Vance showed strength, poise and intellect. He articulated the conservative position well and talked about serving the country for each and every American. Really impressed with him. I enjoyed the respect from each side. You can tell that Harris/Walz never have to go outside of their comfort zone, all the state/mainstream media is pro-democrats. But on stages like this it can help to be accustomed to a tough crowd because you really need to have a spark of courage and a feeling of standing on your own. He did a great job.

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He lied with every breath. 🤦‍♀️

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And in eyeliner, like a real man.

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Silly woman… no eyeliner on Vance.

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Diana is such a foul mouthed woman. Beta males like Walz must really appeal to her.

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Wow. Had to jump in and demean the woman's character. Silly JWSPOONERMD.

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He sure does to me. If the choice is pretty (Vance's eyes really are) or genuine, I'll take genuine every time.

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Silly woman? Fuck you.

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How so?

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This a similar phenomenon to us women when Dan Quayle was chosen as a VP. On the news, newscasters openly stated that Dan Quayle was chosen because he was sexually attractive, so women would vote for him. Full Stop. This article and this concept now being applied to the sexual attractiveness of a candidate as any measure of a reason to like him, much less vote for him, is abject ludicrousness. We aren't allowed to control our reproductive choices, but we should vote for this smooth, slick liar because we want to fuck him? Really? That's how much depth you are attributing to women? This is embarrassing to the author, embarrassing in politics, just ludicrous with Quayle, and ludicrous as a concept. What garbage.

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You are allowed to control your reproductive choices. There's total abstinence of PIV, timed abstinences of PIV, assorted types of barrier and hormonal contraceptives, sterilisisation. The only thing that's restricted is abortion in certain places, at certain times, in certain circumstances.

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But they want to restrict all abortion in all places at all times. Or restrict it to such an early stage as to make it unusable. Ever since men and women have been able to have sex there have been unwanted pregnancies. That will always exist. The only way to stop it is to give men temporary vasectomies that are reversible when they decide they want to have children. Funny how this option is never discussed.

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If they see it as a type of murder, why wouldn't they want to ban it at all places and at all times? Especially a type of murder that can be avoided, via absintence, contraception, etc.

Even in pre human times there was straight up murder (chimps for example) but its long presence in our history hasn't stopped us from banning the killing of another person except in extreme circumstances like self defence.

Sex is very very nice of course but it's more akin to a luxury like a glass of wine than a necessity like water.

Plenty of people are teetotal or drink within limits.

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Additionally, they are banning drugs like pitocin, which is a very safe way to induce labor after a miscarriage to allow the woman's body to expel the remains of an unviable pregnancy, instead of now waiting until sepsis endangers her life and is "an emergency" so she can receive healthcare. They have made another drug restricted and locked into a cabinet with paperwork and keys and now a five minute wait...the drug given to almost ALL mothers after childbirth TO STOP THE HEMORRHAGING, and that five minute wait is causing even good Christian mothers to bleed out before she receives this formerly in the room solution that saves our lives. And they are clear that their intention is to remove our contraception next.

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Nobody is trying to ban pitocin. You are mistaken.

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Let's talk about "how much depth you are attributing to women". Voting for a candidate because she "is a woman" and despite that she cannot answer a single question about policy is helping the woman's cause HOW exactly? She is the DNC puppet that has been annointed not elected - the real "threat to our democracy" also for those in the know, a constitutional republic. Also, not sure how many women are still voting solely on abortion rights. Somewhere in the last 4 years all the women I know are more worried about being able to afford to feed, clothe and educate their children. We also worry about the endless wars and the carelessness of angering those with nuclear weapons. We worry about their health and mental well being. Sending our young adult children off to fight a worthless war...

Don't recall anyone talking about f'in Quayle or Vance, but you do you.

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He only needs to attract white Republican women, and to reassure them that he’s caring and likable, and not the religious extremist anti-woman Christofascist that he really is ever since he converted to radical traditional Catholicism

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Never knew Democrats despise Catholics. Hmm. Learn something new every day.

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How do you know that? Are you a Dem that despises Catholics? Speak for yourself None, and don’t project

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😂😂 I knew the trolls would be out but I had no idea there would be this many. Look it up, "Mary Jo". Its easy to find.

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You made the point loser, its on you to provide the evidence.

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I would hope on Substack we could respect the others who post.

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People who want respect, give respect. I treat people the way I see them treat others or how they treat me on here. The person I made this reply to is making claims then insinuating people are too stupid to see her point, instead of providing evidence of her point.

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I’m not a troll I’m interested in your comment and would like to know to what you are referring specifically.

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Use Google-I’m not getting into a discussion with someone too lazy to read. You know damned well Vance lied his ass off.

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You made the comment that he lied, dear. You should be able to substantiate your comment.

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You made the comment. So stand by it or don’t make it.

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Susan, you’re naive and uninformed about the eating of mammals by humans, mammals that in America, are often raised as pets. Vietnamese were known to eat dogs when I was there, when, in many poor countries, no other food was available, or as a delicacy. I’m troubled that you would not believe your own American citizens that poor people from Haiti and other under develop countries, where food sometimes is scarce, would be willing to grab a duck they see on a pond or decide to cook a cat, they see wandering around or even a dog. There is no way you can “prove“ that this has not occurred. Did you know that incest and child abuse is occurring two blocks from your home? Didn’t think so.

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Susan's opinion on the matter is a consequence of projection. How could anyone do such a thing? How could any reasonable person make such an allegation? These are good questions if one is asking them of people known to the person asking them.

These are terrible questions when asked, as they are in this case, of people from places Susan knows nothing about. Sure, we all know Haiti is a poor country. The talking heads we rely on for information about such places tell us these things. The new term of art is "the global south." It seems less "offensive" than "the third world." Projectionists like Susan, like to do this sort of thing with words. "Illegal Alien" (still the legal term used to describe border crashers), has become "undocumented immigrant." I'll stick with the original, thank you.

That said, here's what Susan doesn't understand. Here's the truth. Haiti is no longer a third world country. It is in fact, so far south of the global south, that it might as well have dropped off the planet altogether. It is an utterly devastated, ungovernable failed state. A little digging would open Susan's eyes to the levels of human depravity that presently exists there. Trouble is, I don't think Susan wants to know. There are numerous investigative reports highlighting the misuse of aid and the Americans implicated in the scandalous theft of well intended resources sent by other Americans. Hillary and Bill appear often in the whole mess, but others do as well. Some of them are Haitian. Warlords. I wonder what Susan would make of "dirt pies," which are exactly what you think they are. Guess what, Susan? Americans are not to blame for this mess. Haitians are to blame Yes, they've had a bit of help from a handful of unscrupulous Americans, one of which you likely voted for in 2016. I don't blame you, either. Not for Haiti, or the abhorrent behavior of her refugees in this country. I blame you for your unwillingness to learn anything.

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Yeah but JW, there’s no proof that Haitians were “eating the dogs, eating the cats, eating the pets” in Springfield. Vance ADMITTED he made it up. That’s why it’s so dangerous. It seems believable for reasons you laid out. Problem is IT WAS ALL A LIE. All the officials in Springfield said it was *not* happening. Vance like Trump is an evil, cynical, liar, willing to use the fascist’s playbook to regain power. If they do manage to get in power, they won’t give it up willingly, ever.

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Vance “admitted that he made it up” ? You heard him say that where? MSNBC ? CNN? You actually heard him mouthing those words? You’ve been sufficiently indoctrinated to believe such lies by the Communist lefties in the media, politicians etc. I don’t know if Haitian illegal aliens were /are eating domesticated animals. I have written that based on what is known about impoverished countries’s mores regarding eating behaviors, it is not prejudicial for citizens invaded by illegals from a Communist Biden Harris regime to suspect such behavior is occurring around them.

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But compared to beta male Tampon Stolen Valor Tim he’s a saint, don’t you think?

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Susan, I like your perspective here. You may like this analysis of the debate, or maybe not, but just wanted to share: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/5-things-ive-learned-from-the-vice

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Very much looking forward to you debunking him - with actual data points and sources (I.e. no MSM talking points or quotes). 🍿

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I don't want to assume, which candidate are you referencing?

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Walz DID lie frequently, but not constantly. Vance, on the other hand, came across as totally honest and straightforward.

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Oct 5
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But Trump and Vance are whipping Tampon Beta male Tim’s and KarmaLa Harris’s arses, don’t you think?

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Don't buy into the silly arguments on women's rights. You can still kill the unborn if you want.

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"Silly arguments on women's rights" you do realize if the government is allowed to dictate what a woman does to her body then in the future when things starts swinging the other way, they can actually dictate that a woman needs to have an abortion. I'm sure you're a smart enough to understand this, but not thoughtful enough to have thought of it.

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This is done and over. It is back to individual states, where it should be. So any further fighting on this should be local. Trump said in the debate and has said elsewhere, that he is not interested in a ban on abortion but it's a mute point as it's up to the states. Kamala was wrong to make people think that Trump had power to enact a ban or that she had power to permit them. It is no longer a federal issue.

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Did you also “respect” his outright lies about his documented stand on abortion?

He has said several times that he wants a NATIONWIDE BAN on abortion nationwide!! It’s documented.

He also couldn’t/wouldn’t provide a straight answer when asked by Walz whether trump won the 2020 election?

trump LOST and many many reviews of the voting process in all of the states have proven that!!

But old, misogynistic, Haitian hating Vance couldn’t tell even that simple TRUTH!!

He’s “focused on the future?” You mean when trump becomes too demented to function and Vance becomes president? If a man with EIGHTEEN MONTHS of Senate experience and NO FOREIGN POLICY EXPERIENCE, doesn’t scare you then you are woefully unaware of how hard hou and others like you will be hit UPSIDE THE HEAD!!’


Sure he wants power and he is willing to do ANYTHING to get it.

Twice he extolled his young children. He doesn’t give a crap about them either, minimizing climate change and the effect of carbon emissions. His children and many others may not have a planet to grow up on!!

And you LIKE this guy!! ARE YOU INSANE??

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He’s a phony puppet of his rightwing billionaire backers with a crazy agenda—no thanks!

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You do know that most of America’s wealthy are Democrats now don’t you? Your group is the one with all the money and power and influence my dear. Hence the fact the country is in the shitter.

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Well, somebody’s badly out of touch with reality!

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Define “wealthy.” If you’re talking about the 1%, they’re more likely to be Repubs. See graph for the rest of us (not much difference)


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We aren’t talking about aristocratic families, we are talking about the nation in general. You’re being deceptive like most of you are to try and make a disingenuous point. Here from Newsweek:

Demographic data compiled in the 2016 and 2020 elections showed that the top 40 percent of income earners preferred the Democratic candidate for president (Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden) over the Republican (Donald Trump), signifying a sizable coalition shift from where the party was in the previous decade.

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Exactly Heather. Don’t let the lefties bother you…

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You’ve got it exactly backwards!

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Now you are doing all the fabricating. Funny how the left has perfected the deflection

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This is the mentality.

"We need Chinese style wholesale factory abortions because there might be medical necessities because abortions can go wrong."

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It's amazing that in a nation with only 320 million people of every age and condition from prisoner to incapacitated in 2020, people actually believe more than 155 million people placed legitimate votes. That would be the highest percentage turnout of registered voters in history. Democrats can't think for themselves and Republicans don't know how to highlight the facts in terms simple enough for Democrats to understand. The arguments that courts rejected election cases based on "standing" is beyond the Dems ability to comprehend the difference between a judgment of the facts versus a judgment against the person challenging the facts.

The Popular Vote

Biden won 81,283,098 votes, or 51.3 percent of the votes cast. He is the first U.S. presidential candidate to have won more than 80 million votes. Trump won 74,222,958 votes, or 46.8 percent of the votes cast. That’s more votes than any other presidential candidate has ever won, with the exception of Biden. (Third-party candidates picked up 1.8 percent of the votes cast.)

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The democrats intentionally keep public school students stupid and hyper fixated on sex because they don’t want anyone to think for themselves.

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They don’t bother to think about complex things like logic when they now believe you can magically switch gender by willing it.

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With the objective of accuracy, I looked up the US Census data for 2020. There were slightly more citizens, 331.4 million people, however only 258.3 million were adults over the age of 18 and able to vote. Biden's "win" in 2020 was statistically impossible. With 14 states that don't require any voter ID, the steal of 2024 has already begun. Such a low amount of integrity in the USA does not bode well for its future under any form of government.

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You’re a science ignoramus; admit it.

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You obviously didn't watch the hearings with evidence that took place in 2021. Happened in many states. All with sworn affidavits. Cheating has been going on for decades by all sides. It was the volume that was different.

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So, it’s okay to leave a visibly senile Joe Biden in charge of the nuclear codes and vote for his second-in-command (who obviously knew he was senile long before the debate). But Trump shouldn’t be president because someday he MIGHT become senile? That’s a stretch.

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Drill, drill, drill! MAGA!!! Trump & Vance 2024!!!

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You seem a little biased. Not sure this is a fair take.

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Calm, cool, collected, clear, in command of the stage and the facts. Vance's transparency on changing his mind about Trump contrasted starkly with Walz's shifty off-topic rambling about having been ever so many times to China (who coached *that* answer!?!), only to concede in the end that he lied about Tiananmen Square. That was a house of cards - an entire city block of skyscrapers of cards - disintegrating in front of our eyes.

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Are you a MAGAT?

Tim Walz did not say that he lied; he said he got CONFUSED over when he was in China THIRTY FOUR YEARS AGO!!!

Do you remember EXACTLY when you did everything and exactly where you were 34 years ago?

I was watching the disaster of Tianamen Square 34 years ago sometime in the late spring or summer. I’d have to look it up to know EXACTLY when T Square happened. And no, I don’t remember what I had for breakfast that morning either, do you?

Walz was in China with students several times that summer. So he got confused. BIG DEAL!!


Do you really not see the difference?

