An insider's view on how the heir to America’s Democratic dynasty forged an unexpected alliance with Donald Trump, sparking a rebranding of the Republican Party with far-reaching implications
I live in a big blue city but a red state. Driving through neighborhoods there is 1 Harris sign for Every 12 Trump. Might be the first time our city turns red even tho we are not a turning point for votes in the election, it will be interesting to see who is chosen locally.
But, our population here has increased significantly over the last 2 years (schools are overflowing with kids) out of state plates in our buildings parking garage is about 1/3 non-local, some as fas as Ontario, Canada. I’ve never seen so many people move here in such a short time. Will be interesting to see what happens. We are a state you cannot take pics of your ballot after casting it nor before.
It truly baffles me to see negative comments directed at Kennedy. It clearly shows a lack of engagement with his speeches and a failure to do any personal research. Are you really content to accept the misleading narratives handed to you by the mainstream media and search engines? I firmly believed Kennedy would’ve made an exceptional president. He is a true peacemaker who has acted in the best interest of our country. He’s shown the strength to set aside pride and make compromises for the greater good—something every politician should aspire to. Our nation simply cannot thrive unless we unite, share ideas, and work together to create solutions beneficial for everyone.
It seems like a no brainer that we should all be united in our focus on improving the health of Americans. We must prioritize cleaning up our toxic food industries, addressing water contamination, and demanding accountability in pharmaceutical practices. It's time to stop allowing ourselves to be divided. Enough is enough!
And here comes Sad Sally right on cue. Get a life. You’re pathetic. Who in the world trolls a Substack comments sections? I mean, that is truly pathetic.
And here I come. I responded because this thread showed up in my Substack feed. As soon as I learn how to use Substack properly, it never will again. I didn’t seek it out -it found me. Goodbye.
No one forced you to comment, not only once, but multiple times on multiple posts. Most intelligent people move on. Are you really leaving or are you like the celebrities who never leave America because it’s such a great place to live?
It truly baffles me to see negative comments directed at Kennedy. It clearly shows a lack of engagement with his speeches and a failure to do any personal research. Are you really content to accept the misleading narratives handed to you by the mainstream media and search engines? I firmly believed Kennedy would’ve made an exceptional president. He is a true peacemaker who has acted in the best interest of our country. He’s shown the strength to set aside pride and make compromises for the greater good—something every politician should aspire to. Our nation simply cannot thrive unless we unite, share ideas, and work together to create solutions beneficial for everyone.
It seems like a no brainer that we should all be united in our focus on improving the health of Americans. We must prioritize cleaning up our toxic food industries, addressing water contamination, and demanding accountability in pharmaceutical practices. It's time to stop allowing ourselves to be divided. Enough is enough!
Gosh It is fun to pretend we are in Nancy Drew #1 era of sweet, innocent, monogamy. But alas. I will now just settle for my sweet family not being poisoned and maybe we need to re-evaluate our situation and priorities, Sally (while concurrently maintaining a lovely little conclave of medieval morality here)
Oh Jessica - This is what we've been dying for. To know how everything went down. THANK YOU. Thank you for your love of family and country. Thank you for being open to losing what you've held dear for so long in search of the truth. Thank you for listening to your inner voice and teaching your beautiful children to do the same thing. I believe God chose you, just as He chose RFK, Jr., President Trump and my crush of 20 years, Tucker and my son's first celebrity crush, Tulsi. I'm crying. I have hope and faith. You are responsible for so much.. Thank you. I believe good will prevail and President Trump will be 47. I also believe there will be riots but police will be able to actually do their job and military will be called in and it should be shut down sooner than it was with Floyd riots. I pray for the sanity and safety of all of us. Thank you and your team, your husband and children for all you share with us.
Love every word. Praying for God to overcome any cheating or dishonesty as only He can. Good always wins. Thanks for your candor and your impeccable note taking Jess!
