When YouTube removes not only the video you linked but that whole account, it only makes me feel more confident that we are on the right track.

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Just watched a random Dateline that was on tv about Warren Jeffs and even the Mormons recruit children in their own SICK way. It’s just everywhere and disgusting. So sad

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It is! Right under our noses and flaunted.

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Just want to clarify that Warren Jeffs was FLDS, not LDS or Mormons.

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Pizzagate is NOT off putting to me anymore at all given all the information that has been spewing into the public the past few months.

If you really want to go full Level 5 conpiracy, re-read about pizza gate here: https://open.substack.com/pub/lizcrokin/p/pizzagate-exposed-part-1?r=df6w1&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

Then, follow up with this independent documentary based in Poland about pedophile rings and how they are a thriving industry among the elites (this one will make you sick so be careful): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=G1y38N4LQiU&feature=youtu.be

There are deep state conspiracies that claim that there is CIA involvement in these rings, and extremely wealthy and powerful elites are working together in a total underground world that we know very little about. Think about the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Clintons….

Watch this video of a girl claiming that she was trafficked by the CIA and escaped… how much validity do you think this has:


Jessica please don’t stop digging because I really believe that this is a story bigger than the world could even imagine. I believe that there are MILLIONS of children somewhere out there that are complete objects to the sick people.

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Yes! Liz Crokin was at the epicenter of this in 2016! So grateful for all the digging and research she did.

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I’ve been thinking about her. I wonder if she’ll be able to come back to Twitter now that the gates are opening.

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I don’t trust Elon anymore either... check out Whitney Webb on Glenn Beck’s podcasts and discussions about transhumanism. He just announced the launch of Neurolink yesterday. It’s happening.

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em has been bred to be a puppet for them -- their fools they put out there in the public to hawk their evil poison wares and hypnotize the gullible with their seductions of power, money, control and "modernism" just they can lure people into the pit of snakes to bite and kill, maim and enslave who remains.

Another great resource I'm sharing on here, I have no affiliation, just one of my top 5 journalists along with Jess: https://vigilantcitizen.com/?s=mk

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Look into the finders cult... the Franklin scandal coverup.... mcmartin/presidio scandal.... Michael Aquino....

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I did.. thank you 🤮

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The YouTube video is so so disturbing. How does one go on? It is so hard to unsee. The mind gets tormented.

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Keep digging. It’s important that as many people as possible know this information-- send to friends and family, share online.... it’s all making sense. Epstein, Maxwell, Kanye... it’s a TINY piece of a MASSIVE iceberg. Truly unfathomable.

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I'm sure you know this already but this is a great one to share: Watch this when you have a chance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIYkSaLMssg

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PS so beautifully expressed! such kindness and truth!

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I didn't see it before it was taken down. do you have a link on bitchute for it or on odysee? thank you!

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Also I’ll add this here as well. This is a video of the producer of Hunger Games talking about the massive pedophile network in Hollywood: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CDnFL4oAkne/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

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Also, look into the disappearance of Johnny gosch and even the supposed kidnapping and murder of Adam Walsh which allowed the gatekeeping organization ncmec (national center for missing exploited children) john Walsh who kidnapped and is trafficking his own daughter Meghan walshs children right now!

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Always download videos from utoob and note the channel, creator name and video title to see if you can find it on bitchute or odysee which are, so far, still "free speech". Crazy, I know. But, who owns utbe r the ones who are doing all this evil stuff soooo.... the fox is guarding the hen house per usual. But, these foxes are not pretty and fuzzy and just trying to feed themselves and their babies with those occasional eggs and hens.

These foxes are bent on perpetual, 1000's of year old revenge vow and the deepest insecurities and their own trauma bonded penchant for torture, murder and worst -- is there anything worse? Yes.

Anyhoo, the utoob link is gone. Removed per usual. It received too many views most like from your link and any of the traffic it's been receiving from how you found it, lately.

