Biden was angry, Kamala wore McQueen, Majorie was goading, Trump was trolling, Bobby was presidential, and the Kennedy Women are traitors with good hair
As a USMC wife. I can't watch any of the addresses. The person in the POTUS position directly impacts my personal daily life, the safety of my husband etc. It has been such a joke the last 3yrs. Obama "leadership" was bad for the military internally...but this administration is like a mental institution freak show. Trump dropped the ball a LOT with speeches and optics. Dropped the ball with policy, a LOT. But he never dropped the ball with Military relations. I love RFK, but worry about the outcome of the military under his leadership as well. The coverage on this platform is the most pure and straight forward. But I'm also a Scorpio like JK that appreciates all the sides, from all the POV so I can make my own opinion.
Hi Samantha, Navy wife here. The Biden Administration has been bad for the military and they wonder why nobody wants to join 🫠. The only good thing that Biden has done is pass the Pact Act for veterans.
RFK is great in many ways but not military wise. He said if he became president he pledged to shut down all 800 overseas bases which would be a bad move. Some would be ok but not all international bases.
If Trump gets elected, I believe he will get rid of the mental institution freak show and get our military in better shape. He is our best and only option now. Too bad there isn’t a Trump/Kennedy ticket!
Please tell me you’re kidding about Trump and the military. My son is in the navy and we have a large disrespect for Trump and how he treated the military. Policy wise, pay wise, and the things he said about our military.
Well, pay wise your son signed up for his base pay. My husband is air wing and gets paid extra because of his qualifications. POTUS can only push through pay for the militaryin certain ways. Trump gave the USMC the 1st pay raise they had seen in almost 10yr. My husband also almost 20yr in. He is in charge of one of the largest aircrafts in any branch, so he's flown and been into every war zone ever to be since 08. Obama was the biggest war monger we've had since Bush. Trump sent our men and women in uniform to ZERO war zones. That I appreciate, there was a calm and peace for families during Trump. Like him or not personally, I appreciated routine flights and missions.
Melm, I think that's much more if a nuanced conversation than a comment thread could handle. We will never know how Trump would've handled the conflict with Isreal and Palestine...cause he isn't POTUS. This isn't a world of should've, would've, could've. What ifs. The FACT is that Biden is POTUS. The fact is the Military and foreign relations are worse now than when Trump was POTUS. These are facts, not opinions. I could guess what I think Trump may have done, how he would've reacted. But that wouldn't serve a purpose. I'm speaking on the war time, Military insight from 08 to now. That's what I have seen up close and personal, because my husband's MOS isn't standard run of the mill grunt or support staff. He I'd physically in every war zone when there is conflict in his aircraft.
You're on the internet along with the rest of us, and you previously stated your son is Navy. So, you should have some personal insight into the inner workings of the military based off of the work that your son is doing on a daily basis. And the internet will show you all of the facts. Obama dropped thousands of bombs. Most notably in areas that civilians didn't even know were at "war." (Search Obama and Syria, Lybia, Jordan). Trump at least got Middle Eastern leaders to pretend to shake hands and be at peace, as well as Putin. Those are just a few.
They still had BILLIONS of dollars under Trump. It’s not like they were broke.
If you are speaking of the 6 billion plus the American prisoners released from Iran, it was already their money. Plus that money can’t be used to fund Hamas. It had to be used for humanitarian purposes and the purchase of food or medicine. It’s like a credit HSA card. It can only be used for those items.
Melm I’m signing off for today. Have at it. Believe what you want to believe. It’s your right. I just do not agree with you. We can agree to disagree-right?
Hahahah well, seeing as how I'm the one that controls the bank account because he travels all the time I'll just ask myselfwhere the money went. That was cute you trying to have the moral ground there, insinuating that my husband is gonna somehow hide or spend a whopping $0.10 in the dollar and me not know. He may even be able to get a can of zyn if he saves it up. That $0.10 on a dollar that all administration's say that the military gets out right isn't translated directly to pay. If they get that .5 or .10 the BAH, flight pay. Health insurance, dental will go up somewhere. So that $ ends up being a wash in the end (the same thing happens to individuals on SS and their food stamp or snap benifits. If one goes up they take from the other. This system is seen in a few areas of government pay). Trump gave the USMC the 1st pay raise that was really a raise in almost 10yr. There is also a time in pay raise that isn't linked to a rank increase. My husband just hit the 16yr, next is 20. There are a lot of ins and outs with military pay that ppl don't understand because they dint live it. You can have media, an online article tell you all day long one thing. But an entirely different scenario plays out in the actual everyday workings of that "plan" or bill they passed through.
Thank you haha. I don't need thanks. I love my husband. We had our oldest young, I graduated HS 6m pregnant with her. The USMC saved us. It has been the greatest gift to our family. We have more stability than others that we know, and we are so thankful. A gov career is so stable if you work hard and rise in the ranks. That being said, years of his life he was deployed, on MEUs, on flights etc. He has missed a lot and we've learned to navigate that. But again, I was with him years before the USMC. I was gonna be with him as support anyway. The USMC just gave us the opportunity for me to not work outside the home, I homeschool our 3 girls, I've been able to gain degrees because I love to learn, have the freedom to travel etc. I see this as my life, not something really to be praised for or thanked.
I appreciate that you don’t need thanks. But I’m still grateful. Hug on those three daughters! I raised three many years ago. Most fun/craziest job around! 💖
Thank you Robyn. Idk, I always feel like I have to say like.. I love him and we were already together hahah. That to me is why I think he and I have been such a successful military marriage. Our bond before enlistment. Sadly, military marriage rates are higher divorce than national averages. National averages were at last looking something like 54% divorce rate for regular citizens. For military, there is more stress and adversity. So military is something to the effect of 62%. That's shocking. Idk, he and I are symbiotic organisms at this point. But I don't hail myself just as a USMC wife. I married my HS sweetheart, we are obsessedwith our kids. Im a hard mom, I expecta lot from them. But we are obsessed. I use the fact that we are a military fam to explain my views on some political issues/topics. Sadly there are ppl in this country that loathe the military. I forget that until an election year comes round and I get told I'm married to a baby killer. That's a personal fav🫠. Also why my last name isnt on here, why I wont say his job that he is on right now, my IG is private etc. My husband is 4yr from retirement. We both will be 40 when he retires. So it's such a strange time for my family personally hahaha. So that's the only reason I even commented in this thread. The next POTUS effects the last year's of my husband's career.
We have several friends who’ve been right where you are. It’s the love and friendship you share that’s the key to it all. ♥️ And after retirement at 40 you’ll really get to understand that “life begins at 40” saying. I married my HS sweetheart too. You’ve got many years of adventures ahead of you, enjoy them all together!
Jolene, you're sounding real salty and real repressed in this thread. I can't figure out if you don't like women who have differing opinions...the military...or the fact I'm connected to both. Suckers and losers who? Like, me in particular? My family? My husband? Although, your super vigilant detest for Trump makes you look like you're a little tittilated by him and his overt rautious personality. So you rail against it by bashing him on a comment thread via the internet. Because you're ashamed of your deep feelings that you won't share with anyone...again...opinion here🤔. Basically, I don't need to believe Trump. I saw it with my own eyes, how much my husband was deployed and in war zones under the last 3 administration's. Call it anecdotal evidence if you'd like.
