Cannot wait to read and hear the stories from the Black Conservative event. Thank you once again for reporting so eloquently and holistically your experiences with each and every team. Appreciate you more than you know!

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It definitely had a lasting emotional impact on me. I’m looking forward to sharing why.

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I really hope to be able to sit with you (while you venture to our neck of the woods) and share some of the things we saw during our time volunteering in prisons.

Totally adore your efforts to allow the people to have a voice. You are a treasure to us!

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Cannot imagine anyone not fully cognisant of the positives that Trump would bring to USA or anyone writing - as in this article who would be against Trump in the past!

Without Trump and his logic and rationale USA is finished!

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Are you off your meds?

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Sounds like you are. Why are you trolling?

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Paul - Going from your comment it sounds like you perhaps should be taking yours??

At least it would stop any feint chance of some rational or logical thought process occurring!

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A Trump fan queztioning the rational of another. Like saying Nazis love jews.

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You are spot on!

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I am so excited to read about your experience at the Black Conservative event! I think a lot of people have had an awakening since Covid. Unfortunately, to many are still trusting the Biden administration and Big Pharma. I am a baby boomer and love RFK, Jr. and Trump. You are educating me and in turn I am helping others at least take a look at Bobby. Thank you for your insight into this political world that I used to avoid at all costs.

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The BCF dinner was possibly the most illuminating experience I’ve had on the trail so far. But. It also bruised my heart.

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I am on pins and needles to learn more.

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South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster shut down the state, issued Executive Order suspending LEOs MOU - giving ALL law enforcement agencies the right to fine us and throw us in jail if we didn't wear masks and social distance - he's a tyrant. That's what I learned in March 2020.

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The time is now for everyone to bring out their closeted MAGA gear! LOL From a never Trumper in 2016, to fully supporting Trump in 2020 but not publicly displaying my support, I plan to be sporting my MAGA gear - on my yard, on my car and on my head. My husband does and mostly he gets the fist pump and awe that he would be so brave to wear it (and a few surprised looks, don't know what to say) #MAGA

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I live in Columbia and you captured our city so well! I was at the soda city market that day and spoke with a reporter (he saw my I voted sticker). He asked me who I voted for....yep, you know who ;) However, he also asked me who I would be voting for in November. I said I'm still undecided because I really like what RFK Jr is saying (I attended his Columbia rally last year). The reporter looked confused and I told him he needed to look into RFK and give him fair, honest and balanced coverage as he'd be surprised how many people are excited about what RFK is saying. Seriously, that reporter (he's with the AP) acted like I was the first person to say anything about RFK. Our kids were with me when I spoke to the reporter and as we walked away, they commented about mainstream media not knowing anything. (Proud mom moment. )

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Isn’t it crazy, how many don’t know? It’s so frustrating. At least the kids get it ❤️

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This was fun to read. I live in Pa in the suburbs of Philly and people and people do wear their trump gear. Not in Philly though, you’ll get jumped. But lots of FJB flags and trump2024 flags around. I do see a Kennedy sign on my way to work every day though.

And we are all collectively glad that you are able to look at yourself from 2017 and say “boy I was wrong” that takes balls. You have them. I appreciate your balls ;)

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Love your coverage, wish Trump would distance himself from Lindsey Graham. He’s a Warhawk and a snake. I don’t trust him anymore than I trust Biden.

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Glad you visited Columbia, a very Progressive city within a mostly Conservative state. I've witnessed the Leftist foreigners slowly changing the beautiful state of South Carolina- they want to turn it into the shitholes they ran away from - I'm a Refugee and can easily see the changes that are taking place. I live in the best (and heavily taxed) school district of South Carolina- the Leftists are attempting to destroy our school system. They're not Liberals - I don't think Liberals exist in today's Democrat party, it's a shame - a reason why many of us are politically homeless- the Republican party isn't any better.