If you remember the title, please share it. I bet the channel or the video is on bitchute or odysee. Bitchute makes you know the exact title, unfortunately. So, you have to just use one or that might be in the title or two since if you have it not quite correct, it shows nothing for your search.

Thanks for your wonderful research to add to the knowledge people have access to and people need. Sadly, none of these sites are ideal to share on... But, we do are best to help each other because only through becoming aware of what is actually beneath the surface of all of what is swirling around and seeing what is actually so horrifically at the core and utterly unimaginable for any of us unfamiliar with these murderous sado-masochistic machinations, then we wont be able to education those around us, especially other mothers, fathers, grandparents, aunties, uncles, caregivers and especially children themselves.

They are must know what poison is lurking and where and how in order to not be swayed by it's intoxicating, literally, bait. All movies, all cartoons, all tell-lie-vision programming, it's all poison. And, music on the radio, too, of all genres is filled with toxic subliminals and more.

Check out one of my TOP 5 websites/reporters (HouseInhabit is on my list, too): https://vigilantcitizen.com/?s=mk

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Also, watch https://www.trance.movie/ ! It's phenomenal! She's 80 years old and survived the horrors. It's an excellent documentary and does not go into the trauma inducing horrors but mentions them enough so you know. it's extremely well done and one of the most courageous woman out there who stood up many many years ago and survived.

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Thanks for continuing to dig into stuff. Anyone else like me and just want to weep at the sheer depravity of it all?

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Yes, I find it so disturbing that I am actually tearing up. I continue to have my mind blown, as “conspiracy theories” that I wrote off keep coming true over and over, and with more and more evidence, and yet -- it’s been out in the open all the time! And it’s even WORSE than I ever could have even imagined. I honestly feel sick.

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Yes. Very much so. I'm also grateful to be here and know other people are experiencing similar reactions ❤️

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Yes. I just keep thinking, how can anyone think about children in an adult way or hurt them or young people in general?!? I cannot wrap my brain around it. I have kids.

I’d die any day of the week for any of them.

Exploiting my child to stay relevant, like a certain mom does to her daughter dressing her in corsets at age 9 going on 16? I hope I’m never that selfish. If you live in a world where you need to treat your child like that?

That world is F-ed up.

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Okay, pizza gate was no conspiracy theory, even though the media had convinced most people otherwise. I bet they actually hunted children at her wedding, the picture of the white rabbit is symbolic as well as teddy bears and monarch butterflies in mkultra and torture/programming victims, as well as the telephone (think Britney spears and every other young celebrity girl with the phone in the picture/video). A big wake up has been happening across the world, but America especially these last 3 years. Rachel was likely sexually abused and programmed as well since she was literally born into it, as most of them are, the connections are unreal. But she chose to continue the depravity and participate, seemingly willingly. I can't believe I used to basically worship celebrities and even the Kardashians, bravo housewives especially, until I had a spiritual awakening 3 years ago. This sub is my one guilty pleasure and I love ittttt🤣

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The Rothschilds were known to host hunting parties of naked children. Makes you wonder about department of children and families and all these kids disappearing.

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I need to do a post on the Rothschild parties 😵‍💫

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Jessica - You have opened a Pandora's Box which many of us lifted during the beginning of lock-downs. You are proving eveyrthing we read and cried over is indeed true, I'm watching the Eyes of the Devil documentary (Max above linked it) and have to stop it periodically to compose myself. What is being described in the video matches much of what was alleged to have been on HRC's laptop. I still believe there is more good than evil in the world; regardless of what the media is telling us. I pray for your safety. Thank you for your bravery.

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Out of the shadows doc

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I love that doc!! That was the first thing I ever watched that opened my eyes up to this world of corruption and disgust. Also, Dr. Rashid Buttar, but he offered first hand experience of being a war medic, the false war narratives to appropriate war, and the ‘green screens’ that were used.

