Honestly, Vance is a solid guy. And he does come from a community and family plagued by poverty and addiction which gives him a unique experience/background. He’s also excellent at the verbal sparring necessary to deal with MSM today.

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I guess it’ll be good to get to know him. Most of the people I talk to are not super familiar with him.

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I’m from the UK following your election as well as our sham. I’m not an expert on US politics although probably better than many Brits I immediately recognised Vance . I read Hillbilly Elegy a couple of years ago all about Hilary Clinton’s “ basket of deplorables “

Tucker would have been an amazing choice but he would have been far too vulnerable to“ traitor “ attacks

As Nigel Farage in the UK is finding.

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Yep. That would be me.

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I hope so. I don’t know much about him and really am anxious to learn more now that’s he’s officially been announced.

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Clearly many of you have never listened to JD. Ex-dem here. Woke about 10 years ago after my kids were vax injured. JD is brilliant and measured. His story is extremely compelling. Came from extreme poverty with a drug addicted mother and raised by his grandparents. Ended up at Yale law school. After the dream of a trump/Kennedy ticket was put to death by Cheryl Hines and Bobby made that horrible VP pick, I have been hoping for either JD or Tulsi. Honestly, JD is the strongest pick we could ask for.

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I don’t mind Vance. It’s odd to me that everyone gives him a pass because of how he has pulled himself up but don’t recognize the same attributes and successes in Nicole Shanahan? They both were liberal. They both were awakened by corrupt dem actions. They both put themselves through college and went to law school. And they both are taking action to make our world a better place. Seems everyone is holding Kennedy to a standard that they’re unwilling to hold anyone else to.

Trump is outright lying on stage and no one is calling him out or questioning his position in the uniparty. Obviously trump is nervous about Kennedy and his lack of integrity and diplomacy are showing big time. If he so easily lies about things that can be proven otherwise, what else is he lying to everyone about?

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I don’t totally disagree with you however, Kennedy doesn’t stand a chance. Trump is the only option.

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Thank you for your response. Respectfully, this is why we have lost control of our govt because we won’t stand together, giving in to their narrative that there’s only 2. If all the people that truly don’t want the uniparty would vote, it would be a message they couldn’t ignore or spin or manipulate. And Kennedy already has threatening numbers. That’s why the one thing these two parties are banding together on is pushing him out.

I just think it’s sad that people have basically given up. It’s disheartening. I pray for America and for Americans.

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But also am not giving JD Vance a pass I think he’s way smarter and far more qualified. Comparing JD Vance and Nicole Shanahan is comparing apples and oranges IMO.

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Trump said he’d like to have RFK Jr on the debate stage and suddenly changes his mind. I’m thinking it has more to do with Pfizer and CNN making the rules of this debate.

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Sad and almost apropos that the drug mafia is controlling the debate and who or who not We The People get to hear from. It's like idiocracy the movie was really a documentary. God Help Us 🙏

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Yes, it never ceases to amaze me that people STILL... STILL... STILL!!! think that a presidential candidate chooses his running mate. After the traitor that was Pence?! Give me a break.

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Trump never changed his mind, he agreed to all of the CNN, Pfizer and Biden rules before the debate was even announced. He’s aware it was arranged without the FEC, so they could make up their own rules, specifically to block out Kennedy, three months earlier than any other debate has ever been, to make sure no third party could qualify. But he wants to act like he had nothing to do with it. Why he even agreed to do a controlled CNN debate is baffling.

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Maybe it's all a show, like pro wrestling and we are all being played. Truth is stranger than fiction.

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Shanahan is not just "liberal", she is just "the money", associated with Google and with no political experience... Two completely different ball games.