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I don’t recall exactly when Woodstock happened but I certainly remember I WASN’T there. He lied. To embellish his credentials of what a world traveling sophisticate he is. He is a liar.

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LMAO he’s a Minnesotan former serviceman/dad/coach/teacher. He’s not trying to score cool points for being a “traveling sophisticate” because he took students on a trip.

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A God awful teacher if he's proud not one of his student went to a top notch university.

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Like Trump University?

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Unfortunately there is a pattern with him telling “mistruths”. If I was Tiananmen Square at particular monumental time, I surely would not forget it.

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See above you jerk. I watched it and w/o LOOKING IT UP I wouldn’t know exactly when it was—and I HAD NO MEMORY DEFICIT THEN AND DO NOT HAVE ONE NOW!!!

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Oh please, I remember 9/11 and when the Challenger exploded, if you experienced something like that, you don't forget where you were or what you were doing.

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I remember those things too. I just don’t remember the day or daye.

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Were you present at Tianamen Square when it happened? You would have remembered that. I don’t remember if I were in Gr 7 or Gr 8 when JFK was assassinated. But I remember exactly where I was. Same as 9/11.

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Perhaps you should take the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test. Trump did and passed it with flying colors; Biden refused.

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Meanwhile, more than 100,000 people attended Trump’s rally in Butler, PA!!!

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Perhaps you should leave me alone, JWSPOONER MARYLAND.

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I think if you weee indeed @ Tianaman square at that specific moment you would remember. He’s confused alright…on many topics.

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Trips to China paid for by the CCP. But no chance he lied, his mind is as strong as Biden's on a good day. It's clear Trump- Vance seek to serve the nation while Harris-Walz are bought and paid for by enemies foreign and domestic.

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Oct 5
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I'm an Italian Greyhound actually. We don't yap, we vocalize.

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Any word on the "confusion" (pronounced "dirty rotten lie") about him claiming to have left the weekend warrior organisation a command sergeant major.

This was on his campaign website and on the DEI hire's website.

What about his lie about the woman who he claimed died because of a lack of abortion "care" when in fact she died from having taken abortion pills?

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She died because her abortion pill caused complications, she needed a D&C, and doctors wouldn’t give her one for 20 hours. Then she died.

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So, medical negligence.

How does wholesale mass murder for petty reasons help?

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Please don’t speak on women’s bodies if you don’t have one.

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Oct 6
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It's abjectly fascinating (and horrifying, quite frankly) that Trump supporters want to argue about one lie or confusion on Walz's part when Trump has over 19,000 lies video-taped and refuted, I believe in just his Presidential career alone.That math doesn't math for me. (Aside from the fact that Walz's lie has no effect on anything and Trump is a malignant narcissist whose lies have hurt people his entire life. An $85,000 ad to say we should murder the teens before they are proven guilty? *they weren't guilty then, or now)

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You’re lying.

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Sounds like more TDS "facts"

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That’s a nonsense excuse. You would remember if you were in Berlin when the Berlin Wall came down. You would remember if you were in NYC on 911, or in China during that big event. He also said he carried weapons in war. Did he forget he never was in combat or even in a combat zone? Did he forget or inflate his rank? No. He LIED.

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You’re wrong.

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No you are. I lived through the Challenger explosion, 9/11 and several other historical events and I can tell you where I was and what I was doing on that day in a lot of detail.

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You’re lying again.

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You might had to look it up. He didnt. Its like 9/11 or Kennedy assignation

Im his age. I watched it unfold every night on tV until china blacked it out. He is a pathological lier. .

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You mean Trump?

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Respond with something useful. Dismissing any valid critique of Trump with “TDS” is the equivalent of plugging your ears.

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If you were there you would know. He wasn’t. Newspapers articles confirm.

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Of course everyone knew he would be asked about that so you would have thought he would have a better answer than he's a knucklehead.

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See? This is the sort of rationalization that separates critical thinkers from ideologues. Do you know what I find even more pitiable than your sicophantic self-deception? Simply this: You don't know that you didn't select your candidate. You actually think you did. It was just minutes ago, really, that Harris was regarded by Dems and Republicans alike, and even independents, like me, as utterly incompetent and not to be tasked with anything sensitive. Yet, given the non compos mentis CIC's debate performance, it was decided he had to go. Faced with a time problem, the DNC decided Harris was it's only choice. Not your choice. Their choice. And right now, you and millions of others like you, are willing to say this coup didn't matter. That Harris is your choice, and has been all along. Pitiful. Walz lied about TSquare. He even defended it on several occasions over the years. But he knows, people like you only need to be told another lie, (he misremembered watching a Chinese dissident stand down a Tank) any you'll believe him. He was right. So was she.

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Why doesn't it concern you that Trump lies constantly? That is not an opinion. That is a FACT. He never stops. And it has been proven on 19,000+ occasions, just in the past 8-10 years. Why don't the Trump supporters care that Trump lies every single day. Just makes stuff up, day after day, after day.

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Oh get a grip. You mean lies like Trump is a Russian asset? That he told people to inject bleach in their veins? That he called White Supremacists "fine people".

Or how about Joe Biden being "sharp as a tack" until they couldn't pretend he was coherent and engaged?

You worry about Trump lying but don't care about the lies that are going to get us into a nuclear war or overrun our country with 3rd world indigents.

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You are a truly gifted liar who covers for her lies by attacking others as liars. You even have a tabulation of the number of Trump’s lies, as if anyone with a brain would trust your numbers. Your credibility is 0—that’s a number one can trust.

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Oct 5
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You're a real edgelord. I've very impressed. Saying the things we're all too afraid to say...

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On my first trip to China—in 1991–the Tiananmen massacre was still torturing Chinese minds and hearts. It remains no less an event today than our 9-11 does for us. Walz was right in the middle of the Chinese trauma in 1989.

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We don’t want another “confused” leader. We’ve had one for last 4 years.

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Oct 6
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Please get ALL your booster shots, and take a long hike on a short pier.

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Oct 6
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You need help.

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So do you.

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Sheila, you are one angry woman. You should see a psychiatrist.

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Fess up; are you still wearing a mask? Got your umpteenth Covid booster?

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According to the user name, it’s a cat, not a maggot.

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Do you have a list of these "lies"?

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They sure *sounded* like facts coming out of his newly slicked up appearance. But alas, he did indeed *lie his ass off* (guess that’s how he’s been losing all that weight) 😂

My favorite was when he said orange Hitler peacefully stepped aside on Jan 20 ignoring the events of Jan 6.

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Alexandra, you are aware that Mayorkas and others have finally admitted that there were many “agents“ of the government embedded in the J6 crowd, right? You’re also aware that the doors of the Capitol were opened from within, and the demonstrators were welcomed into the building itself, right? You are aware, aren’t you, that a woman veteran was shot in cold blood by a frightened Capitol security officer, right? “J6” will become known as a tyrannical government act against protesting citizens of our country. Freedom loving Americans don’t buy into your J6 narrative—leftist propaganda.

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J6 government actions and subsequent events make Waco look like an heroic action. It is one of the most shameful acts in American history.

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Facts. . . Really?

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No, lies!

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he’s always been cute. But he’s untrustworthy asf and has very little relevant experience in governing

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Dbistol: I don’t think he’s “cute”—I think he’s repellant. But then I’m old enough to have known too many charming, handsome men who will say and do ANYTHING to get their way!!

And Vance is one of them!!

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I was just going to say, Shelia sounds like a woman of a certain age. Confused, angry, can't understand how the world has moved on.

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Are you saying Sheila and all of us older writers on Substack are confused, angry and don't understand how the world has moved on? The blame mentality covers up many truths.

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?? Where did I say ANYTHING about older writers on Substack?

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I was noting that the person who replied to an earlier post of yours criticized "women of a certain age."

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How do you know that? Did you consult with his wife?

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I’m guessing she’s from the Brahmin caste in India—the highest caste. Caste abuse is rampant in India. Most Indians in the US are Brahmins who enjoy a cultural narcissism where they grow up believing that all things should center on them and that they are the best in all things. So, since like sides with like, she recognized in JD Vance a mirror image of herself with all of the horrible characteristics of Brahmins.

Frankly, the idea of sex with a man like JD Vance is nauseating and repellant at best.

What a lucky woman (sarcasm font)!

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You have no clue what you are talking about. I am married to an Indian who immigrated to this country.

Wow, you are way off. I am praying for you 🙏

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Theres nothing like throwing racism around.

I'll bet you are voting for the party of Jim Crow, anti-civil rights and KKK.

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Who flies the confederate flag?

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Low-caste goy whiteys like you should stick to Christianity. Also Vance is an incel.


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That's the funniest shit I've seen in months.

Thanks for the laugh

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"Incel", an insult thrown by people who believe they're only valuable if they're getting sex.

So what's your body count?

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Since I’m a physician, I’m not exactly “low caste,” but you apparently are a low caste Indian or a Brahmin threatened by America’s free movement between classes. I’ve worked with a lot of Brahmins and the most inadequate among them were those who thought their caste made up for their incompetence.

Your pathetic, demented Fearless Leader is really low class. You must be his twin.

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You're guessing? I've seen enough of your comments to say you are nauseating and repellent as well.

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It was the comment on your post that criticized "a woman of a certain age."

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well when i said the man is untrustworthy that is pretty much what i meant. Someone can be physically attractive yet repellent

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Honey, look at him without the beard, he grew it for a reason!

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Many men look better with beards, that’s not a crime. Many of your elite democrat celebrity gods have beards.

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also true but age helped trim that baby fat face

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Uh , more like Ozempic. That was some fast weight loss

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Please give the medication a try; may help your bloated head.

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At least he didn’t look like ole Elmer Fudd like Waltz did! Bahaha

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literally who gives a sht

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Are you still talking? I tuned out about two hours ago.

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Cute? I don’t get it. He looks like a troll under the bridge.

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And you? What do you look like? Childish?

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You seem triggered? I don’t find him attractive in the least. But then I usually find people attractive based on their character.

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I see. And you know Vance’s character? I see Kamala as an attractive woman physically but character? Walz, I don’t assess men physically per se; I’m a heterosexual white masculine male married to a gorgeous woman of color. We have 11 grandchildren of various shades of color ranging from 1 year to 20 years. But Walz’s character? I’m a combat Vietnam vet; what should I feel about a man who lied , implying he was in combat zone? Lied about his top enlisted military rank. Tampons in girls bathrooms? “Tampon Tim”, or “Knuckle Head” as he called himself in the debate?

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Well Vance is obviously a self serving unprincipled chameleon who is positioning himself for 2028 when Trump is finally dead from too much KFC and McDonald’s. But my question to you Spoon is why you’re mad at a guy who at least served and didn’t fake bone spurs to get out of serving? Oh and who called wounded soldiers losers and suckers and who disparaged a genuine war hero who did serve in Vietnam, John McCain? Looking forward to your response…

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I’m from Ohio. I’m from the area he disparaged in his book. He is a good writer but he is definitely a kick down kiss up guy and offended a whole lot of Appalachian people. I find Tim Walz refreshing. I don’t agree with your assessment of his service. Men he served with also see this as a distortion. I come from a military family and anyone who puts in the time he did deserves respect imo.

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I meant of course “ tampons in boys bathrooms”!

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What is wrong with that? I have 6 brothers. They grew up with tampons in their bathrooms. My niece was a poor single mother of two boys. I’d like to think they would have brought her free tampons to ease her financial constraints. To me that is such a nonsense issue.

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You’re really trying aren’t you? You know damn well Tim Walz meant tampons in boys bathrooms even if XX girls were no where to be found. I knew what tampons were as a boy living in a small house with 2 parents and a sister, and never once imagined I would want one. Walz also has no problem with trans surgeries without parental permission, right?

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Gender affirming surgeries are difficult to get even for adults. Minors cannot undergo any surgery without oars t’s consent anywhere in the US. Facts. Who is reaching now?

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i think he looks better now

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Like Obama in 2008

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obama now is still beautiful

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Suggest you pay more attention. Not the BS from MSM. Ignorance is no excuse

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Not to mention evil, and part of a group that wants women to only have babies, not have the right to vote and only white people have any rights in this country. Other than that, he’s great.

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Stone cold liar. Bright but chilling.

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He lied. A lot.

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He’s 💯 LIAR! Showing poise? Screw that! Go back to X. We don’t need you here to lie to us as well! 🙄

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Walz? Yeah, Tim Walz was great !

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The civility was extremely nice to see.

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Are. You. Fucking. Kidding. Me. The man lied for 90 minutes straight. Just because you fell for it doesn’t mean the rest of us did.

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What were these lies?

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Well, just off the top of my head? Trump saved Obamacare. DHS effectively lost 320,000 children. Harris became the appointed Border Czar. Prescription drug costs. Just for starters. Then there’s the whole flip flop on abortion rights.

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You seem like a bitter cat lady. Trump did keep Obamacare afloat when courts wouldn't let him kill it for a better alternative. DHS did lose track of 320,000 children. Harris was the Border Czar. Prescriptions did rise ~1% under Trump and ~7% under Biden. And changing position on abortion isn't a lie - although no one is better at the flip-flopping than Kami.

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Trump is not Congress. Obamacare is not an executive action, it is a law passed by Congress. It was Congress that did not have enough votes to repeal it, despite Trump's best efforts to have them do so.

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The GOP applied the “Border czar” label. Nice Russian influence there, btw.

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Soooo...MSN, Axios and Jen Psaki are Russians?

"After 100 days on the job, Roberta Jacobson, President Joe Biden’s first border czar, left the role on April 9, 2021, after already “grappling with large increases of migrants attempting to cross into the U.S.,” The Los Angeles Times reported, saying, “Biden’s border czar … is stepping down.” MSN

On April 14, 2021, Axios' Shawna Chen confirmed Kamala Harris had been appointed Biden's ‘Border Czar’ writing: "Harris, appointed by Biden as border czar, said she would be looking at the ‘root causes’ that drive migration."

