust Trump slightly more than Mrs Harris. President Trump was fantastic for Israel in his term. Israel is in a shambles in no way thanks to Biden/Harris administration. They have got to go!
Not right now. There couldn’t be clearer divisions and the fact that our country will either stay in its current relatively free state, or dissolve into Communism. The fast track has been laid down. Only God working in and through the maze can stop the wreckage. And yes, He uses the “ordinary” stuff of people, debates, rallies, voting.
I was born in a Communist shithole. You've done a great job defining the Communist blueprint we're following- which was started by Barack Obama. Who brought us Obama's three terms? RFK Jr.!
Girl, these are confusing times. I don't agree with you sometimes, but I love your candor. Fake accents, accidental bear deaths and we're still sorting through the Biden/Harris fiasco. Keep the stories coming.
Kamala Harris is another puppet for the deep state. With less than (4) months, they have completely flipped her platform to ensure a vote. The media is compromised and complicit in pushing disinformation. What this administration has done to our mental health, our trust, and our security is criminal. Makes you wonder what is coming... and there is something coming.
I dislike our reality right now :( I’m just baffled at people who “like” Harris. It’s fine if you like her as a person, but as a POLITICIAN?! What do we know? And is any of it positive?! Ugh.
Everything you need to know.
She couldn’t run a dog kennel
As a person?????!!!! She talked about depopulation!!
It’s human nature, after all.
Exactly this.
As a 24 year old, I’m literally sick over the state of our country. Idk how people are ok to sit back and let this continue?! How is anyone (1) affording life and (2) actually thinking they want 4 more years of this?!🤯 Jessica you’re literally the only thing giving me ANY semblance of sanity or hope when it comes to politics rn. 🥲🥲🥲
She is! The problem is the media and the polls are dictating otherwise. How do we get out of that cycle of info which is captured by the media which in turn governs the polls. That is for me the major concern today as we march towards 5th Nov. We DON’T want another 4 years of this. We have been lied to daily, they have destroyed our livelihoods with Covid and then have gaslighted us about the state of Joe Biden as our President, why would we trust The Democrats again going forward. We can’t and must not, vote right this time!
Skinny - all of you have a choice. Why do you allow yourselves to get caught up in all this bullshit? Walk away - get rid of your TV ditch the damn cell phones. None of this serves any purpose. All of you are enablers. I don't vote never have nor ever will. The system is a joke, completely corrupt. Instead, year after year after year people go back, thinking you really are going to make a difference. Don't complain your the ones who keep supporting this ruse. Newsflash there is no such thing as an honest politician and/or election. As long as people keep supporting and enabling it, of course it will never change. A politician is akin to a rapist it's all about power and control. The lowest form of life on planet earth.
🥲🥲All true BJ. We all are getting our just rewards now. I cannot not vote. I’m part of the system, have to believe in my heart I can make a difference, even if the Democrats continue to rig our vote and weaponize our justice system. We have to stand tall, strong and united to make America a better place. God Bless🇺🇸
I must respectfully disagree - you're enabling them.
Think of it like this 40% vote Dem while 40% vote Rep - canceling each other votes out. Subtract 3 % for margin of error and if only 10% boycotted voting it really would make a difference.
They are just puppets being controlled/compromised by very high levels and most likely always have been! The fact that people are hoping for a messiah is rather foolhardy. In the meantime, the country, the world is deteriorating exponentially! Even if a”Trump” could save you which I believe there’s way more to him than just a cheerleader (possibly in on it)there will not be a country to save!
I'm not looking for a Messiah. Why would you ASSume that others are looking for a Messiah? I've never seen that word regurgitated as often as in this political season. It's easy to see how fake news is spread. Like, weird.
I’m agreeing with you La Gata.
What are you doing to create the changes you want to see, since you've never voted?
I don't enable it - that's change.
So you whine but don't show up to change the policies you whine about.
The Progressive women who trained me in Public Policy would have a blast with you. Most important rules they taught me - politics are local, those who show up have the power to shake up the establishment - and I've done it, that's why Senator Tim Scott honored my work in a video I published. You have to show up, or sit down and don't discourage other women who are willing to be effective in creating change.