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Agree. Everyone so quick to dismiss Shanahan as the “horrible VP pick,” but anyone else who’s had a political awakening or similar struggles gets a pass and praised. Even Trump himself gets a pass, it’s never discussed that he’s changed his political affiliations six times, a democrat 2001-2009, donating to Clinton’s, Biden, Harris, etc. and also never previously held political office. Kennedy unfortunately is definitely held to a different standard, he could have picked Mother Teresa reincarnated as his VP and still received backlash. But if Trump picked Shanahan it would be celebrated. And agree, what else is Trump lying about when the things he says about Kennedy are so easily proven otherwise “RFK Jr is for open borders.” Very alarming the things Trump can easily lie about without question or reprimand.

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This is the only argument anyone seems to have, the same stale repeated narrative, based solely on her “divorce money” and past “Soros backed” donations. Most of these donations that were 5+ years ago. And Nicole has even said in interviews that she did not vote for Biden in 2020.

It’s like forming an opinion about Trump solely based from CNN and then continuing to repeat it. Instead of getting to know 2024 Nicole Shanahan from her own words.

DISCLAIMER: She was not my VP pick for Kennedy, I was rooting for Tulsi, and I wouldn’t be completely opposed to a sneak attack Trump/Kennedy ticket. But I wholeheartedly believe Kennedy is the real change we need. So I’ve allowed myself to be open to get to know his running mate. And from doing that I learned that I like her. I find her to be educated, well spoken, genuine, and really wants to help make a positive difference and change. She and Kennedy are both talking about issues and real solutions no other candidate is doing. Just like Kennedy, she is misunderstood and underestimated. I invite everyone to take the time to learn about present day Nicole Shanahan in her own words:

-Nicole Shanahan “Back to the People” podcast interviewing RFK Jr

-“Tomi Lahren is Fearless” podcast with Nicole Shanahan

- “The Issue Is: With Elex Mickelson” with Nicole Shanahan

-Riley Gaines podcast with Nicole Shanahan

-Sage Steele podcast with Nicole Shanahan

-Dave Smith “Part of the Problem” podcast with Nicole Shanahan

-Rick Rubin with Nicole Shanahan

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Perfectly stated. I would write the same thing. I appreciate your thoughtful response.

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Well there are reasons I backed off his VP. Nicole Shanahan is a billionaire worth $141.8 million from a divorce, who has been a long time donor to several far left leaders and cause. $30,000 to Joe but also donated to Hillary, Ro Khanana even Pete Butigieg. Other big red flags are her support of Soros backed DA Cascon campaign -$25,000.00. Also, she supported Measure J to help reroute police funds and donated $100,000 in supporting early release of violent felons. All this plus the growing number of Bernie supporters now following.

RFK Jr. Then just a few months ago said she left the Democratic Party because it leaned “too far” left?? Come on..Bobby obviously got her to ensure a Trump defeat. Remember, Trump is gagged and cannot address many issues. I liked RFK Jr but his underbelly is coming to light and it raises some very concerning 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩

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I am glad to hear your glowing analysis. I have voted Democrat my whole life but not this year!

My gut tells me Vance is the best pick. I have always been largely indifferent to Trump but I find that I am liking him more lately. I believe Kennedy is highly compromised. Too many things don't past the smell test. I say that with great disappointment but I still feel The Real Anthy Fauci is a must read. See my election series if your interested in Astrology...


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If you think trump passes the smell test , I'm afraid something is wrong with your nose.

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I don’t think Kennedy is compromised at all. That’s why he stands out from the crowd. He’s telling all the secrets and they are smearing him the best they can for it. Shanahan is shedding light on important issues that need more attention and she is capable of making a better impact on these issues. Neither of them is getting caught up in the culture wars conversations. Trump is just as compromised as any dem at this point. He’s always been a corporate guy and still is, unfortunately.

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I'm still not crazy about Trump. They are all compromised. Biden has dementia and we're not supposed to believe our eyes. The Dem have devolved into something truly demonic and set the stage for whoever wins to finish turning our once great country into a despotic hell-hole

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Thank you for the astrological breakdown. So accurate

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Thanks for the comment! I haven’t been getting much feedback, at all, and starting to wonder. After years of searching I believe I have found my way to the right books and teachers…

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You’re welcome and it takes some time to wade through astrological charts and compare. Appreciate you doing just that


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Nope! Astrology is not relevant!