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—“ G O O D BYE BYE - J O E … 🫥


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Oh! Also, there is a huge story that isn't being told re the sentencing and treatment of the J6 prisoners in the DC gulag.


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Believe me, I’m on it.

Thanks to Rita 🇺🇸

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The thing that stood out most to me is that some people still don't know who RFK is! I was like you--a liberal--and when the my body my choice got neglected by the Left with regard to the vaccine I started to see this blue no matter who ideology and didn't like it. Then along came RFK who aligned with pretty much everything I believed. I'm going to an event of his this weekend. I'm going to try to get a better feel for what he is going to do going forward with getting on the ballot etc. Great post as always Jessica! Love the doggy photos and your writing as always, is sublime. Sabrinalabow.substack.com

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Thank you Sabrina. I’m so glad you’ll get to see and hear RFK in person this weekend. Let me know what you think. Xx

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“It affected me in a way I need to sit with for a bit before attempting a recap with any effectiveness. “ - I CANNOT WAIT. Goosebumps! “Bye Joe, you’re fired”

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—- “ H E L L O


T R U M P ‼️‼️‼️‼️”

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I am appalled at your comment "At this point in my life, I can't think of anything that would get me out on the streets like this again to shout pre-selected rhymes echoed like toddlers singing songs to memorize certain rules of logic or manners. " regarding the protests to end this genocide and utter horror the people of Gaza are facing. Where is your humanity and outrage over these atrocities and war crimes that the US and Israel are commiting? Totally disgusting. That is your total coverage of this genocide--comparing people who care to toddler?!! And instead you traipse all over to fawn over Bobby, who is actually not whom he purports to be. My vote for him went out the window when he showed his true colors egging on Israel's continued destruction of the Palestinians. Shame, shame, shame. You have no moral compass. I will end my subscription

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You should be pointing your rage at Hamas. They’re using Gaza as a human shield.

It’s not Israel and it’s not the US. Hamas is to blame.

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I’m sure it will ruin her since she has 290k subscribers… bye

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When I read the article, I took that statement as Jessica's opinion of political protests in general. Over the last, say, 10 years, whether the topic of protest was DT's win in 2016, or a certain man's death in 2020, or now a certain country's war, the protest participants' behavior has been rather, well, predictable. Because you are emotionally connected to the issue surrounding the protest described in this article, is it possible that you might have taken a general statement too exclusively to this one issue? Just curious, because as a reader, I didn't get from it what you got from it.

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Genoicide. Laughable.

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THANK YOU for putting out a big juicy piece about Trump in front of the paywall!!

Trumpers would love to wear their swag out on the streets. They don't because they don't want to be physically attacked (that happened a lot in 2016).

"Walking around it occurred to me, based on the photos I snapped, we could easily be strolling organic produce in Portland. It all looks the same." - We *are* all the same. It's the media and politicos who are working so hard to divide us. To convince us that we're not the same.

"Success, he promised, will be his revenge...In the emotional rush of repeated victory, that’s all everyone gathered there is praying for." They're praying to save this country from self-destruction.

Brava, Jessica!

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I've been trying to read your political coverage this year with an open mind. I'm a very policy oriented person and I follow the votes in Congress. I definitely understand more the appeal of Trump's personality. But throughout all of this I still haven't seen a political promise that would attract me to his platform.

Saying I'm going to fix it isn't a plan. Especially, when he didn't or couldn't fix it his previous presidency?

Personally I find Project 2025 very very alarming but I haven't heard it being addressed.

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I'm in the Public Policy sphere, honored by Senator Tim Scott for my women/Minority advocacy. I find it hard to believe that you're "policy oriented" while ignoring policies implemented during Trump’s administration (the ones "allowed" by the parasites in DC). Significant tax cuts that helped women and Minority-Owned small businesses grow, making HBCU funding permanent for 10 years (giving them more money than Communist Obama), focusing on the human trafficking at our Southern border, making Americans a priority...you're a policy hawk? It's not about Trump's personality - he's a brash New Yorker, the complete opposite of our Southern, mild mannered men. But South Carolina is 100% Trump country - he respects our underserved rural folks, doesn't talk down to them as the elitists keep doing.

