Great writing Jessica! I agree that this was a BAD move on Bobby’s part! I like Bobby, but will not vote for him. I do not agree with many of his policies-his stance on guns for one-though I would not call him a radical liberal. I am Team Trump all the way!!
Did you see that the NY judge is denying a day off court (May 17th) so that Trump can attend his son’s graduation? Barbaric!! They really need to do all they can to get this judge removed.
Any other judge in any other jurisdiction would not only have been booted, but before the boot, would have been given hard slaps for the obvious and proven bias against PresidentTrump. Both Ergeron and Marchan should have recused themselves. We have no justice system. The evil has taken over and seems to be winning. We can only pray that all the truth comes out and that PresidentTrump is totally vindicated.
I would vote for RFK but his stance on guns is anti 2A. Your perspective on his tweet and the timing should shut up all your critics who think you’re fully on team Bobby…but we all know it won’t. I love your writings and all you do. Can’t wait to see what you get up to in the next seven months!! 💜💜💜
RFKjr went to PorcFest in New Hampshire last year. And after that he issued a very public statement. He does NOT want to take people's guns away at all. He wants people to have the right to bare arms. He's been very public about this. He's said publicly that he is more of a libertarian than anything else, and that there is a reason why they put the 2nd-A in there. He is a 'constitutionalist' I think he said.
You obviously have judgement of my knowledge. But you are incorrect. Maybe someone will read the links you dropped and they can gain some perspective of RFK.
That was a terrible move on RFK’s part. The tweet sounded nothing like him or any message he has put out previous. Fire whoever is now consulting on the campaign that thought this was a good idea. Is this the beginning of the end? 😫😞🫠
I have wanted to like RFK. I mean, he’s likeable. But the more time goes by and the choices he’s making come out, I don’t trust him. It’s a game. Not falling for it.
Wow….all the comments on here got this 58 year old entertained🙋🏽♀️. Freedom of speech was what our Country was based upon. Let’s keep America FREE and back to some sort of respect and normalcy. I like RFK and was surprised by his childish response. I am voting for TRUMP because I want to feel safe again and I worry about my children’s future America. It is absolutely disgusting what these DA’s and corrupt judges are doing to Trump. Let the people choose….let democracy reign!
Ps - That Tracy B chick who is commenting like a maniac might want to consider getting a job or hobby🥴.
Bobby bores me. Your coverage of him shows him as this privileged, blue blood bohemian who lives off his family name. I liked him, but he irks me more and more.
Typical rich boy. Jumping out of helicopters, surfing with celebs, sailing, and living a life of leisure while espousing his distain for “the man”. Meanwhile Trump is working his ass off holding rallies, running a huge company, fundraising, fighting legals battles in multiple states and fighting for liberty. No sleep, no leisure, no days off. That’s what America wants and needs, not cry baby Bobby.
You put the comparison smack in front of me. I like Bobby. Loved his stance against forced vaccines. Kennedy’s have always intrigued me. But...Trump never took a paycheck while in office, we had peace with nations BY STRENGTH not platitudes, gassed up our vehicles AND bought groceries without anxiety, I could run my ac, freezer, hot water heater 24/7 and pay my power bill. Now this man is in court daily, always respecting the process insane as it is to him..and he says “it is my honor to do so!” Come on...he is actually working to be leader of USA. Bobby seems to be enjoying the lime light like a frat boy.
I absolutely believe the kill word has been used behind closed doors- without any conscience whatsoever… it makes you wonder- WHAT has the devil promised these people?!?
Saying this as definitive is what is bothersome here. Many people actually care that trump broke laws the rest of us get punished for. You need to correct your work to say ‘I don’t care about his porn star corruption cover up’ and that’s fine. But don’t speak for me. I care.
Yes but you’re pandering to a particular crowd. So what does that 97% represent? Which is fine. It’s your platform and we are all here of free will. Me included. but honestly…. You’re way too bright not to understand who your new target audience is. And good for you. I like seeing smart women exploit less bright women. I’m here for it.
I would argue that a certain audience is drawn to me for my opinions. I’m catering to them, if that’s what you mean. currently, I’m super critical of liberals because I hate the dirty games they’re playing and do not support the current administration. Naturally, that alone will draw in more conservatives.