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You know what Shawn? That’s what I love about Jessica. Open dialog open mind open discussion no judgment

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I definitely like the vibe of her articles, and her audience. She is always engaged. I wish I had the energy. She definitely deserves the attention she has been getting.

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Well then, how about something completely different?!


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But, but... she gave such a well thought-out, compelling argument!

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This is such a smart choice, Vance ticks off so many boxes, relatable background with family from Appalachia, former military, Indian wife, biracial kids, devout catholic, best selling author, etc. I think Vance will appeal to a lot of middle of the road voters. I also think he will tone down some of Trumps brashness which is only going to help him more.

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I think Vance brings a lot to the table, seems to have overcome a lot of obstacles to achieve the American dream. Also I hate identity politics but he obviously isn’t the “average white man politician”.

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I agree with all of this wholeheartedly. One of Vance's incredibly strong suits is that he seems to be extremely thoughtful and measured. He has a wider and broader view of a lot of issues than almost anyone else upcoming. If that can be an effective balance to a Trump that maybe can't help himself but run the country Kamikaze style again, then lfg!!!

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Vance was vocal against mandates while running for senate. He does not shy away from controversy. https://www.dispatch.com/story/opinion/letters/2021/08/27/j-d-vance-ohio-state-vaccine-mandate-outrageous-invasion-medical-privacy/5609943001/

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Good to know!

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Your article made me curious how JD sees the US funding of Ukraine. I pulled this from his website.

By Senator JD Vance | April 12, 2024

President Biden wants the world to believe that the biggest obstacle facing Ukraine is Republicans and our lack of commitment to the global community. This is wrong.

Ukraine’s challenge is not the G.O.P.; it’s math. Ukraine needs more soldiersthan it can field, even with draconian conscription policies. And it needs more matériel than the United States can provide. This reality must inform any future Ukraine policy, from further congressional aid to the diplomatic course set by the president.

The Biden administration has applied increasing pressure on Republicans to pass a supplemental aid package of more than $60 billion to Ukraine. I voted against this package in the Senate and remain opposed to virtually any proposal for the United States to continue funding this war. Mr. Biden has failed to articulate even basic facts about what Ukraine needs and how this aid will change the reality on the ground. {there's more)


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It's thoughtful, it isn't knee-jerk support, and it makes sense. I think this is a great example of the way he thinks and approaches issues, and a huge change from what we've seen in the last 10 years from politicians on both sides. I am fully in support of Vance as Trump's VP.

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Anyone is better than the clowns we have in office RUINING our Country. Bide-ass and his OPEN BORDER policies are killing our innocent children and putting Americans LAST!😡

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I think this is an excellent choice on Trump's part. JD Vance is young, has military experience, has political experience and has been outspoken and articulate on some important issues, and he brings a wonderful perspective from an area of the country that has been decimated by NAFTA, drug use, and urbanization.

We have to do a much better job, people, of looking well beyond this election, toward 2028! Vance could prove a very probable, strong, confident, capable successor candidate in the Republican party going forward. I don't doubt that he will be. I'm not a super fan, but I haven't had my head in the sand either, and Vance is solid. I think I would probably be beside myself with joy if we got to a point in 2028 where DeSantis and Vance were our top two nominees. In stark contrast, the Democrats have no one of any depth whatsoever in their ranks.

Overall, I think Vance will be a great addition to a Trump ticket and will lead the way forward for Republicans and conservative leaning Independents.

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I also have to say too, I have no faith in the electoral system at any point anymore. But even so, even if somehow the Democrats install Newsom, God forbid, the Republicans having a deeper bench than just Trump - and a younger bench with real experience - will already be a leg up when the coming s*** actually hits the fan.

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I agree with looking at the 2028 election. That is what made me sad about Bobby's choice. She is a smart, interesting woman and I don't dislike her as a person, but not as VP and certainly not as president. But I am super unhappy with the debate debacle and Trump has now shown his true colors with getting on stage with an obviously dementia idled Biden and agreeing to this debacle that is anything but a debate.