You took the words right out of my mouth. Praying nonstop that they win and that if there is cheating and corruption-it’s found and dealt with. I feel hopeful and sick to my stomach at the same time.
I don’t understand this comment. I’m not sure who you are trying to insult. It sort of makes sense (even though abortion wasn’t the topic) but then the more I think about it - it doesn’t make sense at all.
Says a man. Hi again Michael *kiss kiss* I will find you allll night my friend. Leave my women alone- the near 100% who regret their abortion and wish they'd had some GD support! Maybe get off the keyboard and go deliver a package of diapers and a freaking lasagna you chauvinist.
But wouldn't it be fun if for a second we pretended you were not a chauvinist and... spoiler alert... you knocked a woman up. And, facing 1500 a month in child support you "supported", "lauded", were so "not a chauvinist" that you paid 500 for an abortion pill to kill that sweet little mini Michael-nameless woman child who would otherwise be the star of your Instagram? And saved $17,982. Ah, so nice. Good times.
It's been 15 minutes since your last comment! You're going to buy said diapers and lasagna! I'm proud of you Michael. Way to support women. Good for you. A momma is going to really, really appreciate that (if in doubt buy a size 5 it fits all of them for at least one pee pee right mommas?!)
I believe they have the right to safe, rare and REASONABLE abortions, not insanely barbaric, inhumane, unrestricted butchery up to the ninth month! Everything is a compromise in politics, as in life and if democrats would abandon their unacceptable stance on abortions up to the ninth month, then maybe we can talk. No one has the right to kill a full term, fully viable baby. If a pregnant woman is murdered, the perpetrator is charged with two counts of murder, depending on how far along in gestation she is. Why should women be exempt?
Abortion will never be entirely repealed, but it should have reasonable restrictions. While Roe v Wade was in place, the limit was 16 weeks. Now, these radical, marxist new democrats want to make it up to the ninth month, with no restrictions! That is morally wrong and utterly barbaric. Why would democrats advocate for such extremes? If you don't believe that, look up Tim Walz's abortion law in MN. Legislating includes informed discussions among our lawmakers of both parties. The democrats are unwilling to compromise and insist that anything less is taking away a womans right to choose. What I absolutely do not agree with is the DP's use of indoctrination (in collaboration with the media) of mostly young women to believe that getting an abortion is the most important issue of their lives. Now, even men are believing it. The fear mongering about Trump passing a total ban is totally false. During his time in office, what rights did he take away from anyone?
I’m afraid for our country and what the Dems will do to keep Trump from becoming president when he wins. I’m thankful for Kennedy’s heroic selflessness and grateful for Trump’s wisdom and willingness to welcome Kennedy to his team. As I sit reading this on a glorious autumn evening I pray for the safety and health of Kennedy and Trump and that we can fix these horrible policies that have almost taken the USA out. May God continue to bless America.
The more unreasonable hate that spouts from the Dems the more I’m convinced this truly is a spiritual battle and we war not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers in dark places. And so we get on our knees and pray through the storm for such a time as this and to truly make a difference for all Americans. 🙏
I loved this Jessica, especially your intro about “being born for such a time as this”. It’s from the Bible in Esther 4:14, when Queen Esther is faced with a difficult decision to help save her people and risk her life doing it or see her people destroyed.
I love that Trump was personally encouraging “Hero” for RFK’s intro in AZ, knowing the impact of the moment would outweigh the backlash. He’s got great instincts and taste in music. And for him to credit someone else with louder applause than he’s ever heard seems like quite a nice gesture. This is so crazy, I used to have TDS! So grateful to have woken up.
Never been prouder to be called "GARBAGE" and "DEPLORABLE!" Sorry for RFK Jr. and your loss Jessica of friends and family members who are angered by your independent thinking and love of America! You are correct, sometimes your family is not DNA but created by a common cause of core values that our forefathers created for us.
It is called AMERICA the of the FREE!