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THIS. ☝🏻

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That's very nice but it's not exactly the policy I'm looking for.

I want taxes be raised Bernie Sanders style (not as extreme but you understand what I mean), absolute immigration reform making it easier for educated people to settle in the US and increasing our skilled labor and temporary labor visas.

I want stronger DEI initiatives and social programs for the disabled and the economically struggling. Like free school lunches. And increase in availability of Medicaid and Medicare.

I think climate change and food safety is important and I think the FDA and EPA should be well funded. Along with reducing our reliance on oil I think this might be the most important of all to me.

I want to back our allies I want a strong NATO, I don't want Christianity in politics or a conservative court I want IVF and women's reproductive rights.

This is what's important to me and what I think is important to support American society and I do not see it happening on the current Republican platform.

Edit: In contrast I live in a very democratic county and I'm happy with the direction we have be going. I'd love to see it on a bigger scale. But I always listen to other other candidates and sometimes vote across the line

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So what you’re saying is, you don’t align with Trump’s policies, not that you don’t know any of them. No one is going to force you to vote for him.

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She should move to Venezuela😂😂 Bernie is a wannabe Communist who has never created jobs but was given lots of money by big pharma. The DNC paid him to shut up and sit down and he's laughing all the way to the bank along with AOC. I wish people would follow the money and learn about actual Public Policy.

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You're obviously not in the world of Public Policy, chica. If you actually followed "voting" in DC, you'd know that the FDA and the EPA are grossly bloated agencies. If you were Black, you wouldn't be wanting more foreigners to further destroy the Black community, they are the folks hit the hardest by cheap foreign labor.

Bernie Sanders is a grifter, wannabe Communist with zero accomplishments in his long pathetic political career.

Trump isn't a Republican, he's an old fashion, classic Liberal that prioritizes Americans. But you want more Immigrants during a time when Americans are struggling. Venezuela or Cuba will be happy to accept you.

Democrats have destroyed California and New York - no thanks. I've already survived a Communist shithole, don't want to live through it again. I suggest you become a member of a women's organization that will teach you about Public Policy, like BPW - they're one of the best, very Liberal leaning. Liberal, not Leftist Commies.

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I live and work in Washington DC. And I love it here, that's about as much as I'm going to add about myself.

You have this hyper focus on leftist communism. Even the left in the United States is more similar to the right in Europe. And no one calls northern Europe social democracies communist enclaves.

I don't see the desire for increased social programs that almost every other developed country offers as similar to the Soviet Union style economic planning.

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Barack Obama is calling 🤣🤣 his embrace of the Communist murderer Fidel Castro really happened. Today's Democrats aren't JFK's party, they're wannabe Communists like the grifter Bernie Sanders. BTW, Russia is a great place for businesses- just ask James Altucher and Scot Cohen, they discuss it.

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Ana I can understand your reluctance. Please try to remember that he was very new to the politics of Washington DC in his first Presidency. He was a businessman, not a politician-which I find very appealing. He was misdirected by many that he thought were on his side at the time. The people that he brought to his leadership team, who were recommended, turned out to be the wrong people. That’s why we heard so much about people being fired. He also had to fight tooth and nail to get things done because these very people fought against him. He also had people, I won’t name names constantly bringing charges against him. He had to deal with the whole Russian collusion mess. Even with all that, he gave us a booming economy, over 500 miles of wall (still being constructed) with a secure border, a safe country with no wars and more. He is seasoned now and knows the people in DC. He will be much more effective. Our country cannot withstand 4 more years of what we have now. Thank you for listening. I hope that with time the American people will be able to open their hearts and minds to the potential for what the USA can be again under Donald J. Trump. I know I’ve been long winded. Thank you for listening. 🇺🇸❤️

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What you share here is something I’ve heard from several close to him. It’s an interesting take but it made a lot of sense the way it was explained to me.