I don’t think BJ is whining, and we supposedly still live in a democracy so it is his or her choice to vote or not.I say to all and sundry VOTE LIKE ALL OUR LIVES DEPEND ON IT. We have got to take America forward. We cannot carry on like this with these meshugnas in power it’s enough now!
The political system in this Country is one of the worst and most corrupt in the entire world. Why in Gods name would every support and enable that? One of the greatest farces ever told is that voting matters. Do you have any idea just how rampant voter fraud actually is? Read John Funds books. The innumerable ways - not only the illegals voting but the machines and who purchases them. The list of fraud is almost infinite. Do you really honestly believe politicians have control over anything? There's more than ample reason trust in Government is at it's all time lowest - less than 20% but God Bless you to keep believing. When enough people finally walk away only then will you see real change. There's also more than ample reason why we are now on the precipitance of civil war in this Country. "The economy, stupid" is a term James Carville coined but now is "The corruption, stupid".
La Gata...BEST explaination ever to non voters!! Voting is a choice and if one chooses to NOT vote then shut up and stop encouraging others to not vote but at least give a better reason that “it don’t matter” because IT ABSOLUTELY DOES!!
And a sense of humor to 😂😂😂that was funny. You and I probably a bit older than Jessica’s group of commentators hence some of the younger people’s posts. They haven’t been in the system as long as us.
Even if the system is corrupt (which it totally is) the moment we quit using our voice, stop voting, we finally and quite fatefully, hand over any last right of freedom. Going off grid and disappearing does nothing. We have to stand together to fight the corruption, not disappear, not walk away. Walking away from a bully never stopped a bully. People standing up against corruption IS making a difference. It always will make a difference. You’re right, the system is a joke. But we cannot walk away.
So who do you trust?
Riley, good for you for “getting it” so young, paying attention and caring! We need more young voters like yourself!!
I agree! I was so blessed with a passionate Civics and US history teacher and he totally changed my view of the need of the younger generation to care and to contribute. I’m so passionate about it and yeah it’s crazy discouraging to feel like it doesn’t matter. But I refuse to settle for that because that’s exactly what the corrupt leaders want. They want us to believe the ONE is not important, can’t make a difference, doesn’t matter. But if a million and one stand together, change will come. Freedom and liberty will prevail. 🤎
Bravo! Thank you for sharing.
The Ardent Pipe Dreams of American Voters
👆this 👆
Midwest mom here with one observation re JD Vance. I lived in CA most of my life, also in TX and Chicago, now in Michigan. JD Vance happens to look and speak like many midwestern men, most with happy wives. Most of my non CA friends don’t have much of an issue with him. It seems like most of the noise comes from the media and ladies from the coasts with less “meat and potatoes” like husbands. Most moms I talk to are concerned about the border/economy and his awkward comments about cat ladies isn’t going to change their vote from Trump. My dem friends dont seem motivated to vote at all.
The issues with JD Vance are manufactured by the media and parasites like Chuck Schumer. They're terrified of a hillbilly who represents the American dream and is happily married to a successful, accomplished Brown Immigrant who cherishes her role as wife and mother. Politics is a dirty industry!
His wife seems like an amazing lady, I thought her RNC speech was so well done. Yale law, litigator, wife and mom. I hope we hear more from her!
Me too. We need more young women like her.
But how do we tune out the media?
Select a few channels/individuals to follow - Progressives and Conservatives - you'll find the truth is in the middle. Most of the time when they're hyperfocused on destroying an individual, as directed by the establishment of both parties, dig into their past and you'll most likely find out that the person is a problem for the establishment.
JD Vance is a great example and now Kennedy puppets like Whitney Webb are focused on PeterThiel because Thiel funded JD. Thiel funds populists - both party establishments hate real populists. Whitney is on Kennedy's CHD payroll and returned to the US to attend CHD & Bitcoin events with RFK Jr. - thus her hit pieces on Thiel. Her intentions are obvious, she's lost credibility for her actions.
And keep in mind that most Trump supporters don't participate in polls, we reject national polls.