At an April 20, 2022, press briefing White House press secretary Jen Psaki was asked, “Does the president still have confidence” in Harris as border czar. She replied, “He absolutely does.”

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Babe that’s not Jen Psaki using that label for Harris, lol.

I don’t care what news sources claim. “Border czar” is right wing talk, not her actual title.

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What was the “better alternative”?

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Republican House AHCA and Senate BCRA bills that would have allowed insurance companies to offer less expensive focused plans instead of forcing a bloated coverage plan; replacing the individual and employer mandates with a tax on employer benefits, amongst other things.

ACA artificially expanded the number of covered individuals, however, a majority of those covered but not subsidized (anyone above near poverty level income) couldn't afford their deductibles. In 2017 the average deductible on a bronze (cheapest) plan was estimated to be $6,000 for an individual and $12,400 for a family (per CNN Money 2016). That's on top of the monthly premiums. Private insurance through employers is far less expensive yet has far more coverage. Everyone would have far been better off without ACA and just using those hundreds of billions to directly subsidize low income individuals and/or expanding the existing Medicare/Medicaid system. Now we have an enormously expensive bureaucracy to implement ACA that directly competes with private insurance that has incentivized them to completely abandoned some markets. There is nothing the government does that isn't done better and more efficiently by the private sector with appropriate regulatory guardrails.

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Can you share a link to more info about the republicans’ plan that has been put up for a vote?

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Yeah a bitter cat lady PH.

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Name calling. The weapon of choice from the Maga crowd

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April, tell us where the 320k children are because that is a true statement and in fact the number is much higher. Prescription drugs such as insulin was reduced greatly under Trump and when Biden and Harris took over they increased the cost only to reduce it again to say they reduced it! Oh and if you need proof in the border czar appointment, there are only about 725 clips to prove it. Wake TF up

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My late mother had an expression “ There are none so blind as those that will not see”

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Ok. First of all you don’t need to be profane to get my attention. Every point I made has been fact checked. You cannot possibly ignore the fact that Trump and Vance lie. Vance admitted he will lie if it suits his purpose. Such as the nonsense about Haitians eating cats. Politicians all use puffery. I get that. But outright lies are not ok. Especially not when those lies have real life repercussions for innocent people such as the situations in Springfield. Kamala Harris is not mentally deficient. Saying things like this, blatantly name calling is not ok. Leaders should lead by example. We tell our children not to do these things - but Trump gets a pass by his followers? No. Not in my book. I am so fully aware nothing I will say will change your mind.

Btw, I’m not a bitter cat lady. I’m married with children, have a great career, active in various charities and was once a Republican. The Trump movement moved me away from the party. Oh and last, I have dogs, horses and chickens. No cats. I know fabulous people who have cats and, in fact, rescue cats. Not bitter people. Kind people. People who would never say unkind things like “bitter cat people.”

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You so caught up in cats that you cannot for the life of you see the CHAOS around you - yes flooding a town of 50,000 with 20,000 Haitians is very problematic. How about what is going on in Colorado? Why do you not have a problem with the lies of Kamala|? The border is secure? Go take a look at what she did to Califormia???? I've been to San Fran - Do you like WW3? Do you like the CRIME??? People in glass houses....Please move along

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Why is it a problem to have Haitian refugees in a town?

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I live in the Bay Area and you don’t know what you’re talking about. The crime rate isn’t higher, like all other cities it’s down. If anyone or anything has hurt San Francisco is the city council. Harris saved people’s homes after the 2008/2009 mortgage crisis. Talk about what you know, and stop listening to lies that were proven to be lies.

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Fact checked by whom? Waltz? Saying someone is "mentally deficient" is not "name calling." It's an opinion. Your arguments are weak. Vance was not the liar on stage.

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Oh please. He meant it to be derogatory. And, in doing so also insulted millions of Americans who do have mental disabilities. Which is what he does. I’ve seen him do it.

Truth is truth. I fact check with independent sources, this way I get a true picture. If the source leans too far left or right I disregard. Now, can you say the same? I think not. I think you swallow everything you are fed. In order to get a true picture you have to look at all the sides.

I live in California. I have observed the work migrants do in my own area. They work hard. Really hard. Harder than I’ve ever worked. Pulling out individuals and claim they represent the whole is dishonest.

And, did you happen to notice that the lines to get into the Haitian businesses were packed with townspeople wanting to support them?

I’m not caught up with cats - JD was. Don’t put that on me. I just found the comment repellant.

Re: fact checking Kamala. Let’s take a look at her debate. Independent fact checkers found 3 possible exaggerations- not necessarily lies. 33 lies outright for Trump. Oh my. Are you not concerned about him calling everyone stupid juvenile names? Are you not concerned he is so susceptible to flattery? Are you not concerned his rallies focus on him self and his grudge rants? Are you not concerned he mumbles and delivers incoherent sentences? Does it not give you pause so many highly intelligent well respected people who have worked with him will not endorse him and worse claim he is not fit to be President? Even his own former Vice President? Does it not bother you he failed to admit he lost the election even after it was proven over and over and over again there was no voter fraud? And then encouraged an insurrection? Have you read the 2025 solution? If that doesn’t convince you then I completely give up.

Just don’t say I didn’t tell you so.

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Oh please is right.

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My apologies. The bitter cat lady comment was intended for potty-mouthed Judith Ridge at the top of the thread. But just take a look at her profile and tell me she's not one. I'm truly glad you're not a bitter person and have a great career and family. You seem like a well-intentioned person. I do think you have bought a lot of MSM false narratives about Trump and Vance. I have found time and again their accusations of "lying" and partisan "fact-checking" are either just opinion or turn out to be the actual truth (think Hunter Biden laptop). Your example of migrants eating cats in Springfield is a good example. “Senator Vance has received a high volume of calls and emails over the past several weeks from concerned citizens in Springfield: his tweet is based on what he is hearing from them." (NY Post). There are confirmed police reports in Springfield of migrants capturing geese and eating them so it is not a far stretch that cats are also being taken by Haitians who do eat cats in their culture. And Chris Rufo writes about evidence in "The Cat Eaters of Ohio". So by no means did Vance or Trump lie in this situation. Perhaps they are wrong but not lying. Similarly, Harris claimed to have worked at a McDonalds "doing fries" but the company said there is no record of her employment nor has there ever been a position of "doing fries". So did Harris lie? Probably. Are you giving her a pass on that lie? But none of this matters. The cat issue is just a distraction from the real issue which is mass illegal migration and its consequences. I care less about what the candidates say, even their lies (btw all politicians lie), than I do about what they actually do and the policies they implement. We are fortunate in this election that we can see what both candidates have actually done - we don't have to guess. At the end of the day I wish voter would vote for policies that are in their best and the country's best interest, not on personality? Be well, and stay happy.

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Oh and I have never watched msn, msnbc, whatever it is. When I finally get to sit down after a long day I want to watch mindless tv or animal documentaries. Movies. I get enough real life all day long. In addition to my career, I volunteer to help people with loved ones with mental illness and addiction. Then, I teach real estate to newer agents. All at no charge but just because someone else helped me get started. Add to it my animal menagerie - yep, tv is for relaxing.

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Well, Vance himself said he made it up.

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Get ready for the Inauguration tomorrow!!

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Oh my gosh. Insulin prices were permanently capped under Biden, not Trump. Trump’s “plan” was optional and underused. https://www.kff.org/policy-watch/the-facts-about-the-35-insulin-copay-cap-in-medicare/

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It’s interesting. April didn’t say anything about the 320,000 missing children. Or about Walz lying about his rank in the military, carrying weapons of war or being in Tiananmen when he wasn’t. Weird.

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I have replied. Scroll on.

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Are you and Judith best friends? Gosh you are both struggling with a really bad strain of TDS. My prayers are with you both during this very hard time. You don’t have to struggle. Find a smart person to help you help yourself. You can do it ❤️

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The trolls come out under different names each article. They all have the same exact talking points. So easy to spot.

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It’s funny that you all use “TDS” when we point out his lies. We aren’t the ones obsessing over someone who tells 30+ lies in a debate. That is unacceptable, whoever it is, and yet y’all just swallow it whole and ask for more.

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No actually it’s not - it’s rather succinct and to the point because it takes care of all the nonsense you people project on anyone who has a brain. And, who also doesn’t have your tunnel vision hatred over a flawed man (like every other single human being on this planet) who loves this country and wants ALL the people in this country to succeed. Your projection is just that - PROJECTION. So cry harder and then have the loveliest day wallowing in your hatred 🥰

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I’m not crying or wallowing, dear; I’m chillin.

You seem a little out there. Men aren’t gods. No one is perfect. We know this and y’all love to ignore it for Trump. It’s honestly so bizarre.

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You, and your fellow trolls, don’t have an original thought in your brains. You copy/paste, then spew the lies ad nauseam. It’s actually pretty sad to watch. You all are miserable, angry, bitter people. For being the party of “tolerance”, I never see tolerance for others who don’t bow to the same rhetoric.

I thought you hated me. Why do you continue to care?

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I don’t know you and I don’t hate anyone.

Again, never once have I copied or pasted anything, Tonni. I don’t take marching orders from news sources like y’all. I read candidates’ words and come to my own conclusions.

Something you may not realize about the Democratic Party is that they ask *us* what is a priority. They don’t tell us what to think.

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Uh huh

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MAGATs, stop assuming we can’t see the TRUTH about these two slick conmen, Trump and Vance!

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What a lovely comment. It’s great to know that Biden’s promise of unity is being carried forward in this way.

Calling people names is very unifying.

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Where are the children?

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According to the report a majority were referred by ICE to the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Refugee Resettlement. The children are not lost or missing but actually it was a paperwork snafu. Of course, there are some who, for political reasons, choose to twist this report to fit their narrative. But these are the facts. No lost or missing children.

If the Border Bill had not been sidelined by those who chose to listen to the pleas of Donald Trump to kill the bill for his own political gain, perhaps we would have the necessary funds to hire the personnel we need. This bill took a long time to come to fruition and it was so disappointing to see it killed. It felt good to have a bill with bipartisan support. Until it didn’t.

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OIG report confirms that ICE lost track of at least 32,000 UCs who failed to appear for their immigration court hearings, the agency may have lost track of an additional 291,000 UCs who were not placed in removal proceedings and were never given a court date. They have no idea where they are and whether they are safe. Are you really ok with that?

Are you ok with that disaster "bipartisan" bill codifying:

- 150,000 illegal crossings per month (5,000 every day, 1.8 million per year) before a new “shutdown” authority could be invoked;

-billions in taxpayer dollars to bail out sanctuary cities and states

-taxpayers would pay immigration attorneys’ fees in the deportation process.

Are you housing or feeding any of these migrants? Has your town's population risen 50% in 2 years?

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I forgot to address the 32,000 lost. It’s over a four year period so that 8,000 per year. Not too surprising. That’s been going on for decades.

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I don’t mind helping - I’d help them navigate our legal system. I’ve seen how difficult it can be for them. If I pay a little more in taxes, well, it won’t break me. So yes I’m ok with the bill, although I don’t think it’s exactly as you describe. After all it was bi-partisan. Republicans also agreed to it. What does really irritate me is that Trump shut it down for his own political purposes. And before you dispute that know he doesn’t dispute it. In fact he is, in true Trump fashion, proud of the power he wields. And why does he have so much power? Because he is vindictive and people (especially Republicans) know he will punish them if they cross him. He has promised us all he will. Day One.

This I believe because he withheld money to California when we had devastating fires because (his own words) he doesn’t like Newsome.

Yeah, I don’t want that guy for President.

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I don’t have a problem with it. I just don’t. I live in a border state, and in a semi rural area. Lots of ag. I see how hard they work. I see the contributions they make.

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You really are naive if you think there are no missing children. I know families from the countries entering the US illegally whose children are gone. Just like organs are stolen. I know people first hand whose baby was killed for that reason. You may not want to believe it. Who wants to. But we have a moral obligation to for the sake of those children. Please open your eyes.

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So what’s your solution?

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Exactly … I’d love to hear these “lies” … can’t wait to hear Judith

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LOL. These 'types' never have an aswer..... so typical

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He refused to admit Trump lost in 2020. He claimed he was pro-IVF despite writing a foreword in support of a Heritage foundation publication that is anti-IVF. He claimed the border issue was entirely due to Kamala when Trump actively blocked the bipartisan border bill. Should I go on?

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Vance has repeatedly said he’s against abortion personally, and that he thinks it should be up to the states. The Biden border bill allows a minimum of 1 million illegal immigrants a year. That’s why it’s opposed by the GOP.

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Trump won.

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Unless I missed it, he didn't claim to be pro-IVF. He said he was pro-fertility treatments. Given that Vance is Catholic, I would be surprised if he even claimed to be pro-IVF

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IVF is a fertility treatment.

Vance being catholic should not factor into his policy making. The fact that it does should be frightening.

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Oct 6Edited
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oh Pleeese!!! You arrogant piece of Work. Misery is striking right now..... has been for quite some time.... and yes I blame the likes of you! NC - $750 dollars for their misery each...the lies?? Never ending wars? No ID needed for voting? Presidents not mentally fit to be in office? The economy is great? Crime is down? ya I see many lies and all that you accuse me of, I see in you. All you fkn care about is the right to ABORT...

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Oct 6
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We have legitimate answers but you can’t hear them.

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You "can't wait to hear" what the lies JD Vance told!? They are being detailed everywhere, by every reputable journalist. Damn girl, you must have to WORK HARD to stay this willfully misinformed. And then go on Substack to act all hauty about not knowing about the lies.

I.... I can't.

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Spell. You can’t spell. There. Finished that for you.

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The reference to the app that allows you to claim asylum and apparently Harris scrolls through the applications and hits the Yes button (waves her magic wand according to JD) to the ones she likes. You didn't realize that was a lie?