I’ve been a fan of rfk jr for many many years. Listened to him daily on ring of fire and read his books etc. So I think we are pretty similar. All I’ve said here is I disagree that ‘no one’ cares about trumps legal issues. I literally care. I’m someone that think he needs to be held to the same standards as I would be. And yes… that includes any other person someone is going to bring in to this convo. We all should be held to the same rule of law.
However, I’m OF THE OPINION that your opinion ‘that no one cares’ is wrong. And I’m also of the opinion that you entered in to MAGA land for profit. But I’m totally 💯 ok with it because I respectfully appreciate how you’ve used your skillset. I’d manipulate and exploit these dolts too if I was in your position.
I care. Why is a white collar, wealthy guy able to get away with things, but other people, low income different skin color are put in prison for petty stuff.
Yes - you are. You are accusing her of pandering for money which puts her in, well, Joe Biden territory. You have more than likely been following her longer than I have as I found her during the Depp trial. So what - totally irrelevant.
I legit applaud her. I miss why I started following this page but I find humor in how she’s capitalized on her access. Girl power. Good for her. Her family Makes millions a year now.
The porn star wrote and signed a letter that there was no affair. She said that she has repeated many times (dates listed in the letter) that there was no affair. The letter stated that it was not being written due to any payment! Additionally, Cohen is a pathological liar!! The judge that presided over his (Cohen’s) case called him a habitual liar. Trump has denied that there was an affair. He has not been found guilty of an affair and that is not why he is in court! The Feds did not indict Trump on these charges though they investigated and neither did the department that oversees elections and campaign fund use. He will be found guilty in the corrupt NY system-no doubt, but it will not last on appeal. It’s election interference. They just want to keep him from campaigning. They cannot hope to win any other way. They will not win anyway!
Congratulations for being equally outraged. But Jessica continues to spew this nonsense that she’s unbiased and reporting facts. It’s an absolute opinion to write ‘no one cares’. I’m stating that I care. I’ve followed her for years and I’m under the opinion she’s entered political theater for financial gain. And it’s working! Pop culture distraction was so much more refreshing than divisiveness and manufactured outrage. Maybe throwing RFK Jr under the bus gives her clicks/likes/subscribers. Which means more free money from MAGA land. Good for her. Love to see her capitalize on collective ignorance.
So civil discourse isn’t what’s you’re after. noted. Thank you for solidifying my opinion that this article spurs dissidence and infighting amongst people who likely might be able to find common ground. But bringing people to common interest or together neither gains clicks or dollars. Welcome to sheep-dome.
That’s twice you’ve called us ignorant, stupid, less intelligent, whatever word you want to demean women who vote differently than you. The party of “tolerance” strikes again. You’re a very pathetic person.
You didn’t really address my question Tracy. Is it just Trump that makes you angry or are you also bothered by ALL the deceit, no matter the party affiliation?
I’m sure she appreciates you “following her for years” but you have clearly moved into the territory of false accusations towards her, claiming she is doing things with ulterior motives, etc. instead of just accepting her as a woman with an opinion that can evolve and change. I think it’s time you also followed suit and move right along and out of this space.
A tiff with a porn star vs closing the border, keeping tax dollars in America, freedom of speech, no wars, cleaning all the druggies out of the street. .. I don't give an eighth of a fuck about Stormy. The fact she stated nothing happened, then Michael Avanatti got his hands on her case (fun fact - he was a client of the company I worked for and owed us tens of thousands of dollars) and she changed her tune should tell you this is a tactic. I vote for America, just as Trump does. I hate to say this, but I am losing respect for Bobby. We knew what we were getting with Trump and his "Huuuugggley exaggerations." With Bobby I thought we were getting a gentleman. This "I've got a bigger dick" bs is a turn off. I want to think he's a gentle badass. He's just looking petty. Like Grace Adler vs Karen Walker petty. I'm team Karen Walker every day. Love her!
A TIFF? 😂 please. Just for a second let’s pretend that if this was any other person that you’d be raging. A crime is a crime. It doesn’t matter who or when. Can you imagine if it was common knowledge that Obama cheated on his wife WHILE she was pregnant and AFTER she had the baby? And then slept with a porn star and paid her hush money? Let’s please be for real for just one second. The man wore a tan suit and half the country nearly fell apart. Yet everyone is so quick to dismiss every ILLEGAL thing Trump has done. Just because they follow him like he’s Jesus and think he can do no wrong. Then wonder why people think you are all in a cult. 🤦🏼♀️
Laws aren’t laws. They are bending laws and making new laws to be able to prosecute him. And this particular case isn’t even a felony. And he didn’t commit a misdemeanor either. Even if he paid her off, it had mixed meanings (protecting his wife and possibly tied to the campaign), so that alone means it is not a campaign violation.