This piece made me feel like I was there, part of it, inside of it all as it was happening. I was brought to tears, felt your anger, excitement and emotional at times. Soooo beautifully written. We are sooooo lucky to have you, your words and perspective covering this. Because of you, as a 45 year old, this was the first year I put any energy into to this. I always voted Dem because that was my label. You made me want to pay attention and want to know more. I truly can’t thank you enough. You made it all HUMAN and tolerable. You are definitely doing what you were meant to do here! Thank you momma! ❤️
Jessica- this is beautiful. You are an extraordinary writer. Thank you for sharing so much of YOUR journey as well as the journeys of others. I am praying for a Trump win and a quick resolution to whatever the Dems think they will cry foul about over the election. That they are allowing or want to allow noncitizens to be able to vote is appalling. I am proud to be a deplorable and garbage if it means that we protect the Constitution.
One question for the Dems- Where is the celebrity that started the coup? Have we heard from George since he wrote his letter?
Love these behind the scenes glimpses. Like the rest, I’m praying. I feel that another term for Trump would be the merciful hand of God to keep us from sliding into the abyss.
Have you ever read the quote from Taylor Caldwell?
“It is a stern fact of history that no nation that rushed to the abyss ever turned back. Not ever, in the long history of the world. We are now on the edge of the abyss. Can we, for the first time in history, turn back? It is up to you.”
The abyss of hate was created by a national political figure- and members of his very own party aren’t participating in that hate, bigotry, racism and misogyny. So speak of an abyss clearly- rather than people of an opposing political persuasion.
Well as a child I lived through a communist revolution and my family fled to south Florida with the clothes on our backs - leaving everything we loved. We rebuilt our lives because of the freedom we found in the USA. Our family still living under communism in Cuba suffers greatly every day and increasingly. That’s my platform and I know of what I speak. The stench of communism is strong on the left.
You're asking her to supply evidence of her birthplace and experience? Rude. You don't want that from any other voters so why are you targeting Carmen? Show us more hypocrisy! More! More!
Reread the post. It suggests “outrageous claim” not residency and experience. If I need to Clift for you in simple English- Supply your evidence of the outrageous claim “the stench of communism is strong on the left”.
Provide that evidence rather than the name calling putrid MAGA rhetoric that has infected the American lexicon.
Put up or shut up! You better start making plans to flee “communist America” when Harris wins by a landslide. 🌊🌊🌊🌊
Interesting you feel the need to judge her personal experience as though it’s a debate. This is simply her reality—not a stance that needs to be ‘won’ with evidence. Perhaps the real question is why her experience seems to hit such a nerve for you.
Those of us who were born under a Communist regime are keenly aware of the Communism that has been embraced by the Leftists in the Democrat party. Barack Obama promised to transform the US and he's been delivering on that promise throughout his three terms.
In 2014, Obama made public his love affair with Communist Fidel Castro. He attempted to lift the embargo but failed fabulously. Obama created a nonprofit that works with Communist Cuba.
Congressional Black Caucus members like Democrat Barbara Lee had a long love affair with Fidel Castro as well.
Democrats love Communism - as long as it's other people who are crushed by the Communists.
So we have a woman who has experienced communism (within her post your evidence, more than your own, Michael, whose family has been here for multiple generations-don't try to deny it, white dude), and you're telling us Harris brings us communism (from which I, personally, as not a communism fan (clearly), should flee). As unclear as this response could be, I think we all see your platform clearly.
Harris-Walz for Communism 2024! And those against.... leave. Hell if I know who is going to fund y'all once we are gone. Put up? Tax $? Been there, done that.
Not to mention how he treated Anita Hill. He and Orrin Hatch were dicks —— for want of a better word. I'm old enough to remember watching that. Oh, he smiled the whole time, was personable, but just as bad as Hatch I screamed hard the television.
I think it was in this column that I said the “New York Times” called George Clooney, “America’s National Flirt.” I misquoted my source. It was Ian Parker in “The New Yorker”. An Op. Ed. And that he is. Nothing more, nothing less, although I respect the many lives he saved as Dr. Ross on ER.