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Trump saved “Obama care”, Trump peacefully transitioned power, denied saying he wanted national abortion ban, but it’s not the lies that were damning, it’s all the times when he skillfully dodged any question that might be a problem for him or Trump.

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Blatantly refusing to answer a question is not “skillful”

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Clever man our JD.

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He literally complained about being fact checked and then lied *again* when “clarifying” the fact check.

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Have you fact checked the fact checkers? They aren't always right either.

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In this case she was correct, there are legal Haitian immigrants in Springfield, OH and JD’s attempt at “correcting” her was to talk about how asylum seeking works. That is not a rebuttal to her fact check.

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The fact checkers are not held accountable. That’s what’s so scary about the neolibs and their new rhetoric about democracy and hate speech. Who gets to say what is “hate” speech? Scary!

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Trump “salvaging” Obamacare when he actually tried to kill it, continuing Trump’s delusion the election was stolen from him, and continuing to flip flop on all issues (like abortion) to suit his audience.

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That Trump made ACA better/more accessible/affordable. That they don’t support a federal abortion ban. That manufacturing jobs aren’t up under Biden. That Immigrants have anything to do with an increase in housing costs. CBP One app is a scheduling app, not a means to apply for parole and be granted legal status.

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Oct 2Edited

Neither my son nor my daughter could afford a health plan under the ACA. It's not the magic and affordable solution they pretend it is.

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It doesn’t work for everyone. But I know many people who could not get health insurance before ACA. It’s certainly better than the “concept of a plan” Trump never presented. Jesus Christ, do you people not remember how many times he told us he had a beautiful plan, so beautiful and so much better than ACA? Your brains are so washed you’ll never get them back.

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What good is 'having health insurance' under ACA if you can't pay the deductible? Average deductible under the cheapest bronze plan in 2017 was estimated to be $6,000 for individual and $12,400 for a family unless you were near poverty level income and got subsidized by the government. The trillions spent so far on the ACA bureaucracy could have been used to expand Medicare/Medicaid.

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People are underpaid across the board, which is why a lot of people are struggling right now. The answer to this is *not* tax breaks for the wealthy.

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There are 45M Americans on Obamacare.

There are subsidies for the poor, and for families earning up to 400% of the poverty level ($103,280).

How poor are your children?

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You are simply delusional and blinded by TDS!! There is and will be no abortion ban mandated by Trump-in fact he’s against it! The ACA made insurance unaffordable!! Trump did make improvements!! Manufacturing jobs were way up under Trump prior to COViD! According to a report a few sources but one specifically from Federal Reserve in May housing costs and shortages were up due to a few causes but primarily due to illegal immigrants!

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I’m in the real estate business. Migrants/undocumented people are not the cause of housing shortages. The primary cause is the lack of new housing starts since 2010. And the fact that so many homeowners refinanced into a 2.5-4% interest rate they don’t want to move and lose their favorable rates.

In addition to that, large corporations have been buying up whole tracts of homes for investment purposes.

This is what is causing the shortage. Saying the migrants are the primary cause is simply not true at all.

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Which large corporations are buying up housing? That would be top democrat donors like BlackRock. Who is buying up farm land? That would be democrat mega donor Bill Gates.

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Blackrock is an equal opportunity donor. They contribute to both parties to hedge their bets. However, they are increasingly irritated with Kamala because she has begun targeting them. Trump has the support of Peter Thiel has also begun investing heavily in real estate start ups which are putting pressure on rents. Peter Thiel is a very strong supporter of Trump/Vance. Then there’s Elon who contributed a lot to the Trump campaign.

Look, politics is a dirty business on both sides. My grandfather was a politician. I saw it firsthand as a child. He was the 31st Governor of California. I’m not naive.

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I said there are a few reasons. The Federal Reserve report from May states illegal immigrants are a main cause. Where do you think they are living. Millions are here! Oh okay.

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First of all they are not buying homes. You claimed the PRIMARY reason. Actually research shows they often contribute to the stabilization of less desirable neighborhoods thus opening them up to more middle class occupants. This is a subject I am very familiar with. Been in this business for 40 years. So I know first hand what I am talking about.

Blaming immigrants for being the primary reason when it is not does not set well with me. It feels prejudicial to me.

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He kept referring to the “Kamala Harris Administration”. Is she doing nothing or responsible for everything? One of the lies is that “her” administration gave Iran $100 billion. Housing is not 60% higher and blaming inflation on the President is for suckers and liars. He also lied about Fentanyl, continuing to push Trump’s false narrative about immigrants. One more - the big lie about ACA. Trump fought to repeal and cut funding for the ACA every chance he got. The number of uninsured Americans rose by 2.3 million under Trump.

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Republican women don’t think anything is a problem until it affects them personally.

Project 2025 is out there and is available to anyone who REALLY wants to know how your world is going to change. You will be a second class citizen and your rights will be stripped left and right. Your healthcare and your reproductive rights and your daughters reproductive rights and access to simple things like birth control WILL BE GONE.

But you don’t believe us. And you’ll never take the time to read it yourself. You base decisions on looks or gut feel or plain emotion. And it will cost you exponentially.

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Jessica, if you don’t know, you aren’t a journalist. Listen to the fact check on him. Most of what he said were contortions, and omissions. Are you this irresponsible?

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That is a typical democratic rebuttal when they have lost an argument or simply do not have something constructive to say: “You’re liar, or, you’re a racist.”

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Well if the shoe fits…

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Lying and then saying “Can’t you come up with a better rebuttal than I’m lying?” is gaslighting territory. There’s no logical way to engage in a conversation like that.

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I’m focused on the future isn’t an answer to any question that’s not “Hey J.D. what time period are you focused on?”

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We know who lied about every career milestone lol.

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The "lies" were everything that makes tampon Tim and the DEI hire look like incompetent, which they are.

Vamce was against three people in the debate and won against all three.

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That he never called for an national abortion ban

That Trump would veto a national abortion band if it came across his desk.

The Trump peacefully allowed for a peaceful transfer of power (although, to be fair he didn’t have much choice after he incited a riot where 140 police officers were killed or injured and his vice president was almost killed, and over 1000 people have been prosecuted and imprisoned for following his instructions)

Many, many more…

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Who is “us”? He did great as expected. He’s had unfair and limited exposure. He was born for this moment and tonight introduced himself with compassion, integrity, honor, & showed us what an actual debate looks like.

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And told “us” time and again about his beautiful wife and three children and his mother with addictions and his grandmother blah blah blah... we all have stories, they don’t make political policies. Get the violins out. America - it’s Handmaids Tale coming your way if you think this guy is a winner, he’s a creep. And JRK, you’ve sold your soul.

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The same way Kamala tells us on every question she came from a middle class background, had a single mom, lived above a small business, her mom bought a home when she was in high school, etc…? It’s funny how Democrats/libs/ fake news only call things out on their opponents, never on their own candidate, even though it’s the same issue. As for policy, Kamala has nothing but a 1 year child tax credit, 50,000 for small businesses, and 25,000 for down payments (also repeated for every question she’s asked), none of which she can explain how she will pay for. Lastly, it’s so typical that you would resort to name calling. Very mature.

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Great post!

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It’s amazing with the wars and poverty that has increased over this administration, people are most worried about their vagina and losing their talking point

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His story was a literal best seller made into a movie. A bit more interesting than the rest of our stories, tbh.

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Twilight was a best seller. The general public has shit taste.

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We’ll wait a minute. How many times are we going to listen to Kamala go on and on about her ‘middle class roots and working for McDonalds’?

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Research shows she never worked at McDonalds and she was the daughter of academic elite and was never middle class.

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Incorrect. She worked at McDonald’s before college. It’s hilarious to call two professors “academic elites” and tells me you have no clue how little academia pays.

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Oct 2Edited

The academic institutions of her parents were elite institutions. They pay a LOT. Way way more than my daughter earned teaching middle school. Way more.

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Oct 2Edited

Any evidence? Which McDonald's and where was it? Where are her former co-workers coming forward to crow about having worked with such a prominent person?

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I would venture to say stories DO make policies. They shape who we are and our worldview. This is also shaped by others’ stories. Without that, what do we have?

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Said the woman who apparently is fine with Kamala skirting questions by "I was rasied in a middle class home...people loved their yards..." Most of the people watching probably know nothing about Vance other than he loves God, his wife, children and America. Your side tends to say how he hates women - nothing could be further from the truth.

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He has demonstrated his disregard for women. He thinks we are second class citizens, as shown by how he thinks abortion and women’s health care should be treated.

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Anyone who is for the killing off of an entire race is despicable. Black babies matter.

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How do you support children after they’re born, Tonni? Your party doesn’t care about single mothers who need financial support.

Be honest. You’re pro-forced birth. Women OF ALL RACES have agency; we are not brood mares.

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Yikes. Bitter, party of one. Be nicer

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Not bitter, just truthful. Be smarter

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I was talking to the original commenter, not you ☺️❤️

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I truly feel sorry for you with the apparent TDS you seem to be suffering from. Get some help please. Mental health issues are real and can be treated.

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This is such hateful nonsense. Inventing a non-medical “mental health” issue and then feigning support for people who need mental health care is very gross of you.

Leave your damn cult. You sound like a terrible person and I’m confident you aren’t one without the influence of Trump telling you it’s ok to act like an asshole to other adults in public forums.

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Says the woman who acts like an asshole every time she types.

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Tonni, with all due respect, touch grass.

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That’s simply not true. Tonni, watching your comments is like the best reality TV.

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Well, one man’s neighborlyness is another man’s socialism. 😂😂

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That is one of the craziest statements so far, hilarity. What you posted is a poster for mass media, and shows a complete lack of awareness, a belief of what you are told is more dangerous than one who seeks knowledge

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Sadly he went back to his true self the next day.

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Yep. He’s a snake

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Judy, Judy, Judy….just because you have only watched mainstream media doesn’t mean JD lied, it means you haven’t been paying attention. Wake up girl.

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Should she watch Fox to get the real news? Did you miss that they were sued for a shitload of money for their lies, and they lost.

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Sure, let’s go to CNN. 😂

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You are right about CNN, also the NYT which was spewing nothing but bullshit. That doesn't change the fact that JD is a liar, just like Trump.

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Let’s read and research on our own and not leave it to entertainment channels.

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You gotta find some channel you don’t even know the name of to figure out where they get their “News” from these days

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No—you wake up! He’s Thiel’s $15,000,000 puppet, but the voters are not buying this “fix”! Shades of Project 2025!

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Yeah, see you seem to think that everyone else does the same things you do. I don't watch any of that bs and know exactly who Vance is and what he and those funding him want to happen to our country. If you actually gave a rat's ass you'd look into it yourself. I'm also happy to criticize dems, so have at it.

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Please explain Judith, you sound very angry and triggered. I will pray for you.

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Please with the prayers. Don’t use G-d to be condescending to people with a different viewpoint.

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April, I will pray for you too🙏🏼

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I like prayers that are sincere. I have a great circle of prayer warriors and we routinely pray for people in need and in gratitude. I don’t care for it if someone says they will pray for me in a Bless Your Heart kind of way. Prayer is serious to me.

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You might pray to Jesus and ask Him what He thinks of the left killing off His unborn children.

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Well now you bring up an interesting discussion. For me in my life I would have a hard time with having an abortion. Fortunately I was never faced with this decision. However, I grant the right to all women to make that decision for themselves.

I respect you feeling that it would be murder for you. That you believe in Jesus. Not everyone does. In a free country everyone should be able to choose their religion or choose no religion. Freedom from religious persecution is the very cornerstone of the founding of this great nation.

It is not the right of the persons who believe as you do, to assert that belief on others. It is very certainly faith based and therefore falls under religious persecution.

Since I have never been held to this test, I have no idea what it feels like to face the dilemma of whether or not to terminate a pregnancy. But I do have great compassion for women who do and I prefer, rather than pass judgment leave that to them and their relationship with whatever they believe in. I am not the unborn baby police.

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Woah! What was the original topic!? 🫠

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Good question!

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No JD is the real deal. So refreshing to hear someone who could answer questions intelligenty and with integrity.

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Bless your angry little heart. You have a nasty case of TDS, deliberate ignorance, with a lovely side effect of Karen. I’ve heard it gets worse over time and it looks like you are in the thick of it. Some say it’s even terminal. My suggestion, stop drinking the rancid kool aid of mainstream media. Only then do you have a fighting change. Good luck. I’m rooting for you. PS - if you are watching those dipshit clowns on MSMNBC, you deserve your ignorant TDS. That is the worst, most unqualified bunch of whiny ass toddlers I’ve ever seen in my life. It’s a D minus version of The View mixed with double shot of a Jerry Springer shit show.

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It might surprise you to know I’ve never watched msmbc. I read. Now there’s a concept. I research. I search out real facts. Unbiased.

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Well whatever you are reading is not giving you facts or you would not be this way. I suggest you might fact check Walz or Kamala or just open your eyes and force some vitamin D in there. But, I would what’s in my wallet you have zero ability to do that because your TDS is so over the top. Good luck with that. I hear it gets worse as the days go by.

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Oh my goodness. I have a different point of view. Not a disease. Can people not believe anything different from you? I have been respectful. The vitriol coming at me is disturbing. What really makes America Great is friendly discourse. Not name calling. Not saying I am blind or have some disorder (TDS) or that I need prayers. All you have done with that is make me absolutely sure this isn’t for me. So I’m going to go on with my full and happy day. Sincerely hoping the same for all on this thread.

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Your problem (disorder) is that you can’t even consider that what you are saying about one side is in fact what the other side is doing. It is ridiculous, it bizarre, and it’s a passive aggressive form of gaslighting. Have a great day clutching uour pearls. Cheers.

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Jennifer, you are projecting.

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Sounds like you have a lil Trump fetish, Jennifer.

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Not the slam you think it is, weirdo TDSer.