Seriously asking... if YOU paid hush money to someone.... what would happen to you???? We have shop lifters, rapist, child predators and murders getting by with less. What generally happens in a case like this. Would love a lawyers feedback. Willing to bet it wouldn't be like this.
BAD decision Bobby! The most important item on the menu ATM is getting our country back, so we have a chance of a future without the WEF, WHO, Bill G, Klaus, CCP, & all the other evil elites trying to take us down.
With you & Trump on the ticket it may be a WIN-WIN. If you really cared about the USA you would have taken the offer. Now I hope your potential voters are scratching their heads.
I have been a Trump supporter from the day he came down the golden escalator, but Bobby had me intrigued and I enjoyed his stance on a few things. When he announced his VP as liberal pay-to-play Nicole Shannahan, I lost all respect. If he would have chosen Tulsi, he could have mopped the floor with all of the Biden votes coming his way. Now, he's putting out petty ill-timed tweets and it's causing him further damage. His support base is slipping away in droves and somebody needs to tell him, because obviously he's not getting it.
Great article! I really like RFK but can’t get behind his VP pick. I’m still a supporter, but will not be voting for him. It would have been the first time for me to vote for a democrat in a presidential election. I am a registered republican with that said I am very much in the middle and would consider myself a 60/40 if to give it percentages. I’m starting to wonder if someone like me will ever be fully represented within the political parties! We have gone so far away from the fundamentals of our country! PS……Coachella……. 👀 hope to hear your thoughts on it for sure!
I think things are only going to get more and more insane in the coming months. I, for one, am choosing not to pay much attention to what goes on on Twitter, or Truth Social, but instead understand deeply where the candidates are on the issues. Everything else is just noise. In saying that, I am waiting with baited breath, to hear your thoughts Jessica, on RFK's choice of VP?????? But at the end of the day, all I truly care is that Biden (and the man behind the curtain) are not re-elected.
Great writing Jessica! I agree that this was a BAD move on Bobby’s part! I like Bobby, but will not vote for him. I do not agree with many of his policies-his stance on guns for one-though I would not call him a radical liberal. I am Team Trump all the way!!
Did you see that the NY judge is denying a day off court (May 17th) so that Trump can attend his son’s graduation? Barbaric!! They really need to do all they can to get this judge removed.
Any other judge in any other jurisdiction would not only have been booted, but before the boot, would have been given hard slaps for the obvious and proven bias against PresidentTrump. Both Ergeron and Marchan should have recused themselves. We have no justice system. The evil has taken over and seems to be winning. We can only pray that all the truth comes out and that PresidentTrump is totally vindicated.
Do you actually want the truth to come out? I don’t think you do.
I would vote for RFK but his stance on guns is anti 2A. Your perspective on his tweet and the timing should shut up all your critics who think you’re fully on team Bobby…but we all know it won’t. I love your writings and all you do. Can’t wait to see what you get up to in the next seven months!! 💜💜💜
You should watch Jim Jeffries comedy skit on You Tube about guns and the 2nd Amendment argument.
You obviously haven't followed him very closely.
RFKjr went to PorcFest in New Hampshire last year. And after that he issued a very public statement. He does NOT want to take people's guns away at all. He wants people to have the right to bare arms. He's been very public about this. He's said publicly that he is more of a libertarian than anything else, and that there is a reason why they put the 2nd-A in there. He is a 'constitutionalist' I think he said.
There is more on this on his website. It's crucial that you read THIS👉🏻
But here is about the spying and the constitution and your rights.
You obviously have judgement of my knowledge. But you are incorrect. Maybe someone will read the links you dropped and they can gain some perspective of RFK.
The fact that you won't even open the links tells me you don't know what you're talking about. 🫳🏻🎤
Why do you ASSume I didn’t open the links?
It was the “soooooo” that made me think RFK’s Twitter got hacked. Bizarre.
This seems out of character for RFK. Okay, who took dad’s phone and is messing with us?! I’m not ready to officially pick sides. Group hug, STAT!