You are stupid. The man has been in government for 50 years and not a peep out of you. Your proven LIAR President- yes the racist, misogynistic, convicted felon and you are concerned about Biden- with another 75 days as President.
I always find it interesting when someone is raging in the comment section about how hateful Trump is and then they start a reply with “You are stupid” 😂😂😂
I have never been so invested in politics till this campaign trail, and it is because of the amazing view through your lense. This up close and personal view is something I will always remember. Thank you for sharing such intimate details of your experience. We can only hope that these visions will come to fruition, and that the future will be safer and healthier for generations to come.
I pray. I'm getting sick feelings in my stomach about the machine and the cheating and fraud at play in our elections
Same, I’m praying hard for the future of our country
I live in a big blue city but a red state. Driving through neighborhoods there is 1 Harris sign for Every 12 Trump. Might be the first time our city turns red even tho we are not a turning point for votes in the election, it will be interesting to see who is chosen locally.
But, our population here has increased significantly over the last 2 years (schools are overflowing with kids) out of state plates in our buildings parking garage is about 1/3 non-local, some as fas as Ontario, Canada. I’ve never seen so many people move here in such a short time. Will be interesting to see what happens. We are a state you cannot take pics of your ballot after casting it nor before.
I’m getting sick feelings from reading articles about that idiot, Kennedy.
If he's an idiot, I hope to be one too.
Same! Sign me up for that idiocy.
It truly baffles me to see negative comments directed at Kennedy. It clearly shows a lack of engagement with his speeches and a failure to do any personal research. Are you really content to accept the misleading narratives handed to you by the mainstream media and search engines? I firmly believed Kennedy would’ve made an exceptional president. He is a true peacemaker who has acted in the best interest of our country. He’s shown the strength to set aside pride and make compromises for the greater good—something every politician should aspire to. Our nation simply cannot thrive unless we unite, share ideas, and work together to create solutions beneficial for everyone.
It seems like a no brainer that we should all be united in our focus on improving the health of Americans. We must prioritize cleaning up our toxic food industries, addressing water contamination, and demanding accountability in pharmaceutical practices. It's time to stop allowing ourselves to be divided. Enough is enough!
I'm replying to Sally O’Brien, but it seems my response won’t post under her name.
And here comes Sad Sally right on cue. Get a life. You’re pathetic. Who in the world trolls a Substack comments sections? I mean, that is truly pathetic.
And here I come. I responded because this thread showed up in my Substack feed. As soon as I learn how to use Substack properly, it never will again. I didn’t seek it out -it found me. Goodbye.
No one forced you to comment, not only once, but multiple times on multiple posts. Most intelligent people move on. Are you really leaving or are you like the celebrities who never leave America because it’s such a great place to live?
It truly baffles me to see negative comments directed at Kennedy. It clearly shows a lack of engagement with his speeches and a failure to do any personal research. Are you really content to accept the misleading narratives handed to you by the mainstream media and search engines? I firmly believed Kennedy would’ve made an exceptional president. He is a true peacemaker who has acted in the best interest of our country. He’s shown the strength to set aside pride and make compromises for the greater good—something every politician should aspire to. Our nation simply cannot thrive unless we unite, share ideas, and work together to create solutions beneficial for everyone.
It seems like a no brainer that we should all be united in our focus on improving the health of Americans. We must prioritize cleaning up our toxic food industries, addressing water contamination, and demanding accountability in pharmaceutical practices. It's time to stop allowing ourselves to be divided. Enough is enough!
Gosh It is fun to pretend we are in Nancy Drew #1 era of sweet, innocent, monogamy. But alas. I will now just settle for my sweet family not being poisoned and maybe we need to re-evaluate our situation and priorities, Sally (while concurrently maintaining a lovely little conclave of medieval morality here)
You’ll quickly learn who trolls Jessica’s articles. Sally is just one of many who come here to spew hate.