Like Judge Merchan’s daughter’s connection to Mrs Harris. James Comey’s daughter Maurene the prosecutor in the Ghislaine Maxwell trial. Gavin Newson, Nancy Pelosi’s nephew (I wonder how much he made on Nivedia shares). I’m sure if I dig further I could find a lot more connections. The best part of your post is the last bit “”Trump supporters don’t participate in polls we reject national poll” - yip we the silent majority we going to be loud and clear in November.
Get rid of your TV - READ reputable sources such a Substack!
Have you heard him speak?
Yip he was outstanding.
He is awesome and real and not a fake corrupt manufactured politician
Like, I’m a never Trump guy. I never liked him. Americas hitler, Trump is a villain and a douche, unfit to be president, a total fraud, idiot, moral disaster…. I could keep going. But if Kamala picks someone who said those things about her, I’d say she’d need a cognitive exam.
Kind of like all the awful things Kamala said about Biden during the primaries?
No, not like that at all. She accused him of busing. Not of being hitler
She accused Biden of being a racist, which he is. Both Kamala and Biden have destroyed Black families - the DNC paired them up to continue destroying Black lives and replace them with illegal aliens who will be voting for Democrats and drain our resources. Mission accomplished.
JD Vance was regurgitating the crap he was hearing from the media, as have millions around the world.
I didn't vote for Trump in 2016 Primary, he wasn't my first choice. I was listening to the media, too lazy to do my own research. Voted for him after the Primaries. I understand JD's pivot because I did the same thing. That's how politics works, like life - you pivot.
She actually accused him of being racist and she said she believed the woman who had to flee the country because she spoke out about how he sexually assaulted her. Wild Kamala would want to be the VP to someone she thought was so vile.
Same can be said about most politicians, and then they team up with the individuals they've torn apart.
JD was listening to the media and Never Trumpers as have millions of voters. It's interesting to watch the same media now play these games with JD.
No, he wasn’t running against Trump. There was no reason for him to say these things. And he’s always been a Republican, so there’s no reason he shouldn’t have supported Trump.
One has to be running against a candidate to have the right to publicly criticize them? That's not how politics works.
Many Republicans were viciously attacking Trump in 2016 - and then he helped them get elected, as he did with JD Vance. That's how it works in the real world.
Peace and prosperity
I grew up in the Midwest, I’m almost 70 years old and I know men like JD Vance and I know the women that appear to be happy with men like JD Vance. You’re unfortunately right that most of these women won’t change their mind because of the cat lady comments. But the tide is turning, the women that follow their men do so because they are scared of them and they’re getting tired of it. Don’t underestimate the strength of these women who are tired of being subservient to their so-called man the way their mother and grandmother did. It’s not 1965 anymore.
Bob- having been born and raised in Chicagoland I can very comfortably say your comment doesn’t hit the mark. Lisa’s comment was a far more accurate portrayal of real life IMO. I’m married with 5 children-all born in the midwest..midwestern women vote how THEY want and I personally have experienced the husbands following more what their wives say than vice versa. This is what I’ve observed living 35+yrs there.
He couldn’t be more wrong Melissa. In fact Bob is posting the biggest shite today on this site. However, don’t take anything for granted come November vote the right person into power we have to put an end to this bizarre administration asap,
Oh I know! Whats even more interesting is that we moved to Maine at the end of 2022(my husband was raised in Southern Maine) and it’s a “blue” state but I see more Trump flags and support than I do Biden or Harris!
The cat lady comments are a nothing burger, I know many women who fit that description - they're Bitter Bettys. I'm amused by men who are offended by JD speaking the truth about these women, many of them wore pink pussy hats and marched after Trump was elected, screaming about losing their rights -it was one of the most idiotic movements I've witnessed in my lifetime.
The Midwestern women in my family are the toughest kick ass women I know, they love their husbands and are CEO of their households. Some were raising kids in the 70s - their relationships with their husbands have remained strong - it's a partnership. They've raised strong daughters and sons.
You sound like the mirror image of me and my daughters. They love their husbands, are the CEO’s their families and have really lovely children. I’m not saying everyday is a picnic we have our problems but nothing that we can’t overcome. Loved your post LGP you sound so normal!!