I had to change my profile pic to me telling my husband that there are women on here that think he is a figment of my imagination...that are preachy on military policy/politics without actually knowing the inside of the military, and lastly that I may be perpetrating stolen USMC wife Valor. He was amused. We had a laugh
My husband's CO could give two shits about my POV. I'm support staff for their Marine in their eyes, USMC has an old saying in boot camp "if we wanted you to have a wife we would've issued you one." I don't need my voice heard by command. I've been with my husband since I was 17 he 18. I didn't meet him in the USMC. He was a senior and I a Junior. So my feelings on government and the military, POTUS and the like, they're all in regards to my husband and his safety. With a warmongering POTUS, there will be risks for everyone in uniform. That's just a fact, not a personal feeling.
A little respect for the wives of our military could go a long way! Your respectful opinion would be fine without the 🤡 faces.
Samantha and Lanna thank you for the sacrifices your spouses, you, and your families make everyday. I feel your worries. You are certainly entitled to them.
Haha, the CO’s don’t care what military spouses think. I’d be more than happy to sit down with my husband’s CO, a 2-star admiral, and give him my thoughts.
You are an awful person! Show some gratitude to military families as they do what majority won’t. We don’t live in South Korea or Russia where you can’t voice your opinions.
im sure his commanding officer would appreciate her response and let her know how well she handled someone who clearly is not/will not step back to even listen to someone elses opinion other than their own. then he might add "what a lunatic" or something along those lines. i sure would.
It’s VERY telling when you click on “comments” on just about any page’s covering of Biden, that the vast majority are so beyond tolerating anything him or big media is feeding us. It’s deep, it’s so seeded that we’re all just busting at the seams to GROW out of the past 4 years. I know personally that I’m willing to vote for Trump if it means Biden is out, and I’m sure many agree. Although that’s not what my heart really wants. I really want Bobby to make it all the way. I would cry like a baby if he won. My whole being would be overjoyed with promise!
All this! And I truly would love to see RFK Jr and Trump on the same ballot. They can bring so much good to this country with economics and healthcare/food.
The ONLY bright spot was RFKJ's great speech. It was revelatory. He would win my vote if he took a hard line on gender-affirming care, which I don't believe he does. So Trump it will have to be. Thanks for your honest, balanced coverage. I was horrified by the mass formation psychosis of the Democrats. I can't believe I was ever one of them.
Anyone who is still supporting Biden is delusional. It's not the same Biden that was elected and if anyone can't see that I'm really sorry for the fog that's still clouding their sense of discernment. As a caregiver, it's obvious that he is not fit to run a country, let alone mow his own grass.
Honestly. I am SHOCKED at the number of votes Biden is getting in the primaries. There were other names on the democrat ballot. Why not just pick any other name. How can people still be giving him a vote???
I would actually love someone besides Biden, but the party didn't get behind any other candidates. I'm angry about that, but will vote for anyone over Trump. Suspect a ton of people feel the same way.
What i mean is... just because "the party" is pushing Biden... why not vote for MaryAnn Williamson or any other names that were actually on the ballot? Isn't that why we vote primaries... not to vote for who they tell us we want but instead to vote and pick the person we want as individuals. Its just so broken...
I actually didn't vote for Biden in the primary and would love a different candidate. But I'll support whoever goes against Trump when it comes to it. Agree it would be nice to have more than 2 options and think most of America feels the same.
You do have more than two options. That’s why Jess does this. To show you, you have a better preferable option in RFK. To vote for Biden because Trump 🤦🏼♀️ you can’t tell me that the US is in better condition under Biden.
But to your point, you have Dean Phillips and Marianne Williamson. Anyone is better than Biden. Anyone. And the dem party as a whole has really been killing America since the Clintons. I believe that George H and Cheney ( I think they used George W as an unknowing pawn) are part of that same corrupt regime but I’m different ways. Our best option is to pick a non-politician.
Agree to disagree. Didn't vote for Biden in the primary and I'm not excited about him, but I'm not into RFK. Will vote for anyone over Trump when it comes to it. We already had him for four years and that was enough for me.
The problem is, Trump is as bad or worse than Biden. And MAGAs whining because Biden was raging, nasty and on drugs really are just mad that he stole Trump's whole shtick. Irony abounds with this bizarre, broken down system of "government." But I have good news - it's still better here than in the UK, Canada, Germany, and most other Western countries.
I respectfully disagree! Trump is a far better choice than Biden if you want to: have the chance of preventing war-even nuclear war, close our borders, make America safe so that our children have a future, and be able to afford groceries, gas, and other basic necessities in life and on and on! The ultimate would be a Trump/Kennedy ticket, but unfortunately that will not happen.
Yeah, I think deep down inside we all want someone better than what we have. My vote is definitely going to RFK. I think a lot is going to be exposed and I never thought I would say this but I am willing to believe this whole reptilian thing. I listen to a lot of channelers and there are a few that mention them. Some good, some bad. There's no telling what will surface when the SHTF.
Love seeing the reptilian stuff enter the convo, thanks Jessica! It’s an interesting rabbit hole that seems to have lots of smoke. Something isn’t right, that’s for certain!
It’s odd that you make the statement that he stole his schtick…. Trump has never screamed at the American people or spoken against the SCOTUS like that. You may not like what he has to say, but he is controlled and calm. Even in the debates he never screamed at Biden. Biden on the other hand has been nothing but disrespectful to the American people. He has screamed at people while on the road, telling them to shut up. And he flat out gaslit our entire country in that stupid campaign speech they called the sotu. He’s atrocious. When he gets flustered, the real Biden comes out. That’s why he referred to illegal as an illegal. He was flustered. And he managed to make that about him as well. He couldn’t even apologize to her family appropriately. He’s a disgrace to the USA.
RFK Jr’s aspirational video was definitely a high point. Low point… Biden mentioning his dad as an inspiration and Jill bringing Maria was a “not so subtle” messaging to RFK Jr….this combined with no SS protection, can we dare say this was channeling a threat his way? All of it makes me uncomfortable.
Are they trolling him? Seems to me like they’re scared of him. He may actually be considered a threat now, not just someone to ignore. Biden mentioning RFK JR’s Dad as his inspiration was really in terrible taste IMO considering everything. RFK wasn’t merely some distant inspiration to his SON who lost him way to early it his life, gross. And then there’s the denial to secret service, it’s just yuk. But in saying that they must be threatened by him, which is interesting.
There’s a level of cruelty this administration has that many people don’t acknowledge. Too busy claiming trump was a dictator (I have yet to see evidence of that). But Biden and those who control him weaponize the DOJ and call people who are MAGA extremists at every turn. It’s bizarre and frightening.
Honestly considering what happened to RFK junior’s father and that Biden refuses to give him secret service, I think it seems like a dog whistle of sorts.
I know I shouldn’t say this but the filter on them had me dying. This was a perfect recap. It’s also sad that we as a nation applauded that the President didn’t trip walking up the stairs, his babbling wasn’t to excessive yet their. He made it through 68 minutes of speaking. That is embarrassing and I can only imagine what the world is saying about this State of the Union
Amazing you think the world is laughing at Biden. Trump was a laughingstock who alienated allies as was chummy with dictators. Realize this Substack is all fluff and no policy, but come on.
Clearly you haven’t seen other countries mocking Biden in videos. But the best part of this country is we are allowed to have different opinions. If you think Biden is doing great then that’s awesome! You don’t have to have the same beliefs as I do.