It might be time for you to vamoose, it that case.
Well, you’re from SanFrancisco, so….
Me, too.
Same. I have zero trust as I put my ballot through the machine . Just prayed for the best
Oh Jessica - This is what we've been dying for. To know how everything went down. THANK YOU. Thank you for your love of family and country. Thank you for being open to losing what you've held dear for so long in search of the truth. Thank you for listening to your inner voice and teaching your beautiful children to do the same thing. I believe God chose you, just as He chose RFK, Jr., President Trump and my crush of 20 years, Tucker and my son's first celebrity crush, Tulsi. I'm crying. I have hope and faith. You are responsible for so much.. Thank you. I believe good will prevail and President Trump will be 47. I also believe there will be riots but police will be able to actually do their job and military will be called in and it should be shut down sooner than it was with Floyd riots. I pray for the sanity and safety of all of us. Thank you and your team, your husband and children for all you share with us.
Beautifully said! And I have a crush on Tucker too.
Love every word. Praying for God to overcome any cheating or dishonesty as only He can. Good always wins. Thanks for your candor and your impeccable note taking Jess!
Thank you! 🙏🏻
You took the words right out of my mouth. Praying nonstop that they win and that if there is cheating and corruption-it’s found and dealt with. I feel hopeful and sick to my stomach at the same time.
I personally loved this piece - it’s probably my favorite. I love the defeat and now the rising.
See you in ROEvember!
Where the WOMEN are the wall.
And Trump will pay for it!
I don’t understand this comment. I’m not sure who you are trying to insult. It sort of makes sense (even though abortion wasn’t the topic) but then the more I think about it - it doesn’t make sense at all.
Says a man. Hi again Michael *kiss kiss* I will find you allll night my friend. Leave my women alone- the near 100% who regret their abortion and wish they'd had some GD support! Maybe get off the keyboard and go deliver a package of diapers and a freaking lasagna you chauvinist.
Not a chauvinist. I SUPPORT the freedom and rights of WOMEN to choose.
In this election:
The WOMEN are the wall.
And Trump will pay for it!
And shame on you as a woman to deny other women the freedom to choose for themselves!
We will absolutely be the wall that keeps the baby killers out of the White House😉
But wouldn't it be fun if for a second we pretended you were not a chauvinist and... spoiler alert... you knocked a woman up. And, facing 1500 a month in child support you "supported", "lauded", were so "not a chauvinist" that you paid 500 for an abortion pill to kill that sweet little mini Michael-nameless woman child who would otherwise be the star of your Instagram? And saved $17,982. Ah, so nice. Good times.
Shoot that's enough to buy a boat Michael! Come one! Pay off your Prius! Before the battery goes out!
It's been 15 minutes since your last comment! You're going to buy said diapers and lasagna! I'm proud of you Michael. Way to support women. Good for you. A momma is going to really, really appreciate that (if in doubt buy a size 5 it fits all of them for at least one pee pee right mommas?!)
I believe they have the right to safe, rare and REASONABLE abortions, not insanely barbaric, inhumane, unrestricted butchery up to the ninth month! Everything is a compromise in politics, as in life and if democrats would abandon their unacceptable stance on abortions up to the ninth month, then maybe we can talk. No one has the right to kill a full term, fully viable baby. If a pregnant woman is murdered, the perpetrator is charged with two counts of murder, depending on how far along in gestation she is. Why should women be exempt?
Abortion will never be entirely repealed, but it should have reasonable restrictions. While Roe v Wade was in place, the limit was 16 weeks. Now, these radical, marxist new democrats want to make it up to the ninth month, with no restrictions! That is morally wrong and utterly barbaric. Why would democrats advocate for such extremes? If you don't believe that, look up Tim Walz's abortion law in MN. Legislating includes informed discussions among our lawmakers of both parties. The democrats are unwilling to compromise and insist that anything less is taking away a womans right to choose. What I absolutely do not agree with is the DP's use of indoctrination (in collaboration with the media) of mostly young women to believe that getting an abortion is the most important issue of their lives. Now, even men are believing it. The fear mongering about Trump passing a total ban is totally false. During his time in office, what rights did he take away from anyone?