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You’re in a cult.

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You’ve said nothing of substance in this hateful comment. You’ve only delivered ad hominem attacks.

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Dearest Lindsay, cry harder. Your hurt feelings aren’t my problem

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Did my comment seem like my feelings were hurt? The level of immaturity in this comment section is mind blowing. You’re leading the pack.

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stay bothered whiner

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I don’t know what YOU HAVE but it’s even more nasty.

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You suffer SEVERE cognitive dissonance, or were watching a different debate than the rest of us

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Just because you disagree, doesn’t mean someone has a “disorder” hey let’s shake hands and walk away 🤣🤣🤣

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Just because you didn't like what he said doesn't make it a lie.

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Yoo-hoo…Judith, are you there??

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Said the "probably" Childless Cat Woman.

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Ma’am you are making social media face from 2009 in your photo, please don’t mock people.

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Ba ha ha ha! Tulips and Bees. They are so cuuuute tho

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Don’t you MAGAts realize the whole “childless cat lady” “insult” doesn’t bother us in the least? 😹😸😻

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I realize that, I didn’t dislike everything he said, but unfortunately none of it is true.

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Yes, please tells us “what lies?” You will not find many more politicians that are more honest than JD Vance!

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If that’s true we are in bigger trouble than I realized if those two clowns get elected. 😂

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If the only argument you have is “you are obsessed with people knowing a con man is a con man” maybe you should reconsider that argument?

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Sure, Jan.

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YOU HAVE IT really bad!

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Correction you won't find many people who lie as easily and often as JD

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I saw your page. You aren’t playing with a full deck. 🙏

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I don’t have a page! Who are you speaking to?

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JeRK fixates on men she sees as powerful. She’s got big Daddy issues

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I thought Vance did amazing. Walz getting caught up in his lies and looked guilty as hell. He lied 🤥.

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Walz told one lie that had nothing to do with politics, and admitted it. Vance spewed multiple lies, and when the commentator called him on it, he was upset because he was told no fact checking. Everything he said was a lie, but he was certainly more articulate about it than Trump . A wolf in sheep's clothing.

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Only a slick LIAR would object to fact checking! Harris-Walz 2024!

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It wasn't "fact checking".

They left out the biggest part of the "fact check".

The migrants didn't apply for a green card, they just clicked buttons an an app.

The the DEI hire's "uncontrolled immigration" wand gave them entry.

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This is not how it works.

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What “lies” did Vance tell?

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That he had never supported a national that abortion ban.

That Trump peacefully transferred power after the 2020 election.

That Trump saved the Affordable Care Act

That Minnesota law allowed doctors to choose not to provide life-saving care (as opposed to palliative care) to babies after late-term pregnancies were terminated

he said that the Haitian immigrants in Springfield were there illegally, whereas the majority are legally in the country with temporary protected status

He also said he would have (illegally and unconstitutionally) refused to certify the legitimate electors on Jan 16, 2020.

He refused to acknowledge that Trump lost the election in 2020.

he declined to rule out challenging the outcome of the 2024 election even if votes were certified buoy every state leader as legitimate

And that is only what I can remember off-hand…

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Robyn, you’re a liar and you know it. See how easy it is to call someone that because you don’t like their politics? Democrats use the “you’re lying” technique just as BHO used the “you’re a racist” technique. You have lied or grossly distorted what Vance said in the debate. Walz is most definitely of Kamala’s quality of character, intellect, and accomplishments. They deserve each other. Try watching the Tim Kaine vs Hung Cao (Virginia) debate.

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This is not a response to her comment, at all.

Vance lied. It is documented in his own words.

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You’re lying.

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Try looking at the facts for a change. You are an ignoramus. Everything I mentioned came straight out of Vance's mouth.

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Lying again? Robyn, I’m trying to get you and your fellow travelers in leftist ideology to understand that your “facts” are no more verifiable than ours on the conservative side, in such a chaotic political situation as today. But, at a minimum, we both pay much more for gasoline, food, housing; do we not? Crime in the cities? Up or down in the cities? Appalachia in trouble because Biden Harris emptied FEMA funds to provide housing, food etc for millions of illegal aliens, by Mayorkas’s admission? How can you deny these realities?

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You could start with the fact that trump did not fix the ACA as JD claimed. I think they are encouraging you to do your own research(fact check) There were many more facts to check not to mention all his flip flops. He even flipped his position on trump because it was his way to get to the number 2 spot on the GOP ticket. JD is a slick sweet talking used car salesman telling you to ignore the engine knock and to look at the fabulous leather seats and flashy dashboard in this beauty.

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So, you admit the Affordable Care Act needed fixing? Obamacare needed fixing, right? Not so “affordable”, eh?

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ACA is not perfect. However Trump did nothing to “fix” the ACA as JD said. Instead Trump did everything he could to destroy it because of his hatred of Obama. Trump will never forgive Obama for the 2011 White House Correspondents Dinner.

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Many people rightly hate the Communist Obama. He’s the root of many of our country’s woes…but he’s happy about that.

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Did it get fixed?

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Pretty much EVERYTHING he said!! 🤷‍♀️

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I’m guessing you know nothing about this creepy, sick, disgusting human. Please read about this guy with the dreamy eyes. Once you have perhaps your feelings may change!

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You’re awesomely obnoxious.

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Let’s start with the whopper that Trump peacefully transferred power. I know some capital officers who have a different take.

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The correct spelling is “Capitol” NOT Capital Police. US History 101.

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Pedantic dick

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Ooh you really schooled me on that typo. I think you meant 5th grade spelling but I digress. My typo doesn’t change the fact that Vance lied.

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I grew up right outside of Washington DC. I know politics. Many of you on this thread Don’t know a damn thing about it. It’s Capitol.

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They can never answer what the lies are n

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Ah. The fact check was incorrect and when he tried to explain why they cut his mic.

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No, her fact check was correct. He then proceeded to explain that an app exists for immigrants. Then his mic was cut bc he wasn’t answering the question, he was just…giving information.

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The CBP One app allows migrants to enter the U.S. on temporary parole and receive a work permit if they pass background checks and have a sponsor. It may grant temporary legal status to migrants, but it does not vet migrants in any serious way and basically fast tracks entry for people flying into the country. In fact, the program was paused briefly in August when an internal report unearthed large amounts of fraud in applications of those sponsoring the program. Although you can call this legal migration, it deviates from the traditional legal process.

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I want a t-shirt of Jd’s side eye!

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Yes girl!

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Those eyes 👀 🥰🥰🥰🥰

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You really are hard up if you are taken in by his Maybelline eyes, so much so that you didn’t notice his blatant hate of women (tat’s you) and his numerous lies. He’s a smarmy repellent opportunist who will sell his children , who he “loves” down the river for power!’


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that’s guyliner

yeah it’s hot but he’s a viper

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Why the eyeliner???

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He came out terrified (and/or hopped up on something) and got lost in his own answers, failed at deflecting the easy ones, and seemed to give up in the first quarter. He's an assistant coach propped up by China, and every bit of that showed last night.

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Who, Shalone? Vance? He’s a smarmy, repellant viper who’s eyes apparently have seduced you. Are you that desperate??

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You are clearly mixing me up with someone else, I agree he is a smarmy, repellant viper, whoever praised him was not me.

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I don’t know what you’re talking about ? I detest him.

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Vance derangement syndrome already. SMH lMFAO

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A retired psychiatrist, are you? Awfully primitive speech for a professional. What Medical school? Where did you train in psychiatry? Were you board certified?

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Go away.

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What MAGA nonsense!!!

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Propped up by China? A middle school teacher. A man who served in the military. Best be worried about the two who are propped up by Russia.

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Walz is such a liar, and so untrustworthy.

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Um, Vance claimed there was a peaceful transfer of power after the last election…

A blatant lie. Unless you don’t count the insurrection at the Capitol and the various schemes involving electors in AZ, and WI.

That’s the biggest lie he told at the debate

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I think you mean that Vance is the liar. Open your eyes and clean out your ears!!

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I do mean Vance is the liar, you seem a bit confused.

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Yes, Gov. Waltz is a liar and can not be trusted, and VP Harris is a liar and can not be trusted. They are a matched pair intellectually, and both lack integrity.

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Y’all will really believe anything as long as it supports your hatefulness. Two men have been proven to be liars and yet you still believe them. It’s comical at this point.

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What hatefulness? What 2 men are liars? I don't follow your comment.

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Vance and Trump are both prolific liars.

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Your lack of character judgment is breathtaking! I am relying on Harris and Vance’s impressive performance in office and accomplished careers, as opposed to Trump’s life of crime and Vance mooching off of billionaires like Thiel etc.!

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Leave the Cult. It's rotting your mind.

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More clueless rightwing propaganda! Look at Harris’s and Walz’s incredible record in office!

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Excuse me? Missed dates decades ago versus missed election 4 years ago?

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Tim Walz is the opposite in every way of Slick Shady! He’s our next Vice President.

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Walz seems like the guy who wanted to get Vance to like him as soon as he got on stage and he tried to do this self deprecating apologies and calling himself a “knucklehead” while trying to get accepted into the “boys club” and it came off as folksy and inept.

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Who VANCE?? Vance lied at least 100 times!!

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No he didn't. You guys forgot how he got upset when he was fact checked? 😹 He had to push and bully the moderator and ignored her when she asked him to move on! He cried on national television 😹 Said, 'you promised not to fact check me' Waaaaaaaaaah. That was the deal. He came to BS. He admits he lies and maga women swooning over him is choice. Like they don't care...have you seen their husbands? That they would swoon makes sense to me. 🤮🤮🤮

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The moderator broke the agreed upon rules for the debate. JD Vance a top law school graduate of Yale reminded her of that agreement . You have a problem with that? Or would you prefer a self-professed “knucklehead“ in Timmy Walz?

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Wow. The bots comment immediately.

JD said “have mercy” a phrase I haven’t heard since back when Uncle Jesse was on Full House (Of course, Uncle Jesse used the word in a different context). But JD said it with such sincerity because he’s human and a dad that wants America to be a safe country for all children, including the children whose parents disagree with him. In that moment & honestly the entire debate, they both showed such respect for each other, and it was refreshing to see. Tonight gave me a renewed hope for respectful disagreements in a world filled with personal attacks.

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VERY refreshing to see!!! ❤️

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Vance and Trump remain specious liars, and do not belong in ANY elected office!

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Unless those children are Haitian and live in Springfield, Ohio, of course.

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And then it’s open season to terrorize the black people helping out the town which is standard Christofascist (Republican) playbook

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because he knows how to fool you.

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You DO realize Shady is the complete puppet of Thiel?

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Bill - Can you provide more context on what you mean?

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Janie - I’m not following. Who is “Shady”? Are you referring to Slim Shady?

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Shady talks out of both sides of his mouth, a real phony!

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I miss the good old days when no one knew what anyone’s politics were or cared. When neighbors talked about their children and their neighborhood, when people didn’t hate one another because of politics. When you could discuss voting without being accusatory. I miss people just being pleasant and not taking everything so personally. And personal attacks were rare. And you didn’t even know whether the guy next door was a Republican or Democrat, and didn’t care.

We need to stop tearing each other apart over politics. It’s okay to support different candidates. Stop calling each other filthy names because the other person supports somebody else.

Division over politics is really stupid and tearing our society apart. Stop it.

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It wasn’t difficult for him to look good against Walz. Walz admitted tonight to being a knucklehead and a liar, then continued to lie!

I have not been in the skeptic bus on Vance at all. He’s self made, been at and explored the bottom of life, learned from it and realized he needed to work hard to overcome life’s difficulties. I respect him a lot.

Go ahead and be upset about his cat lady stories and other exaggerations about his character but I’ll say this - if you had someone quoting you from your 20s to early 30s, would you sound smart all the time? It’s a known fact that our thinking brains aren’t fully developed until our mid twenties, with men’s brain possibly not fully developed until age 30, so I’m willing to forgive character challenges and changes as they age. However, Walz is definitely much older yet seems to have a life filled with half truths. That’s problematic at best.

If we’d vote as if we were hiring a CEO instead of a president would Walz be the best man for the acting CEO? I’d more likely choose a candidate (Vance) who has not only served his country, worked in the private sector successfully, and held public office. Being able to tell the truth about each of those roles is high on my list of qualifications , and Tim Walz falls very short on integrity.

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He is not self made. He had been bought by Theil.

He has been groomed for years for this moment. He is a patsy!

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Obviously, you have no idea of what it's like to grow up poor in Appalachia. He's not been groomed; no one would bother. The belief Vance has comes from within. You don't grow apart from pressure, and Vance had plenty of that in his early years. That's the reason he talks about issues instead of his lawn.

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I grew up poor.

I do know what it’s like.

He was groomed older in life. How did he get into Yale?

He was bought and paid for by Theil.

You don’t have to believe me or my words. Do your own research.

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This is nonsense. Read Hillbilly Elegy. That's what brought him to prominence. Yale was on scholarship, where he struggled to fit in mainstream culture, having come from a subculture.

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Grew up poor where? “Poor” was not the only issue that his family dealt with. Suggest you reading the book or spending some time with kids in the hollers of Appalachia.

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He got into Yale with a scholarship.

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I don’t believe you & I have

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Why did thiel pay 15m to get vance in the senate? Lmfao open your damn eyes.

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Thank you! You’ve changed my mind!

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I'd like to believe you read up on it... but if you're pulling my leg, I get that too. I just hope people do actually read about it.

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Joan, I'm curious.

So when he claimed Trump was like Hitler, what were those beliefs based on?

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According to Vance, he was blinded by the constant barrage of negative media. Then, Vance realized Trump’s policies were working. That he wasn’t a monster, but had been demonized.

You do realize I don’t know Vance personally. I only know what he last night during the debates. To satisfy your curiosity completely, call him yourself. Or simply google. It’s out there.