¡Gracias! I'm a hot mess Cuban with the average dysfunctions and challenges that life throws at us. I thank God that my children are smarter than me and are work horses. I also thank God for the privilege of being a Naturalized US citizen. For the record, I became a US citizen years before I married my Gringo🤣
In retrospect, it’s so funny that Jess used to be one of the protesting pussy hat wearers and it’s so amazing to see how much she’s learned and grown!♥︎
Yes it is! She's very politically savvy and knows how to turn opportunities into financial gain.
Bob Pittenger And don’t underestimate women who broke free of being housewives and stay at home mothers who divorced the men they “followed” and woke up after having to leave their home and the kids with sitters to work 12 hour shifts 5-6 days a week to survive. Many of us longed to be back the home. It wasn’t freedom or a great life for lower income or even middle class women and many regretted falling for that narrative.
LOL, guess your theory didn’t quite work out the way you thought it would 😂
Did you read his book?
Yes it was mandatory reading for my step daughter her sophomore year of high school, so I read it with her. I liked it, she loved it! :)
Yes and saw the movie just wonderful.
Caring about his comment on cat ladies shows an inability to comprehend reality.
I think the media is targeting Vance because he is a threat. Otherwise, why at all?
Great post!
THIS: "And just like that, the same people who fell in step and berated us for refusing the shot in 2020 locked in unison and cheered about their new, funny, cool, moreBlackthanAsian candidate served to them by the Democratic Industrial Complex they answer to without question for drive-through democracy they trust."
I’ve yet to meet anyone who can tell me 3 things that Harris has done that has put our country in a better position. I’m only asking for 3. Anyone?
Frank Luntz the pollster said that Republicans should be asking the opposition what if anything has Harris accomplished as VP - and that alone would win the election for Trump. She's done nothing. Harris is a chameleon, she blows with the wind. She does not have a strategic understanding of world events. It would be absolutely frightening should she become President. The world is very dangerous at the moment. Trump understands what is happening now and she does not.
They chose Kamala bc her whole career she's done what she was told to get ahead and this time its no different!
Her website doesn’t have policies. If I was the VP I would’ve made darn sure I was prepared for the inevitable.
Probably because she has no policies to post.
That's interesting - I hadn't looked there. That said Kamala is really running on Joe Biden's (awful) record on immigration, inflation and high housing costs....all of a sudden she's for fracking but in the past she was against fracking; now she's for funding the police where for over a decade she was against it. She's a flip-flopper. She's not a serious or honest person. Power hungry.
We weren’t prepared for 2020 either “that little girl was me Joe” is about the sum total of her preparedness.
she specialized in prosecuting child sexual assault cases, she started a program, “Back on Track,” to give first-time drug offenders the opportunity to earn high school diplomas and get jobs, As California’s attorney general, she went up against the big banks and won — securing $20 billion for middle class homeowners who were facing foreclosure during the Great Recession, She went up against predatory for-profit colleges and won — delivering a $1.1 billion settlement for students and veterans who got scammed,She prosecuted transnational gangs that exploited women and children and trafficked in guns, drugs, and human beings, and fought to require for-profit insurers to cover contraception and other reproductive health services. You want me to continue to when she was in the senate and VP? That’s more than 3. Sorry
You forgot when she kept black men in jail past their time so they could risk their lives and be forced to fight wild fires for our state of CA
Oh really? Do you have facts to back that up? Because a quick internet search will show you that is simply not the case.
Mmm, I’m pretty sure it’s documented. The men who were mistreated and detained are enough proof for me, along with the amount of Americans who know about it.
I like facts and statistics
But you only like the ones that support your opinion
Please add. Joe Biden gave Kamala Harris the job of border czar. She openly admitted that she hasn't been to the border. We can see how that has turned out.
In Michigan, we are seeing groups of illegal immigrants, part of a larger criminal ring, breaking into homes and stealing. This just happened in Troy, Michigan. Look it up! Drugs continue to pour into our country. Deaths among young people are high. Look it up!
Kamala Harris supported defunding the police, and ICE. Look it up!
There is an allsides media bias chart. You should check it out
I did look it up. Here’s what I found.