So good. I cried my way through.
I’m afraid for our country and what the Dems will do to keep Trump from becoming president when he wins. I’m thankful for Kennedy’s heroic selflessness and grateful for Trump’s wisdom and willingness to welcome Kennedy to his team. As I sit reading this on a glorious autumn evening I pray for the safety and health of Kennedy and Trump and that we can fix these horrible policies that have almost taken the USA out. May God continue to bless America.
The more unreasonable hate that spouts from the Dems the more I’m convinced this truly is a spiritual battle and we war not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers in dark places. And so we get on our knees and pray through the storm for such a time as this and to truly make a difference for all Americans. 🙏
I loved this Jessica, especially your intro about “being born for such a time as this”. It’s from the Bible in Esther 4:14, when Queen Esther is faced with a difficult decision to help save her people and risk her life doing it or see her people destroyed.
Praying for all of us! What beautiful writing! I was in tears and can’t help but love this patriotic team!!!
I love that Trump was personally encouraging “Hero” for RFK’s intro in AZ, knowing the impact of the moment would outweigh the backlash. He’s got great instincts and taste in music. And for him to credit someone else with louder applause than he’s ever heard seems like quite a nice gesture. This is so crazy, I used to have TDS! So grateful to have woken up.
Never been prouder to be called "GARBAGE" and "DEPLORABLE!" Sorry for RFK Jr. and your loss Jessica of friends and family members who are angered by your independent thinking and love of America! You are correct, sometimes your family is not DNA but created by a common cause of core values that our forefathers created for us.
It is called AMERICA the of the FREE!
I totally understand losing family and finding that in friends and like minded people. It happened to me!
But from it I became stronger and it really opened my eyes
I am praying for our country! I’m nervous but I feel like God wants to save the great USA 🇺🇸
Denise's photos are stunning as always!! 🤍
They are
This piece made me feel like I was there, part of it, inside of it all as it was happening. I was brought to tears, felt your anger, excitement and emotional at times. Soooo beautifully written. We are sooooo lucky to have you, your words and perspective covering this. Because of you, as a 45 year old, this was the first year I put any energy into to this. I always voted Dem because that was my label. You made me want to pay attention and want to know more. I truly can’t thank you enough. You made it all HUMAN and tolerable. You are definitely doing what you were meant to do here! Thank you momma! ❤️
Jessica- this is beautiful. You are an extraordinary writer. Thank you for sharing so much of YOUR journey as well as the journeys of others. I am praying for a Trump win and a quick resolution to whatever the Dems think they will cry foul about over the election. That they are allowing or want to allow noncitizens to be able to vote is appalling. I am proud to be a deplorable and garbage if it means that we protect the Constitution.
One question for the Dems- Where is the celebrity that started the coup? Have we heard from George since he wrote his letter?
Love these behind the scenes glimpses. Like the rest, I’m praying. I feel that another term for Trump would be the merciful hand of God to keep us from sliding into the abyss.
Have you ever read the quote from Taylor Caldwell?
“It is a stern fact of history that no nation that rushed to the abyss ever turned back. Not ever, in the long history of the world. We are now on the edge of the abyss. Can we, for the first time in history, turn back? It is up to you.”
Gos help us.
Ah Michael, ever the champion of respect for women.
The abyss of hate was created by a national political figure- and members of his very own party aren’t participating in that hate, bigotry, racism and misogyny. So speak of an abyss clearly- rather than people of an opposing political persuasion.
The abyss of which you speak- you don’t even see!
Well as a child I lived through a communist revolution and my family fled to south Florida with the clothes on our backs - leaving everything we loved. We rebuilt our lives because of the freedom we found in the USA. Our family still living under communism in Cuba suffers greatly every day and increasingly. That’s my platform and I know of what I speak. The stench of communism is strong on the left.