This! Who wrote “soooo” in that tweet 🙄 that annoyed me right away.
It sounds like a junior high girl clapping back 😩
Here we go w/ the election shenanigans.
That was a terrible move on RFK’s part. The tweet sounded nothing like him or any message he has put out previous. Fire whoever is now consulting on the campaign that thought this was a good idea. Is this the beginning of the end? 😫😞🫠
Idk but all these points you raised circled my head this morning too 😩
I have wanted to like RFK. I mean, he’s likeable. But the more time goes by and the choices he’s making come out, I don’t trust him. It’s a game. Not falling for it.
Same here. Look at the political machine of a family he comes from. It’s in his DNA.
Wow….all the comments on here got this 58 year old entertained🙋🏽♀️. Freedom of speech was what our Country was based upon. Let’s keep America FREE and back to some sort of respect and normalcy. I like RFK and was surprised by his childish response. I am voting for TRUMP because I want to feel safe again and I worry about my children’s future America. It is absolutely disgusting what these DA’s and corrupt judges are doing to Trump. Let the people choose….let democracy reign!
Ps - That Tracy B chick who is commenting like a maniac might want to consider getting a job or hobby🥴.
She’s truly unhinged.
YEP! We got a “5150” on an email chain🤪😂🤣
What did I say thar makes me ‘unhinged’? Asking for a friend.
You and me are samzies. So cute.
I love that you’re so wound up over me. I’m flattered ❤️❤️
I don’t think he wrote the tweet or even knew about it. I just don’t see RFK Jr. writing “soooo” with so many O’s🤣. Someone soooo needs to be fired.
Bobby bores me. Your coverage of him shows him as this privileged, blue blood bohemian who lives off his family name. I liked him, but he irks me more and more.
Typical rich boy. Jumping out of helicopters, surfing with celebs, sailing, and living a life of leisure while espousing his distain for “the man”. Meanwhile Trump is working his ass off holding rallies, running a huge company, fundraising, fighting legals battles in multiple states and fighting for liberty. No sleep, no leisure, no days off. That’s what America wants and needs, not cry baby Bobby.
You put the comparison smack in front of me. I like Bobby. Loved his stance against forced vaccines. Kennedy’s have always intrigued me. But...Trump never took a paycheck while in office, we had peace with nations BY STRENGTH not platitudes, gassed up our vehicles AND bought groceries without anxiety, I could run my ac, freezer, hot water heater 24/7 and pay my power bill. Now this man is in court daily, always respecting the process insane as it is to him..and he says “it is my honor to do so!” Come on...he is actually working to be leader of USA. Bobby seems to be enjoying the lime light like a frat boy.
So well said! I'm an anxious person anyway but having anxiety at the gas pump and grocery store is crazy making.
Thanks for keeping me up to date on politics! I'm so tired of all this fighting. I really wonder what the dems are gonna do to stop rfk and trump...
I absolutely believe the kill word has been used behind closed doors- without any conscience whatsoever… it makes you wonder- WHAT has the devil promised these people?!?
Saying this as definitive is what is bothersome here. Many people actually care that trump broke laws the rest of us get punished for. You need to correct your work to say ‘I don’t care about his porn star corruption cover up’ and that’s fine. But don’t speak for me. I care.
I am not going to censor my opinion pieces like that. I took a poll today and 97% so they didn’t care.
I wrote what I think.
Yes but you’re pandering to a particular crowd. So what does that 97% represent? Which is fine. It’s your platform and we are all here of free will. Me included. but honestly…. You’re way too bright not to understand who your new target audience is. And good for you. I like seeing smart women exploit less bright women. I’m here for it.
I would argue that a certain audience is drawn to me for my opinions. I’m catering to them, if that’s what you mean. currently, I’m super critical of liberals because I hate the dirty games they’re playing and do not support the current administration. Naturally, that alone will draw in more conservatives.
But you’re cool with the dirty games that conservatives play?
I’ve been a fan of rfk jr for many many years. Listened to him daily on ring of fire and read his books etc. So I think we are pretty similar. All I’ve said here is I disagree that ‘no one’ cares about trumps legal issues. I literally care. I’m someone that think he needs to be held to the same standards as I would be. And yes… that includes any other person someone is going to bring in to this convo. We all should be held to the same rule of law.