Kamala Harris praised ‘defund the police’ movement in June 2020 radio interview
By Andrew Kaczynski and Em Steck, CNN
Updated 10:15 AM EDT, Sat July 27, 2024
Maybe don’t get your news from CNN? She didn’t say defund the police, what she did say was, “Harris said in the June radio interview the movement “rightly” called out the amount of money spent on police departments instead of community services such as education, housing, and healthcare, emphasizing that more police did not equate to more public safety.” “we need to take a look at these budgets and figure out whether it reflects the right priorities,” Harris said”
I don't use CNN for my news source. I assumed you did.
Yes. Specifically as VP
Melanie loves her!
Melanie and Sally are always piping up in the comments. It’s fun to read. 🤣
Yeah true Jen!
Yea, she’s accomplished, well spoken, young and very intelligent.
Well to talk about this, you have to know what the vice presidents job is. This is any vice president. Not just Harris.
Their job includes: president of the senate, presiding over impeachment trials, presiding over electoral votes and being a successor to the president. That’s it. That’s the job.
Now, there are several informal things that they do as well. Making public appearances, performing ceremonial duties, meeting with heads of state. ( all of these things are if the president can’t be there, the VP represents the president ) so, she has done all those things. She’s met with over 150 world leaders, she has taken the lead on several critical issues. Reproductive freedom being at the forefront. Also voting rights
Well hell Mel ya tried but you failed on telling me three specific things. Thanks for playing.
I told you well over three. You are just choosing not accept them.
I ask for three specific things that helped to better our country. Presiding over the senate, making public appearances, and meeting various heads of state does not fall into the category of betterment. If it did you would be able to cite exactly what she did and how it made improvements. I just got out of a gaslighting relationship and have no interest in another one. Especially with an anonymous lady on the internets. But for real…thanks for proving my point.
What is your criteria for determining whether one media source is more truthful than the other?
Here is another-
What has any VP accomplished? They aren’t president! Please, just be for real for like 1 minute. Plus I told you all the things she accomplished that were within her capabilities. WE DONT HAVE DICTATORS or KINGS AND QUEENS HERE!
Now do the past 4 years.
She also fought for the state of California to pay for convicted felons to have transgender surgery, she incarcerated over 1500 black or brown men for marijuana offenses while she cackled on Charlaman the God podcast. She used incarcerated men as slave labor even inhibiting some from release until forced to do so. Do some legitimate research and not copy and paste.
Not true. There were 1900 convictions and 45 went to jail. And the statistics don’t even differentiate between the race of the individuals who went to jail. So for the love of god, please stop believing everything you read on sites that have the same views as you. This is called confirmation bias and we have to break this cycle.
Here's a good one:
Facts are very easy to look up about anyone. Go ahead and give it a try. It may surprise you that what I said was true. Now, please don’t go searching on truth social or news max. Try a state of California.gov site.
All extreme left propaganda. So naive, Melanie.
That's all she knows to do, lol! ;)
I’ve asked for one! Crickets!!!
First of all, she has done exactly what Mike Pence did. The job of Vice-President has one requirement : that the VEEP be ready to step in if something happens to the President. They have to keep up on everything -and usually don’t get to use any of their skills. Kind of a weird job.
Your argument is dumb. Don’t ever start with First Of All and not include at least B and Third of All. I can see your finger wagging from California. Where I live. The state that Harris fucked up along with her buddy Newsom. Just like she will do to the country if elected.
Oh Sally…I’d like to invite you and your family to come out here. And if you don’t have a family come on your own little vacay. Go to downtown San Francisco, Los Angeles, Hollywood, San Diego, or our beautiful capital of Sacramento. You will see what Harris started and Newsom finished. That is if you don’t get robbed or mugged or seriously injured.
Yeah Kim you spot on if the polls were following Jessica and the commentators today President Trump is a shoo in.
How did she and Newsom screw up California ?
Is that a serious question, Sally?
Don’t answer my late mother would have told Sally “There are none so blind as those who do not see”
Read Michael Shellenberger's book San Fransicko and you'll find out how.
“I’ve done my part, but I’m wondering now like many of you, what his end goal is. Where do we go from here?” I trust in RFK Jr., keep the faith alive Jessica this country needs you!