Just because main stream media approves doesn’t mean they’re better. I’m in Australia and the hard tough push for everyone to pretend Biden is ok or even competent is an actual joke. Sure many still dislike Trump but make no mistake Biden is a joke even among the super left here.
Those world leaders, “laughing” at Trump, were and are terrified of him, along with most of Hollywood and the MSM. Because Trump is not a compromised globalist deep state elitist and they don’t own him. But free-thinking people all around the world laugh at Biden and love Trump.
The thing is, Yanks are very spoiled. While grocery prices have risen here, for instance, try going shopping in Canada, or the UK, France, Germany, and many other Western countries. Gasoline is also much cheaper here than almost anywhere else in the West. Things are actually very good in the United States at the moment, compared to the rest of the Western world. Social media seems to have turned Americans into a bunch of non-stop whiners.
Completely true. My husband’s French and I spend a lot of time in Europe, and most Americans don’t seem to realize that inflation is a worldwide issue at the moment, and our economy is enviably strong compared to most. Agree cost of living has skyrocketed and we’re all feeling the pinch, but that’s capitalism gone awry and it’s been growing since the 80s. Not sure if Biden’s going to be able to fix that, but it sure won’t be a billionaire enmeshed in legal issues with multiple bankruptcies under his belt either.
I rarely comment, but the statement "that's capitalism gone awry" raised the hair on my neck. Inflation is the result of MONEY PRINTING, not capitalism. May I suggest that before you say more, please educate yourself on how money is created. Printing money out of thin air, or in the Fed Chairman Jerome Powell's case as he admitted on CBS 60 Minutes, punch some keys on the computer and magically there's more money. Massive and reckless government spending has put the United States at high risk of a collapse because the US debt is greater than GDP, and the stock market is heavily manipulated.
BTW, President Macron of France is a proponent of the WEF , and a one world government where you own nothing, will be happy. But, will you be happy? And, if you don't own anything...who will own everything? Please learn the differences between Capitalism and Socialism. Capitalism is the best form of government for free markets and freedom loving citizens.
I'm sorry for startling you, and agree that's how inflation comes about. But what I'm actually saying is that our current crisis has been in the making for decades. Wages have remained fairly stagnant for decades, corporations now prioritize their profits over their workers, and the gap between rich and poor is widens while the middle class stagnates. Condensing a complex topic into a little substack comment, but all that's to say that capitalism isn't some miracle. It's complex and has good and bad sides. Just like socialism. I lived in Germany for years which has elements of socialism, and all I saw was a healthy middle class where people didn't fear going bankrupt because of illness.
No worries, you did not startle me. I wanted to clarify that capitalism does not cause inflation. The Fed printing money and massive government spending is causing inflation. The Fed printing money also causes the gap to widen between the rich and poor. When the Fed injects money into the system where and to whom do you think it goes? Germany's middle class is shrinking. Like the US, Germany suffers from the same problems caused by unlimited migration. There is a difference between immigration and migration. Unlimited migration puts a lot of financial, and cultural pressure on countries. Henry Kissinger acknowledge that before he passed away. It's a mess. Germany shut down their nuclear reactors and was buying natural gas from Russia, until the Nordstream was blown up. No economy. Simple fact. Germany's economy suffered in 2023. Just like you stated, this is too much a substack comment.
I am in the middle on issues, but I will never embrace socialism.
It is true about the state of the world economy, it tough here in Australia at the moment too, hard for everyone. However Bonnie, you do seem to be suffering from TDS which seems to be impacting your ability to see clearly, considering both the comments I’ve seen on here. Sometimes it’s good to put the hateful blinders down and have a good look around for real.
I know TDS is a cute little term floating around social media these days, but we actually lived through Trump for four years already and know what we're getting with him, so it's entirely valid to not want him back. A few reasons why:
* He disregards all the science on climate change and rolled back over 100 environmental regulations while in office
* He withheld aid from allies unless they promised to investigate his political opponents, leading to his first impeachment
* He exploded national date by over 8 trillion dollars thanks to his tax cuts which favored the ultra wealthy and corporations
* He constantly demonized the press, academics, and scientists leading to the rise of conspiracies and himself as the lone source of truth
* He demonstrated constant unpresidential behavior, from childish tweets, to bullying, to demanding personal oaths from people in his cabinet, and he made that kind of rhetoric
* He literally tried to steal an election. Without even going into Jan 6th, he demanded the attorney general of Georgia to “find more votes”
I would like to remind you that Biden has been part of the system that is awry for 50 yrs.
50 yrs that man has been going after the American people through corrupt corporations and govt. He is trying to put the last nail in the coffin with the wide open border. Biden is anti American. He doesn’t love this country or her citizens.
I wasn't picking on Canada. I am a dual citizen and love both the USA and Canada. I grew up in both Ontario and Michigan. Canada, the UK, France, Australia, Germany, etc. They are all having a tougher time economically right now than the USA. Not saying things are perfect here -- when are they ever perfect anywhere? But it's still much better living in the USA than in most other Western countries.
And also, you should probably look up how Obama was ‘ chummy’ with Putin as well. It’s amazing how people have amnesia when it comes to their party. Trump was a life long dem that they raved about and praised constantly until he wanted to run against Killary. Then he suddenly became enemy no 1. Go figure.
Lol Trump became enemy no 1 when he switched from being a celebrity billionaire to become an alt-right nationalist. don't ever remembers the rave reviews and praises.
No, I promise you, we are LAUGHING at Biden. I come from a developing country and we have had out fair share of really shocking presidents over the years, but Biden almost tops them. Trump was funny, Biden is hilarious and terrifying. We are all confused why more Americans don't see this.
Not true. We have a large friend and family base in Europe and Australia. The sentiment is that we are an abomination right now. Biden is a joke. They are genuinely concerned for us and ask why aren’t Americans standing up against the obvious tyranny. It’s pretty hard to hear and feel helpless because of corrupt elections and govt. RFK is our only option. Big picture wise, he hits all the really important issues that Trump won’t. Trump is covering the talking points but he is corporate captured and pharmaceutical captured. He won’t go after big ag or big pharma. Trump may keep us out of war, but he did nothing to protect free speech or change any legislation to have a real impact. And as far as RFK closing international bases, he’s spoken to this more in depth. He would leave key needed bases open but close the ones that are antagonistic and where our people are constantly in danger. He wants to bring our soldiers home and build our military strength from home base also bringing home trillions of dollars to build or economy back up.
Well that's not what I've experienced or heard, and before we go back and forth all day we can acknowledge that the world has 7 billion people and there are bound to be different opinions. The only Trump supporter I've ever met during my years living abroad and many travels before and since was an Australian dude who thought climate change was a hoax. If it makes you feel better, I'd rather have RFK over Trump though.
Excellent summary Jessica! Stay strong, it’s gonna get bumpy. The powers that be are afraid, very afraid. RFK and Trump are challenging the deep state. Citizens are turning to independent journalism & unconventional media for information no longer trusting MSM. We need you!!
Maybe it’s an echo chamber, maybe there are many here who used to be on the other side and have a very different opinion (including me) and over time have changed our minds, maybe we all just have landed in a similar place and have found somewhere our opinions are free to be and to talk openly about them, because more commonly out there, most people are still too angry and shortsighted to hear a differing opinion.