However, I’m OF THE OPINION that your opinion ‘that no one cares’ is wrong. And I’m also of the opinion that you entered in to MAGA land for profit. But I’m totally 💯 ok with it because I respectfully appreciate how you’ve used your skillset. I’d manipulate and exploit these dolts too if I was in your position.
I care. Why is a white collar, wealthy guy able to get away with things, but other people, low income different skin color are put in prison for petty stuff.
I care!
The fuck she is pandering. Sorry - Jessica can hold her own with zero support but wow - you're off base.
Am I? How long have you been here? As many years as I have to witness the transformation?
Yes - you are. You are accusing her of pandering for money which puts her in, well, Joe Biden territory. You have more than likely been following her longer than I have as I found her during the Depp trial. So what - totally irrelevant.
I legit applaud her. I miss why I started following this page but I find humor in how she’s capitalized on her access. Girl power. Good for her. Her family Makes millions a year now.
Damning with faint praise. Like saying "You don't sweat much for a fat chick."
The porn star wrote and signed a letter that there was no affair. She said that she has repeated many times (dates listed in the letter) that there was no affair. The letter stated that it was not being written due to any payment! Additionally, Cohen is a pathological liar!! The judge that presided over his (Cohen’s) case called him a habitual liar. Trump has denied that there was an affair. He has not been found guilty of an affair and that is not why he is in court! The Feds did not indict Trump on these charges though they investigated and neither did the department that oversees elections and campaign fund use. He will be found guilty in the corrupt NY system-no doubt, but it will not last on appeal. It’s election interference. They just want to keep him from campaigning. They cannot hope to win any other way. They will not win anyway!
How about ALLLLLLL the other politicians (including vile things our current president has done) Do those bother you as well? They do me!
Congratulations for being equally outraged. But Jessica continues to spew this nonsense that she’s unbiased and reporting facts. It’s an absolute opinion to write ‘no one cares’. I’m stating that I care. I’ve followed her for years and I’m under the opinion she’s entered political theater for financial gain. And it’s working! Pop culture distraction was so much more refreshing than divisiveness and manufactured outrage. Maybe throwing RFK Jr under the bus gives her clicks/likes/subscribers. Which means more free money from MAGA land. Good for her. Love to see her capitalize on collective ignorance.
Why don’t you just unsubscribe? Why continue with how unhappy you are with what Jessica writes?
Let me say it again for the people in the back: I love to see her capitalize on collective ignorance. You’re triggered for a reason.
Not triggered at all. Just think it’s ridiculous to keep writing the same stuff over and over. If you are unhappy leave. That’s all. 🤷🏼♀️
So civil discourse isn’t what’s you’re after. noted. Thank you for solidifying my opinion that this article spurs dissidence and infighting amongst people who likely might be able to find common ground. But bringing people to common interest or together neither gains clicks or dollars. Welcome to sheep-dome.
That’s twice you’ve called us ignorant, stupid, less intelligent, whatever word you want to demean women who vote differently than you. The party of “tolerance” strikes again. You’re a very pathetic person.
You didn’t really address my question Tracy. Is it just Trump that makes you angry or are you also bothered by ALL the deceit, no matter the party affiliation?
Ps he doesn’t make me angry. I don’t give him that sort of power.
I’m sure she appreciates you “following her for years” but you have clearly moved into the territory of false accusations towards her, claiming she is doing things with ulterior motives, etc. instead of just accepting her as a woman with an opinion that can evolve and change. I think it’s time you also followed suit and move right along and out of this space.
No thx. I like to read all sorts of different view points. I’ll stay where I’m at. Appreciate your concern.
Wow. Just wow.
If he has done something and tried and all evidence points to yes, then he deserves it
A tiff with a porn star vs closing the border, keeping tax dollars in America, freedom of speech, no wars, cleaning all the druggies out of the street. .. I don't give an eighth of a fuck about Stormy. The fact she stated nothing happened, then Michael Avanatti got his hands on her case (fun fact - he was a client of the company I worked for and owed us tens of thousands of dollars) and she changed her tune should tell you this is a tactic. I vote for America, just as Trump does. I hate to say this, but I am losing respect for Bobby. We knew what we were getting with Trump and his "Huuuugggley exaggerations." With Bobby I thought we were getting a gentleman. This "I've got a bigger dick" bs is a turn off. I want to think he's a gentle badass. He's just looking petty. Like Grace Adler vs Karen Walker petty. I'm team Karen Walker every day. Love her!