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Agreed about Shanahan. Such a disappointing choice.

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I hope he has balls of steel....whom ever Trump picks, ALL the liberal powers will attempt to publicly flay him from every angel

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Well said.

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All I can think now is, “Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration.”

Should be interesting.

I’m just praying for anyone but Biden. It would be nice to not be gauged at the grocery store every week, y’all.

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His book was very insightful! Definitely has first-hand knowledge of growing up in poverty. So far, he hasn’t pushed any socialist policies in OH, so we’ll take it!

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This may make all the lawfare against Trump moot. I assume Trump's voting and funding base will move 100% for JD should the regime take Trump out of the arena.

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I came here to say the same thing! I’m happy with Vance.

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I would!

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I was hoping it would be Tulsi. But Kennedy would have been spectacular.

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A dream ticket

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Absolutely. And I think that maybe he would have considered it had it not been for his wife and like close friends. TDS.

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A solid choice. A second in command who actually has a clue, checks off many relatable boxes and not someone so far right as to piss off people like me who are fiscally conservative but socially liberal. My second thought, someone who might actually champion addiction and poverty in our country. Bring back manufacturing and fair wage jobs, access to mental health services that might begin to pull people out of hopelessness and homelessness. Let Trump tackle world affairs, border crisis, put fires out and let his vice handle domestic issues and bring the parties together. Going to download his memoir.

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It is an excellent read. Very.

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My questions are, how does Vance feel about the WEF and or is he affiliated in any way. I’m going to hope for a miracle for a Trump Kennedy ticket. A girl can dream.

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Don’t ever let your dreams die

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Neverrrr Everrrrr 😁

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Once Trump started calling Kennedy a fake and more liberal than Biden I accepted that dream was over. Plus the Cheryl factor. 😔

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The “daddy, daddy, watch me twirl” can officially stop. RIP the late great Leslie Jordan lol.

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Hahaa! Love this comment

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A badge of honor I don’t take lightly 😂😂

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Loved that man!

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Who is this choice going to excite? 🫣

……no one who’s not already voting for Trump. Weird IMO.

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I would probably agree here

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Well he’s more Catholic than Biden and actually understands poverty better than most. So he may be for the poor. He also has a military background so he’s allowed to criticize the current state of our armed forces. I can think of a number of groups who might like him once they know him.

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“The Poor”. 😂 I grew up in Appalachia. I’m one of the lucky ones that “got out” and it required me working three jobs through college for six years, and a lifetime of missing the mountains as a result. This area goes beyond poor. It’s hard to describe how… but it’s this pervasive lack of resources that affects everything. Roads suck, nobody can leave their land in certain weather. Medical emergency after .5” of snow? Too bad, you’re dying today. Jobs are scarce and so there’s an ever decreasing number of people who can’t afford anything. So now you have a huge load on the welfare system. Taxes go up in response. Now the middle class can’t afford homes. And now your taxes aren’t covering the needs of the school systems. So you’re turning out generations of people that can’t get educated and don’t understand how our country works or how to take advantage of opportunities. Finally, addiction is rampant. It’s not a cute Hollywood portrayal. We’re talking violence and death at levels that are unheard of by most of Americans. Appalachia is the perfect example of compounding problems that destroys countries and it deserves people to take notice. It can happen to any region as soon as the government decides to ravage the land and take advantage of the people that live there. It can and will happen in other locations. *end rant… sorry, just very passionate about “back home”.* ❤️

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I agree and I think most Americans have no idea what it’s like. They look at inner cities and think that is the depths of poverty. The free press article about all the grandparents in west Virginia raising their grandchildren because their parents have been lost to addiction was sobering. And our mainstream politicians don’t address it whatsoever.

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Not at all. I’ve never seen poverty in inner cities like this. It’s terrifying. I’d literally never get caught out in the backwoods at night. Chicago and Baltimore didn’t scare me at all. 😂

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Anyone who reads needs to read Copperhead Demon, Big Stone Gap, and Hillbilly Elegy. All give a depiction of Appalachia. He will garner a lot of votes from that area of the country.