Supply your evidence such outrageous claims-
You're asking her to supply evidence of her birthplace and experience? Rude. You don't want that from any other voters so why are you targeting Carmen? Show us more hypocrisy! More! More!
Reread the post. It suggests “outrageous claim” not residency and experience. If I need to Clift for you in simple English- Supply your evidence of the outrageous claim “the stench of communism is strong on the left”.
Provide that evidence rather than the name calling putrid MAGA rhetoric that has infected the American lexicon.
Put up or shut up! You better start making plans to flee “communist America” when Harris wins by a landslide. 🌊🌊🌊🌊
Another stupid MAGA shill.
Interesting you feel the need to judge her personal experience as though it’s a debate. This is simply her reality—not a stance that needs to be ‘won’ with evidence. Perhaps the real question is why her experience seems to hit such a nerve for you.
Those of us who were born under a Communist regime are keenly aware of the Communism that has been embraced by the Leftists in the Democrat party. Barack Obama promised to transform the US and he's been delivering on that promise throughout his three terms.
In 2014, Obama made public his love affair with Communist Fidel Castro. He attempted to lift the embargo but failed fabulously. Obama created a nonprofit that works with Communist Cuba.
Congressional Black Caucus members like Democrat Barbara Lee had a long love affair with Fidel Castro as well.
Democrats love Communism - as long as it's other people who are crushed by the Communists.
Clift? As in easily roused? Fascinating use here.
So we have a woman who has experienced communism (within her post your evidence, more than your own, Michael, whose family has been here for multiple generations-don't try to deny it, white dude), and you're telling us Harris brings us communism (from which I, personally, as not a communism fan (clearly), should flee). As unclear as this response could be, I think we all see your platform clearly.
Harris-Walz for Communism 2024! And those against.... leave. Hell if I know who is going to fund y'all once we are gone. Put up? Tax $? Been there, done that.
Biden is one of the most hate filled politicians I've observed. He of a snake, changing his colors without ever shedding his skin.
Biden is also one of the most racist humans alive. He treated Clarence Thomas like a dog during his SCOTUS hearing. He is garbage!
Not to mention how he treated Anita Hill. He and Orrin Hatch were dicks —— for want of a better word. I'm old enough to remember watching that. Oh, he smiled the whole time, was personable, but just as bad as Hatch I screamed hard the television.
I think it was in this column that I said the “New York Times” called George Clooney, “America’s National Flirt.” I misquoted my source. It was Ian Parker in “The New Yorker”. An Op. Ed. And that he is. Nothing more, nothing less, although I respect the many lives he saved as Dr. Ross on ER.
You are stupid. The man has been in government for 50 years and not a peep out of you. Your proven LIAR President- yes the racist, misogynistic, convicted felon and you are concerned about Biden- with another 75 days as President.
Soon you can go back in your cave. 🌊🌊🌊🌊
Go to a doctor
Ah Michael, ever the champion of respect for women.
Why do you follow Jessica when you clearly do not agree. Is it trolling for dollars?
I always find it interesting when someone is raging in the comment section about how hateful Trump is and then they start a reply with “You are stupid” 😂😂😂
😭 his speech at the “farewell” dinner wrecks me! So beautiful and powerful! What a team him and trump make 👏🏼
Ps. I’m in love with the dress you are wearing in these pics from the dinner. Where is it from!?
Thank you! La Vie - lots of sequins!
Thank you!! I have an event coming up and think it would be perfect! ❤️
Came to ask
The same about the dress :) lol
It’s currently sold out 😭
A another fake MAGA shill!
Cool story, bro
I have never been so invested in politics till this campaign trail, and it is because of the amazing view through your lense. This up close and personal view is something I will always remember. Thank you for sharing such intimate details of your experience. We can only hope that these visions will come to fruition, and that the future will be safer and healthier for generations to come.