I just want to know HOW Epstein was able to convince Wexner that he was someone who should be invested in and trusted. I know Epstein was a con man, but at the same time, Wexner was a successful businessman. So HOW??
It will be interesting to see what MSM will have to say (if anything!) about this, as all the creepers at the top start panicking this week 😆
I grew up in Columbus. Wexner was all over town and still such a mystery. The rumors about him started when I was in middle school and it was still Limited Express and we shopped there to match our high top Reeboks and smelled like Cucumber Melon. He built his own suburb called Easton. The fact that Epstein was around this all along is fascinating and SO creepy to me.
If you want to learn all about Epstein, listen to Narativ pod by Zev Shalev. Epstein worked with Israeli intelligence and made his wealth blackmailing. He was not a financial advisor. All his properties were given to him by Wexner. Jeff's wealth is exaggerated, like Trump's. Wexner's involvement with Epstein is still a mystery but might be related to Israeli intelligence.
A- Why do they only use Donnie (not a fan here so don't come @ me) and not Billy when these expose's (sp) say "the political ties" or "the politicians" and B- this could be a premature question since I didn't watch it yet but is Wexner dead and did they say why he named it "Victoria's SECRET"
It's insane to imagine just how far and deep his skeeevy tentacles reached...and how many slimeballs are hiding in the shadows killing and/or paying off people for silence....I pray the truth comes FULLY to light. It's time for the Patriarchy to wither away and disappear.
There really must be some high profile (low life) people squirming!
Any news of the alleged sale of Epstein Island - did it sell, to whom and was the timing coincidental?
Oh, need to look into that. Thanks for reminding me of it.
Get out of my brain🤣🤣😂 I was just coming to ask that!!!
I am very wary of any "documentary" that parent company Disney produces. I hope there will be truth exposed, but am not sure that it will expose much.
Epstein made his money the old fashioned way -- by serving as a spy for Mossad.
And also, the simple question of why Wexner so significant. Where did his involvment w Epstein's dealings, end...?
I think so, but we still need more concrete evidecne to connect it all. So far it still resides in conspital corners.
I just want to know HOW Epstein was able to convince Wexner that he was someone who should be invested in and trusted. I know Epstein was a con man, but at the same time, Wexner was a successful businessman. So HOW??
It will be interesting to see what MSM will have to say (if anything!) about this, as all the creepers at the top start panicking this week 😆
I grew up in Columbus. Wexner was all over town and still such a mystery. The rumors about him started when I was in middle school and it was still Limited Express and we shopped there to match our high top Reeboks and smelled like Cucumber Melon. He built his own suburb called Easton. The fact that Epstein was around this all along is fascinating and SO creepy to me.
the fact that it took this long to make it widely known, this connection, is crazy too.
I can’t wait to watch this!!!
Wow. I cannot wait to watch this. Epstein seems to have touched EVERYONE. My gosh.
Right. I can't even think of a person equally connected as him to compare him to.
I worked for VSC for about 7 years (83-90) so I’m very interested in the reporting.
The company did have quite a cult feeling. It was an interesting experience.
I’m on part 2 of the documentary and highly recommend it.
Money is the root of all evil….
Epstein had something dark and dirty on Wexner.
If you want to learn all about Epstein, listen to Narativ pod by Zev Shalev. Epstein worked with Israeli intelligence and made his wealth blackmailing. He was not a financial advisor. All his properties were given to him by Wexner. Jeff's wealth is exaggerated, like Trump's. Wexner's involvement with Epstein is still a mystery but might be related to Israeli intelligence.
A- Why do they only use Donnie (not a fan here so don't come @ me) and not Billy when these expose's (sp) say "the political ties" or "the politicians" and B- this could be a premature question since I didn't watch it yet but is Wexner dead and did they say why he named it "Victoria's SECRET"
Wexner is not dead and the company was named Victoria’s Secret when he bought it.
I also noticed that!
One wonders exactly what Epstein had on him. Videotapes?
I wouldn’t doubt it.
I literally can not wait to watch! If only the real truth could come out, let’s see Disneys twist on it.
It's insane to imagine just how far and deep his skeeevy tentacles reached...and how many slimeballs are hiding in the shadows killing and/or paying off people for silence....I pray the truth comes FULLY to light. It's time for the Patriarchy to wither away and disappear.
I feel like a need another shower after reading that. P.s love the way you write !!
You are so right - 3 degrees Maxwell/Epstein.
and maybe, in most cases, less!