I can understand it’s nice to have a space to commiserate and share with like-minded people. I've followed Jessica long before she started messing with politics, and guess I don't fit in with the crowd anymore. She's apparently blocked me on insta for commenting over here so apparently she puts in a lot of work into creating a safe space for y'all. Enjoy in peace!
Hmmm I’m not commiserating 😂 it’s just a good place to chat and throw ideas around. Even when we disagree. I enjoy it. You do seem particularly angsty but I understand you’re not happy with the way things are going in HIH. I guess I am trying to find enjoyment in it all and I find that Jessica brings that… for me and obviously many others.
Well there's not going to be many ideas being thrown around when Jessica blocks anyone who disagrees. But yeah. Her touting herself as a neutral journalist when she doesn't even fact check rubs me the wrong way, and I'm probably as "angsty" as you'd be if an instagram you'd followed for a long time took a sharp turn somewhere along the way. Anyways, enjoy!
Arresting that father broke my heart. Why couldn't they have just escorted him out not that I think that was needed. Last night was absolutely frightening with all the dems surrounding that asshole like he was a rock star, to his yelling like a crazy person, and all his lies. God help us all.
Your commentary is so fun and balanced! I love that your honesty is resonating - we’re all just tired of the same rhetoric forced down our throats by state media. I tell everyone I can about your account and would pay double or triple to support you and the truth. You are the best Jessica!! Thank you!!
I'm honestly to the point that I don't even think the Presidential bullying is funny. It's annoying on both sides of the aisle (over the last couple of presidencies) that they can't just argue the points like *GASP* grownups or *GASP* leaders instead of acting like 13 year olds with their first phone.
You are SO correct! It’s embarrassing, how low our “government representatives” have sunk. Can’t they just grow the f*** up and act like rational adults? Just think how much they could accomplish without all the churlish antics. Oh, wait - they don’t actually care about us or the betterment of our country . . .
Right? We have a sleepy grandpa vs a classless old creep who posts memes, and all politicians do is block each other rather than attempt to work together. Embarrassing spectacle on al sides that completely fails Americans.
Was going to ignore this until some else commented below you. Ladies, he is not a pedo. This a a qanon conspiracy that Trump and son retweeted. There is no basis behind it not a single accusation or investigation in over 40+ years of being in the public eye, and I googled to be extra sure. According to you all, all Dems are pedos. Seriously?!
You SERIOUSLY haven’t read the diary? You have awfully strong opinions for someone so drastically and purposefully under-informed. Plus the montages of Creepy Joe sniffing and inappropriately touching little kids and saying inappropriate things to them?? He’s disgusting. You support him, you’re disgusting too. Deliberately obtuse at best.
Oh please hard to take the pedo stuff at all seriously. This was a Qanon conspiracy that Trump and his son retweeted (good guys as always). Biden has been in the public eye for 40+ years and never once been accused or investigated of this.
Does it bother you that Biden lies about every thing and has for years? Lied about his class rank, lies about how many degrees he has, lies about how his son died, lied about his first wife’s death (the man who was driving the truck that hit her was not drunk but Biden publicly claimed he was for YEARS). Biden tells so many lies so often he honestly believes them. Saying rich people need to pay their fair share when his own son is guilty of tax evasion? 🤦🏻♀️
And that he claims Hunter is the finest man he knows? The laptop is full of pictures of Hunter having sex with hookers (many of whom look very young) and taking drugs. He holds Hunter up as some model of a man? Good grief.
And the Kennedy Woman are traitors with good hair.... SO GOOD. I knew I wouldn't have to sit through Biden's horrible speech because you'd do the summing up for me.
The experts I listen to whom study change and stability say that one must focus on one’s self first! Every flight I’ve ever taken says to put your mask on first. We have too focus on the USA!!! I will never understand why people come to our House for a State of the Union or anything in our top government places and wear other countries colors when our country is falling apart. I recently went to watch Jordan Peterson talk and he said one thing about our country is our spirit...there is no reason to be in the USA if you don’t love and respect it! We the people must rise above the insanity! We have been lied to and manipulated for far too long!!! The fact he isn’t addressing the epidemic of what is causing the need for insulin, death in our cities and credit card debit is infuriating! I HATE war and am so terribly heart broken for our soldiers who aren’t protected. I don’t even know where to go on the boarder crisis..we have to fix the hemorrhage at the boarder and work on the mental stability of our country! Good people with guns don’t do mass shootings. It has been proven the bluest cities with the most gun laws have the most crime. Why do people want to focus on killing babies and not protecting children? There is so much trama and fighting.... we need peace and love! Clearly I’m a republican and have strong Christian values! I try to understand people but as a nurse of 22 yrs it is shameful that we put Biden up as our leader and he isn’t competent to stand trial! RFK did speak to hope and wasn’t yelling at me! I am praying because we have to make America Great Again!!!
As a USMC wife. I can't watch any of the addresses. The person in the POTUS position directly impacts my personal daily life, the safety of my husband etc. It has been such a joke the last 3yrs. Obama "leadership" was bad for the military internally...but this administration is like a mental institution freak show. Trump dropped the ball a LOT with speeches and optics. Dropped the ball with policy, a LOT. But he never dropped the ball with Military relations. I love RFK, but worry about the outcome of the military under his leadership as well. The coverage on this platform is the most pure and straight forward. But I'm also a Scorpio like JK that appreciates all the sides, from all the POV so I can make my own opinion.
Thank you for your Husbands service and your dedication to our country too. Military wives are amazing too. 🇺🇸
Hi Samantha, Navy wife here. The Biden Administration has been bad for the military and they wonder why nobody wants to join 🫠. The only good thing that Biden has done is pass the Pact Act for veterans.
RFK is great in many ways but not military wise. He said if he became president he pledged to shut down all 800 overseas bases which would be a bad move. Some would be ok but not all international bases.
If Trump gets elected, I believe he will get rid of the mental institution freak show and get our military in better shape. He is our best and only option now. Too bad there isn’t a Trump/Kennedy ticket!
*The only good thing 🙄😑
Please tell me you’re kidding about Trump and the military. My son is in the navy and we have a large disrespect for Trump and how he treated the military. Policy wise, pay wise, and the things he said about our military.
Well, pay wise your son signed up for his base pay. My husband is air wing and gets paid extra because of his qualifications. POTUS can only push through pay for the militaryin certain ways. Trump gave the USMC the 1st pay raise they had seen in almost 10yr. My husband also almost 20yr in. He is in charge of one of the largest aircrafts in any branch, so he's flown and been into every war zone ever to be since 08. Obama was the biggest war monger we've had since Bush. Trump sent our men and women in uniform to ZERO war zones. That I appreciate, there was a calm and peace for families during Trump. Like him or not personally, I appreciated routine flights and missions.
Sometimes, war doesn’t happen. What do you think would be happening with Israel and Palestine right now if Trump were president?
Melm, I think that's much more if a nuanced conversation than a comment thread could handle. We will never know how Trump would've handled the conflict with Isreal and Palestine...cause he isn't POTUS. This isn't a world of should've, would've, could've. What ifs. The FACT is that Biden is POTUS. The fact is the Military and foreign relations are worse now than when Trump was POTUS. These are facts, not opinions. I could guess what I think Trump may have done, how he would've reacted. But that wouldn't serve a purpose. I'm speaking on the war time, Military insight from 08 to now. That's what I have seen up close and personal, because my husband's MOS isn't standard run of the mill grunt or support staff. He I'd physically in every war zone when there is conflict in his aircraft.