A TIFF? 😂 please. Just for a second let’s pretend that if this was any other person that you’d be raging. A crime is a crime. It doesn’t matter who or when. Can you imagine if it was common knowledge that Obama cheated on his wife WHILE she was pregnant and AFTER she had the baby? And then slept with a porn star and paid her hush money? Let’s please be for real for just one second. The man wore a tan suit and half the country nearly fell apart. Yet everyone is so quick to dismiss every ILLEGAL thing Trump has done. Just because they follow him like he’s Jesus and think he can do no wrong. Then wonder why people think you are all in a cult. 🤦🏼♀️
Your idea of ‘gentleman’ is clearly off.
Me too! I abhor anybody who thinks they’re above the law, Trump.
Right? It’s the “Petty Trial” for me. Like, laws are laws.
Laws aren’t laws. They are bending laws and making new laws to be able to prosecute him. And this particular case isn’t even a felony. And he didn’t commit a misdemeanor either. Even if he paid her off, it had mixed meanings (protecting his wife and possibly tied to the campaign), so that alone means it is not a campaign violation.
What is a new law that made to prosecute him?
They extended the statute of limitations for E Jean Carroll, for one.
I’m still waiting for the New Laws.
Hush money: not necessarily a crime
Falsifying business
records: misdemeanor
Paying hush money and falsifying records in service of a larger crime (impacting the 2016 election): felony
Seriously asking... if YOU paid hush money to someone.... what would happen to you???? We have shop lifters, rapist, child predators and murders getting by with less. What generally happens in a case like this. Would love a lawyers feedback. Willing to bet it wouldn't be like this.
BAD decision Bobby! The most important item on the menu ATM is getting our country back, so we have a chance of a future without the WEF, WHO, Bill G, Klaus, CCP, & all the other evil elites trying to take us down.
With you & Trump on the ticket it may be a WIN-WIN. If you really cared about the USA you would have taken the offer. Now I hope your potential voters are scratching their heads.
I have been a Trump supporter from the day he came down the golden escalator, but Bobby had me intrigued and I enjoyed his stance on a few things. When he announced his VP as liberal pay-to-play Nicole Shannahan, I lost all respect. If he would have chosen Tulsi, he could have mopped the floor with all of the Biden votes coming his way. Now, he's putting out petty ill-timed tweets and it's causing him further damage. His support base is slipping away in droves and somebody needs to tell him, because obviously he's not getting it.
Of course, Trump offered RFK, Jr. the VP slot.....Why?.....
Because RFK, Jr. is leading among voters 45 & under.....And, he leads among Independent voters....
RFK, Jr. is now at 18% in the latest polls nationwide -- from CNN.....His popularity is rising steadily.....
His ideas and vision for the country are reaching voters. Hence, he is becoming a real force!.....
Biden is in big trouble.....Too many wars.....US economy is sinking.....Too much poverty in America!....
Biden needs to step down for the good of the country.....RFK, Jr. is the much better candidate......
Trump simply wants revenge......Has anyone noticed?.....Trump offers no policies or ideas......
America needs new leadership in the most desperate way......Biden & Trump are has-beens......
RFK, Jr. offers real leadership.....Ideas that make sense.....A vision that represents America at its best....
For now, the US continues down the path toward bankruptcy and social upheaval.......
Great article! I really like RFK but can’t get behind his VP pick. I’m still a supporter, but will not be voting for him. It would have been the first time for me to vote for a democrat in a presidential election. I am a registered republican with that said I am very much in the middle and would consider myself a 60/40 if to give it percentages. I’m starting to wonder if someone like me will ever be fully represented within the political parties! We have gone so far away from the fundamentals of our country! PS……Coachella……. 👀 hope to hear your thoughts on it for sure!
I think things are only going to get more and more insane in the coming months. I, for one, am choosing not to pay much attention to what goes on on Twitter, or Truth Social, but instead understand deeply where the candidates are on the issues. Everything else is just noise. In saying that, I am waiting with baited breath, to hear your thoughts Jessica, on RFK's choice of VP?????? But at the end of the day, all I truly care is that Biden (and the man behind the curtain) are not re-elected.