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An acquaintance (now deceased )was an actor who was used for propaganda pieces to sell the Vietnam War to the American people. This man - believing he was making commercials - was stunned to find Walter Cronkite using a commercial of him as a soldier to report the war on the evening news. He left Hollywood and never looked back.

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Looking it up now!

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All I can think about reading all of this is Nicole Kidman and what sounded like an absolutely wild conspiracy about her and her father. I’ve never read too much into symbolism, but it is strange Nicole and Kim posted red pictures after Balenciagate.

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I used to feel that way but I can't pretend it's normal to cover an eye -stand in the pose with the arm in the shirt - the bathtub. The butterflies. I don't want to give the FBI any props as these government alphabet peeps are vile overall, but they have a list of the termonology and the symbols. It's real - we all have to face it - hold our children tight and fight like hell to keep them safe.

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It’s getting really deep and you’re the only one exposing them that I know of or that I follow. I am super nervous for you and your family and all the people they will try to shut down.

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Make sure to dig into how Rachel Chandler is married to a Guinness, an old old family who is intermarried with the Rothschild’s. Dig into the Guinness family

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Wait what?? I must be living under a rock bc I have never heard of these parties. 🫣

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look up bohemian grove

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When does conspiracy stop being conspiracy. I’ve been into all this stuff since 2020 but I also read the Bible and it’s just easy for me to know that there is nothing new under the sun. When the Bible is clear about people sacrificing their children on altars to baal and moloch you just have to know that this stuff still happens. Pizza gate sounded silly but that’s what they want for it to sound soooo outlandish that it can’t possibly be true. But people are sick and depraved and we are here and need help.

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This right here...I remember freaking out 3 years ago, I felt so scared while everyone else was scared of covid I was scared of the truth I was beginning to unravel. So many called me crazy, family included, they still don't believe it. But like you I read my Bible and at this point I just don't know what we can do about it other than to have peace and accept that God's in control and continue doing the next right thing and I have faith that we were all born for this moment we were born for this period in time is what I'm trying to say, I think lol but yeah so depraved girl...it's mind blowing

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Yeah nothing we can do. God is sovereign. He won’t destroy with a flood but our hearts need to be right. Maybe this will bring revival. Kanyeposts said this has made her be interested in God so who knows.

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What book in the Bible mentions Baal and Moloch?

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2 kings but it talks about it a lot in different chapters of the Bible. You should do some research on it. It’s really interesting. God hates human slaughter and it makes him weep

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I will thank you!

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Has anyone ever seen the Beetles album cover photo shoot where they were given dismembered bloody baby dolls to hold? In one picture they look horrified and then were able to muster some smiles. This pedo ring goes dark. It does make me REALLY question those conspiracies (maybe no longer conspiracies) about tunnels under the White House. Also, Jessica, in regards to what you posted on IG earlier about Alban and his pizza and hot dog food fetish, it reminds me of Hillary Clinton’s emails to Obama about the pizza and hot dog party. I’m happy you chose to dig this research back up because no matter how small or conspiracy filled it may seem .. each and every person connected to this ring (regardless of how small their nasty and filthy contributions are) deserves to be outed and displayed for us all to know exactly who the predators are and what their roles have been. I just don’t know how you keep going because my head is on maximum overload with tons of emotions! Great work, Jessica! You are a true reporter!

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With so many sickos at the top doing this including the FBI and billionaires it makes me believe they are all involved - I just didn’t know the details that are now emerging. I hope the Cabal falls. What a bunch of sick Minds

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Supposedly the babies born in these tunnels are FOR thus purpose, no birth certificates no trace they ever existed.

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I cannot even put into words the sickness I feel surrounding it all.