Well said Samantha, well said.
Bravo Samantha. Again thank you! This one is relentless. Signing off.
Show me the facts where military and foreign relations are worse under Biden than at any other time.
You're on the internet along with the rest of us, and you previously stated your son is Navy. So, you should have some personal insight into the inner workings of the military based off of the work that your son is doing on a daily basis. And the internet will show you all of the facts. Obama dropped thousands of bombs. Most notably in areas that civilians didn't even know were at "war." (Search Obama and Syria, Lybia, Jordan). Trump at least got Middle Eastern leaders to pretend to shake hands and be at peace, as well as Putin. Those are just a few.
I believe there would not have been a war In the first place. Hamas is funded by Iran and Iran was broke during the Trump Presidency.
They still had BILLIONS of dollars under Trump. It’s not like they were broke.
If you are speaking of the 6 billion plus the American prisoners released from Iran, it was already their money. Plus that money can’t be used to fund Hamas. It had to be used for humanitarian purposes and the purchase of food or medicine. It’s like a credit HSA card. It can only be used for those items.
Melm I’m signing off for today. Have at it. Believe what you want to believe. It’s your right. I just do not agree with you. We can agree to disagree-right?
And because Hamas are honorable terrorists I’m sure it was used for that aid🥴🫠
You strike me as extremely naive. Samantha nailed the facts
That is not true. The military has been given a pay raise every year, by every President. Ask your hubby what he did with that money!
Hahahah well, seeing as how I'm the one that controls the bank account because he travels all the time I'll just ask myselfwhere the money went. That was cute you trying to have the moral ground there, insinuating that my husband is gonna somehow hide or spend a whopping $0.10 in the dollar and me not know. He may even be able to get a can of zyn if he saves it up. That $0.10 on a dollar that all administration's say that the military gets out right isn't translated directly to pay. If they get that .5 or .10 the BAH, flight pay. Health insurance, dental will go up somewhere. So that $ ends up being a wash in the end (the same thing happens to individuals on SS and their food stamp or snap benifits. If one goes up they take from the other. This system is seen in a few areas of government pay). Trump gave the USMC the 1st pay raise that was really a raise in almost 10yr. There is also a time in pay raise that isn't linked to a rank increase. My husband just hit the 16yr, next is 20. There are a lot of ins and outs with military pay that ppl don't understand because they dint live it. You can have media, an online article tell you all day long one thing. But an entirely different scenario plays out in the actual everyday workings of that "plan" or bill they passed through.
Thank you for the sacrifices your family makes daily. 🇺🇸♥️
Thank you haha. I don't need thanks. I love my husband. We had our oldest young, I graduated HS 6m pregnant with her. The USMC saved us. It has been the greatest gift to our family. We have more stability than others that we know, and we are so thankful. A gov career is so stable if you work hard and rise in the ranks. That being said, years of his life he was deployed, on MEUs, on flights etc. He has missed a lot and we've learned to navigate that. But again, I was with him years before the USMC. I was gonna be with him as support anyway. The USMC just gave us the opportunity for me to not work outside the home, I homeschool our 3 girls, I've been able to gain degrees because I love to learn, have the freedom to travel etc. I see this as my life, not something really to be praised for or thanked.
I appreciate that you don’t need thanks. But I’m still grateful. Hug on those three daughters! I raised three many years ago. Most fun/craziest job around! 💖
Thank you Robyn. Idk, I always feel like I have to say like.. I love him and we were already together hahah. That to me is why I think he and I have been such a successful military marriage. Our bond before enlistment. Sadly, military marriage rates are higher divorce than national averages. National averages were at last looking something like 54% divorce rate for regular citizens. For military, there is more stress and adversity. So military is something to the effect of 62%. That's shocking. Idk, he and I are symbiotic organisms at this point. But I don't hail myself just as a USMC wife. I married my HS sweetheart, we are obsessedwith our kids. Im a hard mom, I expecta lot from them. But we are obsessed. I use the fact that we are a military fam to explain my views on some political issues/topics. Sadly there are ppl in this country that loathe the military. I forget that until an election year comes round and I get told I'm married to a baby killer. That's a personal fav🫠. Also why my last name isnt on here, why I wont say his job that he is on right now, my IG is private etc. My husband is 4yr from retirement. We both will be 40 when he retires. So it's such a strange time for my family personally hahaha. So that's the only reason I even commented in this thread. The next POTUS effects the last year's of my husband's career.
We have several friends who’ve been right where you are. It’s the love and friendship you share that’s the key to it all. ♥️ And after retirement at 40 you’ll really get to understand that “life begins at 40” saying. I married my HS sweetheart too. You’ve got many years of adventures ahead of you, enjoy them all together!
Suckers and losers…do you believe a man that lied over $30.000 times while in office or do you believe General Kelly
Jolene, you're sounding real salty and real repressed in this thread. I can't figure out if you don't like women who have differing opinions...the military...or the fact I'm connected to both. Suckers and losers who? Like, me in particular? My family? My husband? Although, your super vigilant detest for Trump makes you look like you're a little tittilated by him and his overt rautious personality. So you rail against it by bashing him on a comment thread via the internet. Because you're ashamed of your deep feelings that you won't share with anyone...again...opinion here🤔. Basically, I don't need to believe Trump. I saw it with my own eyes, how much my husband was deployed and in war zones under the last 3 administration's. Call it anecdotal evidence if you'd like.
Samantha- YOU ROCK MY WORLD💁🏼♀️
Hahaha glad I helped add a little razzle dazzle to your day
I had to change my profile pic to me telling my husband that there are women on here that think he is a figment of my imagination...that are preachy on military policy/politics without actually knowing the inside of the military, and lastly that I may be perpetrating stolen USMC wife Valor. He was amused. We had a laugh
Interesting…if you really are a military wife, I’m your husband’s commanding officer would be very interested in your response…🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
My husband's CO could give two shits about my POV. I'm support staff for their Marine in their eyes, USMC has an old saying in boot camp "if we wanted you to have a wife we would've issued you one." I don't need my voice heard by command. I've been with my husband since I was 17 he 18. I didn't meet him in the USMC. He was a senior and I a Junior. So my feelings on government and the military, POTUS and the like, they're all in regards to my husband and his safety. With a warmongering POTUS, there will be risks for everyone in uniform. That's just a fact, not a personal feeling.
A little respect for the wives of our military could go a long way! Your respectful opinion would be fine without the 🤡 faces.
Samantha and Lanna thank you for the sacrifices your spouses, you, and your families make everyday. I feel your worries. You are certainly entitled to them.
Haha, the CO’s don’t care what military spouses think. I’d be more than happy to sit down with my husband’s CO, a 2-star admiral, and give him my thoughts.
Is that so? Perhaps you’d like to share his name so we can ask him publicly?
What exactly is your point here, other than your passive threats? She has a right to her opinion even if it bothers you.
You are an awful person! Show some gratitude to military families as they do what majority won’t. We don’t live in South Korea or Russia where you can’t voice your opinions.
Well, we’re about to. Have you read agenda47?
The US mil cares exactly zero percent what a mil spouse says or thinks.
"If you really are a military wife" hahah. Ya, cause we all walk around faking that. Like I'm stolen USMC wife Valor over here.