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I've been following Vance since he ran for Senate against Tim Ryan.


And since Trump's policies increased the deficit, bankrupted farmers and led to the worst Covid death toll in the developed world, I'm curious which Trump policies you think convinced him.

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Every thing you said is a lie. You meant Biden I’m sure.

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Trump is not the person responsible for the dismal Covid death.toll. Didn't most of those deaths happen after his tenure? How did he bankrupt farmers?

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Shady’s grandparents were wealthy, not poor! Such BS!

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More so than you? You're plugging for a presidential candidate that was appointed by elites of the party, against the will of the voters, your statement lacks substance

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Ding, Ding, Ding!! Finally, someone pointed out the coup that put VP Harris at the top of the ticket against the wishes of Democrat voters! LOOK, at what the Democrats did to Robert F Kennedy, Jr. !! And when it came to choosing a side, Democrat or Republican, Robert F Kennedy chose the Republican side that welcomed him and his ideas even when they disagreed. The Democrats would not even talk to him, and Pres. Biden denied him Secret Service Protection. I was for RFK Jr. long before he left the Democrat Party, and I'm following him to the other side, along with other Democrats. I found it so refreshing for JD Vance to say how he values his wife, brags about her accomplishments and success, and her abilities not just as the mother of his children, but as a smart and highly regarded attorney and corporate litigator. Regarding Waltz debate performance, I found Waltz's crazy eyes BIZARRE, and he look terrified and nervous. Waltz lied about his ties with China, and the moderators did not fact check Waltz, or hide how they favored him. Waltz stated during the debate he learned a lot about governing in CHINA, and that is exactly what the USA will be like if Harris/Waltz are elected. Kiss your FREEDOMS goodbye. In China, abortion is the least of a woman's worries and homosexuals are in a closet with Christians, and human organs are harvested from healthy living people and sold. How many immigrants are dying to go to China? I could go on and on. Everyday, I see so many people who are filled with apathy, and numb from trying to live with the constant struggle, and do not know who to trust. Main stream media intentionally hides the truth and puts spin on everything, which is why I read Substack daily. But, I warn all of you. Former Sen. John Kerry spoke at the World Economic Forum and wants to eliminate the First Amendment. Please all of you who can, read or listen to Matt Taibbi's speech at Rescue the Republic held in Washington DC this last weekend, 9/29/2024. Matt Taibbi is a Democrat, and a journalist with 30 years experience, and his speech was EPIC. The globalists want to eliminate the first amendment, because in John Kerry's words "it makes us too difficult to govern". Well, I now know our government has not been truthful, and un-elected bureaucrats want to take away our free speech and that includes what is stated in this substack written by a very smart and gifted journalist. I value your insight, Jessica Reed Kraus, I pray everyday that you will always have the freedom to continue your work.

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I know this is difficult for Republicans to understand but Democrats don't vote for people because they have a famous name.

Especially people who aren't currently sane.

This country would be a lot better off if you guys could adopt that minimum standard.

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Apparently democrats don't need to vote, they will just follow along with whatever their overlords tell them, I think maybe you're the one that doesn't understand what primaries are. What did Pelosi say, I could put a D on a glass of water and get people to vote for it, so you are right you won't vote for a name, you will just let someone else tell what is ok, no in your world I don't think we would be better off

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Ah yes. The GOP definitely doesn’t just tow the party line!!!! /s

Literally all y’all do is support a known liar and fraud, to the detriment of your own party. In a decade Trump will be gone and the GOP will have split and y’all will still find a way to be confused about it.

The folks you call “RINOs” right now are actual republicans smart enough to denounce Trump. They’ll have a party. Y’all will have a mess.

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I voted for Joe Biden in the primary. He's 81.

You're damn right I realized I was voting for Kamala Harris. Because at 81, anything could happen to Biden.

Just as I knew when I voted for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in 2020 that she might have to take over.

You on the other hand voted for a78 year old with dementia not knowing who he would pick for VP.

And who did he pick?

A tech billionaire's boy toy with no political experience.

I was very happy with Joe Biden and if he stayed in, I'd vote for him again.

But watching him and Kamala launch this campaign has been a delight. And now I'm voting for her and Tim.

I have no sympathy for you because you could have had Nikki Haley and you weren't bright enough to pick her.

Hell, you could have had Asa Hutchinson.

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Better to die on your feet, than live on your knees

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Kamala wasn’t chosen by the voters. She’s had ZERO votes

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Well then you’re about to see something!

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I'm sorry you don't understand how primaries work.

Hey, when did YOU vote for JD Vance?

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You do realize he is the VP candidate. We don’t vote for VP. Kamala was INSERTED. She had ZERO votes. Biden had 14 million votes, and they literally removed him.

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You voted for a 78 year old man and you didn't want to know who the VP was?

Okey dokey, son.

Joe Biden dropped out. I know it's hard for Republicans to grasp this but Joe Biden decided to lay down a bunt to set Kamala up for the home run.

Republican politicians have proven themselves incapable of that kind of character since 2016.

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I'm really starting to believe you have no idea how primaries work, or this is just a terrible point you're tryingto make

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Hint: Biden/Harris won the *primary*. Biden is president. Harris is his VP. If something happens to the president or they decide to step down, the VP takes over (e.g., Kennedy, Nixon). We selected Kamala as Biden’s successor and we’re happy with her.

This is pretty basic American civics and not tough to parse unless you are willfully misunderstanding.

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Enlighten me.

How has Kamala Harris been "forced" on me when I voted for Biden knowing she was the VP?

While you have a 78 year old man who picked someone no one outside of Ohio has heard of?

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It is the prerogative of any political party to choose their nominee, and you lying Republicans know that! Stop the whining about the overwhelming support Democrats, Indy’s AND Republicans have given VP Harris, and her skill at campaigning is amazing! If the RNC had been honest and deep sixed a conman with a criminal past in 2015–they wouldn’t be in this mess now!

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Well, well, things didn’t work out as planned for Donald, did they? He has a fantastic, young, brilliant opponent—the opposite of him! He’s toast, goodbye conman Trump!

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Have you read his book? His story is incredible.

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Hey I liked his book too, but this man hates women more then Trump

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Well I’m a college educated Christian woman from Appalachia, and we share a lot of the same traditional values. He does not hate women. He was raised by a strong woman.

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🤦🏽‍♀️ OUCH!

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Which one? The mother he denigrates or the grandmother he praises for staying with a violent abuser?

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his wife is awesome and she seems to like him.

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I bet you believe that about Melania too.

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Total nonsense.

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Explain, please.

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He’s married to a woman

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For now.

If he and Trump enact their immigration policies, his inlaws will be deported.

Usha may decide to go with them.

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His story is a lie. Vance is not from Appalachia. Look where Middletown Ohio is on a map!

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I’m aware of where Ohio is, Carol. Do you know anything about where his family is from or where he spent a lot of his time? There is a movie version of his story if books are difficult for you.

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I am actually from West Virginia, the only state entirely in Appalachia - which you may not know. I lived for a number of years in southeastern Kentucky near where Vance ‘s grandmother lived. I have two degrees and can read just fine, thank you. For Vance to say he is Appalachian is like me visiting an aunt in France for a few summers and thinking that means I know all about France and its people. Vance is a complete fake, right down to the eyeliner.

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Raised in the hills of East TN and currently in WV - you’re preaching to the choir. I loved his book in 2016, and am proud of what he represents and overcame. I gladly accept him and identify with his upbringing. I also love that he is from a younger generation.

You are out of touch, Carol. Talking negatively about people’s looks is really odd and says a lot about the person speaking.

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Hi Sydney, do you know the difference between fiction and nonfiction?

JD doesn't.

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That’s the funniest part! They don’t get it. He’s a fabricated personality based on the media tech bros model. He’s not real. He’s wearing a costume.

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Which story? The one he published or the one he lived?

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I have not read that yet. I heard him speak about it. That was enough for me. Is his eyeliner permanent?

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It’s fiction!

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Yeah because it was ghost written by a professional!

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Okay so his childhood had no impact on him? While didn’t pay his mom’s rent or help his gramma when she struggled to put food in the table. Those things matter. DO NOT even think that he wasn’t self made. He lived it and pulled himself up from the examples around him. He has integrity.

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No, actually Shady is a terrible misogynist and a habitual liar! NOT qualified at all to run for VP!

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Theil! Not While.

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He's paid JD's rent since then.

And Peter Theil bought him a lovely Senate seat when JD failed at running businesses.

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Really. Shall we talk about Kamala’s rise to the top and the payments made?

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Do you have a source?

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You’re a sad puppet, aren’t you Robyn?

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Apparently you haven’t read his book. His life story so far speaks for itself. Sorry you’re bitter. I know the poor whites don’t align with your world view.

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And Thiel even said that in every job he got Vance, he never did a lick of work! This guy is a grifter!

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Exactly—he has MOOCHED off of millionaires and accomplished nothing in jobs Thiel arranged for him!

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You sound like a Dick. Not Tracy, either.

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This would not surprise me at all. Nothing can be ruled out, the possibilities are endless.

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You didn't notice that EVERYTHING Vance said was a lie?

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Great post so on point.

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Sorry had to change a spelling error.

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Really pathetic to comment negatively on personal looks, DJ. His eyelashes are great by the way. I just noticed that you guys share the same initials!

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Yes, DJ commenting on looks is pretty bold😳

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Don’t you have some spamming to do, Cara?

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Keeping up with you trolls is a full time job!!

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You continue to insist anyone is a “troll” who proves you wrong. I guess you meet a lot of trolls.

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Do you still live in Petaluma, California?

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Oh, STFU! Go back to X! Spare us this crap!

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Which part did Waltz lie about?

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His son “witnessing” a shooting (he heard a gunshot outside while being inside a rec center), illegal immigrants legally residing in the US (filling out info on app doesn’t count as legal), being in China for Tiananmen Square, seeing combat while in the military…

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Catherine, I know that you are much smarter than I am because you live in California, but all of your personal information is easily accessible online. This includes your jewelry business, Flickr account, and address (1063 Rancho Lindo Dr. in Petaluma, CA). Your house isn’t very big for what it’s worth. You might want to delete some of this information. I took the liberty of submitting your information to LDS, so be expecting a visit soon! Blessings.

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Have not appreciated or liked Vance and his rhetoric but tonight i thought, i can get behind this. I’ve heard his wicked smart wife is owed some credit. Have lived in MN under Walz so who he was, nothing new to me. Really enjoyed the debate overall and the decency from both men. Bring this back to politics.

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Vance was putting on a show. Walz was genuine. Vance is disgusting. I have family and friends in MN and they live Walz. Nobody even likes Vance. He’s a tool!

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Trump Vance 2024! ✌🏽🇺🇸✌🏽🇺🇸

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I hope none of your daughters or granddaughters have an ectopic pregnancy! They will bleed out for lack of care if these creeps get in the White House.

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Complete lie. That’s called a miscarriage and a D&C- completely legal and accessible to ALL women.

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Yip well said. The access to abortions and women’s care in America is phenomenal. It’s only the Democrats who keep telling you it’s not, and as of now, think women realize how the Dems are using the abortion issue to get the vote. It’s clearly not working anymore.

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Try getting maternal care in Texas and then get back to us

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Why do you use euphemisms like "maternal care". Call it what it is: abortion.

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Because MANY kinds of maternal care are limited in Texas, not just abortion.

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Because we understand you're too dumb to understand the female anatomy without a coloring book.

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We don’t want to kill babies in Texas. They are still free to drive to kill their babies or take a pill that may kill them, along with their baby. Racist.

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Listen, I had a cousin in Texas who, like you, was a hardline conservative. She lost her baby at 6 months gestation and had to have a D&C to remove the excess tissue. She’s like a sister to me. Suggesting that she “killed her baby” is fucked up. She wanted that child and *lost him* and your state would have made her pay with her life if that happened today.

You don’t care about women, you care about your religion (which you don’t know well, or you would be kinder), you care about kissing Trump’s ass, and…that’s about it.

I beg you, get a different hobby. You’re clearly going through something and you need to log off.

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Now explain why maternal and infant mortality rates are so much higher in states with abortion bans.

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Yes. I was disappointed Vance didn't point out what actually happened (woman took abortion pill and there were complications - a D&C should have been done immediatly). He also let Tim's lie about "145 police beat up and 4 died" - Something like that. I am thinking there was one more thing Vance let go but perhaps he was just trying to keep things moving. The death was awful but not the fault of abortion laws. The abortion pill is awful.

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The one thing that I was bummed that Vance didn’t go in for the kill on, was when Tim started accusing Trump of wanting to put his political opponents in jail. And I was like, “hello!? That’s exactly what the Dems have been doing to Trump for years! “

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Sorry when did Trump go to jail? I missed that.

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Can you just stop?! Do you just sit around and play on this app all day long to put out nasty messages and negativity? You know exactly what I meant. The libs have been weaponizing the legal system to go after him and they are doing their damndest to put him in jail. Bye, KW. I’m so done with your trolling.

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Trump was impeached, twice, by the House of Reps. This has nothing to do with and is *completely separate* from the various jurisdictions that have *indicted and convicted* Trump. His political opponents are not bringing these criminal charges, the LAW is. Trump is officially an adjudicated RAPIST and CONVICTED FELON. Trump wants to exact extra-judicial revenge on anyone who opposes him as he has made very clear. This is what a fascist does.

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Why didn’t they perform a D&C immediately?

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It wasn't done because doctors go to prison for doing it.

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If the Democrats wanted women to have access to abortion on a federal level, they had 40 plus years to write and pass a law. They did not. They wanted to keep abortion in play for political reasons. Roe v Wade rested on weak Constitutional arguments—the right to privacy. Since the Constitution does not state that the right to privacy is an inalienable right, it is a state issue. Even Ruth Bader Ginsburg stated that the Roe decision rested on shaky interpretation of the Constitution. The Democrats knew that Roe could easily be overturned with the right case being heard by the Supreme Court, still they proposed NO abortion legislation. They have only themselves to blame if they don’t like the laws states are passing.