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I appreciate your view very much, thank you for sharing all of that, truly! I’m from the upper Midwest and from a family of avid hunters that know and have friends all over the country because of this, many in your home region. We have heard of horrendous things, some that you mentioned, happening there. I hope he does draw from the Appalachia region because of this. Maybe they’re a good match representing opposite ends of the spectrum. Time will tell!

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I’m in the Midwest now too! It’s a really nice area that reminds me a lot of home. Unfortunately there’s not a lot to do about Appalachia, and it’s too late to save a lot of the families that built our country on coal and other natural resources. I’m all for progress but leaving behind (what used to be) millions of Americans without retraining or community support is pure evil. They’re all voting for Trump and so Vance on the ticket wouldn’t change much, but it’s really awesome to see someone still cares and sees Appalachia as the huge warning sign that it is.

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Bobby mentions Appalachia a lot. Trump has probably listened to him on this topic and is trying to take those votes from Bobby.

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Agree 100%. I was also born and raised at the foot of those beautiful mountains. I’d get so homesick and talk about moving back. My mom would give a resounding “NO!Stay away! It will swallow you up here!” I got out as soon as I got out of high school. I went to my 40th class reunion in 2012 and was shocked how many family and friends have been on government assistance for most their lives. It takes someone there to truly understand the lower class sector of our existence.

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Oh man. I wish I were back home every day. This is my weird hippy nature coming out, but that land has a spirit of its own. I’ve never gotten used to the fact that I can see other houses from my own or hear car traffic (I live in a suburban neighborhood now)… it’s just too weird! But I would never go back to live!!!

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Me either. Not now at my age with deep roots here and my grown kids and nearly grow grandkids. This is home.

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This is heartbreaking to read.

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Fair enough. I believe that Trumps VP needs an off the bat wow factor to rake more people in that are still on the fence; didn’t get that from him but maybe I’m not the intended target.

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So here’s what I think Trump might do after this announcement. I bet he starts announcing cabinet members and we will see Vivek, Tulsi, etc named. I think that’s where people will go, we know what kind of clowns are in the Biden administration and Trump is going to build a dream team.

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Agreed. I think this is a good plan. Trump is the of the bat wow factor haha, he needs someone more down to earth for VP to pull over all the people who are in the fence because they don’t like Trump’s personality.

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Tucker, Tulsi & Ben Carson would be preferable IMO. Ben would be a good calming presence for Trump.

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Yes! Dream team. I’m worried Tucker doing his own thing with TCN will inhibit his involvement.

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Agree. Just keep him in admin// not public speaking

( it’s just a personal preference! )


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Okay, I love this angle. Interested in learning more about his pick once it’s officially announced too.

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True although a woman with all those qualities would pull many in. Tulsi would fit that bill.

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Maybe but if they’re already voting for Trump so it doesn’t matter if Vance excites them. They are going for all the people who used to vote democrat but are tired of all the leftist insanity with the Vance choice. Or people who are blue collar but never came over to the Maga camp. Trump needs those midwestern and industrial area votes. He needs Wisconsin and Pennsylvania badly. Maybe Vance will help with that

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Maybe! Fell flat for me but that doesn’t mean I’m right. My initial reaction was what I said. Will be interesting to say the least.

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Hey I totally get it! I was honestly surprised that it wasn’t a woman or a POC. I hope it works because I need Biden out of office, lol. Also I was thinking that Vance is Catholic, military, married to a woman of Indian descent, and is also a millennial (is he the first millennial to ever be on a make it on the VP ticket?) That definitely checks a lot of boxes and has the potential to reach different groups of voters.

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That’s all true and very good points! I didn’t consider that he’s much younger and that alone can be attractive and relatable to many.

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Sorry typos 🫠

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There are many conservatives who are put off by Trumps personality… those individuals are gonna LOVE the VP!!

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