Also, I’m surprised you believe the bogus polling data. I’m sure you must’ve seen how pollsters omit RFK Jr, from the question, but list Stein and West, it’s absurd.
I have an idea. RFK Jr., should promise to endorse him, if a poll in October of 2024 indicates he has no path to the presidency (like the “pledge” he offered to Biden), BUT, in exchange, Trump must agree to have RFK on the debate stage, and debate him at least three times (ABC, Fox, and a 3rd debate, at the bare minimum).
RFK Jr., can then factually disassemble Kamala’s lies during the debates, so Trump doesn’t have to. They both hurt Kamala.
It also gives RFK a shot.
But if it’s true that he remains a long-shot AFTER the debates, in October, he can throw his support behind Trump.
Jessica this is a genius idea! Get it to your people/RFK!!!
One love
Trump should also make RFK head of HHS so he can dismantle Fauci's mafia at the NIH and CDC.
Fauci has retired.
Lis Smith changed her name? You’re wrong lady. There’s more Kennedy’s helping RFK Jr on his campaign than have publicly distanced themselves from him — all of them literally work for Biden by the way.
You’ve been manipulated the corporate media, the same media that lied to us about “weapons of mass destruction” and millions of other lies.
I challenge you to listen to any interview (which is more than an hour), and come back and tell Mrs distrusted; he’s anything but.
He’s changed his life from his youth, his growth makes him uniquely suited to be the president. He has the same policy positions as his father and uncle; we’d be so lucky to have him as president I could cry
He's like his uncle JFK and his mother - Communist pigs. JFK was secretly negotiating with Fidel Castro when he was murdered. He deliberately set up Cubans to be massacred by Fidel. The Kennedys are all the same, yes, they are.
RFK Jr. brought us Obama's three disastrous terms. We've had enough.
JFK said he would "splinter the CIA into 1,000 pieces and scatter it to the wind" when he found out the CIA went behind his back and planned the Bay of Pigs invasion. Yes, he was talking with Castro, which is a good thing. Why USA was bullying Cuba in the first place was disgusting in the first place.
But yes, him standing up to the CIA, is what likely got him assassinated by the CIA; its why the Kennedy files are still locked away despite a congressional mandate that they be released.
RFK all day.
How little you know about JFK/Castro and the CIA....the CIA never stopped providing Castro with weapons - it's an open secret in Little Habana.
You can keep RFK Jr., he's a Communist pig just like his mother and uncle.
Sally, doesn’t he and his wife make millions still though every time any vaxx is used?
RFK Jr. wants other people's kids to be used as guinea pigs for big pharma to test vaccines against placebos, he's not anti big pharma or anti vaccine.
He was gifted millions of dollars in taxpayers money for his climate hoax by Obama.
He's a Communist just like his Mother. I thought you were anti Communist, how disappointing that you're not. The real Yuri was against Communism.
RFK Jr. is a genuinely disturbed person. Even his family does not support him in this venture.
Oh please. Who exactly in his family doesn't support him in this venture and how many "family" members does he have? He has about 112 family members and there might be 3 that prefer to keep their jobs with the Biden admin.
Exactly, he’s not a bragger but he has many family members working in his campaign and supporting him. I even saw a post from Maria Shriver echoing support.
When you just google the names of family members of RFK Jr who are working on his campaign, about eight articles of family NOT supporting his campaign pop up. It is obvious his family thinks he is whack-a-do.
His wife and kids and cousins support him. Sounds like you are the wackadoo..
Mainstream media? Haha, the last thing they want you to know is the truth… about anything, but especially about the man who has their number.
His wife is on board. Pretty sure no one else in the Kennedy family wants him to run for President.
Many of his family are working on his campaign and support him. More than those who work for Biden.
Name them.
Do you know who his campaign manager is? His treasurer? Have you listened to any of his RFK Jr podcasts? He is surrounded by our country’s most accomplished, respected people in economics, agriculture, the military, medicine and science. Then yes, many more family members support him than work for Biden. Don’t expect media to educate you about a person. Look at his accomplishments, read his 20 books, and stop listening to the corporate, elite voice of the ruling class.