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Unfortunately you are correct 😪

She is a liberal icon whom i love, but she screwed us when she didn’t retire instead of dying , lol (RIP RBG ❤️)

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You can lie about that as much as you like.

Amber is still dead because no doctor in Georgia would treat her.

There's another woman in Texas who wasn't told an abortion would save her life. She's dead and her children motherless.

But hey, I know you guys. You won't believe it until the dead woman is related to you.

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No. It’s not and they want to outlaw d and c as well. Please do some more research.

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No one is outlawing D&Cs when necessary to protect the patient's life or when their physical health is severely compromised.

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Then why did Amber Thurman die?

Having to wait 20 hours after her pill failed is what cost her her life. There would be no hesitation if there weren’t ignorant lawmakers imposing abortion bans, putting medical providers in a legally difficult position.

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This is what Amber needed and she died!!

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Not in the deep rural south states

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this is just an absolute lie. I’ve lived in texas all of my 36 years and have been in the midst of childbearing era with all my girlfriends for a decade now. have personally known close friends experience phenomenal care for ectopic pregnancies and other pregnancy complications that sadly ended in a d&c. I myself have been through miscarriage care in this heartbeat bill state. Women are getting good care from doctors everyday and any other situation is malpractice (which happened before abortion bans too- often to patients receiving abortions). Please stop repeating this lie

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When? When did you have friends get care for an ectopic pregnancy in Texas?

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Ectopic pregnancy care is not considered "abortion." That is not included as the baby is not viable in an ectopic pregnancy. You are probably the most vile person I've ever come across online.

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Never. She’s talking out her ass. Her friend’s D&C had to have happened pre-2016 when orange Hitler came to power and coincidently the year the ban went into effect

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2021 and 2022.

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I would encourage ignoring whatever the news produced in NY, DC, LA says, and start a dialogue with women who actually live here. Love so much that Jessica promotes that!

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Answer the question. Did your friends get care before or after 2016?

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I personally got care for miscarriage in 2023. The other 4 I’m thinking of were in 2021 and 2022 including ectopics. They’ve all had babies since those episodes too. You are spreading lies. Stop it.

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All after 2016. If a woman experiences a miscarriage (which is medically tagged a spontaneous abortion but is from natural causes and is NOT abortion) in any state in this country, they have access to care that is protected by law including d&c and ectopic pregnancy and any doctor who lies about this should lose their license for malpractice. And any woman who spreads misinformation that scares other women from seeking care should STOP IT.

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Not in many states, that is literally why they were discussing Amber, who died because she didn’t have access to that care in her state.

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Amber died because she took the abortion pill and became septic. Go do your research. If she had walked into ANY hospital ER she would not be denied care. Stop lying. She took a pill and ended up dying because of it. Nobody is being denied care, especially lifesaving care.

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“ Amber Thurman, 28, had a rare complication from her abortion medication and went to Piedmont Henry Hospital in Stockbridge for a procedure that would remove tissue from the uterus. But doctors waited 20 hours to perform the dilation and curettage, allegedly leading to her death, according to Ben Crump, the family’s attorney.

Crump said the family intends to file a medical malpractice lawsuit.”

She was denied care for 20 hours and it killed her. Straight from her attorney.

Link: https://www.atlantanewsfirst.com/2024/10/01/watch-live-amber-thurmans-family-speaks-out-after-georgia-judge-strikes-down-6-week-abortion-ban/

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I have someone I know who sat in the ER for 10 hours with pneumonia and became septic. People aren’t getting the care they need because hospitals are understaffed and clogged with people who can’t get care anywhere else. She wasn’t denied care because she had an abortion. If she had appendicitis the outcome would have been the same. And here’s a thought. If she didn’t take the pill to give herself an abortion, or if she sought medical care to have the child aborted she wouldn’t have died. Her body, her choice. She made it.

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Her attorney is an ambulance chaser. Had she not taken the abortion pill she would still be alive.. Yes, she needed a D&C but wait until the other side puts on their defense before you get all hot and bothered. It is not a "rare complication." That pill is dangerous and causes severe bleeding and cramping. Read UnPlanned to educate yourself.

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Ask any of them.

If incest, rape and danger to the mothers' life were added exceptions would you agree to a national ban on killing babies (human offspring) in the womb?

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Exactly! Tell Amber’s mom that everyone can get care!

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So for you, the most important thing in the world is the right to murder a baby, and you are more than willing to lie about it. Culture of Death: Kamala is the high priestess and Walz is the court jester. In May of 2023 Walz signed into law legislation that removed the requirement to try to save the life of a baby born alive after an attempted abortion. There is a commercial online with the sound of a baby suffocating to death under this law. That is what you represent. That is what you want for your daughters.

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What you are saying is completely untrue, made up by republicans, you need to do some fact checking.

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You really need to keep up. "Tim Walz Repealed MN Law Protecting Babies Born After Failed Abortions" in 2023. It is a matter of public record. You can look at the statute like I did. SF 2995. Horrifying all these women like you who are into murdering babies. How unkind and inhuman.

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Very true

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You are 100% incorrect. I just looked at the law. An abortion is defined in this law as the termination of the life of the fetus. Therefore, there can be no concept of a baby being born alive "after an abortion." Instead, the law clearly says a baby born alive must be given proper care. All they were doing was clearing up ambiguous language. What they did change was the language that a physician must ensure that ANY baby born alive must take actions to have their life preserved. Physicians requested this change because some babies born alive are known to be unable to survive, and the doctors wanted the ability to perform palliative care, rather than try to save the babies life unnecessarily.

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Giving care, and providing treatment are Not the sane thing. Compassionate care means providing comfort as one dies

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What does the word foetus (English spelling) mean?

It's from Latin meaning offspring.

Sp yes a human being is killed during an abortion.

Not giving pain relief while tearing the offspring apart is the action of monsters.

Not giving care and compassion to a dying child is beyond evil.

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Geez you Culture of Death people will lie about anything. I looked up the revised statute that Walz signed. It isn't rocket science.

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They repealed that law, which was put in place in 2015, and Walz signed the repeal. Keep up.

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The most important thing is to keep mothers and children alive.

Which red states fail at.

The culture of death? You don't care if people died from Covid. You don't fund prenatal care. You for the most part turned down the Medicaid expansion. You're removing restrictions on child labor and childhood vaccinations.

You're poorer, sicker and less well educated.

There is not one positive thing red state populations excel at.

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So what you're saying is you don't care if you kill a living woman. And once she has the child you call her a slut and let the child languish in poverty.

Forced birthers are sick.

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When does a fetus become a baby?

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Fetus literally means "offspring." If you're baking a cake and put the batter in the oven its still a cake. Conception makes a baby. Period.

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Oh lord. No, dear, it’s got a different name because it’s different. You don’t say “mixing up some cake!” You say “mixing up some batter!”

You don’t call ice “water” just because it will eventually become water at room temp.

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And a heartbeat ??

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I said "put the batter in the oven" - not mixing up batter. When baking bread or cake, you don't say "hey - don't open the oven cuz I've got batter/dough in there" it's "I've got a cake/bread in the oven." There is a difference. You just like arguing too much to admit it. There is a literal "spark" of light that happens when an egg is fertilzied by sperm. That is life. It's growing daily. That's life. Unalive things don't grow.

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Perpetuating this nonsense is so ridiculous. No one would be denied emergency healthcare when having an ectopic pregnancy. Trying to keep the hysteria going by saying things like this is just absurd.

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Bullshit and I’m sorry if you know someone who had an ectopic pregnancy I hope they have recovered from their ordeal. On the upside I have two cousins who both had ectopic pregnancies they both have gone on to fall pregnant again very easily.

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That is a complete lie and deliberate mischaracterization of facts!!!

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You do realize Amber Thurman died of a botched abortion, is that the reference?

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No she didn’t, she died because she took mifepristone not from an abortion.

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You do realize that medication IS the abortion pill, right? You argued against yourself lost. You may be skinny but you're not smart.

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lol y’all are fighting amongst yourselves now?

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Just do the research, don't just rely on narratives you're fed, it was a botched abortion, why did she take mifepristone?, where did she get it?, who gave it to her?, and what was the actual cause of death? Saying something is not true doesn't make it true

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She went to North Carolina to get the mifepristone because she was in an early stage of pregnancy with twins. It's not illegal in North Carolina.

Unfortunately, she didn't lose them completely. Which in any civilized state would have been treated.

But not in Georgia. Not in Texas.

The best part is she was starting nursing school and already had a seven year old child. If you forced birthers weren't hypocrites, she might have been able to foresee a world where she could keep those kids. But in forced birther world, she'd be called a slut and denied any dignity.

Amber's big mistake is that when she left Georgia, she should have put her kid in the car and kept on driving until she left the South.

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She died because the hospital was afraid of being charged if they did the standard d&c.

And if she had carried her twins to term -- twins she could not afford to keep -- you would be calling her a slut.

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You’re mistaken. And the whole Amber Thurman story? She was pregnant with twins & took the abortion pill sadly…. Waited too long before seeking help, Had NOTHING to do with being given care. Her death was her own fault tragically.

All 3 would be alive had she chosen a different way of handling the circumstances. NOTHING to do with politics.

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She was denied a D&C for 20 hours. Her family is suing for medical malpractice.

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What are you talking about? That is a medical issue and always taken care of. Are you a bot? Get on board with the truth.

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If incest, rape and danger to the mothers' life were added exceptions would you agree to a national ban on killing babies (human offspring) in the womb?

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Keep on pushing the fear mongering.

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Dj don’t bother they are all drinking the coolaide

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Simply put, Not true.

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The only way to go - Bring on Trump/Vance, America will be great again.

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Because a million dead Americans weren't enough?

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He was simply great! Cool and collected. While Tim just… “I’m friends with school shooters”

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What was that all about? I missed it!

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He was having a bonding time with Vance when he talked about whether or not you should prosecute parents of minors who shoot people. Vance said it should be on a case by case basis and Tim agreed. Then he said after getting to know them he has several shooters as friends and sometimes it is just the gun. I’m taking it a bit out of context but yes he said that, maybe not all in one sentence.

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Yes, I heard “I’m friends with school shooters” just after talking about meeting with Sandy Hook families and how the families experiences affected him.

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Robyn - I’m confused- friends w the shooters themselves?

AND- sometimes it’s just the gun- as in gun over mental illness/brainwashing/ evil?!?

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I’m pretty sure he meant friends with victims, but he said the wrong thing and then didn’t correct himself.

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just got off this discussion on COffee and Covid and it seems he REALLY WAS arguing for compassion for the shooters and their mental illness. I have compassion too but more for the victims.

AND YES> lets look at the psych meds and MIND CONTROL emanating from you know who.

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No, he wasn’t. He just misspoke. Pretty simple. He meant he is friends with victims of school shooters.

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Go back and listen again.

Or do you not remember Sandy Hook?

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Bridget, of course. And I did say he probably mis-spoke. Time to let it go. You’re not changing minds.

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Thank you your context was brilliant.

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He meant to say I’m friends with the families of the victims of school shooters, or something to that effect. Freudian slip? Lol

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Pouted? He has had so many OTHER THINGS he could have “pouted about”, I think NOT. Pouting is a waste of time & he’s NOT wasted ONE MINUTE.

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Looked and sounded like pouting to me.

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Not a Freudian slip, he simply misspoke.

Vance pouted over being fact checked.

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Pouted? In your imagination. He called Brennan out for evading the pre-debate rules and got his mike cut off for it. Brennan was the one who looked foolish.

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Not to rational people. He threw a fit about being fact checked because he wants to lie, as he’s previously admitted.

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Oh my, “threw a fit”, gasp. “Rational people” by the millions agree no matter who they are for, the debate restored civility to the political equation. Take up your definition of “rational” with them. Brennan violated pre-debate agreement and got called out for it. Fact.

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He was talking about having spent time with families who have experienced school shootings. Ridiculous people are jumping on it actually trying to get us to think Tim Walz is friends with the shooters. They don’t even believe that but are just trying to find anything to jump on. We need to be better than that. Honestly.

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The presidential election.

These two are the VP elects.

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I thought I heard him wrong but listened again and he sure did say that. Must have just been a “knucklehead” comment of his 😆

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He has a history of “misspeaking” 🤥🤥🤥

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More like talking bullshit to put it plainly.

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But you don’t hear much from the media about the Democrat knucklehead comments. Only Trump Trump Trump so it’s refreshing to hear them get caught out to.

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Tim Walz was talking about meeting with the parents of the Sandy Hook victims when he was in Congress.

Because Tim Walz doesn't think school shootings are inevitable.

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I didn’t know anything substantive about Vance; didn’t understand his candidacy until a few weeks ago. I attended a Vance rally a few days before this debate partly as a committed voter and partly as research on my own party status.

His frequent town halls, appearances, etc. have been good practice for this debate. His TV image reminds me of learning about the power of contrast between JFK and Nixon in ‘60. His resting face was nearly content.

His performance, and content of his words further impressed me. I’ve decided to vote this election purely on policy, but Vance is a bonus.

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He is no bonus he is evil. Do more research on project 2025! Please!!

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Trump and Vance have continuously denied having anything to do with P 2025. I’ve read that Trump likely hasn’t even read it. I am a former Dem, regretting that the Democratic Party has taken opponents to court and become the party of War Hawks and Halliburton investors. I do not watch main stream news because it is all part of the deep state. I do so much work to find the independent journalists and news sources.

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And you believe them?

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They can deny it all they want, they know very well what project 2025 is all about . Of course Trump said he didn't read it . A. He reads at a 3rd grade level at best. Vance probably read it to him. B.He knows what's in it, but won't admit it, he won't admit to any of his crimes.

And what else is new?