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Pizza gate was very cleverly finagled , within two weeks we started hearing the term * fake news* and anyone that was considered to be delivering it on a you tube channel was terminated They managed to muddy the water so well that people just put PGate down to the dreaded conspiracy theory , But because such a huge furore was created around it that it became obvious there was more to it , Around that time I had read the j podesta Emails , they were littered with FBI discovered code words , all based around the term pizza , For instance , At the party we will have some left over pizza from last month , it’s not in very good condition but ,,,The Emails were littered with this kind of weird connection to pizza, But as usual these people the higher up they are the easier it is for them to slide under the radar ,,

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My mind is spinning. This feels like a tsunami of truth that most people are not ready for. Jessica, how are you sleeping?? I fell down the Nusi Quero rabbit hole last night after seeing a comment on a a Diet Prada post and - before I caught myself and remembered you are a real person with a family and limits! - I almost DMd you to make sure you'd caught it 🤪🤦🏻‍♀️ he fits snugly into your corruption connection web as Grimes' tattoo artist. Is it all just disgusting? Will anyone come out of this unscathed from the entertainment industry? Everything just feels kind of putrid, the silence and cowardice of bystanders to all this kind of behaviour. How depraved will it get before people stop being willfully ignorant? 🤮

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I started looking at the people that follow them ( grimes, Rick owens and his muse lalamichmich) as well. And they are all the same sick sick minds. Elon dated Grimes and has kids with her so it’s hard to ignore that he basically dressed as Balphomet for Halloween and his mom as Pan.

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The connections are becoming more and more obvious and predictable. I try and limit how much information I expose myself to at one time or I become overwhelmed by it all, but I am fully aware that every thread that gets pulled, reveals the next level and we are not done yet. I'm in the UK so many of these revelations are complete new to me (we have our own shit to be unearthed!) and I'm still getting over the realisation that House Of Cards is based on the Clintons, never mind all the Clinton-adjacent information. What gives me comfort is that this space exists and that so many other people are daring to face this darkness right now x

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I’m in the UK too and have never heard of pizzagate , it is so overwhelming , I had a sleepless night over KK ( whom I knew little about nor did I want to ,until recently )wearing Marilyn's dress !

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The Marilyn Monroe stuff is new to me and I haven't dared delve into pizza gate yet but I know I'm going to have to face it. This has been on my mind all bloody day today. I'm in awe of Jessica and her commitment to understanding and exposing all this whilst still keeping her head! X

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Pizzagate is best explained by Liz Crokin here on Substack. She’s another brave truth teller who has been so wrongly maligned. The good news is, we are starting to understand the game! The minute they call something a conspiracy theory, a crazy qanon story, etc., we know we are over the target. Stay hopeful, people; I truly believe this is the exposure that must take place for the world to be set free!

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Agree with you ,totally in awe of Jessica !

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I'm sorry, but what the HELL was that rabbit picture??

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I'm still trying to figure that out. WHAT really is that?

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The white rabbit from Alice in wonderland ?

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It seems to me that Alice in Wonderland is anything ‘but’ a children’s book .

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Yes, it’s that. All tied to MKULTRA, mind control. Alice following the white rabbit down the hole. If you start noticing the symbols you’ll realize they’re everywhere. Monarch butterflies, Alice in Wonderland ( from eyes wide shut- Nicole Kidman character was named Alice. Etc etc.

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Does anyone remember taking pictures at the mall with a super creepy Easter Bunny? That’s what the rabbit costume reminds me of.

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Guess it represents pedophilia 😣 some threat to children... idk how these people think this is cool, to normalize this stuff and think of it as a fetish... it’s all centered on csa/ trafficking... makes me wanna puke...

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Like most here, i was "red pilled" around 3 years ago. So many rabbit holes and the nightmares that would follow in my sleep. These stories are not new, but confirmation of what i learned. Something that has come up is mk ultra mind control. Between Brittany bouncing back and forth in outfits and the Kardashian handler stories , I've have noticed something. Lisa Rinna's(housewife) daughter was in Balenciaga fashion show. I think her name is Delilah Belle. She just recently posed as Marilyn Monroe. I've heard that when the elites do this, is to pay homage to the original mk ultra victim. It's just something I'm keeping my eye on.