He literally canceled the debate
Trump cancelled the debate because it was supposed to be against Biden. You truly need to stop with your lying, Melanie.
What kind of alternate universe are you living in? She said, I’ll be there even if you won’t.
Meanie, update she refused to debate him honey.
Jessica, your writing is superb! I've followed history and politics since I was 12 and for the first time I'm truly scared for all of us. It just doesn't look good for anything or anyone. I love reading your take on things!
It doesn’t Mary Ann, it looks terrifying.
Hey, Jessica, I love your writing, but you must know that RFK Jr's drop in the polls is because the pollsters are ghosting him. Here's one example of how it's being done:
His campaign has tremendous momentum. He has submitted enough signatures to be on the ballot in 42 states. Just 8 more + DC to go, and four of those deadlines are this week. Over 100K volunteers are shifting their efforts from gathering signatures to door knocking, phone banking, tabling, texting, bannering, etc.
He just held a campaign update that had over 509K live views on X plus several thousand more in the zoom. There is a lot of excitement in the air. I wish you could feel it!
I'm pretty sure he said he has enough signatures now to get on the ballot in all 50 states + DC.
He will soon! You can see the progress here: https://www.kennedy24.com/ballot-access
Four more deadlines are this week, and that should bring him to enough to exceed 500 electoral votes. Then just four more states that require signatures (MS) that doesn't.
That video - Roseanne’s face is priceless & frankly I couldn’t love him more after that story ... he has a bit of what we call the Larrikin ( 🇦🇺 ) about him, charming, handsome, funny with just a hint of rebel bad boy
The corporate media and the DNC will say and do ANYTHING to prevent the People from understanding the tremendous force of the Kennedy for President Campaign.
The Robert F. Kennedy, Jr campaign held a Zoom meeting tonight which also streamed on X. The invitation was sent out to all 115,000 volunteers and over 1.3 million people watched it on X. This campaign is unprecedented in American history. Truly a campaign by and for The People. Over 1.3 MILLION people were able to watch this live on X. Imagine a campaign where everyone gets an opportunity to hear directly from the candidates, from the senior campaign staff, even ask them questions! This is what DEMOCRACY is all about. Join this incredible movement to unite the country and elect the first Independent President since George Washington! Here’s a Youtube recording for those who missed it:
Try to imagine for ONE MOMENT, Kamala Harris in negotiations with Putin, or Xi - It's a frightening thought! Robert F Kennedy Jr. has been preparing his entire life for that. He understands geopolitics. He understands history. He understands strategic ambiguity. Harris has demonstrated that she's totally unprepared for the job. She has accomplished NOTHING and failed to improve ANYTHING in our crisis at the Southern Border. She is a puppet of the corporate military industrial complex and Big Pharma.
America is coming together and bridging the divide that the Uniparty of the Democrats and Republicans have relied upon to win elections. Americans will not stand for this anymore. We have the ability to come together in ways other Independent candidate never could. Join this incredible effort to take back our country by visiting www.kennedy24.com and join us!
Thank you Glenn. Reading this substack had me wondering why do people not recognize the red and blue are corporations and not 2 unpopular people. A VP who has no policies on her website, and, well I’m from the NY area, so I won’t comment on the x president.
The zoom tonight was the most politically inspiring event, about the most inspiring candidate since RFK Sr. Proud to have been a part of it with people who have open hearts and minds. Revolution may have started in the sixties but the results are coming in November.
I predict that RFK JR will support Trump, family aside BECAUSE, he’s willing to “pay the price” for THIER/OUR FREEDOM….🤷🏻♀️🙏
I was hoping for some kind of entwined fantasy political hook up between the two when RFK showed up in Milwaukee.
He will never endorse Trump. It’s not in his DNA.
He can go Independent, but his buses and boats stop at the red line.
But we ARE ON THE LINE sadly…. So who knows. I look at Trump like a Dr who can save my LIFE. I don’t have to like him, I don’t have to like his bedside manner…. Just SAVE my LIFE/COUNTRY.
Hear, Hear.
An interesting way to put it! Don't have to like him or his bedside manner...