Samantha, you are a class act! Thank you to your hubby for his service to our Country🇺🇸
im sure his commanding officer would appreciate her response and let her know how well she handled someone who clearly is not/will not step back to even listen to someone elses opinion other than their own. then he might add "what a lunatic" or something along those lines. i sure would.
It’s VERY telling when you click on “comments” on just about any page’s covering of Biden, that the vast majority are so beyond tolerating anything him or big media is feeding us. It’s deep, it’s so seeded that we’re all just busting at the seams to GROW out of the past 4 years. I know personally that I’m willing to vote for Trump if it means Biden is out, and I’m sure many agree. Although that’s not what my heart really wants. I really want Bobby to make it all the way. I would cry like a baby if he won. My whole being would be overjoyed with promise!
All this! And I truly would love to see RFK Jr and Trump on the same ballot. They can bring so much good to this country with economics and healthcare/food.
Totally agree!!!!
Yes!!! Busting at the seams to GROW out of the last four years is their PERFECT description.
The ONLY bright spot was RFKJ's great speech. It was revelatory. He would win my vote if he took a hard line on gender-affirming care, which I don't believe he does. So Trump it will have to be. Thanks for your honest, balanced coverage. I was horrified by the mass formation psychosis of the Democrats. I can't believe I was ever one of them.
Anyone who is still supporting Biden is delusional. It's not the same Biden that was elected and if anyone can't see that I'm really sorry for the fog that's still clouding their sense of discernment. As a caregiver, it's obvious that he is not fit to run a country, let alone mow his own grass.
Honestly. I am SHOCKED at the number of votes Biden is getting in the primaries. There were other names on the democrat ballot. Why not just pick any other name. How can people still be giving him a vote???
I would actually love someone besides Biden, but the party didn't get behind any other candidates. I'm angry about that, but will vote for anyone over Trump. Suspect a ton of people feel the same way.
What i mean is... just because "the party" is pushing Biden... why not vote for MaryAnn Williamson or any other names that were actually on the ballot? Isn't that why we vote primaries... not to vote for who they tell us we want but instead to vote and pick the person we want as individuals. Its just so broken...
I actually didn't vote for Biden in the primary and would love a different candidate. But I'll support whoever goes against Trump when it comes to it. Agree it would be nice to have more than 2 options and think most of America feels the same.
You do have more than two options. That’s why Jess does this. To show you, you have a better preferable option in RFK. To vote for Biden because Trump 🤦🏼♀️ you can’t tell me that the US is in better condition under Biden.
But to your point, you have Dean Phillips and Marianne Williamson. Anyone is better than Biden. Anyone. And the dem party as a whole has really been killing America since the Clintons. I believe that George H and Cheney ( I think they used George W as an unknowing pawn) are part of that same corrupt regime but I’m different ways. Our best option is to pick a non-politician.
Agree to disagree. Didn't vote for Biden in the primary and I'm not excited about him, but I'm not into RFK. Will vote for anyone over Trump when it comes to it. We already had him for four years and that was enough for me.
Teri- RIGHT?! It is SHOCKING. People
have lost common sense ESPECIALLY when the dingbat in office is so set on taking RFK Jr down-using that reference to RFK in the SOTU was despicable
The problem is, Trump is as bad or worse than Biden. And MAGAs whining because Biden was raging, nasty and on drugs really are just mad that he stole Trump's whole shtick. Irony abounds with this bizarre, broken down system of "government." But I have good news - it's still better here than in the UK, Canada, Germany, and most other Western countries.
I respectfully disagree! Trump is a far better choice than Biden if you want to: have the chance of preventing war-even nuclear war, close our borders, make America safe so that our children have a future, and be able to afford groceries, gas, and other basic necessities in life and on and on! The ultimate would be a Trump/Kennedy ticket, but unfortunately that will not happen.
Why don’t he close the borders, build a wall or keep America and our children safe the first 4 years?
He did, did & did. There have been more children die the past 4 years than during Trump’s presidency. The hypocrisy is strong…..
I would love a Trump/RFK ticket
Yeah, I think deep down inside we all want someone better than what we have. My vote is definitely going to RFK. I think a lot is going to be exposed and I never thought I would say this but I am willing to believe this whole reptilian thing. I listen to a lot of channelers and there are a few that mention them. Some good, some bad. There's no telling what will surface when the SHTF.
Love seeing the reptilian stuff enter the convo, thanks Jessica! It’s an interesting rabbit hole that seems to have lots of smoke. Something isn’t right, that’s for certain!
A good starter for anyone interested in the reptilian stuff, see the John Carpenter movie “They Live” which the star Roddy Piper said was truth.
It’s odd that you make the statement that he stole his schtick…. Trump has never screamed at the American people or spoken against the SCOTUS like that. You may not like what he has to say, but he is controlled and calm. Even in the debates he never screamed at Biden. Biden on the other hand has been nothing but disrespectful to the American people. He has screamed at people while on the road, telling them to shut up. And he flat out gaslit our entire country in that stupid campaign speech they called the sotu. He’s atrocious. When he gets flustered, the real Biden comes out. That’s why he referred to illegal as an illegal. He was flustered. And he managed to make that about him as well. He couldn’t even apologize to her family appropriately. He’s a disgrace to the USA.
RFK Jr’s aspirational video was definitely a high point. Low point… Biden mentioning his dad as an inspiration and Jill bringing Maria was a “not so subtle” messaging to RFK Jr….this combined with no SS protection, can we dare say this was channeling a threat his way? All of it makes me uncomfortable.
Are they trolling him? Seems to me like they’re scared of him. He may actually be considered a threat now, not just someone to ignore. Biden mentioning RFK JR’s Dad as his inspiration was really in terrible taste IMO considering everything. RFK wasn’t merely some distant inspiration to his SON who lost him way to early it his life, gross. And then there’s the denial to secret service, it’s just yuk. But in saying that they must be threatened by him, which is interesting.
It definitely felt like trolling him/rubbing it in his face. Such a poor way for adults to act.
I actually felt like Biden’s comment was cruel and sort of a threat to RFK.
Oh… I see. Wow. That’s way worse.
There’s a level of cruelty this administration has that many people don’t acknowledge. Too busy claiming trump was a dictator (I have yet to see evidence of that). But Biden and those who control him weaponize the DOJ and call people who are MAGA extremists at every turn. It’s bizarre and frightening.
I thought so too. That’s what I mean. It was awful
Honestly considering what happened to RFK junior’s father and that Biden refuses to give him secret service, I think it seems like a dog whistle of sorts.
I know I shouldn’t say this but the filter on them had me dying. This was a perfect recap. It’s also sad that we as a nation applauded that the President didn’t trip walking up the stairs, his babbling wasn’t to excessive yet their. He made it through 68 minutes of speaking. That is embarrassing and I can only imagine what the world is saying about this State of the Union
Amazing you think the world is laughing at Biden. Trump was a laughingstock who alienated allies as was chummy with dictators. Realize this Substack is all fluff and no policy, but come on.
Clearly you haven’t seen other countries mocking Biden in videos. But the best part of this country is we are allowed to have different opinions. If you think Biden is doing great then that’s awesome! You don’t have to have the same beliefs as I do.
Other countries have videos out mocking Biden! Have you seen them. So embarrassing but they are truth.
And there were plenty of videos (and world leaders) mocking Trump back in the day, not to mention global marches and protests in response to him.