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Kim dressed as Marilyn at the Met gala this past year too. And Rinna’s other daughter made a post basically defending Balenciaga.

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Did she really?

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I get the daughter's mixed up. Weird because they look different. Amelia did the Balenciaga fashion show and Delilah posed as Marilyn.

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It all feels so dark because it is! Satan is the master of oppression and wickedness. These people believe he will give them power. They are being deceived. We must pray to God for our world! He is the ONLY truth and light in this darkness.

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People are so damn weird. Kanye is the one who got Kim into Balenciaga and that Soul less home aesthetic though, let's not forget that. Not saying he's into all this shit but just shaking my head at this whole vibe. Who thinks blood is cute? It's fucking messy and tastes like copper. cancel everyone! I'm grumpy with the world.

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The Oli video has now conveniently been taken down by You Tube. 🙄

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Omg! Really?

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Yep, really.

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Looks like they terminated the account it’s link too.

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That’s the message I get when I click on your link.

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Omg, i’m disgusted but not surprised at all... keep up the good work Jessica! Idk why but this whole thing is reminding of Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut... the elite secret parties held in mansions with portraits of children hanging all around... strange.

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I've been waiting to write about Eyes WS. It's so interesting, everything surrounding that film.

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Jessica- I'm a researcher into the occult and covered EWS on 6 episodes and a book. I'd love to get you on my podcast to discuss multiple things.

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Do you mind pointing to which exact episodes? I found your podcast👍🏻

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I hate the idea of coming on here and trying to pull Jessica's supporters, but maybe she'll see this and come join me to do a show!!!!! PLEASE JESSICA! :) Here's an index of all the Eyes Wide Shut symbolism analysis I've completed (*Jessica- it also has all my social media links and whatnot, hit me up on Twitter preferably): https://illuminatiwatcher.com/eyes-wide-shut-decoding-hidden-symbolism-of-stanley-kubrick-episode-index/

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There’s a very good and very layered (in my opinion) article about EWS and it’s from Boydrinksink. It’s long but it’s worth it!

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Immediately checking it out!

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You won’t regret it😉 there’s a lot of important details that I didn’t notice while watching the film.

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I follow you! Great that you showed up here !!

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What's up Raquel!!

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I was going to tell her to look at your stuff!! DO IT

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What’s the name of the book? This is so interesting

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Isaac Weishaupt. Go look at his stuff. William Ramsey too!

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Omg please write about EWS!

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I would def love to read your review on EWS. It’s a very layered film, so many topics, some people get it others don’t... there’s def something about the modeling industry on that film, the elites and of course children...

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Jessica- I'd love to link up and do a show together or some kind of collaboration. I sent you a DM on Twitter- hit me up if you're interested. I've got an index of all the research I've done on Eyes Wide Shut: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/eyes-wide-shut-decoding-hidden-symbolism-of-stanley-kubrick-episode-index/

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For anyone wanting to read about EWS- look at this site as well. You have to pay after reading 3 articles and they have other very interesting stuff. They did this review of that movie 9 yrs ago !!


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Wowowowow!!!! Where to begin?

Thank you, Jessica. What a sick and satanic world we truly live in. Also, thank you for bridging the gap. I am a conservative white woman who lives in a suburb of Dallas. I know your fan base is huge and global. Thank you for putting out FACTS and for piecing together a sick puzzle in an oddly cool way. This is some crazy shit. The literal blood thirst for children is shocking but then again, not. I really do wonder if the K’s are into that or just afraid to talk about it bc of obvious losses - what they view as losses. Have a good night.

Thanks again!

And WTAF w these designers and their ig pages??? So sick and just demonic.

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You’re getting closer and closer to the belly of the beast now, Jess. The work you’re doing is so important. Pizzagate is real. I don’t care what anyone else says. It’s the hill I will die on.

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