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3rd grade level? A billionaire who reads at that level? Wharton Business School graduate? Eats Democrats for lunch? I like this illiterate guy; must have worked his ass off. Clearly the Next President! MAGA!

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Trump doesn’t read anything,except for his popularity numbers…just sayin’

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Two people who have provably lied and defended their right to lie to make themselves sound better told you they aren’t tied to project 2025 and you believe them?

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For the millionth time, Trump and Vance have NOTHING to do with Project 2025.

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Everything he said was a smooth lie. He’s smarmy, more intelligent than rump, and I shudder to think he might become president at some point. Scary stuff. Don’t be deluded by his slickness. He’s dangerous.

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“Slick”, sounds like you’ve been watching MSM.

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I don’t watch it. Makes no difference anyway to what I said. I’m surprised that that’s all you got from this.

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There are tapes of him talking favorably about Project 2025.

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There are “tapes” of him saying he’s not for 2025. He had nothing to do with it! Geez.

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Marci, some of these folks aren’t worth arguing with; they are too far gone. That’s why they are Democrats. If it’s not on MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS or spoken on The View or by BHO, Harris, Walz , etc, it’s not truth. Humor them. Many of them are probably still wearing masks!

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Your ignorance is staggering

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And you believe that?

Vance wrote quite a bit for heritage foundation.

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Again, stop watching MSM. He and Trump have very clearly and often said they have nothing to do with Project 2025 and they don’t want it!

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And they also Lie and make stuff up, like Haitians eating pets in Vance's state!

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Don’t believe that for a minute. Have you read any of it?

One sure sign of a red-lights-flashing-sirens-blaring misogynist, is when a person such JD Vance, repeatedly and without invitation, addresses women by their first name out of context/outside of a personal situation. The debate showed so much if you watch carefully!

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I think you have man issues. Whenever a strong able bodied man enters a room, lib women scream “misogynist!” Look deeper at yourself perhaps? I know women who hate men, in general, and they say the exact same thing as you. It’s sad. Bless your heart.

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I’m married to a strong, able bodied man. He looks and sounds nothing like JD Vance, lmao.

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Oh no, addressing women by their first names! 😱

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It would be super unprofessional to call them “Walz” and “JD”. This also applies to women. It’s Harris and Trump, not Kamala and Trump.

I’m not sure why it’s hard to understand even application of courtesy.

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Sorry if I didn’t watch to your exacting standards of everything is Peachy in Kamala land. I base my opinions on substance and issues.

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I don’t watch msm.

Again, you believe him??

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That’s bs. People in his administration along with the Heritage Society wrote it. It’s their authoritarian playbook for him. Do some googling!

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Please excuse DJ. She suffers from a severe case of TDS.

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Should someone tell DJ that Mickey Edwards, long time trustee of Heritage Foundation (authors of project 2025) endorsed Kamala. 🤫

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No I don’t. I am living a great life here in the deep red south.

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I think it’s TFS at this point. Trump Fatigue Syndrome.

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Open your eyes. Will his followers be happy when he takes away their Medicare and Social Security? I don’t think so. You want to live in a dictatorship? You want to die because you couldn’t get reproductive healthcare? That’s what y’all are facing.

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I don’t know where you get your information Barbara, but you may need to check your sources. You people are laughable at this point.

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And you people are ignorant and uneducated.

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Nope, actually I’m well educated and definitely not ignorant. But good try. You are still laughable though.

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I doubt many of the people commenting here care a bit about Project 2025, abortion rights, access to healthcare, immigration, the border crisis, inflation, etc etc. They’re mostly MAGA cult members or fangirls of RFK jr, like the self-proclaimed “journalist” JRK. It’s shallow thinking, at best.

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Idiot. Neither Vance or Trump are into Project 2025.

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What a man, what a man, what a man, what a mighty good man

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Why was his hair so greasy looking?

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Must be a good reason not to vote for him. Deep, very deep analysis.

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Good Lord you’re obsessed. Now it’s his “greasy hair?” 🤣🤣😂🤣

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Folks made fun of Tim’s eyes; so yes, I can make comments about him not looking like he had a shower in a week.

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I believe you refer to Tim as Tampon Tim, no?

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S&P would not approve or consent along with women intent on uplifting women. In addition, this is not a statement of support for any entity and their politicking.

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I’ve always liked Vance, but he exceeded all expectations tonight!

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I was all on board from the get go. Charlie Kirk touted his strengths and weaknesses. I think he’s fabulous and I’m glad lots of women are getting on board! He’s just what we needed!

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Does it matter that his likable smooth delivery were all fiction?

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How so?

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Did you pay any attention to how easily he slid around the questions he was asked abs repeated his same trope over and over. I’ll grant that he “seemed likable enough” that has pretty much been his strength from the beginning of his public life but he was giving me slick traveling salesman vibes. And then I checked the facts.

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Did you notice how Tim Walz refused to answer the question about whether or not he was in favor of women having abortions up until the ninth month of pregnancy even though he was asked at least twice? And did it concern you all that he got stone cold busted for lying about being in Tiananmen Square and then trying to act like he was just a goofball who made a mistake? You really falling for that?

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Nope they not but it’s against Trump/JD so it’s okay to accept all the bullshit Harris/Walz sprout.

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Abortions will happen whether you like it or not. It’s not up to a generic question in a VP debate and Walz knows that.

Banning abortion only hurts poor women.

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Trump is not in favor of banning all abortions, just late term ones. Do please try to keep up.

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Most people that need late term abortions would possibly die without one. Too bad we can’t abort you from this thread.

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Trump has changed his stance on abortion as the wind blows.

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Nobody who’s running for President wants abortion banned. But it’s not unreasonable to not be ok with killing a viable nine month old fetus. If you’re in favor of that, then there’s just no hope for you. And clearly, Tim Walz OK with that and that’s why he wouldn’t answer the question.

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If he gave you traveling salesman vibes then what in the name of God did Tim Walz give you….creepy guy across the street who yanks his son around?

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The only slick traveling salesman is Ukraine’s Zelensky, every time he leaves our shores he goes back with another couple of Billion $$$. That’s our hard earned tax dollars that’s slick Susan not JD or Trump.

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Where do you want tax dollars to be spent?

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NC / emergency response and recovery efforts for Helene would be nice.

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The Biden/Harris admin has funded every request fully, from every state that has requested it.

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How about on the Americans who are paying those taxes?

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Careful where you check facts.

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She used snopes 🤣

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So what are the facts? You still didn’t answer Jessica’s question

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See my comment.

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He answered the abortion question over and over. He was very clear that it was nobodies damn business what health decisions other people make. Most specifically women. The China thing was a technicality. Vance blew it when he “non-answered” the question about the 2020 election. But he did it so WELL. His delivery was so slick. He truly was his best Vance self tonight ….or one of them. He’s gone through quite a conversion and I’m waiting to see where he lands. He excelled in his delivery. Hats off!!!

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It’s “nobody’s business” and it’s “our body, our choice” unless it’s Covid right? Then it was definitely “our body, the governments choice”. This always seems to be forgotten conveniently. Also, the China thing was a “technicality”, and I guess so was his combat service and his shooting of weapons of war? No, those are all lies.

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I wish I could like this 1,000,000 times

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Correct. He’s a liar who tries to get away with it by acting like he’s “just a knucklehead” as he said.

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Lorie - your comment is a perfect representation of Jessica’s collection of ideologues who lack critical thinking skills. Abortion and Covid are two totally different issues. That you can’t understand this without detailed explanation is the reason the left is alarmed.

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Totally incomparable. Pregnancy is not contagious, Covid is.

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“Nobody’s damn business” is Walz speak for “Yes, I am ok with a 9 month old fetus being murdered”. Completely barbaric.

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Robyn, you are mad about a procedure that is so rare as to be statistically irrelevant. Women who need abortion care that late in their pregnancy are mourning the loss of a wanted child, not using abortion as birth control.

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Susan the 2020 election lacked integrity.

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If he lips are moving he is lying!

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The China thing was a technicality? I mean, do you often claim to have been someplace that you definitely weren’t? Because I don’t. You either were someplace or you were not. And if he can’t remember that then he shouldn’t be running for public office if his memory is already failing him. Acting like a goofball to get away with being a liar doesn’t cut it. And he didn’t answer the abortion question at all, just kept skirting the issue even though they specifically asked him twice if he was OK with an abortion happening in the ninth month. Just like KH does when she starts rambling about coming from a middle-class family and never answers anything.

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Boy you Said it

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Yep, I was one of those women. He was incredibly good👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Don’t take the bait anymore - DJ is a troll!

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There are quite a few “new” readers over night. They’re all the same. Different names, same talking points. All trolls.

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DJ, KW…I’m sensing a pattern🤣🤣

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Bingo! 😁

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Y’all are still on this? Surprise, substack assigns you a letter set if you don’t choose a different username. That’s the default.

None of us even write similarly and yet you’re over here formulating conspiracy theories. It’s so predictable.

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The heck I am. I am an old lady enjoying life. Trying to educate some of you.

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He is a sheep in wolfs clothing. He is a wolf in sheep clothing? He is evil don’t be fooled by the charisma.

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He’s a sheep in sheep’s clothing but these folks all believe he’s a wolf lmao

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Ate you nuts?

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Are you joking?

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You have any idea what he wants to do to women? Have you read project 2025 that he wrote the forward to? Don't let his Midwestern charm fool you. The guys a monster

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Oh my gosh. Get over Project 2025! It has nothing to do with either of them. In fact one of the authors just endorsed Harris yesterday!

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JD Vance wrote the forward for a book written by three Heritage Foundation President, Kevin Roberts.

Roberts is one of the authors of Project 2025 and Vance has long standing ties to the Heritage foundation. If you believe Vance you are a gullible fool. https://newrepublic.com/article/184393/jd-vance-violent-foreword-kevin-roberts-project-2025-leader-book

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Oh name calling. Last resort. 🙄 you’re not changing minds KW.

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People have been name calling me here since my first comments. Please don’t pretend it’s uncommon. And they’re much ruder than “gullible fool;” what else should I call it when someone falls for statements from people who have already admitted to lying?

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You’re an absolute fool.

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Joyce, Jessica has asked us to be civil. Take your negativity elsewhere. Like to a KH site where they’ll appreciate you.

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Yeah go figure Robin.

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Women like his beautiful, intelligent, litigator wife? 🤔 I think you need to do more homework on our candidates and the truth.

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She’s not a litigator anymore. She left her firm when JD accepted the VP nom.

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Yes like Trump he has people fooled

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What does Vance want to do to women?

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What exactly do you think Vance want to do to women?

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Track their periods, deny them emergency care

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Seriously? You believe this?

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It’s already something the GOP has tried to make happen. So…yes?

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It's already happening since Trumps judges repealed Roe. States have already banned all types of female Healthcare. It's an absolute dystopian nightmare they want to nationalizw

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Track their periods 😆😆😆 Phew, I can get rid of my tracker app. Lol

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She is.

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😂😂😂Jesus that was funny!

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I've liked Vance since the beginning! I think he has great presidential potential! Especially after seeing him in that debate tonight. That's the 1st debate I can remember where I actually saw a clear, concise winner based on intellect! I just kept thinking, this is what a debate should look like (except the stupid moderators who still were clearly on the Dem side)!

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It was all lies.

Project 2025. Look it up!

He is a smooth talker. Easy in the eye.

Skull and bones member. Bought and groomed by Theil.

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DJ, you poor thing. Take a breath.

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She speaks truth. Look up “JD Vance wrote the foreword for Project 2025’s Kevin Roberts’ upcoming book.”

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I am not poor. I earn over six figure per year. I am college educated. Are you a bot, Stepford wife or just blinded by his charisma? He is evil. Look up and research project 2025.

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MSM has a very strong hold on you. I’ll pray for you.

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Using prayer as a weapon to be antagonistic is not a godly thing to do.

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It’s sarcasm Sheldon!

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Well for someone who claims to be so rich and clever you are extremely gullible. I mean, every comment of yours is textbook Democrat-memorized-flash-card or maybe those 6 figures come from Kamala’s chequebook? How many times do we have to tell you Trump and co doesn’t have anything to do with Project 2025. 🙄🙄🙄 The fact that Kamala repeats it eleventy seventy million times doesn’t make it true, but boy you seem to have fallen head line and sinker for it, for ALL of it, for that matter. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Ever heard of Agenda 47?!! For someone who claims a college education, research doesn’t seem to be your strong point.

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Would love to see what he was writing on his notepad during the debate.

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Are you even in the US?

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No I’m not, but I’m very invested in your politics.😬

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That explains a lot.

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So you are telling me it's okay for Kamala to have a romantic relationship with Willie Brown WHILE in politics and that not seem conflicting. BUT JD can't have worked for a private venture capitalist BEFORE he got into politics and then have his boss be supportive of him wanting to be in politics? Just so I am clear?

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So trump can have all these adulterous affairs while married? And that’s ok??

The party of good Christians??

I don’t like either one of them. Trump or Harris.

I’m not a democrat.

Be aware trump won’t last long if elected as Vance throws him under the bus or he has health issues. Vance will be your pres if trump wins.

You don’t have to agree or even like what I write. That’s ok.

Do your own research.

Dig deep.

Research what is coming down the road.

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We do realize Trump was of the Democratic elite during said affairs? Now I don't care to have an argument on who has less skeletons. Like you said we need to do our own research! We also need to decide who we want as a leader. Who, in the face of trial and attacks, will fight for the American people. Someone who will put the health of our children first (because what good is policy and human rights if everyone is dying!), above corporate greed. At the end of the day, what is important to you? Who do you believe will fight for what is important to you? If you and someone else have different answers that is OKAY. Doesn't mean you or I are lesser people or should be valued less.

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LMAO this is your argument, now?? “He was a Dem during the affairs”?? Lord help us.

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It's not an argument? its a fact. And that's all you got from what I said? Come on now

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