Just because main stream media approves doesn’t mean they’re better. I’m in Australia and the hard tough push for everyone to pretend Biden is ok or even competent is an actual joke. Sure many still dislike Trump but make no mistake Biden is a joke even among the super left here.
Can you direct us where to find these other countries’ videos?
For one look up Italy’s video mocking Biden. Google!
I did a quick google for you. This is what an absolute joke the world sees Biden as, only delulu TDS sufferers refuse to see it
Thank you! I did a quick google too and found tons of the works mocking Trump. Here’s an example:
Ladies, come on. You can do a quick google search and find absolutely any. There is an endless scroll of videos. Here’s just an example:
Yeah it’s easy to find footage of anyone mocking anyone… what’s the point?
Those world leaders, “laughing” at Trump, were and are terrified of him, along with most of Hollywood and the MSM. Because Trump is not a compromised globalist deep state elitist and they don’t own him. But free-thinking people all around the world laugh at Biden and love Trump.
lol sure he wouldn't even release his tax returns
The thing is, Yanks are very spoiled. While grocery prices have risen here, for instance, try going shopping in Canada, or the UK, France, Germany, and many other Western countries. Gasoline is also much cheaper here than almost anywhere else in the West. Things are actually very good in the United States at the moment, compared to the rest of the Western world. Social media seems to have turned Americans into a bunch of non-stop whiners.
Completely true. My husband’s French and I spend a lot of time in Europe, and most Americans don’t seem to realize that inflation is a worldwide issue at the moment, and our economy is enviably strong compared to most. Agree cost of living has skyrocketed and we’re all feeling the pinch, but that’s capitalism gone awry and it’s been growing since the 80s. Not sure if Biden’s going to be able to fix that, but it sure won’t be a billionaire enmeshed in legal issues with multiple bankruptcies under his belt either.
I rarely comment, but the statement "that's capitalism gone awry" raised the hair on my neck. Inflation is the result of MONEY PRINTING, not capitalism. May I suggest that before you say more, please educate yourself on how money is created. Printing money out of thin air, or in the Fed Chairman Jerome Powell's case as he admitted on CBS 60 Minutes, punch some keys on the computer and magically there's more money. Massive and reckless government spending has put the United States at high risk of a collapse because the US debt is greater than GDP, and the stock market is heavily manipulated.
BTW, President Macron of France is a proponent of the WEF , and a one world government where you own nothing, will be happy. But, will you be happy? And, if you don't own anything...who will own everything? Please learn the differences between Capitalism and Socialism. Capitalism is the best form of government for free markets and freedom loving citizens.
I'm sorry for startling you, and agree that's how inflation comes about. But what I'm actually saying is that our current crisis has been in the making for decades. Wages have remained fairly stagnant for decades, corporations now prioritize their profits over their workers, and the gap between rich and poor is widens while the middle class stagnates. Condensing a complex topic into a little substack comment, but all that's to say that capitalism isn't some miracle. It's complex and has good and bad sides. Just like socialism. I lived in Germany for years which has elements of socialism, and all I saw was a healthy middle class where people didn't fear going bankrupt because of illness.
No worries, you did not startle me. I wanted to clarify that capitalism does not cause inflation. The Fed printing money and massive government spending is causing inflation. The Fed printing money also causes the gap to widen between the rich and poor. When the Fed injects money into the system where and to whom do you think it goes? Germany's middle class is shrinking. Like the US, Germany suffers from the same problems caused by unlimited migration. There is a difference between immigration and migration. Unlimited migration puts a lot of financial, and cultural pressure on countries. Henry Kissinger acknowledge that before he passed away. It's a mess. Germany shut down their nuclear reactors and was buying natural gas from Russia, until the Nordstream was blown up. No economy. Simple fact. Germany's economy suffered in 2023. Just like you stated, this is too much a substack comment.
I am in the middle on issues, but I will never embrace socialism.
It is true about the state of the world economy, it tough here in Australia at the moment too, hard for everyone. However Bonnie, you do seem to be suffering from TDS which seems to be impacting your ability to see clearly, considering both the comments I’ve seen on here. Sometimes it’s good to put the hateful blinders down and have a good look around for real.
I know TDS is a cute little term floating around social media these days, but we actually lived through Trump for four years already and know what we're getting with him, so it's entirely valid to not want him back. A few reasons why:
* He disregards all the science on climate change and rolled back over 100 environmental regulations while in office
* He withheld aid from allies unless they promised to investigate his political opponents, leading to his first impeachment
* He exploded national date by over 8 trillion dollars thanks to his tax cuts which favored the ultra wealthy and corporations
* He constantly demonized the press, academics, and scientists leading to the rise of conspiracies and himself as the lone source of truth
* He demonstrated constant unpresidential behavior, from childish tweets, to bullying, to demanding personal oaths from people in his cabinet, and he made that kind of rhetoric
* He literally tried to steal an election. Without even going into Jan 6th, he demanded the attorney general of Georgia to “find more votes”
🤡 🐑 🤦🏼♀️
I would like to remind you that Biden has been part of the system that is awry for 50 yrs.
50 yrs that man has been going after the American people through corrupt corporations and govt. He is trying to put the last nail in the coffin with the wide open border. Biden is anti American. He doesn’t love this country or her citizens.
I am in Europe at the moment and you are correct!!
This is not Canada. 🤷🏼♀️
I wasn't picking on Canada. I am a dual citizen and love both the USA and Canada. I grew up in both Ontario and Michigan. Canada, the UK, France, Australia, Germany, etc. They are all having a tougher time economically right now than the USA. Not saying things are perfect here -- when are they ever perfect anywhere? But it's still much better living in the USA than in most other Western countries.
And also, you should probably look up how Obama was ‘ chummy’ with Putin as well. It’s amazing how people have amnesia when it comes to their party. Trump was a life long dem that they raved about and praised constantly until he wanted to run against Killary. Then he suddenly became enemy no 1. Go figure.
Lol Trump became enemy no 1 when he switched from being a celebrity billionaire to become an alt-right nationalist. don't ever remembers the rave reviews and praises.
No, I promise you, we are LAUGHING at Biden. I come from a developing country and we have had out fair share of really shocking presidents over the years, but Biden almost tops them. Trump was funny, Biden is hilarious and terrifying. We are all confused why more Americans don't see this.
Not true. We have a large friend and family base in Europe and Australia. The sentiment is that we are an abomination right now. Biden is a joke. They are genuinely concerned for us and ask why aren’t Americans standing up against the obvious tyranny. It’s pretty hard to hear and feel helpless because of corrupt elections and govt. RFK is our only option. Big picture wise, he hits all the really important issues that Trump won’t. Trump is covering the talking points but he is corporate captured and pharmaceutical captured. He won’t go after big ag or big pharma. Trump may keep us out of war, but he did nothing to protect free speech or change any legislation to have a real impact. And as far as RFK closing international bases, he’s spoken to this more in depth. He would leave key needed bases open but close the ones that are antagonistic and where our people are constantly in danger. He wants to bring our soldiers home and build our military strength from home base also bringing home trillions of dollars to build or economy back up.
Well that's not what I've experienced or heard, and before we go back and forth all day we can acknowledge that the world has 7 billion people and there are bound to be different opinions. The only Trump supporter I've ever met during my years living abroad and many travels before and since was an Australian dude who thought climate change was a hoax. If it makes you feel better, I'd rather have RFK over Trump though.