Sounds like it’s everything you already know though.

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Trump did a LOT his first 4 years, but he was also up against much of DC at the same time. There is a very long list of his accomplishments online, if you truly want to know. They lied about Russia, with no consequences. They held him back with the impeachment nonsense.

I believe he will not hold back if he is elected - which I pray for because if not, as Maggie said, America is doomed. That is a fact. Joe Biden hates us - America. He has proven that these past 3 years. Look around you. Our own country is being invaded by criminals & he’s sending all of our tax dollars to Ukraine.

How Americans cannot see past their TDS is astonishing.

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Tax dollars are defending the world and makes America great

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So you’re all about wars?

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That doesnt make sense. Ive no idea what youre trying to say.

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I will try to type slower. You said “tax dollars are defending the world….” Why does the world need defending? Possibly because they are at war and doing their best to bring in the USA? That’s not making America great, my boy.

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You cant hide from reality. Isolation wont work. Never has. Never will.

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Ana, did you know that Trump brought the Abraham Accords to the Middle East in 2020? Literal “Peace in the Middle East” between Israel and Arab countries? Biden obviously killed it.

Also, Trump repeatedly references peace through strength and is against the US being involved in foreign wars?

Just a couple things to look into if you’re interested in Trump’s record or vision on foreign policy.

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Didn't Saudi Arabia pay off Jared Kushner 2 billion dollars for that?

Rather shady if I do say so myself. And clearly didn't hold up to the test of time.

And Hamas didn't want it to happen they wanted to throw a wrench in it and they succeeded.

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It didn’t hold up the test of time because Biden didn’t want to continue Trump’s foreign policy strategy-obviously WAR > Peace attempts in the Biden admin.

I think Kushner may be one of the people who negatively affected Trumps admin as he was a Democrat and came from Wall Street and his dad’s had legal issues. That being said, if the Dem’s had any true evidence of corruption on Trump/Kushner they would have gone after them on that. Also the money wasn’t “given” to Kushner, it was invested in his equity firm, much different than what Hunter/Jim/Joe Biden were doing.

I do you think you are right though, Hamas doesn’t want peace, but Trump had dismantled ISIS and weakened Iran. So the other Arab countries in the region had motivation to be peaceful. Unfortunate he didn’t have more time to keep that Peace process going.

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Imagine growing up and being told and believing that anyone can be President... as we've all been told. One man sees the destruction of his country, attends the WHCD where he's insulted, attacked by the commie kenyan and still dared to run... and win. His campaign was proven to have been spied on and a paid-for-by-CrookedHillary "Russian" dossier is being distributed, which many thought was true. Upon taking office, the attacks were non-stop and came from every possible direction. Imagine dealing with running a country while being impeached several times on false pretenses, your family is under attack and every move you make is being reported by a fake news media who hates you and wants nothing more than to see you fail. The first bill under his administration to be passed would get rid of the bill which needed to be passed before knowing what it entailed, O-Care. One vote was needed for his promise of creating a new healthcare bill. The bill was downvoted by a man who literally got up from his deathbed to give a thumbs down and stop the bill from passing. Despite this, he worked relentlessly for US citizens and donates his salary to charities. I'll skip over the 2020 election and end with this: the entities working against him the first time around have now gone into turbo drive. They will stop at nothing to keep PresidentTrump out of the OvalOffice. We already know the steps they've taken (lawsuits, indictments); however, what's happening behind the scenes is much more horrible and evil than the normal law-abiding legal citizen can comprehend.

They invoke Hitler's name to describe PresidentTrump, but take a good long look at what's happening right now and know that we've been living under a Hitler regime for decades... with a short break while PresidentTrump was in the WH.

And, let's hope Project 2025 succeeds.

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So what I'm reading is he was incredibly ill prepared for the job. Chose his staff incredibly poorly. Was not popular with the people he needed to work with to actually get something done and therefore ineffective.