Why aren't you putting your support behind RFK Jr? He's someone who can save this country AND you can like him.
I DO like him actually, but I think his chances are weak, so I will vote for Trump. It angers me what’s been done to RFK JR., perhaps IF Trump wins, SOME ARRESTS WILL BE MADE?
I wish his wife could see past her disdain for Trump and allow him to join up.
And this is my concern with him. I agree with some of what RFK Jr says/does. I am Conservative, but not "hard right", so was interested & intrigued by some of what he had to say in the beginning. However, it was always in the back of my mind that he was a Democrat with just a few policy ideas I agreed with. I feel my thoughts were confirmed after the Left started calling for Biden to withdraw. Someone asked RFK Jr who he thought they'd pick to replace him, his response was something like "Hello, I am right here!". After they chose KH I heard him say something close to "Hey, I gave them my number, they knew I was available". I will not vote for anyone who is willing to align themself with the party that put us through the last 3 1/2 years.
You should probably clean your crystal ball because there is no chance RFK Jr will support Trump. It amazes me how so many people assume Trump would win and RFK would lose. Maybe Trump should consider being second to RFK. Except I don't think RFK would go for that, he's too classy.
Wow, that was a whirlwind column! Still don’t you think it could be a uni-party and we’re all being played?
We had the uni party pre 2016 Tov and that was a proper shit show. The most stability we had worldwide was from 2016-2020. I don’t need to tell you or anybody who was the President then. We need to get back to that again it’s our last chance vote like your life depends on it.
Yes things appeared a lot better. However, whomever or whatever is Iin charge at the highest level will most likely put into position a controlled puppet to further the goals of depop and enslavement.
Probably, although I trust Trump slightly more than Mrs Harris. President Trump was fantastic for Israel in his term. Israel is in a shambles in no way thanks to Biden/Harris administration. They have got to go!
Not right now. There couldn’t be clearer divisions and the fact that our country will either stay in its current relatively free state, or dissolve into Communism. The fast track has been laid down. Only God working in and through the maze can stop the wreckage. And yes, He uses the “ordinary” stuff of people, debates, rallies, voting.
What’s happening that you think is leaning toward Communism ?
Massive media censorship!!
Gaslighting. At. Every. Turn.
Lying. At. Every. Turn.
Erasing our history.
Trying to kill us w shots, poisonous water, food, and skies.
Propping up a sick demented president- continuously telling us he was full of vim and vigor- lying about it (ongoing)
Attempted inside job of the assassination of a former president, currently running again.
J6 prisoners held without trial
dates, in solitary, subjected to cruel punishments. Illegals committing crimes and being let loose in streets.
Wide OPEN borders for a coming hellish free for all from terror cells. They’re here- patiently waiting.
Illegals getting free food/ housing/ health care/ phones… driver’s licenses and the abilities to vote.
Overall crime rate skyrocketing- govt wants to remove innocent citizen’s rights to defend themselves.
The whole “situation” with Kamala- a fool with no smarts, charisma or public speaking ability- propped up
and apparently going to be protected by and with teleprompters..
Moral rot and mockery of a holy God- which is THE historical tactic of an individual’s communist manifesto.
These are just the highlights.
I was born in a Communist shithole. You've done a great job defining the Communist blueprint we're following- which was started by Barack Obama. Who brought us Obama's three terms? RFK Jr.!
Thanks for answering.
Probably won’t be a selection. Could be Martial law.
That, also will there even be an election? The world is a mess. :(
Of course there will be an election.
Girl, these are confusing times. I don't agree with you sometimes, but I love your candor. Fake accents, accidental bear deaths and we're still sorting through the Biden/Harris fiasco. Keep the stories coming.
I just finished re-watching Game of Thrones; apparently we now live in a futuristic version of it
Same as handmaids tale
“How much trunk space does this guy have?” killed me. Thanks for always being honest and hilarious…we need it!
Kamala Harris is another puppet for the deep state. With less than (4) months, they have completely flipped her platform to ensure a vote. The media is compromised and complicit in pushing disinformation. What this administration has done to our mental health, our trust, and our security is criminal. Makes you wonder what is coming... and there is something coming.