When did these State of the Union Address become such a crindgefest?!?!? I truly hate what it has become.
Excellent summary Jessica! Stay strong, it’s gonna get bumpy. The powers that be are afraid, very afraid. RFK and Trump are challenging the deep state. Citizens are turning to independent journalism & unconventional media for information no longer trusting MSM. We need you!!
This is just as much an echo chamber as you paint MSM to be. No liberal I know watches that by the way.
Maybe it’s an echo chamber, maybe there are many here who used to be on the other side and have a very different opinion (including me) and over time have changed our minds, maybe we all just have landed in a similar place and have found somewhere our opinions are free to be and to talk openly about them, because more commonly out there, most people are still too angry and shortsighted to hear a differing opinion.
I can understand it’s nice to have a space to commiserate and share with like-minded people. I've followed Jessica long before she started messing with politics, and guess I don't fit in with the crowd anymore. She's apparently blocked me on insta for commenting over here so apparently she puts in a lot of work into creating a safe space for y'all. Enjoy in peace!
Hmmm I’m not commiserating 😂 it’s just a good place to chat and throw ideas around. Even when we disagree. I enjoy it. You do seem particularly angsty but I understand you’re not happy with the way things are going in HIH. I guess I am trying to find enjoyment in it all and I find that Jessica brings that… for me and obviously many others.
Well there's not going to be many ideas being thrown around when Jessica blocks anyone who disagrees. But yeah. Her touting herself as a neutral journalist when she doesn't even fact check rubs me the wrong way, and I'm probably as "angsty" as you'd be if an instagram you'd followed for a long time took a sharp turn somewhere along the way. Anyways, enjoy!
That’s fair. But you are here and we have been discussing 💁🏽♀️ Thanks Bonnie, I am enjoying. I hope you too find your enjoyment
Thank you Jessica!!
1. You can’t tell me EVERY democrat was not holding their breath the entire time just waiting for a verbal disaster….
2. I doubt very seriously it’s just republicans that wonder what kind of cocktail he had ….
3. Trump trips over himself enough…. I so wish he would just walk softly and carry a big stick…..( it’s metaphorical people.. don’t get nuts)
4 RFK had the best line… people need someone to vote FOR… not against…. Paraphrasing….
5. Joe Scarborough and the rest of gov run media need to stop telling us we don’t see WHAT WE KNOW WE ARE SEEING!!!!
6 jessica… when someone tells you “your an idiot” please tell me you just laugh and laugh bc they don’t know contractions…..😂
Arresting that father broke my heart. Why couldn't they have just escorted him out not that I think that was needed. Last night was absolutely frightening with all the dems surrounding that asshole like he was a rock star, to his yelling like a crazy person, and all his lies. God help us all.
The Bobby reference by Biden and is denial of secret service to RFK JR is shameful. Unfathomable! RFK Jr's state of the union was the real one!
Wonderful work as always, Jess! Some of these comments are making me lol but i guess that's what happens when they got sticks up their butt!!
Jules, the comments are the best part🍿
Wonderful work even though the tweet she shared showing the “wrong year” is fake?
Your commentary is so fun and balanced! I love that your honesty is resonating - we’re all just tired of the same rhetoric forced down our throats by state media. I tell everyone I can about your account and would pay double or triple to support you and the truth. You are the best Jessica!! Thank you!!
I'm honestly to the point that I don't even think the Presidential bullying is funny. It's annoying on both sides of the aisle (over the last couple of presidencies) that they can't just argue the points like *GASP* grownups or *GASP* leaders instead of acting like 13 year olds with their first phone.
You are SO correct! It’s embarrassing, how low our “government representatives” have sunk. Can’t they just grow the f*** up and act like rational adults? Just think how much they could accomplish without all the churlish antics. Oh, wait - they don’t actually care about us or the betterment of our country . . .
I think it's all intentional. Bread and circuses.
Right? We have a sleepy grandpa vs a classless old creep who posts memes, and all politicians do is block each other rather than attempt to work together. Embarrassing spectacle on al sides that completely fails Americans.
Sleepy grandpa? He’s a hair sniffing pedophile who showered with his daughter per her diary!
Amen!! I read that diary! Crazy
Vs a man who cheated on his 3rd wife, while pregnant, with a porn star. Cool.
Adult choices, albeit poor ones. Pedophilia is next level and never acceptable.
Was going to ignore this until some else commented below you. Ladies, he is not a pedo. This a a qanon conspiracy that Trump and son retweeted. There is no basis behind it not a single accusation or investigation in over 40+ years of being in the public eye, and I googled to be extra sure. According to you all, all Dems are pedos. Seriously?!
Ashley’s diary.
You SERIOUSLY haven’t read the diary? You have awfully strong opinions for someone so drastically and purposefully under-informed. Plus the montages of Creepy Joe sniffing and inappropriately touching little kids and saying inappropriate things to them?? He’s disgusting. You support him, you’re disgusting too. Deliberately obtuse at best.
Bonnie, it’s a bit alarming and quite disgusting to compare pedophilia to adults cheating in a marriage
Oh please hard to take the pedo stuff at all seriously. This was a Qanon conspiracy that Trump and his son retweeted (good guys as always). Biden has been in the public eye for 40+ years and never once been accused or investigated of this.
Does it bother you that Biden lies about every thing and has for years? Lied about his class rank, lies about how many degrees he has, lies about how his son died, lied about his first wife’s death (the man who was driving the truck that hit her was not drunk but Biden publicly claimed he was for YEARS). Biden tells so many lies so often he honestly believes them. Saying rich people need to pay their fair share when his own son is guilty of tax evasion? 🤦🏻♀️
And that he claims Hunter is the finest man he knows? The laptop is full of pictures of Hunter having sex with hookers (many of whom look very young) and taking drugs. He holds Hunter up as some model of a man? Good grief.
And per her in person -that didn’t happen !
Remember when you respected the president no matter who they were
And the Kennedy Woman are traitors with good hair.... SO GOOD. I knew I wouldn't have to sit through Biden's horrible speech because you'd do the summing up for me.
The experts I listen to whom study change and stability say that one must focus on one’s self first! Every flight I’ve ever taken says to put your mask on first. We have too focus on the USA!!! I will never understand why people come to our House for a State of the Union or anything in our top government places and wear other countries colors when our country is falling apart. I recently went to watch Jordan Peterson talk and he said one thing about our country is our spirit...there is no reason to be in the USA if you don’t love and respect it! We the people must rise above the insanity! We have been lied to and manipulated for far too long!!! The fact he isn’t addressing the epidemic of what is causing the need for insulin, death in our cities and credit card debit is infuriating! I HATE war and am so terribly heart broken for our soldiers who aren’t protected. I don’t even know where to go on the boarder crisis..we have to fix the hemorrhage at the boarder and work on the mental stability of our country! Good people with guns don’t do mass shootings. It has been proven the bluest cities with the most gun laws have the most crime. Why do people want to focus on killing babies and not protecting children? There is so much trama and fighting.... we need peace and love! Clearly I’m a republican and have strong Christian values! I try to understand people but as a nurse of 22 yrs it is shameful that we put Biden up as our leader and he isn’t competent to stand trial! RFK did speak to hope and wasn’t yelling at me! I am praying because we have to make America Great Again!!!