And he literally has been found guilty of misusing the charity funds for his own personal gain. It went to court and there is so much evidence against him he was found guilty. And his personal charity was dissolved.

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Let's take this point by point.

As you know, when asked by a visitor to the OvalOffice how he felt sitting in his chair and having so much power, President George W Bush replied that anyone could sit in that chair, he doesn't run anything. His response acknowledged the existence of the DeepState.

PresidentTrump is better qualified than ANY candidate or any President, except for the fact that he is the ONLY President who publicly stated that he wanted to rid our gov of the DeepState.

PresidentTrump's inner staff is extremely loyal to him. Many of his adminstration's choices were made on the experience of seemingly trusted advisors. Ex: When ChrisChristie was a Trump cheerleader, he pushed for Wray to replace the fired Comey. As you are aware, it is a daunting task to choose the hundreds of of people to put in the correct slots and NO President has gotten this task 100% correct. To say PresidentTrump was not popular with the people he needed to work with, simply is not the case. Why? Because the DeepState wants to keep their jobs! And despite all entities working against him, PresidentTrump accomplished more while President than the majority of former Presidents. If you'd like to see the thousands of achievements, just do a quick search and you'll find plenty. Here are a few highlights:

- Jobless claims hit a long-time low.

- Incomes rose in EVERY metro area of the US in three decades

- Poverty rates for blacks and hispanics hit a record low

- There was a 16% increase in wages

- Household net worth hit an all time high

-Signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act – the largest tax reform package in history.

- More than 6 million American workers received wage increases, bonuses, and increased benefits thanks to the tax cuts.

- A typical family of four earning $75,000 received an income tax cut of more than $2,000 – slashing their tax bill in half.

- Doubled the child tax credit.

- Virtually eliminated the unfair Estate Tax, or Death Tax.

- Cut the business tax rate from 35 percent – the highest in the developed world – all the way down to 21 percent.

- Provided the average American household an extra $3,100 every year.

- Removed nearly 25,000 pages from the Federal Register – more than any other president. (The previous administration added over 16,000 pages.)

- Signed two executive orders to increase transparency in Federal agencies and protect Americans and their small businesses from administrative abuse.

- Immediately withdrew from the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

- Ended the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and replaced it with the brand new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).

- The USMCA contains powerful new protections for American manufacturers, auto-makers, farmers, dairy producers, and workers.

- The USMCA is expected to generate over $68 billion in economic activity and potentially create over 550,000 new jobs over ten years.

- Signed an executive order making it government policy to Buy American and Hire American, and took action to stop the outsourcing of jobs overseas.

- For the first time in nearly 70 years, the United States has become a net energy exporter.

- The United States WAS the number one producer of oil and natural gas in the world.

- Natural gas production reached a record-high of 34.9 quads in 2019, following record high production in 2018 and in 2017.

- Withdrew from the unfair, one-sided Paris Climate Agreement.

- Canceled the previous administration’s Clean Power Plan, and replaced it with the new Affordable Clean Energy rule.

- Approved the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines.

- Opened up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in Alaska to oil and gas leasing.

- The average American family saved $2,500 a year in lower electric bills and lower prices at the gas pump.

These are just a few of the many acts PresidentTrump put in place FOR the American people. Unfortunately, in his very first day in office, PresidentTrump's successor used his pen and paper to totally decimate these executive orders, which helped the American people. So, let's remember this as you pull into the gas station where gas is now double the price under this admin.

As for the charity funds usage, PresidentTrump paid back the funds and dissolved the charity. If you are using this as a gauge, kindly do your research into former Presidents and you will find not only worse, but the fact that PresidentTrump was not given the same "courtesy" as our President's who are working with the DeepState. And speaking of charities, has any President after JFK donated his salary 100% to charity?

And, once again, I defy anyone to work under the pressure-filled job of President of the United States and accomplish what PresidentTrump has done.

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